The Fake Boyfriend and the Geek (Gone Geek Book 6)

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The Fake Boyfriend and the Geek (Gone Geek Book 6) Page 5

by Sidney Bristol

  “Better?” He chuckled.

  “Pretty sure I was about to break my ankle.” She smoothed her hands down her dress and pressed her toes into the carpet.

  Gideon held out his hand. If he had a plan, some idea for how to proceed, she’d let him lead. This was about as far as her nerves were getting her.

  She took his hand, and he closed the distance between them, wrapping an arm around her waist. She might not be able to trust him with her heart, but he’d take care of her body.

  “I was talking about the accommodations. Not having broken bones is ideal.”

  “Oh.” Piper chuckled and ducked her head, heat crawling up her neck. “Yes, thank you.”

  “I want to kiss you again.”

  Those were beautiful words she’d remember.

  “Piper?” He cupped her cheek.

  “Hm?” She tilted her head, pressing into his palm.

  “Look, I’m not sure how...”

  “Don’t go there.” She searched his eyes, fully aware of the assumptions he was making. “Working with Dr. Yun, it’s made me realize that my problem has been with violating my privacy and being attacked. This, now, there’s no problem.”

  “I’m going to ask this once,” Gideon closed his eyes and held her at arm’s length, “are you sure?”

  “Look at me.” There was something freeing and a little frustrating about his level of care.

  He opened his eyes, and she smiled.

  “Yeah, I’m sure. And you don’t have to ask. I’ll tell you if I don’t like something.”


  He let go of her and took a step back, his fingers tugging at the buttons, the thin strip of flesh widening the lower he went. She stood back, enjoying the way he stared at her, the tantalizing reveal. He tossed the shirt toward a chair, but the garment fell short by a couple of feet. Next he toed off his shoes and loosened the catch on his belt.

  “Is this a race?” She would lose. Getting out of her dress was an act of contortionism.

  “Nope. Just getting this out of the way.”

  His pants hit the floor, leaving him in a pair of black boxer briefs. He’d added a few tattoos over the years, of what she couldn’t tell. She couldn’t look away from his eyes with the intense, I want to eat you up, way he was staring at her.

  Gideon took a step toward her and she swallowed. He closed the distance between then and once more his arms were around her, holding her tight. She flattened her palms against his chest, reveling in the feel of him. They kissed, lips sliding against each other, no sense of where one ended and the next started.

  He tugged the zipper down her back, the cool, metal teeth casing her to shiver.

  “That’s it,” he whispered.

  Gideon leaned back just enough to slip her dress off her shoulders. It pooled on the ground, leaving her in the lacy shape wear she’d worn underneath. The garment was more decorative than helpful, but it’d done its job.

  “Shit,” he muttered staring at her. “I kind of want that to stay on.”

  “I can work with that.” She took a step toward the bed.

  Gideon walked her backward until her calves hit the mattress. He gripped her by the hips and lifted her onto the platform bed. She lay back and couldn’t help but grin. She’d imagined this moment happening a dozen different ways, but nothing like this.

  “What are you smiling about?” He leaned over her, hands braced on either side, his knee pressing between her legs.


  “You like stroking my ego, don’t you?”

  “That’s not the only thing I can stroke.” She slid her hands down his chest, but his stomach was as far as she could reach.

  “Later. You do that and I’ll be done before we start.” His gaze traveled down her body, then returned to her chest. “I think I’ll start here.”

  He flattened his hand against her side, then slid it up to cup her breast. There were still layers of fabric between them, but she felt his heat, the press of his fingers. She arched her back while he continued to palm her breast, as though he were learning her shape and size.

  She shrugged her left shoulder. That strap never stayed up and now wasn’t an exception. She reached up and pulled both the strap and cup down, exposing her breast to the cool cabin air.

