A Reverse Harem Romance Collection Box Set

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A Reverse Harem Romance Collection Box Set Page 32

by Lane Hart

  “You two are jackasses!” she whisper-yells at us.

  “What did we do?” Ty asks, his Adam’s apple bobbing nervously. He thinks she knows what we were just up to, I’m sure.

  Giving his shoulders a shove and then turning to glare at me, she says, “Why did you tell Graham to stay away from me?”

  “Oh, that,” Ty says, exhaling visibly in relief. “We were trying to look out for you.”

  “I don’t need you to look out for me. You knew how I felt about him and yet you intentionally tried to keep us apart!” she argues. “But, I do sort of need a favor right now, so I’m willing to almost forgive you if you will help me.”

  “What’s up?” I ask with concern.

  “Graham and I were together earlier,” she says, as she gnaws nervously on her bottom lip. “I’m not sure how it happened, but it did, and I was stupid…”

  “What do you mean?” Ty asks, brows furrowed in worry because that’s what he does best—worry.

  “Can you go to the pharmacy for me?” Skyler asks, looking between the two of us.

  “Why?” I ask, still a little ticked off that she fucked him behind our backs, even though it’s hypocritical.

  “I need the morning-after pill. Or the right after pill, in this case,” she explains in a rush.

  “He didn’t use a condom?” I exclaim in disbelief.

  “Shh! He’ll be coming in any minute, and I have to get upstairs to help him study. Please, Charlie? Ty?”

  “Fine,” Ty concedes, giving in first. “Let’s go,” he says to me.

  “Thank you, guys! I owe you big time, even if I’m still pissed at you!”

  “Yeah, you do,” I tell her before I follow Ty to his car.

  As soon as we’re inside and he cranks it, he turns to me and says, “Do you think she’s really mad at us?”

  “Yes, but she’ll understand where we were coming from once he stomps on her heart.”

  “True,” Ty agrees with a heavy exhale. Then, he asks, “Should we have told her about us?”

  Thinking it over for a few seconds, I finally say, “What does it matter now? That ship has sailed.”



  “Bad news,” I say to Sky, when we finally catch her alone in the kitchen after Charlie and I drove around for hours.

  “What’s up? Did you get the pill?” she whispers, her eyes searching our hands for it.

  “They were sold out,” I tell her with a sympathetic cringe.

  “Oh, my God! Did you go to another pharmacy?”

  “We went to every pharmacy in a sixty-mile radius,” Charlie explains to her. “All sold out. Must be a lot of stupid girls around town.”

  “Charlie!” Sky huffs. “It was an accident! A one-time, stupid accident.”

  Wow, doesn’t that sound oddly similar to what I said to Charlie about him and me earlier.

  “Someone has to have the freaking pill in stock!” she exclaims, face panicking.

  “They’re getting one in,” I tell her. “But since it’s the holiday weekend, it won’t be here until Monday morning.”

  “No!” she whines, covering her face with her hands. “That’s too late! Crap! This is what I get for being so reckless!”

  “It’s gonna be okay, Sky,” I assure her, even though I can’t guarantee that.

  “Sure, it will,” Charlie agrees. “Who doesn’t love babies?”

  Sky lowers her hands to look at him, and then her face goes so pale I worry she’s gonna pass out.

  “I can’t have a baby! What if I inherited the crazy gene?” she asks.

  “You didn’t inherit the crazy gene,” I tell her. “And we’ll get it Monday morning, and you can take it then. Try not to stress about it so much.”

  “Easy for you to say,” she huffs. “What if you were the one I had been with without a condom?”

  I shiver at the thought before I ask, “Are you gonna tell Graham?”

  “What? God, no!” she yells. “He has enough to worry about juggling four classes and exams coming up soon. I won’t worry him unless there’s something to worry about in a few weeks.”

  “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” Charlie agrees.

  “I can’t believe that just a few weeks ago I was a virgin, and now…now, I’ve had sex with three men, and there’s a chance I could be knocked up!”

