Fated Dreams (Book One In The Affinity series)

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Fated Dreams (Book One In The Affinity series) Page 33

by Christina Smith

  “No, this is great.” I popped a strawberry in my mouth, the sweet flavor bursting as I chewed. “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had. Thank you.”

  “Only the best for you. Remember, you only turn eighteen once, and I want it to be special for you.” He placed a small box in between us on the table.

  “Oh Lucas, thank you.” I picked it up and opened it. Inside was a necklace, a silver chain with a white-gold pendant on it. The pendant was the soul mate’s symbol that I had seen when we were doing research. On the back was an engraving that said simply: Forever. I started to tear up. It was so beautifully sweet. “Lucas,” I said, focused on the necklace, “I love it, it’s perfect.”

  He stood up, and walked over to me. Reaching for the necklace, he placed it around my neck.

  I got to my feet and turned to him, framing his face with my hands, gazing at the gold flecks in his eyes before I leaned onto my toes to touch my lips to his. I kissed him to thank him for the gift. I kissed him to show him how much he meant to me, and how much I loved him. I kissed him with everything I had.

  He wrapped his arms around me, returning the kiss, and taking it deeper. I never wanted to pull away.

  He was the one who ended it. “Sarah, are you ready?” he whispered. I understood him, and I knew what it meant that he was asking me.

  I stared into his eyes, which were darkening with longing. “Yes. I’m ready.”

  He studied my face, making sure I meant what I said. I nodded to reassure him.

  His arms fell away from me. I thought he had changed his mind, but instead he walked over to a willow and picked up a duffel bag. Inside was a sleeping bag.

  He laid it down on the grass, took my hand, and escorted me to the blanket.

  I took off my shoes and crawled inside. After he removed his shoes, he snuggled in beside me. Taking my face in his hands, he brushed his lips on mine, guiding me down to lay my head against the blanket. “I love you, Sarah, forever,” he whispered, bending down to kiss me again, and this time he didn’t stop.

  As we expressed our love, we knew we would never be apart. We were soul mates, destined to find each other.


  Here's a peak at Delusions, the second and final book in the Affinity Series, available now.


  Brownridge, Vermont

  Two years ago

  The music was loud, the drinks were pouring, and the spirits were high. I was just glad it wasn’t my house. My parents would kill me.

  The room was stale with the smell of beer and sweat. The bass from the stereo was so high, the portrait of Amanda’s family hanging in the center of the room shook with each beat that radiated from the speakers. A plant was knocked off a table and with every dance step dirt was stomped into the carpet.

  I heard a crash behind me and cringed. I felt bad for Amanda. She had only asked a few of us over, and somehow half the school showed up. Not bad for my first high school party. I was in the tenth grade, but had never been to one yet. The place was packed, I could barely move.

  “Holy crap, this is so awesome!” Kelly yelled, squished between me and Adam. They were my two best friends and had been for years. There were sweaty bodies all around me bouncing to the music.

  Cassie Murphy bumped me from behind, sloshing beer all over my new, sparkly, silver blouse. So much for only having a couple of drinks so my parents didn’t notice. Now that it was poured all over me, there was no way to hide the fact that I had been drinking. I’d have to sneak the stinky top into the washing machine myself. I didn’t mind helping out around the house when asked, but my mom would wonder why I was suddenly interested in household chores on my own.

  “Lisa!” Kelly yelled.

  I was wiping my top with my hand, trying to get the beer off. I looked up. “What?”

  “Is that Logan Tate over there?” she asked, pointing to a guy who was chugging beer out of a funnel. It was hard to tell since all I saw was his back, but this guy was tall with tousled brown hair, and he was wearing a navy blue shirt and jeans. The clothes Logan wore at school today.

  “It looks like him.” I took a slow breath in and out to calm the butterflies that fluttered rapidly in my stomach every time I saw him. “Okay, let’s get a good spot so we can watch him all night. He is so hot.”