  Gideon muttered a curse and covered her with his hand. She groaned at the feel of his skin on hers and arched her back. He ducked his head and kissed the stiff nipple, freeing up his hand to delve into the cup of her other bra. He teased her with his lips while tracing her areola with his fingers, causing two different sensations to clash within her.

  She clutched at his shoulders, digging her nails into his skin.

  This was what she missed, this heady cocktail of pleasure, the yearning desire for another human being. For a time she’d thought this was something she’d never feel again, but each moment with Gideon proved her wrong. She could let go, she could enjoy sex.

  He cupped her mound, his fingers pressing against her through the satin underwear. She lifted her hips, her words escaping her. He stroked her through the fabric, all the while his mouth made love to her breasts. She shifted her hips, guiding his hand to the right spot, the right speed.

  “Fuck.” He pushed up staring at her with eyes gone a little wild.

  She whimpered at the loss of his touch, her body vibrating on the knife edge of release. He pushed the lacy garment up her stomach with one hand and yanked her panties down with the other. She lifted her hips and helped push them off.

  Gideon put one knee on the bed and cupped her, pressing his fingers to her folds. He muttered words she didn’t pay attention to. Not when he was touching her. This time he needed no guidance. He slipped his fingers inside of her and she fisted the sheets, arching her back.

  It’d been long enough since she’d been connected to another person like this that the sensations of skin and warmth were almost new. He pumped his fingers and kissed her exposed breasts. She grasped a handful of his hair, not too tight, but she needed something to hold onto.

  Piper pulled on Gideon’s hair, tugging his mouth up enough she could kiss him as the first fluttering of her orgasm robbed her of her senses and propelled her into pleasure.


  HOLY SHIT. HOLY SHIT. Holy shit.

  Gideon barely dared breathe, much less move.

  Piper blew out a breath and lay back on the bed, eyes closed as though she were asleep. He could still feel her muscles quivering around him. Standing here knuckles deep inside of her wasn’t an option, no matter how much he enjoyed the view. Her skin flushed pink, the teeth marks on her lip, and hell—there were boobs.

  The longer he stood here the weirder it was going to get when she caught her breath.

  He eased his fingers out of her and reached for the comforter, pulling it down to keep her warm. There was no set time for returning to the marina, which meant no rush. They could stay out here all night for all he cared until she was ready to return to the real world where they didn’t do stuff like this.

  “What are you doing?” Piper cracked one eye and peered up at him.

  “Uh...” He didn’t actually know.

  “Come here.” She patted the bed.

  She’d said she wanted sex that she’d tell him when to stop, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that this might be too much, too soon.

  Piper sat up and grabbed his hand. She pulled him forward, onto the bed. He rolled onto his back and no sooner were his shoulders horizontal and Piper straddled his thighs. He grasped the back of her thighs, assuring himself that she really was there.

  God, he’d missed her, but he’d never dared to think this could be a reality.

  She pulled his boxers down and wrapped her hands around his cock all while he was daydreaming about her eyes. She pumped him, hand over hand, still watching him. He groaned and bucked into her tight, hot hold.

  So damn good.

  This was his every fantasy come to live, and a few ones he hadn’t thoug
ht about.

  “Slow down.” He covered her hands with his. It’d been months since he’d had sex and these were moments he’d dreamt about for a decade. It was a miracle he hadn’t come already. He still might if he didn’t take some control of the moment. “Actually...”

  Gideon grabbed her wrists and pulled. She pitched forward with a yelp and he caught her against his chest. Her laugh encouraged him; let him know she was still tuned in to this moment between them. He rolled until she was under him and they were diagonal across the bed.

  For a moment he just stared at her flushed face and dilated eyes. She was so damn beautiful. If he did nothing else during his time on earth, he wanted to make her happy. Whatever it took, he would do it.

  “Stay right there.” He buzzed her lips with a kiss.

  He couldn’t think too much about what they were doing. If he did that, and began focusing on the fact that Piper was almost naked in a bed he was sharing with her, he’d freeze up. He’d over think the situation, and that would lead to long, awkward pauses. She was comfortable, free, nothing here bothered her. He wanted to make this special. Memorable.

