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TYCE Page 13

by Shareef Jaudon

  “What’s that shit Sway?” Tyce asked while

  smacking his lips on the juicy “skittles.”

  “It freezes the locking mechanisms, once it freezes it’s easy to break the device inside.” Sway schooled. “It makes that shit as cold as a penguins balls!”

  Sway grabbed a long metal tool from his bag of goodies and forced it into the locks one by one. He yanked the tool; lunging back with his body weight. Once the third lock was broke, he finally pulled out a battering ram.

  “Help me out Tyce.”

  Tyce assisted Sway by grabbing two of the four handles on each side of the colossal pipe. Omar just watched as they muscled the tool into position, it had to weigh at least a hundred pounds, but the force needed to break through the door required two strong men working together.

  Tyce lead the count as they got the momentum going. One…two…threee!”


  The gigantic solid door crashed open and fell back

  like a tree in the rainforest.

  “Damn! That shit was heavy as a muthafucka!” Tyce confessed out of breath.

  They all walked inside together to search for what they’d come for. Tyce flipped the switch on the dusty wall and a bright light made all three men squint. The large room had shelves along the walls stocked neatly with medium sized plastic bins and large size plastic bins on the floor. Tyce grinned as he counted the containers,

  “Four big ones and ten little ones, how much you wanna bet Diego put the money in the little ones?” He walked toward the bins on the shelves.

  Tyce immediately snatched one of the bins off the shelf and peeled of the lid…inside he saw vacuum sealed bags of money filled to the top. He was right; all ten bins contained 500,000 each, he knew the exact amount because Mr. Alverez had graciously labeled all the bags in black magic marker with the correct dollar amount. Tyce took two folded up gym bags from his backpack and began transferring the money. Sway just stood there in a pleasant shock. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He eventually snapped out of it when Tyce interrupted,

  “Sway! Stop fantasizing about what you gonna buy your wife and help me pack man.” Tyce said jokingly.

  Sway snatched the second bag and began filling it up with the loot; he tried to stay serious but he just couldn’t wipe the huge smile off his face. Sway’s lips were getting ashy from smiling so hard, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Except for his wife in her leather bustier, this was the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. Omar on the other hand was busy taking the lids off the larger bins on the floor. His eyes lit up when he saw countless bags of white powder stuffed in each of the four bins. There was no telling how much product was inside…not without a scale and a whole lotta time.

  “Yo, this Diego nigga got work for centuries my nigga!” Omar exclaimed holding up two ivory colored bricks in the air.

  “Good for him……..we leavin’ that shit.”

  Omar stared at the back of Tyce’s head because he was busy working with the money. It burned Omar up inside but he extinguished the fire but not before he slipped a brick into his jacket without anyone seeing.

  “Let’s go!” Tyce said zipping up the bag.

  Sway was already done with his bag and was

  repacking his equipment. Tyce helped him with the battle ram and prepared to leave. “Don’t get to relaxed fellas...it aint over yet, the getaway is greater than the taking. Let’s move before we gotta kill some of Diego’s niggas on the prowl.” Tyce warned as he took the steps holding both bags on his shoulders, Sway followed carrying his weighty bags while Omar lazily made his way up the steps looking back at the room that was decorated with beautiful white mini pillows of cocaine. Upstairs the ladies were nervously waiting. Although they didn’t want anything bad to happen, they were both willing to shoot first and ask questions later if they had to. Dallas heard footsteps and turned her head around seeing Tyce walking briskly toward her.

  “How we lookin’?” He asked evenly.

  “I kept everything warm.” Dallas said with a seductive smile.

  Tyce took her by the hand and led her to the back door of the church. Dallas gripped his strong hand allowing herself to be pulled where she would have gladly gone anyway. Pulling his walkie-talkie out he signaled Angelique outside in the car,

  “We comin’ out baby.”

  “It's all clear out here, I’m on my way.” She smiled making her way to the back of the

  church to pick her man up after work.

  They all stepped out into the night, Sway was staying alert now that they were out in the open. He’d been ambushed before and that shit wasn’t fun. Angelique swerved smoothly around the corner and pulled up to the curb; Sway threw his bags in the trunk and took one last look around before getting in the car. Tyce tossed the bags of money in the back seat with Sway and jumped in the passenger side. Angelique didn’t waste time socializing; she just put the car in drive and rolled away. She looked in the rearview mirror and noticed Dallas and Omar getting inside the second car. The job was done…now all they had to do was make it to the warehouse.

  Exactly 26 minutes later the five of them were back at the warehouse gathered around the table as their leader dumped the two bags of money out all over the table. They all just stared admiringly at the stacks and stacks of hundred dollar bills…neither one of them had seen that much money in one place at one time before. They’d done it; job number one was finished. Five million dollars in less than 20 minutes!

  “Damn that shit looks good.” Sway folded his arms across his muscular chest and grinned.

  “Yeah that’s sexy aint it?” Tyce added lighting a cigarette.

  Angelique and Dallas sat down and enjoyed the moment, Dallas pulled out a fresh pack of “Djarums,” and the two friends smoked as they relaxed in the cushions of an old worn out couch.