  “Why don’t you just talk to him?” Kelly yelled over the music before she took a sip of her beer.

  “Are you kidding?” I held out three fingers. “First.” I held my pointer finger down. “He’s older than I am. Second”—I turned down another—“he’s popular, and third…he wouldn’t give me the time of day.” I folded down the last, holding my fist up in front of me. “Just stare and dream, that’s the only way with a guy like him.”

  We left Adam to flirt with Tara Long, as Kelly and I headed closer, single file and holding hands, trying to squeeze through the dancing bodies.

  I saw an empty corner that would give us a perfect view of him. It took us awhile, trying to slip through the crowd. I was shoved a couple of times, almost losing my balance, but thankfully, I was working on my first beer and still felt steady. We stayed our course, finally making it to the corner.

  “Oh God, I can finally breathe,” Kelly said, leaning against the wall and taking another sip of beer. I wasn’t sure who brought the keg, but I was grateful. It was my first time drinking, and even though it tasted as I imagined cat urine would, I looked cool carrying the cup.

  “Oh crap, now I have to pee, are you coming with me?” she hissed into my ear.

  “No, I’ll stay here and keep our spot.”

  “I’ll be back soon, if I can find the washroom.” I watched her wander off unsure of where she was going. She headed down a hall that looked like it led to the garage. I yelled her name to tell her she was going the wrong way, but she couldn’t hear me over the music. Oh well, she’d figure it out, or pee on someone’s car.

  Ethan Harris stood beside me against the wall, watching me intently. He was Adam’s friend and had come to the party with us, but I had lost track of him an hour ago. “What?” I asked him when he refused to look away.

  He shook his head. “Nothing, just wondering where Adam is.”

  I pointed to the corner where the keg was. Adam was pouring himself a cup.

  Ethan nodded to me and wandered off to join his friend.

  Without the distractions of my friends, I could focus once again on Logan. He finished chugging the beer and then backed up to let someone else have a turn. He tripped over Rick Harding’s foot, falling right into me. I grabbed his elbows, trying to catch him before he landed on the floor.

  “Thank you,” he slurred, turning around to face me. His smile was crooked, and his hazel eyes were a bit glazed from all the beer. But it was a smile, and it was directed at me. My night was complete. I could go home and relish in that one smile for weeks.

  “Hey. I know you,” he said, squinting his eyes and pointing his finger at me.

  “Yeah, I just started at your parents’ restaurant as a hostess.”

  He frowned and shook his head. “No, that’s not it.”

  “I go to your school?” I offered.

  “No, not that either.”

  “Then I have no idea. My name is Lisa Miller.”

  “Lisa…the name doesn’t ring a bell, but those eyes…” He stared into them, lost in thought. He appeared to be finished speaking, but several seconds later, he finally recovered. “They haunt me. They’re so blue.” He trailed off, staring at my face. He narrowed his eyes as though contemplating world peace. After what seemed like hours, instead of the minute it had been, his eyes lit up as he smiled and pointed. “Hey, I got it. You’re the girl from my dreams.” He nodded, satisfied that he had finally figured it out, then turned and walked away, leaving me shocked and speechless, with my mouth wide open.

  I watched him make his way through the crowd, stumbling into Taylor Bradford and then Tara Collins.

  Did he just say he dreamed of me? My mind wa
s suddenly filled with fog. Did that just happen, or was I hallucinating?

  The next half hour went by in a blur of movement. It was like I was trapped in a bubble. I could see everyone around me drinking, dancing, and having fun, but I couldn’t hear them. My focus was on Logan, who stood across the room drinking beer after beer, laughing, and singing along to the music.

  “Earth to Lisa,” Kelly said, waving her hand in front of my face. Did she just get back? I was so involved in watching my dream guy, I hadn’t noticed her return.

  I blinked. “What?” I turned my head to face her, but kept my eyes glued to Logan.