  Landing in bed hadn’t been on his plan for the evening, so Gideon was less than prepared. If he’d known, he’d have organized the evening with a different order. Something more sensual and personal. Not to mention it hadn’t occurred to him that he’d need protection. Thankfully, his buddy believed in stocking the main cabins with some essentials, including condoms. Gideon rolled out of bed and opened the nightstand. He breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of a neat stack of condoms sitting there, ready for use. He grabbed one and pushed his underwear off the rest of the way with his other hand.

  He didn’t have much hope for lasting long or blowing Piper’s mind, but he wasn’t going to pass the opportunity up either. If this went well, maybe they’d have more opportunities to do better next time. He ripped the condom open and rolled it on, all under her watchful gaze.

  Piper lay on her side, head on the pillows, biting her thumb and staring at him with this adorable smile. She seemed happy. Excited. Aroused. He couldn’t ask for much more than that. Tonight had surpassed all he’d hoped for, and they weren’t done yet.

  She uncurled the arm across her chest and patted the bed next to her. He swallowed, catching sight of her breasts. There was five feet and eight inches of very naked woman in that bed, and there wasn’t a shadow of a doubt in her eye. She was completely confident in this moment.

  It was the hottest thing he’d ever seen in his life.

  Gideon crawled across the bed toward her.

  She reached for him first, wrapping her arms around him, pulling him on top of her. Her legs wrapped around his hips, holding him prisoner. They kissed, and his last, remaining doubts went away. No woman kissed like that who didn’t mean it.

  He reached between them and guided his cock to her entrance. Another time he’d draw this out, make her moan and want this more, but not now. They’d waited far too long for this to let another minute go by. He thrust and held on tight, her body yielding to him. She whimpered into the kiss, the sound sending a chill down his back. Was something wrong? Had he misunderstood?

  Her nails dug into his back and she squeezed her legs around him, driving her heels into his ass. He rocked forward, burying his face against her shoulder and squeezing his eyes shut.

  It felt too good. Too right.

  “Gideon.” Piper panted his name.

  “Give me a second?”

  Piper didn’t listen. She undulated, rolling her hips and stroking him with her body. He gathered her to his chest, holding her tight, and thrust. She whimpered and once more her nails scraped over his skin. The hair on the back of his neck rose and his toes curled.

  “I can’t...”

  “Keep going,” she begged.

  He grabbed a handful of the sheets and used that for leverage, rocking into her, while trying his best to think about cleaning his kitchen or whatever might stave off orgasm for another precious moment or two. Each time he shifted, the lace wrapped around her torso scraped his skin, her grip tightened when he thrust. Everything grounded him in this moment with her.

  Piper turned her face, nuzzling his cheek. He kissed her mouth and groaned, her hips cradling him, their bodies joined. She whimpered, nails digging in, lips going lax. Her limbs tensed in orgasm, her body rippling around him.

  Gideon let his mind focus on her body, the feel of her breasts against his chest, the way she squeezed him, how damn right it all was. He didn’t last five seconds before his vision faded and the intense sensation of pleasure rolled up within him. He groaned her name and held on, finding release in her arms.

  He couldn’t believe this was real.

  Gideon buried his face in the crook of Piper’s shoulder and breathed deep, committing this moment to memory, from the smell of sex and sweat to the way she stroked his side, how they fit together. He’d never felt anything so intense and right. He’d always thought it could be good between them, now he had proof.

  “I don’t want to move,” he said against her shoulder.

  “Me, too, but I need to use the bathroom. That was a lot of champagne.”

  “Sorry, my bad.” Gideon eased their bodies apart and rolled to his side.

  Piper got up and shambled into the bathroom. She seemed at ease. There was no strain in her voice or the sound of tears. This was going okay, wasn’t it?

