Enzio: An Undercover Romance

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Enzio: An Undercover Romance Page 3

by Bry Ann

  “How the hell should I know? What’s a cowgirl doing way out here anyway?” I sneer, trying to sound mean.“I don’t know. She’s not street.” He furrows his eyebrows. “We should follow her.”

  Every single nerve inside me fires. My protective instincts spur to life viciously.

  “She’s a young girl. Why would we do that?” I snap.

  “First, she’s a grown woman. Two, you met Lacey? Women are absolutely just as dangerous as men. Something felt off about her.”

  “Let’s say we did. What do you want to do with her?”

  Frances is already leaning forward, ready to run.

  “Take her. Find out what she’s doing here. If she’s innocent, we’ll free her,” he says with a casual wave of his hand.

  “You think Boss will be happy if you kidnap a girl? After what happened?”

  I raise my eyebrow in question. This is the last card I have to play, and I truly hope my determination to save her and my fury that he’d threaten her isn’t shining through.

  “Yeah, we better be sure,” he ponders, mainly to himself. “We need to be sure.”

  I fight the urge to exhale my relief, but my muscles do slowly uncoil.

  “I’ll go get her. We can question her here, no problem. I have an odd feeling about her. Don’t you want to check under every rock, Enzio?”

  Oh shit. Fuck. Hell. This is enough to traumatize the poor girl. I can’t get out of this easily, though. I’m already new, Frances wants my job, and why wouldn’t the Underboss question a woman the capo finds suspicious? I’d raise questions, especially after she thought I was a damn cop, and that’s fresh on his mind. Adam would absolutely be okay with us scaring her as long as we didn’t add to his guilty conscience. I’d imagine that’s fairly hard to do unless it replicated Lacey’s trauma. Damn it all, I’m going to go to hell.

  “No. I’ll get her.”

  At least I can be gentle and be sure she doesn’t get hurt if I run the interaction.

  “I’m sure she’ll go with you, officer.” He grins and fake salutes.

  I glare at him and stomp off at a jogging pace. It takes me a few minutes to catch up to her. She’s crouched in front of a homeless man in an open plaid shirt and frayed blue jeans tucked into her boots. She’s whispering frantically to the ill-looking, dirty old man.

  “Have you seen him, please? Sir?” She yells when he doesn’t answer. “I need to find him.”


  She whirls around, quickly standing to her full height. The second she sees me, she starts to shuffle uncomfortably.

  “Uh, hi?”

  She’s so awkward; between her demeanor, outfit, and accent, I almost find myself smiling.

  “I need you to come with me for a moment.”

  Her eyes widen. “I think I’m gonna have to pass.”

  She slowly starts to back up. “Look,” I make a point to use my agent voice, “if you don’t come with me, my partner’s gonna come after you and he’ll use his gun.”

  She squeaks. “I hate violence,” she drawls.

  That makes two of us.

  “Then come with me.” She slowly creeps forward. “I just need to find out what happened to my little brother. He’s dead. I found that out recently.”

  Pain crosses her features. Her face is bare of makeup, so her pain is more obvious.

  “I have to find out why he was here. How he died.” Her voice goes quiet. “And if he suffered.”

  “You’d do best to leave here and never come back.”

  It’s the most honesty I can give her right now.

  “I know, but I can’t. I love him. He’s family. Don’t let your partner kill me. Not ‘til I can tell my mama what happened. She doesn’t know I’m here. She can’t lose both of us with no explanation.”

  “What’s your name?” “Iris. Iris Jane Shelby.”

  She extends her hand in a show of Southern manners.

  “And yours?”

  “It’s safer if you don’t know, Ms. Shelby.” “Oh please, call me Iris.”

  My lip twitches as we approach Frances. “You do realize I’ve had a gun to your head.”

  “Not you, your partner.”

  What an innocent woman. If I were real mafia… sigh.

  “Anyway, you don’t know an Adam Ruston, do you, no name?”I freeze. My blood runs ice cold. “Where did you hear that name?” I hiss quietly.

