Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack

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Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack Page 7

by Natavia

  “Soon because Musaf, or whatever his name is, isn’t going to want her if she is pregnant. That would leave Ammon without a source because their deal would be off,” he said.

  “She might not want a pup,” I replied.

  “Once you mark your mate their body starts to crave it. She is going to want a pup. I don’t want my mother to go to Anubi and I’m not trying to kill my father because of it. But if killing him is my last resort then dead he will be,” Goon said with a flash of blue flickering in his eyes.

  “What if we kill Musaf? Without the source, all falls down,” I said then he nodded his head.

  “That’s not a bad idea, but we can’t just go to Anubi. Hopefully Musaf comes here,” he said then walked off.

  I carried Jalesa to the bedroom. I washed her body then oiled her down. I pulled the cover over her after I lay her down in bed. “I’m not going anywhere,” she appeared in front of me with maggots eating on her. I was still allowing her to haunt me.

  “When will you go away?” I asked her.

  “You are the only one who has the answer to that question. I will go away when you stop thinking about me, but you can’t. I will always be around,” she said.

  “I’m moving on,” I said to her.

  “No, you are not. You are settling for what you think is real. This is not real, Amadi, and soon your eyes will see. I must go. I don’t want to wake up your sleeping beauty,” she said then disappeared.


  “OOOOOOHHHHHH, FUCK! YES, BABY, RIGHT THERE!” I almost shouted as Adika had my dick down her throat. I gripped her hair, slowly thrusting upwards.

  “Excuse me, but I have to ask you two to leave,” the guy said to us. I was in the movie theatre while Adika was sucking me off.

  “Wait a minute, muthafucka, don’t you see my dick swelling up?” I asked him as Adika slurped on the tip of my head.

  “Ohhh, shit, baby, right there. Hold it right there and jerk that shit off,” I moaned.

  “I’m getting my manager,” he said. I tossed my bucket of popcorn at him.

  “I wish you would hurry up and do it, so you can leave me the fuck alone,” I spat at him. Adika and I were the only two in the movie theatre. The guy opened his mouth to respond but I growled at him with my eyes turning, my teeth sharpening. He hurriedly walked away. “Michael Jackson’s Thriller muthafucka,” I shouted behind him then laughed.

  Adika sat up then wiped off her mouth. “Damn it, Izra. Do you not know how to act?” she asked me.

  “Yeah, like an animal. What do you want me to do?” I asked Adika.

  “Ugghhhhh,” Adika said then we disappeared out of our seats. Moments later, we reappeared back in my car.

  “Can you warn me next time?” I asked. She rolled her eyes.

  “We need to talk,” she said as she turned down my rap music.

  “About what?” I asked her.

  “A baby,” she replied.

  “Adika, for the last time. I do not want a baby. You think I want a human child? You and I will still look twenty and that baby will be old and wrinkled like Elle’s mate, Camille. You want me to sit at the dinner table during family time, checking our child’s pulse every minute, making sure he or she didn’t check out?” I asked her.

  Adika started purring. Every time she got upset she turned into her Mua. Her eyes were yellow with black slits in the middle and her ears pointed upward before her whiskers grew out. I pinched her cheek. “Hello Kitty,” I called her then she scratched my neck.

  “ARRGGHHHHHHH!” I shouted because her scratches burned my skin. I growled at her then yanked one of her whiskers off her face. Her face turned back to normal. She held her cheek.

  “Oh, you want to go there?” she asked me.

  “What are you ready to do?” I asked. I placed my hand over my dick because Adika didn’t play fair. Adika’s eyes watered then I started to feel guilty.

  “I’m tired of pretending I’m happy. Kanya has pups then Anik is about to have pups and Jalesa is able to carry a pup. Everyone around us will have pups and I will have nothing,” she said.

  “You got me. Why can’t that be enough? I don’t want a human child. I will not have an attachment to it,” I said to Adika.

  “But China has so many children up for adoption,” Adika said.

  “China? You want a Chinese baby in a house full of a bunch of Black werewolves? You want Sushi to grow up then kill us? Chop our asses up then toss us into some noodles and vegetables? Do you know what Chinese people eat? They eat animals, and I’m not talking about chickens and pigs. I’m talking about cats, rats, and dogs,” I said to Adika.

  “It will adapt. Stop being silly because I’m serious,” Adika said.

  “Listen to us, baby. We are talking about it like it’s a pet. We are different and we live in a world that they don’t know exist. Humans are greedy and they know nothing about what we believe in. What if this human child grows up and sells us out for money? What if you and I get locked up in a cage in some high-tech lab, so they can cut us open? We are beasts to them, Adika. Humans fear what they don’t understand,” I said to her.

  “Okay, what if you get another wolf pregnant and we raise the pup together? You will have a bond with it,” Adika said.

  “You want me to mate with another wolf?” I asked not believing her.

  “It’s our only way. Plus, the child can be immortal,” she said.

  “I’d rather you take my dick then me fuck another wolf. I love you, Adika. I can’t see myself entering another wolf and giving her my pup. We mate for life and you know that,” I said to her.