  “Good job tonight girl, I’m impressed.” Angelique exhaled the flavorful smoke; she crossed her long legs and shot her friend a pleasing look.

  “Who you tellin', you didn’t miss a beat when you were under that wheel.” Dallas complimented back. “Can you believe were about to split five million dollars…that’s a million each baby!!!” Dallas stared at Angelique with a mischievous grin on her face, “All this money is kinda makin’ my coochie tingle girl.” Dallas uncrossed her legs.

  Angelique held in a laugh, “Mine too!” Breathing normally now Angelique continued, “Yeah I’m still wrapping my head around the whole night, it all jus’ seems like a dream.” Angelique confessed.

  Tyce interrupted their little powwow, “Excuse me ladies, I don’t want to break up your social session but I have a little gift for you two.”

  He handed each of them a black leather brief case filled with one million dollars in cold hard stanky cash. Angelique’s brief case was personalized; it had an 18kt gold heart with her initials engraved in it dangling from the black handle. Tyce had it made for her on the sly and wanted to surprise her with it tonight. Little things like that is what Angelique loved about Tyce. Although he could buy her anything she wanted, he took the time to make her feel special by paying her attention. He was a master at the little things…at home he filled her bathroom with her favorite soap and moisturizer cream, he also scratched her scalp at night when they watched TV; that shit felt soooo good. Angelique didn’t even bother opening her case; she just placed it between her legs and continued to enjoy her cigarette. Dallas on the other hand wasn’t so calm; she put the case on her lap and flipped it open. There was so much money inside it looked like a square green stoplight. She stopped short of counting it and just closed the case…she trusted Tyce, and not just any man could have her trust, the only other man to earn that was her father. Dallas Mitchell kept her heart guarded, that’s why she never had it broken. Her relationships with men outside of work had been fleeting, this was because they all tried to control her and make her change her ways. Disappointment and frustration soon consumed them when she refused to conform and demanded their un
conditional love. Dallas couldn’t comprehend why she couldn’t find a man that loved her for who she was…a sexy, smart, courageous, sensual, independent young woman who would fight and die for her man and the love they built together. Tyce saw something good in her; the night she met him in the hotel she’d felt so respected. Never had she gotten paid to just sit there and listen to a man’s ideas and plans. He explained to her that he saw great potential in her and wanted to help turn her life in a new direction. He was interested in her future plans and goals, he said if she would trust him, this would be her last night escorting…and it was. Dallas was starting to get a little too emotional for her standards, a twinge of envy and loneliness was inching up her spine, and she didn’t like it. After a night like this envy and loneliness was the last thing she expected to feel, but what good is good news if you have no one to tell?

  “Well ladies and gentlemen the night is still young and I got things to do! I can’t be sittin’ her all night with all you rich folks.” Dallas stood up adjusting her jeans.

  “Where you going girl?” Angelique looked up at her.

  “First I’ma stash this loot, then I’m gonna burn off some of this energy I got bubbling up inside me; I feel like I jus’ had two cans of “Crunk Juice”! Dallas did a little dance as she spoke.

  “Ha Ha Ha Dallas you’re crazy girl.” Angelique laughed.

  Dallas walked up to Tyce and stopped in front of his chest. She pulled another cigarette from the pack, “Will you light me up please?”

  Tyce smiled at her as he granted her request. He liked Dallas, there was obviously an attraction between them, shit they both wanted to fuck each other’s brains out that night at the hotel but chose to let business override their lust for one another. Angelique didn’t know how the two of them met and Dallas wasn’t planning on spilling the beans…after all…nothing happened. But Tyce could tell that Ms. Mitchell wanted something more.

  Tyce made direct eye contact as he lit her cigarette, “Be careful Dallas.”

  She took a drag and licked her full lips as she held the smoke in. Looking up at Tyce, she turned her head slightly to the left so she wouldn’t blow smoke in his face but kept her eyes locked with his.

  She exhaled, “I will, and you make sure you do as well.”

  Dallas sashayed toward the door swinging her brief case playfully back and forth. Once she was alone outside, she tossed her lit cigarette on the ground and sighed to herself looking up at the

  stars. She walked slowly to her car, got in and drove off into the night...heading to an empty house. Back inside the rest of the fab five was getting ready to leave also. The money was already divided up and everybody was still buzzing from the night’s event...everyone except Omar. He hadn’t said a word since they got there but his mood seemed casual. He had received his brief case before anybody else; Tyce made sure to take care of his boy first. Omar gave Tyce a manly hug and punched him lightly in the stomach when he gave it to him.

  “Now that’s what I’m talkin’ ‘bout my nigga.” Was all he said.

  Sway on the other hand was in heaven; he called Renae as soon as he got back to let her know he was on his way home. He didn’t tell her what he was doing that night-the less she knew the better. Sway understood that no amount of money could replace him when it came to his family but this was America and love don’t pay the bills. You can’t send your love in an envelope and pay your mortgage. So he took a calculated risk for the benefit of his family; all he had to do was concentrate on his job and be ready for any surprises. If he could survive five years in the military; then he could definitely make it through this shit. He couldn’t wait to get home and show Renae his brief case that was filled with their bright green financial future.

