Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack

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Beauty in the Eyes of His Beast (A Beauty to His Beast): The Pack Page 14

by Natavia

  “What the hell! Wolves don’t step outside of their mate!” I said out loud. Well, at least that’s what I thought. Something strange was going on because Kofi taught us to love our mate. We were taught to never desire another female and at the point I was confused about our tradition.

  That’s probably why Adika and Izra aren’t getting along. He is having an affair, I thought to myself but there was more to it. I saw the interaction between them when they mentioned Sosa. Goon usually picked up on those things but he was focused on Arya at the time.

  Izra openly grabbed the female’s bottom then she blushed. He gave her his helmet then she hopped on his bike. He pulled off then I followed them. I stayed a few cars behind until I noticed I wasn’t the only one following them. The car sped up on their tail, almost cutting them off. Izra took a back road because he noticed he was being followed. I sped up to get a better look and almost crashed when I noticed it was Fabia following them. Izra popped a wheelie on his bike then the female leaped off his bike turning into a wolf, which took me by surprise. Izra drove his bike into the woods then the car pulled on the side of the road. Fabia jumped out in her beast form and I followed. I ran into the woods then burst out of my clothes, turning into my beast. I ran until I heard growling.

  Izra was in beast form as he tried to pull Fabia’s beast off the other beast. Fabia’s beast tore and clawed at the other beast then slammed her into a tree. Izra’s female friend bit Fabia’s face, which caused her to howl out. I pulled Fabia off the other beast, then laid my large beast on top of hers until she shifted back. When she came to she screamed and cursed. “I’m going to kill that bitch when I get to her! She and that devil she works with ruined my life,” she screamed. I shifted back then pulled her away as she kicked and screamed. Izra’s female yelled back at Fabia.

  “You have been stalking me! I know that you’ve been watching the building where I stay,” she screamed. Izra shifted back then looked at me.

  “What are you doing, Elle?” he asked me.

  “We will talk about that later,” I said with my arms around Fabia. Izra growled at me.

  “No, nigga, let’s talk now! Why were you and that bitch following us?” he asked me then I growled at him.

  “Watch your mouth, bro!” I said to him then his eyes turned. He wasn’t the same Izra and I couldn’t put my finger on it. Something was going on with him and I needed to figure it out and fast.

  “Why were y’all following me, and why did she attack my female?” he asked. The female he was holding on to smiled and I knew she was up to something. She was no good for Izra and I didn’t understand what he was doing with her.

  “I was following her to kill her! You don’t know what she is capable of. She is a conniving bitch and I trusted her! She lured me into a sex slave ring where these humans had their way with me. She is a scam and she isn’t shit but a whore!” Fabia screamed then Izra growled.

  “Elle, I don’t know what that bitch you got over there is talking about, but she doesn’t know shit! Onya is not the type to do something like that,” Izra fussed.

  “Bro, what happened to you? You have never been this naïve or one to fall for someone so easily,” I said to him.

  “Let’s go, Izra!” Onya called out to him then he followed her. I was ready to charge into him but Fabia pulled me back.

  “No matter what you say or do, he won’t believe you. Onya is a manipulator and was trained to manipulate a male’s mind. She puts on an innocent role and will have you feeling sorry for her. She is Sosa’s head female and she is just as evil as him, if not more. I bet your friend Izra thinks Onya is a virgin and she isn’t. She’s got pups scattered all around,” Fabia said as she walked back to her vehicle. I followed her as cars honked at us as we stood on the side of the road. I realized that she and I were still naked; we ruined our clothes when we shifted. Fabia popped the trunk open to her car then hurriedly got dressed. She gave me a pair of sweatpants.

  “Seriously, I can’t fit that,” I said to her. She tore the pants apart with her sharp teeth.

  “Wear them like panties,” she said. She had bite marks on her arm and neck. The wound on her neck bled profusely and I started to worry about the amount of blood she was losing.

  “I need to look at that. How long does it take for you to heal?” I asked her.

  “A few weeks, depending on how bad it is.” She winced as the blood started to run down her neck. Her adrenaline was going down and I could see the look on her face as her body started to get weak.

  “Elle, I don’t feel so good,” she said then fell into me. I hurriedly rushed her to my car then sped off.


  Dayo, Amadi, Goon and Kofi all stared at Fabia as she slept in the guest room. Goon was beyond angry when I brought Fabia to the house.

  “You just found a stray animal on the side of the road and decided you wanted to bring her home? Like seriously, what the hell is going on, Elle? I think you’ve lost your mind since Camille checked out,” Dayo said still angry behind Anik’s disappearance.

  “She is a friend of Camille’s,” Kofi said.

  “Elle’s smashing friends now? And what was Camille doing being friends with a wolf?” Dayo asked then Amadi growled at him.

  “Shut up, Dayo! You talk too fucking much,” Goon said to him.

  “So you mean to tell me it’s okay to just bring a stray home? What if she got rabies or what if she turns into Kojo and starts fucking shit up?” he asked Goon.

  “She is one of us,” Amadi said.