  “You and I aren’t mated, Izra! That’s the whole fucking point! I’m marked but that doesn’t mean shit if I can’t have your pup. It’s like being engaged and never having the chance of being married,” Adika fussed.

  “To make you happy I have to fuck another wolf?” I asked her feeling defeated. Adika thought that I didn’t love her; she thought I only wanted pleasure. I loved Adika even though it didn’t show at times.

  “Don’t say it like that because I don’t want you to enjoy it. I don’t want you to go down on her or bite her. I just want you to mate with her,” Adika said.

  “Only way I can mate with a wolf without biting her is if she is already in heat. If she is not in heat, I will have to mark her, so that her body can get ready for a pup. I can’t believe I’m talking to you about this,” I said pulling off, heading toward the house.

  “I found a person that has connections to that, so all we have to do is give up half the money then the rest later,” Adika said.

  “What if her maternal instincts kick in? Once she breastfeeds the pup she becomes bonded with it. Where would that leave you and I? The mother would have to join our pack because it’s tradition,” I said to Adika.

  “You let me put my magic to work with that,” she said then kissed my face. I wasn’t too thrilled about Adika’s plan because it made me question our bond. I was starting to wonder if Adika loved me the same way I loved her. Since our pup died, she had been distant. When we got home Adika headed to our bedroom, while I headed to the cognac cabinet. I grabbed the bottle of Henny then drank it down.

  “What’s the matter with you?” Goon asked. He had blood all over his face. He used a towel to wipe it off.

  “Bro, how many deer do you eat a day?” I asked Goon.

  “Two because my appetite is growing. My beast is growing, too,” he said.

  Amadi came into the kitchen. “Elle has been distant since Camille died,” he said. I took a swig of the cognac.

  “Nigga, Camille was dead when Elle brought her here,” I said not wanting to be bothered.

  “Damn, bro, that was harsh,” Amadi said.

  “Life is harsh, Amadi, and you, out of all of us, should know that,” I spat. Goon snatched the bottle out of my hand.

  “Get some rest, Izra,” he said to me.

  “Is it possible to love someone you can’t mate or have a spiritual bond with?” I as
ked him.

  “Is Kofi in his room?” Goon asked us. I knew that they didn’t know and couldn’t answer me because neither one of them had ever experienced it. I wouldn’t dare ask Elle because being in love with a human didn’t exist to me. I walked out of the kitchen with my bottle of liquor. I wanted to be alone in the woods.

  The cold, muddy dirt seeped through my paws as I walked through the woods. I stopped when I came across Adika’s and my pup’s gravesite. I lay over the site while my beast wept.

  Two days later…

  “What is this place?” I asked Adika as she rode on my back. We were at a cabin up in the mountains a few hours away from home. I was in beast form to get to our location faster.

  “This is where they live,” she said.

  “Who is there?” someone called out from the back of the house. I growled. A man with long hair with a part in the middle stepped out of the shadows. He was dressed in regular clothing but he smelled like an animal.

  “I’m Adika and I’m looking for Sosa,” she said.

  “I am Sosa, now what do you want?” he asked. I growled at him.

  “Be careful with that tone, muthafucka,” I said to him. He laughed.

  “What do you want? This place is forbidden. Nobody comes here unless they are looking for something,” he said to Adika.

  “I want a female wolf,” Adika said. I saw a girl peek around the corner of the house. Her hair was braided in two plaits with a part in the middle. Her skin was dark and her hair looked like silk. When she noticed me staring at her she hid herself.

  “You want to breed?” he asked Adika. Our pack would never sell our females off to breed. I have noticed over time that every wolf pack didn’t have the same traditions we did.

  “Yes, how much?” Adika asked.

  “You must be sure when you make a deal. I would hate for my females to get stuck with a pup. A wolf will not breed with a female if she has a pup already. That is bad for business,” Sosa said.

  “I’m aware of that, so how much is it?” Adika asked.

  “Ten thousand dollars. I’d like five up front,” he said. Adika reached into her sack then placed a small stash into his hand.

  “Onya! Get your ass out here!” Sosa called out. The female that was peeking around the corner stepped out wearing nothing. She had black and red designs painted around her hips, wrists and ankles. She stood in front of us hiding her pussy. Her plaits covered some of her breasts and the rest spilled out on the sides.

  “Onya is in heat. She went into heat a few days ago for the first time,” he said to us.

  “Where is her clothing?” Adika asked Sosa.

  “Her purpose is to breed, so she doesn’t need any,” Sosa spat then I growled at him. I wanted to rip his throat out.

  “This wolf has no manners, I see. He comes into my place and growls at me. He is disrespecting my territory and I want him out,” Sosa spat. All of a sudden clothes and shoes appeared on Onya from Adika’s magic.

  “You have a witch, I see. Now you may leave and remember I will be back in a few months to collect my female and the rest of my money. As long as my female is within your territory we have a right to enter it, so don’t try no funny business. I expect my female back here as soon as she has the pup. I’m only giving y’all two and a half months,” he said then walked into his house.

  “Are you hungry, Onya?” Adika asked. She shook her head no. Adika had lost all of her mind because we bought a female like she was property. Adika expected her to eat when I could sense how scared she was.

