A Reverse Harem Romance Collection Box Set

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A Reverse Harem Romance Collection Box Set Page 26

by Lane Hart

  “You don’t like it?” Amy asks when my shoulders slump.

  “I think it’s the clothes,” I tell her since I’m wearing a plain blue t-shirt and long shorts. “And the glasses. They don’t fit the new look, you know?”

  “I guess you’re right,” she agrees. “If you want to dress up a little for your big day, we could go shopping.”

  “Seriously?” I ask her. “You want to go shopping with me?”

  “You need some dresses that show off your curves, and shoes that match. Do you really want to figure that out on your own?”

  “I’ve never owned a dress,” I admit sheepishly.

  “Then you need someone to help you decide what works and what doesn’t,” Amy replies with a smile. “Let me ask Suzanne to cover my last two appointments, and we’ll get out of here.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask. “If you have plans, then we could go some other time.”

  “No way. I’ve created a masterpiece today. What kind of godmother would I be if I sent you out into the world without finishing the job?”

  “Thank you,” I tell her with tears swimming in my eyes. “I’ve never really had any girlfriends. Not that I’ve had friends that were boys either before I moved here, but girls were awful to me in high school. In college, they mostly just ignore me, pretend like I don’t exist.”

  “That’s terrible,” Amy says. “But the guys you live with are your friends?”

  “Yeah,” I answer with even an ounce of hesitation. “Just friends, though.”

  “That may be so before today,” she replies. “But tonight, get ready to knock their socks off.”

  Chapter 18


  Tyson and I are playing an old-school version of Mortal Kombat when we hear the front door open. I’m guessing it’s Skyler since it’s too early for Graham to be out of class, and I try not to act overly concerned that she’s been gone for fucking hours. Hours! And we had no idea where she was.

  I wasn’t worried. If anything, I was pissed that she didn’t tell us where she was going on foot for half the damn day. Okay, I was worried, but I’m not really pissed. It’s her birthday, so she gets a free pass on the thousands of times I’ve looked at the clock since she left. Still, I won’t jump up and go running to wrap her in my arms to make sure she’s okay, even if that’s what my body is twitching with the urge to do.

  “Guys? I need your honest opinion, okay?” Skyler calls out to us.

  “Okay,” I yell back, trying to keep the annoyance of her unknown whereabouts out of my voice, along with the many horrible scenarios I imagined had befallen her.

  “Do I look like less of a geek?” she asks from behind the sofa.

  “Just a second,” Ty tells her before he rips out my character’s heart. “Ha-ha! Got you, motherfucker!”

  Since he just killed my fighter, I glance over my shoulder at Skyler…and the game controller falls out of my hand, hitting the hard floor, right along with my jaw. “Whoa” is the only word I’m capable of muttering.

  “Is that a good or a bad whoa?” Skyler asks with a pink flush coloring her cheeks, or maybe that’s makeup? Skyler’s wearing makeup. And a dress. A really sexy blue dress that shows…wow, really nice tits with so much more cleavage than her bathing suit or anything else she’s ever worn before. “Charlie?” she asks, blinking at me, when I don’t respond.

  Ty must finally look her way because I hear his low whistle. “Who are you and what have you done with our friend?” he asks, as I continue to stare speechlessly at the incredible transformation of Skyler. She’s always pretty damn cute, even in her pajamas, but right now, she looks…incredibly beautiful.

  “Oh, crap,” she mutters with a wince before she reaches up and removes her glasses from her face. “I should’ve put my contacts in first. They throw everything off, don’t they?” she asks.

  “I like the glasses,” I tell her when my tongue finally decides to crawl back into my mouth and work again.

  “Yeah, right,” Skyler murmurs as she looks at the pair in her hands with her cute little nose scrunched in offense. “Contacts are a pain in the ass, but probably worth it not to look like a dork. I’ll be right back. I wanna show you my new bathing suit too,” she says when she spins around on her black heels, actual high heels, and heads for the stairs, teetering on them just a little. My head tilts to the side to get a better look at her ass in the tight dress. Dammmmn.