  “She is a wolf, but what kind of wolf is she? She doesn’t have markings on her like Anik, and she isn’t an Egyptian wolf, so who is she?” Dayo asked and I didn’t answer. I didn’t know what tribe Fabia came from. I barely knew her but I knew she knew something that we didn’t regarding Sosa.

  “All I know is that she knows Camille and she knows Sosa. She also knows the wolf Izra is creeping around on Adika with. The wolf he is creeping with is tied to Sosa. I was following Izra and Fabia was following the wolf that was with Izra. We ended up in the woods on the side of the road. She and Izra’s female were fighting. Something is wrong with Izra. His eyes aren’t the same. It’s almost like he is cursed or something. Has anyone noticed how weird and off he has been acting? He doesn’t think the same, and his mind is all over the place,” I said.

  “I figured that out but I thought it was because he lost his pup. There’s too much going on and I’m about to just go out on a hunting spree. Ammon is on Earth, Izra is acting weird and then you have this wolf Sosa that just came from out of nowhere. Izra is sleeping with a wolf that is connected to Sosa. Oh, and Anik is still missing. Everything is tied somehow because it doesn’t make sense for all of these events to be going on at the same time. I’m going to figure this shit out,” Goon said then left the room.

  “I’m with Goon, too, bro, something is connected to all of this. It’s like one big puzzle with a lot of connecting pieces missing,” Amadi said then Kofi agreed.

  “So, if Fabia knows this Sosa nigga then she knows where I can find him to kill him. What he and his pack did to my mate will forever be unforgettable,” Dayo said.

  “It sounds like this Sosa wolf has another agenda besides Anik. He wants something else and he is using that female that Izra is with to get it,” Kofi said. We all agreed.


  Fabia had been asleep for two days after I drugged her and gave her some herbs so that she could heal. Goon refused to heal her, which was understandable because he didn’t know her. I barely knew her. I was in the kitchen drinking a pitcher of water when Adika walked in. She had bags around her eyes and dragged her feet when she walked. Maybe it was because of the news about Izra. She waited up all night for him and he never came home. She knew he was with another female.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked Adika.

  “My mate is with another wolf,” she answered.

  “Are you hiding something?” I asked her.

she is, and she’d better get to talking,” Goon spat when he came into the kitchen.

  “Don’t start no shit with me, Goon!” Adika screamed at him.

  “Izra told me how much you wanted a pup and how you wanted him to mate with someone, but I brushed it off. I knew he wouldn’t do something like that. But that wolf he’s with wouldn’t be that wolf, now would she? Izra loves you very much and I can’t see him just going off with another female. I know how conniving you witches can be. Now, what the fuck did you do to my lil’ brother? He never ignores me when I enter his thoughts,” Goon said.

  “You’re accusing me of something all because he didn’t answer you?” Adika asked.

  “What’s going on? Why are you yelling at her like that?” Kanya asked in Adika’s defense when she came into the kitchen.

  “Kanya, I don’t have time for your ways of thinking right now because your judgment is always off. Keora was coming around our pups as Adika and you swore up and down that I was trying to control your life. I kept warning you about it, and you still didn’t believe me. I know she is your friend, but just stay out of the way when I’m trying to get to the bottom of shit. She knows what’s going on with Izra and she’d better talk now. He didn’t start acting different until she started pressuring him about a pup,” Goon said.

  We all looked at Adika then she broke down. “I cursed him,” she said then burst into tears.

  “Adika, why would you do that?” Kanya asked.

  “He wasn’t interested in Onya’s scent. I wanted him to get her pregnant and he didn’t want to. All I wanted was a pup, but it backfired. Not only did he pick up her scent, but he fell for her quickly. The last time he and I made love he was thinking about her. I heard his thoughts when he entered my body. He wished that I was her,” Adika said.

  “Okay, so undo the spell,” Kanya said.

  “She can’t undo it. You cannot undo that type of spell; it has to run its course until the reason you casted the spell is completed. Izra will be brainwashed until he gets that wolf pregnant,” Goon said.

  “I got Onya from Sosa,” Adika said then Kanya slapped her, slicing Adika’s cheek.

  Goon yanked Kanya back. “Cut that out!” Goon yelled. Kanya’s eyes turned gold.

  “Years of friendship is gone down the drain. From the moment I found out about you being a witch, everything is always happening around you. Your evil sister, and now it’s you. You brought someone in our backyard. Elle just told us earlier that Onya is sided with Sosa. No wonder Anik ran away with Arya. Izra is falling in love with an enemy and there isn’t shit we can do about it. Once he marks her, that’s it, and it doesn’t matter if the spell wears off. She will be carrying his pup and their connection will build. Izra is going to protect her and that just means that he will go against us. You turned my brother against us, Adika!” Kanya yelled at her.

  “I will leave,” Adika said then Goon’s face softened up after Adika disappeared. I could tell that he felt sorry for her.

  “We need to get to Izra and Anik before we figure out anything else. Anik is carrying pups and I’m sure Sosa found her. Nothing else matters to me until they return home,” Kanya said then walked out of the kitchen.

  “Once they return home, I’m putting a tall, iron gate up around the property. Every time someone leaves the house it’s some shit. This is starting to be too much,” Goon said feeling defeated.