  “Well, let’s go,” Adika said happily.

  “We cannot take her to our home,” I said to Adika.

  “I know that and she will stay at my sanctuary,” Adika responded.

  Hours later we were at Adika’s apartment building. I didn’t know she still had it because she had been living in the mansion with the pack for months and had never spoken a word about it. Luckily no one was around to see a wolf walking in the building. After Adika unlocked the door I shifted back. Onya eyed me then turned her head. Adika tossed me my clothes out of her sack. “This is messed up. I cannot believe you just bought a piece of ass,” I said to her.

  “We agreed on it already,” Adika stated.

  “I don’t give a fuck! Look at her. She is scared. She’s never been with a male before. I would be the first to enter her when her first time should be with her mate,” I fussed.

  “We cannot give her back because, if we do, his pack will come and that would be too much. Goon has to deal with worrying about when Ammon is going to make his move and now this. We have to do it and get it over with,” Adika said.

  “How about you shift into a male wolf and you fuck her ass then,” I spat.

  Adika’s eyes turned. “We had a deal,” Adika said.

  “You pressured me,” I responded. Onya looked around the apartment as Adika and I fussed. Then she spoke up.

  “I have to do this or Sosa will be upset,” Onya said.

  “I’ll let you two get acquainted while I go get a drink,” I said. Adika pulled me to the side.

  “You have been drinking a lot lately,” she said to me.

  “Wouldn’t you if I wanted you to fuck another wolf? This isn’t going to bring our dead pup back. When will you understand that? Maybe it would be easier if this female wasn’t like a sex-slave. Maybe it would easier if she agreed with it and wasn’t forced by a pimp or whatever he is. This is not our tradition and you should know because you’ve been around wayyyy longer than I have,” I said to Adika then walked out of her apartment.


  The next day Adika and I sat at the table with the pack as we ate breakfast. Elle and Kofi were at what humans call a “Funeral” for Camille.

  “I’m worried about Elle,” Kanya said.

  “He is all right. After Camille is buried he will be back to normal,” Goon said.

  Anik and Dayo were flirting with each other. Amadi was putting grapes inside Jalesa’s mouth. I sat next to Adika growling at her. “Can you pass me the tray of steaks?” I asked.

  “Get it yourself,” she said.

  “Simple-minded,” I mumbled. I grabbed the raw pieces of steak and ate them. I started to choke then Arya patted my back.

  “Are you okay, uncle Izra?” she asked me. A clump of something clogged my throat then I coughed it up. When I looked on my plate it was a big ball of cat hair.

  “Meow,” Adika teased.

  “That was real fucking cute,” I said then everyone else started snickering.

  “I always knew he was pussy,” Dayo said then laughed. I leaped over the table and attacked Dayo.

  “Not again!” Amadi said out loud. Dayo punched me in the side then slammed me down on the table and it cracked in half. I shifted to my beast then bit his arm. Dayo burst out of his clothes then his wolf slammed me into the wall. I bit his neck then he howled; his howl made me bite him again harder than the first time.

  “Stop it!” Anik cried as blood squirted from the side of Dayo’s neck. Kanya picked Arya up then stormed out of the room before everyone else shifted. They tried to pull Dayo and I apart by sinking their teeth into our fur. Goon charged into the both of us, knocking us apart. Dayo flew into the wall; the wall cracked all the way up to the ceiling. When he got up his ears went back as he growled. Blood dripped from his neck and I tried to charge him again, but Goon’s beast collided into mine. I felt my ribs crack as I landed on the marble floor.

  “ENOUGH!” Goon’s voice boomed inside my head. Adika ran to me but I snapped at her. She backed away from me with worry in her eyes. I got up then limped into the hall where I shifted back. I collapsed as I tried to make it up the stairs but Amadi helped me up.

  “That was not you back there,” Amadi said. Amadi helped me to my bedroom. I lay on the bed. “Bro, this is going to hurt but I have to snap you back into place,” he said. I grabbed my Henny bottle that sat next to my bed then guzzled the rest of the cognac down. I stuffed a pillow inside my
mouth. “Hurry up!” I shouted inside Amadi’s head.

  Amadi felt my side where my rib was sticking out of place. If I was a human, I would’ve been dead. Werewolf bones are flexible most of the time because our body changes when we shift. Amadi used two of his fingers then pressed my rib bone back in. I howled as water filled my eyes. “There are two more sticking out,” Amadi said, pressing them back in. Tears fell down my face. I knew how Dayo felt when we had to crack his spine back into place. Years ago Goon slammed Dayo on his back and he couldn’t move afterward. Once Amadi was finished pushing my ribs back in, Goon came into my room. He gestured for Amadi to leave. Once Amadi was out of the room Goon growled at me.

  “What was that, lil’ brother?” he asked me.

  “I don’t know,” I said. I pulled out another bottle of Henny.

  “You got to talk about it, Izra,” he said.

  “There is nothing to talk about,” I responded.

  “It’s your pup,” Goon said then I took a swig.

  “Have you ever seen a dead pup before? A pup that was connected to you? I wanted my pup, bro,” my voice cracked.


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