  “He killed my brother.”

  I want to bang my head against a wall. I’m terrified for her, but she just gave me a gift. The urge to take these people down reloads in my veins.

  “Don’t ever say that name again. Do you hear me?” I wrap my hand around her arm in a bruising grip, so Frances sees and so she knows I’m serious. I hate every second of it.“If you want to live, you’ll erase that name from your mind.”

  Her eyes shoot open. “You know him!” she shouts, excited, like I never said anything. “You know him! Oh my God. No one’s known him. You can help me, no name. You can really help me.”

  Her eyes water.

  “I’m close, Pap,” she whispers. “I’ll get him for taking your little boy from you.”

  Oh frick, as she’d say. How much more guilt can one person take?

  “You asked me to keep you alive, Ms. Shelby? This is me keeping you alive. Don’t repeat that name. Ever. Especially now.” With that, I shove her in front of Frances. She stumbles a bit, disoriented and confused. She looks to me, her eyes watering for a whole different reason now, then musters her courage to swing her gaze over to my more psychopathic partner.

  “Sir,” she squeaks at Frances.

  He pulls his knife out. The poor little southern belle literally trips over her feet, still trying to look semi-respectful.

  “Th-th-that’s not ne-necessary,” she stutters. “R-really. I’m good. I just want to find…”

  She glances at me. As subtly as I can, I shake my head.

  “My brother. He’s only been gone a day.” Lie, good girl. “But still, I thought I’d look here for him. Uh, bad idea, apparently.”

  Frances clicks his gun. She lets out a muffled sound of pure terror and again looks to me to save her.

  Shit. What do I do if Frances really plans on torturing her? I mean, I can’t — won’t — let him. Damn it.

  “I just have a few questions. Then you can go back to looking for your little brother.”

  He knows she’s lying. Which is great. Just freakin’ great. She’s an awful liar, but being as well-mannered and respectful as she is, I doubt she’s lied a day in her life.

  “A-anything, just… please don’t hurt me. My mama and pap would die. I’m their only girl.”

  Literally. I can’t with this woman. She needs to stop talking. Her accent makes me want to hide her from this cruel world she’s immersed herself in with completely innocent eyes.

  Frances smirks, fully amused by her. “You want to live? Answer my questions. Why is a girl like you in a back alley at this time?”

  “My brother,” she responds immediately.

  “What’s your interest in the mafia?”

  Her eyes go so wide there’s no way anyone can think she’s lying. “The mafia! I-I-I…”

  She starts to tremble so hard that I fear she may pass out.

  “No. Sir, I don’t, can’t… y’all are mistaken. I’m just a girl.”

  A tear slips down her cheek as the reality of who we are sinks in. She’s not looking at me anymore.

  She no longer trusts me, and whoo, as a man and an agent, that stings.

  “Okay, great then. Answer my question.”

  He lifts his gun slightly higher. Geez, can’t he see she’s terrified? She’s not lying. Well, I mean… not really. Damn it, Iris.This is when the reality of who these men are sinks in. They may develop occasional feelings, but they are willing to do this stuff, and I have the chance to stop it.

  I’m going to.

  I swear to God, I’m going to.

  I’m so
freaking sorry, Lacey. But I do trust Collin; he’ll help her. Since I guarantee she’ll want nothing to do with me. She’d probably try to castrate me if she got the chance.

  “I swear I don’t-don’t want anything to do with the mafia. I just want to know how my brother died,” she cries. Tears are falling faster down her cheeks now. I’d feel sad about that if she hadn’t just royally fucked up. I see the moment she realizes it, too.

  “I mean… he’s not dead, hopefully, b-but I don’t know. Please don’t kill me.”

  She wraps her hands around herself on the inside of her flannel.

  Frances lowers his gun, but somehow that scares me more.

  “Ah, so you are a liar.”

  Frances looks to me and I immediately know I’m about to have to make a life-altering, potentially case-ruining decision.

  “Well, look at that, Enzio, now Boss can’t shoot my nuts off for taking a chick. I have — what do cops call it? — probable cause.”