  I patted his back. “It’s time for us to step out of tradition, bro,” I said to him then he crossed his arms.

  “What do you mean?” he asked then smirked.

  “You already know,” I said then passed him the Henny bottle.

  “I like the sound of that. Step out of tradition because that shit isn’t working for us. No more rules; we have to fight dirty. Enter every wolf territory in this town. Everything we are against, we will do. I bet they will know that we aren’t just some traditional muthafuckas. We have to think how everyone else thinks now. It doesn’t hurt to play tit for tat anymore. Sosa will come out, I bet. Thinking with tradition is starting to make us easy targets,” he said then passed me the bottle.

  “What will Kofi think?” I asked Goon.

  “Kofi is our father but he isn’t the Alpha. I am, and what I say goes. No more rules, Elle. If you fight a wolf and he surrenders, kill him anyway. This isn’t Anubi and we shouldn’t continue to live like it. Only the strongest survive on this planet and that’s the only rule,” he said then his eyes turned blue. He took another sip of his cognac.

  “These muthafuckas about to see some wolves they have never seen before,” Goon said then growled.


  “WHAP! GRRRRRRRRRR!” I was awake from my sleep. I fell asleep in the chair in the guest room where Fabia slept peacefully. I jumped up then growled, ready to shift, until I saw the frightened look on her face.

  “Did you touch me? I heard other male voices in here? Did someone touch me while I was asleep?” she asked with tears in her eyes.

  “No, I brought you back to my home to help you,” I said to her. She checked between her legs then sniffed her fingers. “What are you doing?” I asked her.

  “Making sure a male didn’t leave his scent in me,” she said.

  “We are not like that! You have to learn how to trust,” I said to her. She sat down on the end of the bed wrapped up in a sheet with tears falling from her eyes. “I’m so sorry, Elle. If Camille trusted you then so should I. My body has been used as a tool by too many males. I was a young wolf when I was separated from my mother. I was roaming the woods alone when Onya found me. She told me a man would help me find my mother but that same man killed my mother. He kept me in a cage underground in a tunnel with other young wolves. You don’t know what it’s like to be a sex slave to a human. They threw stuff at me and entered every hole in my body,” she said with tears falling from her eyes.

  “Is that how you met Camille?” I asked her.

  “I had enough one day. I saw an opportunity to escape and I did. Sosa had his pack attack me and do things to me no female wolf should ever endure. They left me for dead on the side of the road. I used every strength I had to stand up and flag someone down. I was so battered I couldn’t even shift to my beast to ease my pain. Camille stopped for me and she was so loving. I hated humans because of what they stood for, but she was different. She said I had eyes like a beast and she told me she knew we existed. She put me in a hotel room and nursed me back to good health. After I healed she sent me to Africa where I’m really from. She said that she knew of a beast that was from there. Her and I kept in contact for years and I came back when she told me she was dying,” she said then wiped her eyes.

  “Sosa knows that you are here now,” I said to her.

  “He thought I was dead and you interfered with that. I was going to kill Onya but I’m sure she will tell Sosa that I am here,” she said.

  “How did you find Onya?” I asked her.

  “I was in a cab the day I ran into you at the mall. The cab driver rode down the street she is staying on. I saw her walking into the building. I rented a car so that I could watch her. I have been watching her for a few days,” she replied.

  Arya burst into the room. “Jalesa told me you had a pretty lady friend in here. I want to meet her,” she said.

  “Get your grown ass out there Arya!” Dayo’s voice boomed. Fabia stared at Arya and Arya stared back.

  “Uncle Elle, why is your friend staring at me like that?” she asked then hid behind Dayo.

  “That’s her,” Fabia said.

  “Who?” I asked.

  “That’s one of Onya’s pups. She looks just like her. She has her mother’s wolf scent,” she said.

  “My real mother is dead and my other mother ran away with with Uncle Dayo’s pu—” was the last thing she said before Dayo tapped her mouth.

  “What I tell you about that, Arya? Mind your business! Now go downstairs and clean the kitchen,” Dayo scolded her. He seemed bothered but I knew he was relieved t
hat Arya returned home.

  “Okay,” Arya said then walked out of the room. Dayo shut the door after she left the room.

  “Where can we find Sosa?” I asked Fabia.

  “I don’t know. He is very well hidden and he blends in with the humans. All he used to talk about was a club where humans and wolves could have sex freely. A club where humans could live out their fantasies as beast,” she said.

  “You said you were kept in a tunnel, right?” I asked her then she shook her head. “I heard Dayo talk about a club like that in a tunnel. It looks like Sosa got his dream after all,” I said.

  “Yes, he didn’t have the money for it then. But that was his next step. Sosa is very smart, I will say,” she said.

  “What do you think he is using Onya for?” I asked her.

  “To break up the pack after she has a pup. She will be his eyes inside the pack. Once she knows everything, she will report to him. His wolves will use that information and attack the pack. He will kill all males and older females and let the young females stay alive. Young females need a male’s protection. The females will turn to him because they will become vulnerable. Sosa will use that then brainwash them. Once he does that, he owns you,” Fabia said.


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