  “It’s a small chance,” I assure her.

  “Very small,” Charlie agrees. “You shouldn’t even worry about it. Just enjoy the weekend, and let Graham take your mind off of worrying. How long have you been waiting for him to want you?” he reminds her. “And now he does! Don’t waste another second thinking about hypotheticals when you could be experiencing the reality you’ve always wanted.”

  “Yeah, okay,” Sky says as she blinks back the moisture in her eyes. “Thanks, guys. But I’m still pretty angry at you.” She gives us both a quick hug before she walks away, right into the arms of another man.

  I have a feeling that everything has changed now, and while I’m happy for Sky, I’m not sure what it means for Charlie and me. We’ll just have to wait and see how things go down, and be there to pick our friend back up after Graham crushes her.

  Chapter 30


  “Wake up, sweetheart,” Tyson’s deep soothing voice says. “Time to take your pill.”

  The reminder of “the pill” has me springing up into a sitting position so fast that Ty groans when my elbow slams into his flesh.

  “Crap, sorry,” I tell him as I turn to face him, still clutching the sheets to my naked breasts. His hand is clenching his stomach, where I must have hit because he was lying right behind me in bed.

  “His fault for waking you up,” Charlie tells me with a grin from the other side of the bed. “Here you go.” He holds out a bottle of water to me, along with a foil pill wrapper that’s already been open.

  Right, the morning-after pill that the pharmacy had to wait to get in. Or more like the several days after pill now. God, I hope it still works. All weekend long, I wanted to be happy that Graham and I were finally together, but I couldn’t with the black cloud of worry hanging over my head.

  “Thanks, guys,” I say as I let go of the sheets to grab the water and toss the pill back. “You’re almost forgiven.”

  “Good, because there was a lot of noise coming out of this room all weekend,” Ty says while he brushes the hair away from my bare shoulder to place a kiss on it. And then another. “Charlie and I have some catching up to do.”

  Oh, no.

  It suddenly hits me that Ty and Charlie are in my bed this morning, not just to give me my pill but because they think that we’re gonna pick right back up where we left off, like most other mornings after Graham leaves for class.

  “We can’t do this anymore,” I blurt out while pulling the sheets back up over my bare breasts.

  “I knew it!” Charlie exclaims before he climbs off the bed. “I told him that now that you’re with Graham, the three of us are done and over, and he didn’t listen!”

  “Come on, sweetheart,” Ty says, grabbing my chin and turning it so that I’m looking at him. “This thing with Graham is temporary. It’s not gonna last.”

  “It’s just temporary with you and Charlie too!” I remind him, hurt that he thinks Graham is gonna move on from me soon.

  “For now, yeah. But it doesn’t have to be,” Ty says. “You could transfer to Freemont and stay here with us permanently.”

  “You want me to transfer and move here, just so you two can keep fooling around together without feeling so ashamed or guilty?” I ask, while looking between the two men. “You don’t need me. You should be together if you want to be together.”

  “It’s not the same without you,” Ty mutters.

  “He doesn’t let me touch him on the weekends when Graham’s home and the three of us aren’t fucking,” Charlie explains.

  “Threesomes require three people,” Ty responds through gritted teeth. “Not tw
o, especially when there are only two dicks involved.”

  “Ty…” I start, trying to figure out how to convince him that it’s okay to be with his friend if that’s what they both want, and why I can’t be with them. “I know that just because Graham is having sex with me doesn’t mean that he cares about me the same way that I care about him, but I can’t be with you or Charlie while I’m with him.”

  “We could just tell him the truth about what we’ve been doing,” Ty threatens, his jaw ticking because he’s pissed at me.

  “No, we won’t,” Charlie says with a sigh. “Because if you run your mouth to Graham about being with Sky, then I’ll tell him what we’ve done together.”

  Great, now he’s threatening Ty.