  Oh. My. God. He’s going to kidnap her right in front of me. My heart starts to pound at an incredibly fast pace. I’ve witnessed lots of crimes undercover for the greater good of the case, to save so many other lives, but it never gets easier. Not one time. 1, 2, 3… 1, 2, 3… I count to ground myself, which is a skill I learned from Kyle. But there’s something about this girl, something I desperately don’t want to see ruined.

  “Her eyes were like saucers when you mentioned the mob, and you think she’s the rat? Are you actually insane? Wait, don’t answer that. You are. You really are.”

  “Rat?” Iris gasps. “No… no! I-I’d never. I p-promise. I’m a good person.”

  Thump! Thump! Thump! I’m gonna die of a heart attack. My heart’s beating too fast. Squeezing too tight.

  “Then my boss will find that out pretty quickly.”

  Frances shrugs and grabs her wrist forcefully. His eyes find mine. His whole demeanor is so casual that it chills me.

  “You mind takin’ her, Enzio?”

  I grab her wrist forcefully, glaring at Frances the entire time. It’s only when I see her wince out the corner of my eye that I realize I’m taking my anger at the situation out on her, the last person who deserves it. I slowly loosen my grip, making a point to subtly trace my thumb over her wrist in a show of comfort. Iris is quiet behind me, except for her quick breathing.“Really, I di-didn’t do anything,” she whispers.

  Frances is already walking to the car. I take that opportunity to try to calm her down, because I can’t just let her go. If the boss is cool with this, he’d be suspicious if he found out I freed her. If I blew my cover, Collin would think I self-sabotaged for Lacey because I’m smarter than to get caught. Experienced enough to know better.

  She starts to tremble as she realizes the world is not good. Not right. And she’s actually about to be taken. I hate that it’s partly my hand that’s going to shatter her optimism.“Iris, listen to me.”

  She looks at me with big eyes.

  “Please, don’t let him kill me. What was I thinking? My poor mama. Sir, I know you’re in the…” She bites her lip, unable to even say it. “You’re in…”

  I love that she knows I won’t kill her.

  “Iris. I’m in the FBI, undercover. This can’t get out, but I want you to know I will do all I can to make sure you leave here unharmed.”

  “Oh, thank goodness.” Her hands lift slightly to make it easier for me. “Do what you have to do.”

  I spin around abruptly. Tears are stained on her cheeks, but she still manages to give me a sad smile.“My pap taught me to respect the law and the men who serve it. If you’re not savin’ me, I trust there’s a good reason, no name.”

  Her smile becomes playful for a moment, before her face falls as we approach the car. Frances is holding the car door open for her.

  “Throw her in.”

  Throw? A woman. My eyes are blazing with determination and fury, so I look away as I gently push her into the backseat. She scrambles to the farthest end and tucks her legs up on the seat, picking at the ends of her boots.

  “You think she’ll try anything?” he asks me.

  “Fuck you. No, I don’t. Look at her.”

  We both glance her way. She’s so damn innocent, sitting there in her little boots and frayed jeans. She has no idea who these men are, what they can do.

  “Point taken.”

  Frances climbs into the driver’s seat, so I take the passenger side. Once in a while, I glance back at Iris, who is still picking at her boots mindlessly. She’s got her face turned away from me, so I watch her chest. My heart falls every time I do. The way her chest is rising and falling so quickly, I know she’s crying, but hiding it. She’s trusting me. Damn it.

  “Frances, Boss isn’t going to like this.” He simply cocks an eyebrow.

  “First, you fucking assault a woman. He’s still not over that shit. Now you kidnap one. He’s not going to trust you, and I’m not backing you up on this. I don’t agree with your assessment.”

  Iris gasps from behind me. The bravery she tried so hard to maintain cracks.

  “No, no, no… please don’t rape me. My brothers, and my pap, oh God… no! Please. I’m not good… at it. You don’t want me. Wes even said. You… I… please.”