  “We’re supposed to be having fun, let’s dance.” She bumped me with her hip, dancing awkwardly to the loud, bass-pumping music.

  “You go ahead. Adam said he wanted to.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Fine, stay in the corner all night, see if I care.” She walked away, but I couldn’t say which direction. My eyes were still glued to Logan while I replayed his words over and over in my head. “Oh right, you’re the girl in my dreams.”

  Martin Smith stumbled into me, breaking my gaze. I pushed him off and he fell into the wall, causing a loud thump. “Sorry,” he mumbled, stumbling away.

  I looked back at Logan and was shocked to see him staring at me. He smiled and crooked his finger, beckoning me over to him.

  I walked in a daze to the kitchen doorway where he was standing. When I stood next to him, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. The smell of cologne wafted all over him, and the scent was almost hypnotizing. He led me through the door, down the hall, and up the stairs. I know I should have said no, but I had lost the ability to speak. The boy I had dreamed about since I started at Hamilton High a year ago, the boy that every girl in school adored, had his arm wrapped around my shoulders. I wasn’t a senior, a cheerleader, or even popular, but here I was, just the two of us, alone in an upstairs hallway.

  He shoved the door open to what looked like Amanda’s bedroom. The walls were painted lilac with posters of the hottest Hollywood stars spread throughout the room. I heard the door shut behind me. He took my hand and pulled me to the bed. He sat down, patting the spot beside him. “Why am I dreaming of you?” he whispered softly, more to himself than me.

  “I…I don’t know.” Duh, was that the best I could do?

  “You have the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen. In my dreams, they’re so blue and vibrant, like an ocean on a bright, shiny day. I wake up and they’re all I can see.” His face was so close. I could smell the strong scent of beer on his breath. If it was anyone else I would have squeezed my nostrils shut.

  He reached up and lightly touched my cheek, causing an electric tingle along my skin. He gazed intently into my eyes. “And those full pink lips…” He traced his fingers along my face and paused, then gently caressed my mouth. My heart swelled four sizes, my stomach tightening into a ball of excitement. He moved in closer and touched his lips to mine, giving me the most amazing first kiss in the history of first kisses. He cupped my face with his hands and pushed me down onto the bed. Unsure of where this was going, I hesitated.

  He hovered above me. “It’s okay; I just want to be near you. I can’t believe you’re real.”

  Just as he leaned in for another kiss, my cursed phone rang. I dug into my pocket and pulled it out. “I’m sorry, it’s my mom. I have to take this. I’ll be right back.”

  He smiled and sat up, allowing me to hop off the bed. “Hurry back.”

  I snuck inside the bathroom, shutting the door behind me so she couldn’t hear the noise.


  “Lisa, why did you take so long answering your phone?” my mother asked. My little sister let out a loud wail in the background.

  “It was at the bottom of my bag, I didn’t hear it right away.” I sat down on the closed toilet lid, noticing it was cushioned with a pink doily. It was very comfortable.

  “Well, how is it going, you guys getting a lot of studying done?”

  Oh tons. “Yep. We’re just starting the Second World War now.” Behind the bathroom door, someone screamed. Another voice laughed hysterically.

  “Lisa, what was that?”

  “Oh, just a movie Amanda’s little brother is watching.” I held my breath, waiting to hear if she bought my lie.

  “Okay, but remember to be home by eleven.”

  I let out my breath in relief. “All right, Mom, I won’t be late.”

  I hung up and looked in the mirror, making sure I looked okay for the best night of my life.

  I smoothed my hair and rubbed under my eyes, seeing a tiny trace of brown eyeliner-smudge. Finally satisfied, I stepped out of the bathroom, passed a couple making out on the floor, and stepped over a pair of abandoned jeans. When I reached Amanda’s room, I took a deep breath to settle my stomach and then pushed the door open. What I saw inside would haunt me forever. Sasha Martin, the biggest ho in school, was lying on top of Logan, kissing him. But that wasn’t the worst part; he was kissing her back, his fingers tangled in her auburn hair. And as I watched, he tugged her closer with a moan and flipped her over on the bed so he could lie on top of her.