  Gideon stepped into his underwear and shuffled down the hall to the other bathroom for a quick clean up. He had no idea what to say or do next. His fantasies didn’t often go beyond snippets of pleasure. There was no roadmap to a relationship with Piper, or whatever was happening between them.

  He braced his hands on the vanity in the bathroom and stared at the stainless steel bowl. When she’d kissed him, he’d stop thinking and just went with it. He’d always wanted Piper.

  Whatever happened next, he needed to tread lightly. This was merely the tip of the iceberg for him. That didn’t mean they wanted the same thing.

  He returned to the bedroom and found Piper curled up in bed, the comforter pulled up almost over her head. If that wasn’t a clear signal she didn’t want to talk, he didn’t know what else it could be. He turned the lights off and got in next to her, fitting his body around hers, back to chest. She’d shed the lacey body suit and was now blissfully naked under the sheets. She leaned toward him, covering his hand with hers, completely at ease.

  Was he dreaming? Had he hit his head? Passed out somewhere and dreamt all this into being?

  Piper pulled his arm further around her until he was almost cupping her breast. Her sigh of contentment was sweet.

  “How long do we have out here?” Her voice was barely above a mumble.

  “We can spend the night out here if you want.”

  “I’d like to, but I probably should go home before it gets too early.”

  Early, not late. So not soon.

  “Got plans tomorrow?” And could he talk her into another date? He was getting into this homework idea.

  “Sort of. Rashae has us penciled in for fittings and stuff most of the day. We’ve got like, six cons worth of outfits to go through. I also have to fix things with them.”

  “Sounds super exciting. I couldn’t compete at all, could I?” He flexed his fingers against her breast.

  “You think I want to be grilled, poked and prodded all day?” She chuckled.

  “It could be fun, with the right kind of poking.” He kissed her shoulder.

  “It’s not the fun kind, I promise.” She turned her head and looked up at him, her lips curled into a smile.

  “Then why go? Stay out here with me. We could swing by, pick up a bathing suit or two...” He kissed across her collar bone. What would it take to convince her?

  “I would so rather do that, but I can’t.”

  “It’ll be all day?”

  “Yeah, but day afterward might be free. You busy?”

  She wanted to see him again. />
  “I’m for sure interested. Want to pencil me in? We can knock out more date homework, just you and I.” He leaned in and kissed her mouth.

  She turned toward him, wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling him closer.

  He wasn’t the only one holding on tight. They could figure out what was happening later, for now, he wanted to enjoy holding her.


  GIDEON SUCKED ON THE straw, the fruity, cold liquid filling his mouth. He kept his eyes on his phone, waiting for the text icon to appear. He couldn’t hear or feel the notification because the music was a touch too loud. Now he understood why no one was at this end of the pool. The only reason he’d come down here was to lose the chatty guy that wouldn’t stop talking.

  All Gideon wanted to do was go pick up Piper and drive. They could listen to old music, talk, find a great strip of beach and hang out, get food, maybe make love again. But she was trapped by her new friends, the ones who’d come after him.

  He’d thought coming to this pool party was a good idea. It’d get him out of the house, around people and his mind off Piper. This plan wasn’t working. He was drinking too many daiquiris in an effort to numb the desire.

  This had to stop. At least for the moment.

  He pocketed his phone and pushed to his feet.

  There was always a party going on in L.A. That was how things went. Today was no exception. He wasn’t sure what the party was about, but these were a cross-section of his people. Because of Gideon’s unique focus, he mingled with both the tech and music crowds, weaving between them easily. Depending on his mood determined when he preferred one over the other. Today he wanted neither, and being around people that weren’t Piper who wanted to chat with him only made him grumpy.

  He put the glass down and strode toward the house.

  The sooner he stopped drinking the sooner he’d sober up so he could drive and get his ass out of here. Nothing was going to make him happy except—

  His phone vibrated against his thigh.

  Gideon pulled it out and stopped in the grass to read the text.


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