  “Relax. No one’s raping you. No one even got raped,” Frances mutters, sending a hard glare my way.

  Shoot, I shouldn’t have mentioned what went down between him and Maria. That was so insensitive with her right here. I got caught up in making my point.

  Iris is looking at me now. She’s got freckles I hadn’t noticed before. God, what a stupid thing to notice at a time like this.

  “Fine,” Frances snaps, jerking the car off the highway and into an empty parking lot. “You think Boss is gonna kill me over this?”

  He throws the car in park.

  “We’ll get the information we need right now.”

  Before I can process what is happening, Frances is leaning back and has her wrist pressed up against the console. He takes her pinky finger, gently running his index finger over it once, before gripping it tight.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” I screech.

  “Getting information.”

  “Iris, now tell me, princess, how do you know our boss?”“I don’t!” She screams. “I swear. I swear!” She does. She just doesn’t realize she does.

  “I thought you’d say that.”

  In a quick motion, he is holding both ends of her finger, ready to snap it.

  “No!” I lean over and grab his wrist. “Just take her to Boss. If she’s not a rat, you will have physically assaulted another innocent woman. Get a grip, Frances. You can’t just recklessly break bones to get what you want. You’ll get your ass thrown in prison.”

  “I can’t?”

  He starts to bend her finger back. She shuts down, stops talking, stops whimpering and becomes frozen in fear. I know he’s doing this to get a rise out of me, but it’s working. I promised to try and keep her safe.

  “Technically, you can,” I fake casual and glance at my nails. “It’s your dick Boss is gonna put a bullet in, not mine.”

  Frances laughs and releases her hand.

  “You’re good, Enzio. I’ll give you that.”

  He’s still chuckling as he puts the car in drive and pulls back onto the highway. Well, that plan backfired.

  I look back at Iris to see if she’s okay. She’s frantically scrambling backward; even when she’s already hit the back of the seat, she’s scrambling back. Her feet keep slipping on the leather. When that fails her, she breaks down crying and starts to hyperventilate, holding her finger. Her body is closed off to both of us.

  My heart is burning. Finger twitching. I have to help her. I take deep breaths, but it isn’t helping. I feel the same as I did on my first job. You know, the one I botched.

  “She’s fine,” Frances glances at me with a laugh.“Yeah, yeah, you spared her finger. You’re a real fucking saint, man.”

  “If y
ou want to claim the bitch, then claim her. If not, quit acting like a fucking pussy. We’re not gonna rape her. We’re not gonna kill her, if she’s innocent. We just need information.” I grunt, but don’t say another word. It’s better that way. For all of us.

  “What do I do?” Iris whispers frantically as I pull her inside the mansion. “How do I survive this? I can’t die. Please.”

  Her eyes are red rimmed now. Her hair is frizzy and all over. Her hazel eyes are wide with fear, begging me to save her.

  “Don’t mention the name Adam Ruston or any variation of it. You’ll die. I don’t care how important your mission is to you, keep your mouth shut regarding that.”

  “Yes, sir. Anything else?”

  “Shhh…” I glance up at Boss standing in front of the door to the main room. His eyes are black as night. He looks furious.

  “Who the fuck is this?!”

  “Let your third in command tell you that.”

  I glare at Frances. When Boss’s withering stare turns to Frances, I almost feel sorry for him. Almost. But not quite.

  “She knows something.”

  Boss turns to Iris. She cowers into herself, trying to slip back into the shadows.

  “I-I-I’m Iris, sir,” she stutters. “I didn’t d-do anything to y’all. I swear on my mama and pap. Not one t-thing.”Her voice is mousy, barely a whisper. Boss turns to me. I keep my face purposefully blank.

  Boss is stoic, thinking. I can’t imagine how terrified Iris must be.

  “Take her into the room. We’ll talk.”

  He glares at Frances, then looks to Iris, scrutinizing her, before turning to go into the room. Frances follows. I notice the stiffness in his posture, and I wonder if he’s realizing I’m right. I look back at Iris, whose hand is shaking in mine.


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