  I hurried out of the room before he saw me and laughed. Was this all a joke? All that talk about my beautiful eyes, his dreams about me, and then he starts kissing someone else? Why would he even say those things? Did he somehow know I had been dreaming of him, and this was his way to make fun of me? What did he think I would do, run in the room screaming and crying and then everyone would come in and laugh? No way in hell. Even though I was devastated, I wasn’t going to let anyone see me lose it.

  I rushed down the hallway and was just about to make it to the stairs when I ran into someone. In my haste, I hadn’t seen the body that was leaning against the wall at the top of the stairs. He was wearing a gray Hamilton High basketball sweatshirt with the hood up. I couldn’t tell who it was until he turned his head. “Oh, I’m so sorry, Ethan. I didn’t see you standing there.” He opened his mouth to reply, but I was already gone, taking the stairs two at a time. Thankfully I wouldn’t have to search for Kelly to tell her I was leaving; I spotted her near the front door having a close conversation with Adam. I took a few deep breaths to calm myself. “Kelly, I’m not feeling well. I’m going home.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”

  “I’m not sure, but I’ll call you.” As I walked away I heard her laugh at something Adam whispered in her ear.

  I walked the six blocks to my house, crying like a two-year-old. I was cold, my legs hurt, and I was desperately in pain, my chest aching as if someone had stabbed me with a knife. Was that what happened when your heart was broken; it literally throbbed with pain?

  Most of the lights were off at my house, which meant my sister must be sleeping and my parents were in the living room watching TV. How was I supposed to walk past them without being noticed? I knew that as soon as my mother saw me, she’d know that something was wrong. I wasn’t that good a liar, and I was sure my face would be a dead give away.

  I stood on the porch and peeked through a crack in the curtain. The only sound coming from the house was the drone of the TV. The whir of the cars on the highway was louder. The living room was empty; they must be in the kitchen getting a snack or a drink. My mother did like a glass of wine at night. I took my chance, since I knew there probably wouldn’t be another, and turned the doorknob slowly.

  Once inside, I shut it without a sound, thankful that my father had recently oiled the squeaky hinges.

  I heard them arguing in the kitchen—something they had been doing a lot lately—but instead of dwelling on that, I hightailed it up the stairs before I was seen.

  In my room, I stared at myself in the mirror. My face was red and puffy; my eyes were bloodshot with mascara running down my face. I looked like a psychotic clown.

  I took a wipe out of its box and rubbed my cheeks. As the makeup washed off my face, I made a promise to myself. Logan would pay for this, if it was the last thing I
ever did. I didn’t know how yet, but I wouldn’t stop until he regretted the day he messed with me.


  I have many people that helped and encouraged me to take on this new challenging career. First, I would like to thank my mother, my sisters Debbie and Brenda, and my cousin Jody for being my guinea pigs and reading this for me. Their input was a great help. And a big shout-out to my cousin and long-time best friend, Tracy, for editing and helping with the cover even though we didn’t use it.

  To my beautiful niece Courtney for being my model, and for freezing her butt off while I took her picture, twice, thank you.

  To my mother-in-law, Donna, for all of her pre-editing, and for loving it as much as I do. You made my day with your praise.

  To my husband, Brad, and children, Josh and Megan, for being patient with me while I was locked up in my room writing. I love you all.

  And I cannot forget Stephanie Mooney for creating such a great cover, and Christine Leporte for saving me, and doing the final edit.

  About the Author

  Christina Smith is a wife and mother of two. She lives in a small rural town in Ontario, Canada where she spends most of her free time writing.

  Look for her newest novel, Delusions – Book Two in the Affinity series, available now.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty


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