  “Guys, can you both just calm down? No one needs to tell Graham anything, okay? This is all getting way too complicated, so maybe it’s best that we end it now, so we can stay friends.”

  “Best for you because you’re getting what you want, but what about Charlie and me?” Ty yells when he gets to his feet, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he towers over me on the bed.

  “I’m sorry,” I tell him honestly. “Please don’t be upset with me. You’re my best friend. Both of you are!”

  “No, we were just the consolation prize until the jackpot finally woke up and wanted you. But it’s not gonna last, and I’m not gonna wait around for you to cry on my shoulder when it all blows up in your face!” Ty shouts before he walks out of the room.

  “Sorry, Sky,” Charlie says softly once he’s gone. “I think he’s just mad at himself right now. He’ll get over it. Probably.”

  “Yeah,” I say through a sniffle. My eyes start to tear up because now our friendship is ruined, and it’s not like I have a lot of those to spare.

  “Maybe he’s wrong about Graham,” Charlie adds. “I wasn’t ready for this to end either, but I get it. You need to do what’s best for you.”

  “Thanks, Charlie,” I tell him as I huddle under the sheets and cry.

  Graham and I are finally together, which is what I’ve always dreamed of. I’m supposed to be the happiest I’ve ever been, but right now, all I am is sad that I’m losing a friend that I desperately need just to have the man I want.



  When I walk out of Sky and Graham’s room, Ty is already dressed and headed down the stairs in a hurry.

  “Ty, wait! Where are you going?” I ask, as I jog after him and catch him at the front door.

  “Gym,” he says.

  “Please just stay and talk to me,” I beg him.

  “Talk about what?” he snaps. “You heard her. We’re done.”

  “You and I don’t have to be done,” I point out.

  “Yes, we do,” he says, his words like a punch to my gut.

  “She was only gonna be here for a few weeks,” I remind him. “Is that all this was? A summer threesome fling? Because if so, why the hell are you so damn upset that she called it quits?”

  “I…” he starts, and then stabs his fingers through the front of his long hair. “It just caught me off guard. I’m fine. I’m over it.”

  “Bullshit,” I scoff. “You’re pissed, and you’re not over anything.”

  “I just need to wrap my head around it. That’s all,” he mutters through clenched teeth.

  “It doesn’t have to end. Not with you and me, at least. We can give it a try…”

  “No,” he snaps.

  “Why the hell not?” I ask.

  “Why not?” he repeats. “Really, Charlie? Well, let’s see. How about because we both love pussy and neither of us has one?”

  “So?” I ask. “We could try to find another woman…”


  “Or experiment a little without…”

  “Hell no.”

  “So that’s it?” I ask. “We’re done. You and Skyler have the final say, and I just have to suck it up and get over it?”

  “If Sky’s calling it quits, then I have to too. There’s just no other option, okay?”

  “Fuck you, Ty,” I throw back at him. “If that’s what you want, then so be it. But don’t end this just because you’re worried about putting some label on it, or what people will think or say. Fuck them and fuck you, if you’re that damn stubborn!”

  Chapter 31


  “God, I missed you today,” I tell Skyler when I tackle her down on my bed and kiss her.

  It’s hard to concentrate in class when my mind keeps replaying all the times we’ve been together the past few weeks, over and over again, remembering every single detail of each incredible time with Skyler.

  That’s never happened to me before. I’ve been with a lot of women but none that warranted a second thought afterward. Maybe because they were unrememberable. Unremarkable. But having Sky in my arms is like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Probably because I know her better than all the other women I’ve been with combined, and she knows me. Not only does she know the best parts of me but also the worst parts as well, yet she still wants me.

  While our time together in bed is hot and filled with passion, some of my favorite times are when we’re just lying there, wrapped up in each other, learning about the past few years—the things we don’t share on social media. Each moment just makes me fall that much harder for her, but I’m not sure how to tell her how I’m feeling.

  “How was…class?” she asks me between kisses.

  “Boring,” I reply, as my lips move down her neck and my hands go to work getting her shirt off. “Best part was thinking about doing this with you.”