  “Are you checking out her ass?” Ty whispers under his breath. When I glance briefly over at him, I see that he’s doing the same.

  “So are you,” I reply softly.

  “What’s gotten into her?” he turns to me and asks when she’s finally out of sight.

  “Oh, you know exactly what this is about,” I tell him. “Not what’s gotten into her but who she wants in her. Skyler’s trying to get Graham to pull his head out of his ass and see her differently.”

  “That’ll do it,” Ty mutters as he reaches down to adjust his cock, reminding me to do the same. I feel a little guilty about getting a hard-on for our friend when she obviously doesn’t want me.

  “She deserves better than him,” I grumble. “Sure, he’ll fuck her a few times, but then he’ll toss her aside like every other chick. Sky won’t recover from that.”

  “No, she won’t,” Ty agrees. “We need to run interference.”

  “We do?” I ask.

  “Yeah. We’ll remind Graham that he needs to keep his dick in his pants around her because she’s gonna help him kick ass in the summer session, so he can keep his scholarship,” Ty explains.

  “Okay. But what about Sky? Won’t she be crushed?” I ask.

  “Maybe at first, but she’ll be better off in the long run if he doesn’t crush her,” he explains, and I have to agree.

  Sky’s a sweet girl who deserves more than a few tumbles in Graham’s bed. Everyone knows what a player he is, except for her. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him with a girl for more than once. The two of them getting together would be a disaster for her heart and his scholarship.

  And I…well, dammit, I want to be with her!

  It’s crazy, but for days now I’ve been thinking about Sky in ways that I know I shouldn’t because we’re only friends, yet I can’t seem to stop. Now that I’ve seen her in specifically designed to be sexy clothes, there’s no way I’ll be able to quit thinking about kissing her or touching her.

  I need alcohol. Maybe I can drown these inappropriate feelings with vodka and forget how I always seem to want the wrong people—people who don’t want me back.

  In the kitchen, I pull out the bottle from the cabinet and then grab a shot glass. I fill it up to the top three times, throwing back each one faster.

  “Hit me,” Ty says when he comes over and slams a glass down on the counter. It takes two tries to get the liquid in his glass and pour myself another one.

  I’ve just tossed it back when Skyler walks into the kitchen in her underwear that’s, like, two sizes too small.

  “So?” she asks. “Does this look too bad to wear around the pool? It does, doesn’t it?”

  That’s a bathing suit? Sweet Jesus.

  “Never mind. I’ll stick to the one-piece,” Sky says, her shoulders deflating in disappointment when she turns to leave, and I realize it’s a thong. A thong, for fuck’s sake!

  “No!” Ty and I both yell to stop her.

  Sky looks over her shoulder at us in question. “No, I shouldn’t wear it?”

  “No, you…you should,” I say. “It’s…fine.”

  “Fine?” she repeats, glancing down at the skimpy black triangles.

  “Ty?” I ask, hoping that his vocabulary is more expansive than mine at the moment, when all the blood is rushing south to my dick.

  “Definitely…fine,” Ty agrees.

  “Is it too much ass?” Skyler asks, teasing, probably because I’m still staring at the jiggling globes. If I had to guess, Ty is too. I’m an ass man, and he’s all about tits, but Skyler’s ass is
so fucking fabulous Ty would probably gladly give up all the tits in the world just to slap it once.

  “Nope,” I reply. “Your ass is…fine.”

  “What he said,” Ty agrees.

  “Are you sure?” she asks.

  “Yes!” we both say at the same time.

  “I think I need another shot. Ty?” I ask, forcing my eyes back to the bottle.

  “God, yes.”

  “Sky? You, ah, want a shot?” I offer, while trying to shake the thoughts of doing a body shot and licking the alcohol from the crack of her ass. I have a horribly dirty mind. “It is your birthday,” I remind her when she doesn’t answer. “And Graham’s invited some people over for a party tonight to celebrate.”