  “I wanna thank you Tyce. I mean you don’t even know how much this money will help me and my family. I was drowning in debt the fuckin’ bill collectors were breathing down my……..” Tyce waived him off.

  “Naw Sway…thank you!”I couldn’t have done this shit without you. I know how much this million means to you and yours. But don’t forget, we got some more work to do baby,

  million won’t get you far these days.” Tyce

  nodded at his long time friend.

  “Bet!...I’m all in baby.” Sway grabbed his keys and gave Tyce a huge bear hug nearly suffocating him.

  “Aight aight aight, put me down man, save that shit for your wife!”

  He released his grip around Tyce’s waist and walked over to Angelique who was still sitting down; he stooped his tall frame over and gave her a hug too. She patted his back and lightly kissed his cheek.

  “I’ll see you later marine.” She teased.

  Sway was the second to leave; he actually jogged out the room shouting bye over his shoulder. When he stepped outside; he looked at his used 1996 Ford Explorer and grinned widely,

  “Hell yeah, no more “Ford’s” for me baby!” He shouted.

  Omar, Tyce, and Angelique started to make their exits as well. Tyce walked across the large room and turned off the beaming overhead lights. The moon illuminated the space and allowed them to see each other faintly. The darkness hid the look on Omar’s face but Angelique who had been observing him all night wasn’t blind. She could sense something was up with him and the silent alarm in her head was going off big time!

  “Let’s go.” Tyce walked to the door and held it open.

  They all left the building. Angelique rode with Tyce in his rental car while Omar drove his “Escalade.” The cars they used in the heist were abandoned and burnt to a crisp by now along with all the disguises. The “Escalade” and the “Dodge Charger” rode off slowly at first stopping at the street entrance. Omar turned left while Tyce made a right turn. Deep in thought; Angelique just stared out the window, she reached for Tyce’s hand and held it tight,

  “Thank you for my gift.” She said quietly.

  “You’re welcome.” He whispered back as he merged onto the highway.

  Ten minutes later, the black “Escalade” pulled up to the back of the church again. Moments later a black “Bentley” coupe crept around the corner and parked. Omar got out and leaned against the door. The black tinted window of the “Bentley” rolled half way down and a hand motioned for him to come over. As he approached the vehicle, the door swung open gently and Omar climbed in. Music from “Miles Davis” was flowing softly from the speakers as he shut the door and made himself comfortable in the back seat.

  “How you doin’ young blood?” Biz asked easily from the passenger side.

  “I’m good. Who the fuck is this?” Omar faced

  the beautiful woman sitting next to him.

  “Excuse my manners…this is Simone; Simone this is Omar. Don’t sweat it…anybody with me you know you can trust.” Biz assured.

  “I aint sweatin’ it, I jus’ thought it would be you and Bruce, I wasn’t expecting a third wheel.”

  “I’m hardly a third wheel baby, more like a spare tire, when the other one goes flat…I keep shit rollin’.” Simone leaned into Omar. He could smell her scent as her sexy fumes filled the cabin. “If it wasn’t for me you

  wouldn’t be a rich nigga tonight.” She schooled.

  Biz cut in, “Like I said, don’t sweat her. Now, did the church answer our prayers tonight?” Biz angled himself to look directly at Omar.

  Omar reached inside his jacket and showed Biz the little present he stole.

  “There’s about two hundred or so more in the basement.”

  Biz took the white brick from Omar and stuck his pocketknife in the middle of it. A mini pile of cocaine sat on the tip of the knife, he carefully moved it toward Simone as she extended her head meeting him halfway. She pulled her hair back as she leaned in and snorted the soft powder.

  She closed her eyes as she felt the sugary

  substance drip down the back of her throat,

  “That’s most definitely Diego’s shit.” She sighed.

  “Good; Bruce, go with Omar inside and load that
shit up. I’ll send somebody with the van in 20 minutes to pick it up. You did good my nigga…I guess you ready to go solo after all.” Biz turned around and faced the front again.

  “Yeah nigga I’m ready to go solo but I’m also ready to get paid…where’s my money?”

  Simone reached between her ankles and handed him a leather bag, “There’s half a mill in there…you get the rest when we weigh all the product.” She stared at him flatly.

  “And like I promised you young blood…you scratch my back…I’ll scratch yours.” Biz lit a long cigar.

  Omar took the money from Simone, “Come on nigga lets hurry up and load this shit.” He told Bruce waving his hand.

  Bruce scowled as he got out the driver’s side, he never liked Omar, he thought he was a hot head; he would have gladly killed him and left his body in the basement but his boss wouldn’t allow him to touch his scurvy ass. As Omar walked in the building with Bruce, Biz drove up beside them with Simone in the passenger seat this time, she was taking another sample up her nose as Biz

  spoke to him,

  “I’ll call you tomorrow young blood…good job tonight.”

  “What time?” Omar asked.

  Simone answered as she wiped her nose, “When your phone rings.”


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