  “No, Graham,” Sky says, as she squirms out of her top and then tugs my shirt over my head. “You’re supposed to be focused on the lectures.”

  “Impossible.” My mouth moves lower, down her stomach, and I remove her bottoms, jerking her shorts and panties down her legs at the same time. “How can I concentrate on anything when I know this sweet pussy is waiting on me?”

  “If you make below a B…on any assignments…I’m revoking…your privileges,” she tells me between panting breaths as I place hot, wet kisses on the insides of her thighs and pelvis, everywhere except for where I know she really wants a kiss. “Please, Graham!” She lifts her hips, begging, after a few more near misses.

  “Please what?” I ask because I love to hear naughty words from her good girl mouth. I’d really like to fill that good girl mouth with cock one of these days, but right now, I need to get her wet and ready, so I can fuck her.

  “Please make me come,” she says in a rush.

  “How?” I run my index finger teasingly through her damp slit, making her squirm. “Tell me exactly what you need, baby.”

  “Your tongue,” she says.

  “What do you want my tongue to do?” I ask before fluttering the tip over her clit a few times.

  “Oh God!” Sky cries out and then cups the back of my head to push my mouth back down toward her pussy. “That! Please keep doing that!”

  I sink a finger inside of her tight heat while my tongue batters her clit, until she’s bearing down and squeezing my finger when she comes with a shout of my name.

  Unable to wait any longer, I roll off the side of the bed to undo my cargo shorts and start taking them and my shoes off while rounding up a condom from the bedside table. Sheathed and ready to go, I crawl up between Sky’s still spread thighs and rub my cock over her wet cunt a few times before I slam home. A low, grateful moan climbs up my throat because of how damn tight she still is, even after all the times I’ve been inside of her.

  “You feel so fucking good,” I tell her as I swivel my hips and wait for her to adjust to my size. Leaning down, I kiss her parted lips and say, “I swear you were made for me, baby. So glad you wanted me to be your first.”

  I lift my head when I think she can take a few pumps of my hips and freeze when I finally notice the redness around her eyes and the shimmer they have to them as she looks up at me.

  “What’s wro
ng?” I ask frantically, worried I hurt her.

  “It’s…nothing,” she replies with a shake of her head on the pillow between sniffles, telling me there’s obviously something wrong.

  “Talk to me,” I tell her, using my thumb to wipe away the dampness on her cheek. “Do you want me to stop?”

  “No. Just keep going,” she says.

  “Not until you tell me why you’re crying.”

  “I wasn’t a virgin!” she chokes out. “Our first time wasn’t my first time.”

  “Okay,” I reply in confusion. And yeah, I thought I was her first, but I wasn’t sure, and she didn’t say anything at the time or afterward. “That’s okay, Sky. I wasn’t either,” I add with a smile.

  “I know that,” she says with a roll of her eyes. “Did you want me to be, though?”

  “I would’ve liked to have been your first,” I admit. “But only because that would mean I wouldn’t have anyone else to try and live up to.”

  “You have a lot for me to live up to,” Sky says.

  “Not as many as you think,” I assure her. “I’ve always been pretty selfish with random women who ask to come home with me.”

  “What does that mean?” she asks.

  “They blow me, but I don’t give them anything in return,” I explain. “And yeah, that makes me sound like an asshole. Guess I am.”

  “No, you’re not,” she says. “You’re very generous with me.”

  “Because I really like you and I want to take care of you,” I tell her. “I’ve only gone down on maybe two other girls before.”

  “Oh,” she says.

  “Was I at least the first to tongue fuck you?” I ask.

  She shakes her head no.

  “Second?” I ask.

  “Third,” she answers.

  “Well damn,” I mutter with a grin, burying my face in her neck to kiss her and try to tamp down my jealousy at the same time. “I would’ve liked to have been the only man to give you something you’ve never had before. Do you have any firsts left that I could maybe try to earn?”


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