  “Ugh, he really didn’t have to do that,” she says, hating the idea, just like Ty and I told Graham she would. Then she continues, “Yes. Please pour me one.”

  Sky picks up her first shot and throws it back like a pro. I’m actually proud of her. “That’s awful.” She grimaces before adding, “Keep them coming until I’m drunk enough to think this bikini is a good idea.”

  “Done,” I agree because it would be a shame for her to cover all that gorgeous skin again. She kept her amazing body hidden for over twenty years. It’s time for her to share it and create spank bank memories for horny men like me.

  “Who’s ready to go for a swim?” Ty asks, likely thinking the exact same thing.

  Chapter 19


  I’m being hypnotized by Skyler’s tits, which is so fucking wrong. I mean, I’ve seen plenty of tits before, touched dozens, and yet none had ever called to me for a motorboat like the ones exploding out of the black triangles of good girl Skyler’s brand-new string bikini. They’re so mesmerizing and mouthwatering, I’m having trouble thinking clearly. I’m also a little drunk, which doesn’t help.

  I could probably have any of the dozen or so other titties swimming around the pool like desperate sharks, but tonight, the only ones I want to see are the ones on Charlie’s sea turtle float.

  “Stop that,” Charlie snaps at me when his dripping wet body suddenly appears in front of my lounge chair, blocking my view.

  “Move,” I warn my best friend.

  “No. You need to stop staring.”


  “It’s not polite, and it will make her self-conscious. She’s our roommate. Our friend,” Charlie answers, his words slurring slightly. Lowering his voice, he adds, “And because I called dibs.”

  “What? No fucking way!” I shout.

  “Come on, man. I need this, and you know it,” Charlie whispers as he sits down on the lounge chair next to me. Craning his neck to look over his shoulder at Skyler must become uncomfortable because eventually, he stretches out for a better view. “Probably not tonight because she’s really fucking drunk, but…soon. And I called dibs the first day she got here!”

  “Fine,” I eventually grumble, temporarily accepting defeat until an incredible idea hits me. “But she’s gonna turn you down.”

  “Wow. Thanks, dickhead,” he huffs.

  “Sorry, man, but she’s too hung up on Graham. You, a mere mortal, cannot compete.”


  “But it’s theoretically possible that two mere mortals could equal one football god,” I tell him, leaving that little seed to start to grow.

  “What? Y-you can’t be serious,” Charlie sputters, lifting one of his knees to hide what I’m guessing is his growing erection at just the thought of having a threesome. “Are you talking about”—he lowers his voice—“sharing her?” Before I can respond, he bulldozes on. “I mean, yeah, Sky’s hung up on Graham, but even if she wasn’t, she’s not the type to…and even if she was, that would be weird with both of us, right?”

  “I don’t think it would be weird,” I answer. I’m confident enough in my masculinity to not be bothered by letting my friend watch me fuck a woman and get turned on by it. In fact, I’ve been thinking about having a threesome with Charlie for a while now, but had never been able to decide on the woman who would be a good fit. She’d have to be discreet, that’s for fucking sure. I wouldn’t want some slut running her mouth about it all over school, or on Facebook afterward with all the naughty details. And while we haven’t known Skyler very long, she seems like the perfect woman to keep her mouth shut if she were, in fact, into both of us.

  But then, Graham shows up to the party, effectively crushing our dreams. Even though she’s wearing her sunglasses, it’s obvious Sky can’t take her eyes off him as he walks over to us, saying hello to everyone on the way.

  “How were your classes?” Charlie asks him, his words coming out gruffer than usual.

  “Awful,” Graham answers. “I really need to let off some steam before I hit the books with Sky tonight,” he says. “Where is she anyway?”

  “Dude, it’s her birthday. Give her the fucking night off,” Charlie grumbles.

  “What he said, and listen,” I tell Graham before he can glance around and spot her. “You know she has a crush on you, so you need to make sure you don’t lead her on.”

  “I’m not,” Graham scoffs.

  “Right. Sure,” I reply sarcastically. “She’s here to tutor you, to help you pass your classes and keep your scholarship. Any misstep, and you could lose her and lose a shot at the pros…”

  “I know that,” Graham replies. “Are you already drunk?”

  “Maybe. Yes,” I answer with a nod.

  “So, will you promise us that you won’t ever lay a hand on Sky?” Charlie asks, and Graham looks first at him and then me.

  “Fine,” he huffs in agreement.

  By the time Graham answers, Sky is already off her float and stumbling up the steps of the pool, headed over. Let’s hope the jackass means what he just said because it would take a strong man to turn her down tonight.



  My brain hurts, and I’m fucking hot and horny. And what do I have planned tonight? I’m the jackass who thought we should throw a party even though I need to lock myself in a room with Skyler, on her freakin’ birthday, and study. Which is nearly impossible every night when she slips the pen between her lips each time while she waits for me to answer a question, making me think of putting something else between her lips.

  God, it’s been way too long since I’ve gotten laid. With all the pressure on me, it hasn’t been the most important thing on my mind for the last few weeks, but now I need to get some soon, so that I’ll stop thinking about hooking up with Skyler. That’s all this is. She’s just the only woman I’ve been spending my nights with, so that must be why I’m thinking all these strange things about her.

  I need a release so bad that I’ll probably take up the first woman who speaks to me, if it means no longer imagining tackling Sky down on the bed and undressing her...

  “Hey, Graham. How did ya…how did you do on your quiz?” Skyler asks from behind me, causing the heaviness in my cock to double. Wait, are her words being slurred?

  When I turn around to find out if she’s drunk or not, my eyes nearly pop out of my head. There’s so much soft skin showing. And titties. So much of her titties. It’s the smallest bikini I’ve ever seen, the fabric barely covering her nipples or pussy, and yet my fists clench with the urge to rip it off her body to see every inch.

  “What the hell are you wearing, Sky?” I snap at her, angry that she’s making this shit even harder on me by looking so damn enticing.

  “A-a bathing suit,” she answers, while beads of water drip down her cleavage. I try to force my eyes up to her face, but she looks so different, and her hair is all shiny and straight…

  “That’s…that’s not a bathing suit,” I tell her with a bark of laughter. “You need to cover the hell up and now! Do you have any idea what guys think when they look at you wearing that?” I hiss at her.

  “Charlie and Tyson said it looked fine,” she replies softly.

  “Calm the fuck down, man. It’s her birt
hday,” Charlie reiterates when he tries to get to his feet but falls back down into the lounge chair.

  Oh, I bet they did say she looked fucking fine. I glare at those two dipshits before I jerk my shirt off and slap it against Sky’s wet chest to cover her up. “Get in the house and change. I can’t look at you when you look like…”

  “Like what?” she asks. “A girl with boobs?”

  “No, a slut,” I tell her, and then instantly want to take the words back.

  Sky gasps at my insult before she turns around and storms off into the pool house, giving me a nice view of the string that’s riding up her ass, even more indecent than her top.

  Jesus! What the hell was she thinking walking around like that?

  “Way to go, dickhead,” Charlie says with a shove to my shoulder.

  “Wait. I didn’t mean that –” I try to explain before Ty interrupts me.

  “You’re an asshole,” he says, scowling at me before the two of them go after her.

  Chapter 20


  I’m such an idiot. Did I really think changing my hair and clothes would make Graham see me differently? He’s never gonna want me the way I want him, so it’s time for me to give up and get the hell over it.

  When the pool house door starts to open I shout, “Please, just go away!” and try to mop up my tears with Graham’s shirt that he tried to cover me with.

  Ty and Charlie don’t listen. They barge right in on me having a breakdown, shutting the door behind them.

  “Sky, forget him,” Charlie says, as he comes over and wraps his arms around me, pressing me to his chest while I cry into the shirt in my hands.

  “Yeah, he’s not worth it,” Ty adds, moving up behind me, sandwiching me between the two men while I sob.

  “There are plenty of men out there who noticed you before you changed your hair or clothes, and they want you with the glasses,” Charlie says.


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