Trusting the Dragon Prince

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Trusting the Dragon Prince Page 14

by Rinelle Grey

  She lifted her chin and glared at him. “Are you trying to blackmail me? Do you really think that’s going to work?”

  She could see the change in his expression. Some of his confidence slipped, and his mouth twisted in a sneer. “You’re not naive enough to think he’s going to stay around, are you? He’s going to realise quickly enough that you’re nothing but a failure. The only good thing you’ve ever managed to achieve was marrying me, and now you’ve thrown that away.”

  Rylee told herself that he was just trying to make her feel small. That was how he kept winning, by trying to convince her it was all her fault.

  But the words hurt. They always had.

  Maybe because, deep down, she thought them too. She’d never achieved anything in her life.

  Why did she think that was going to change now?

  Chapter 26

  Rylee had given Calrian no sign she wanted assistance. She couldn’t reply to his dragon speech question, of course, but if she wanted help, she would let him know, wouldn’t she? He didn’t want to interfere if she didn’t wish him to. This was her business, not his.

  But when Eric called her a failure, he couldn’t stay silent any longer. Fury built up in him that anyone would try to make Rylee feel inferior.

  Because he could see it was what this man was trying to do.

  Calrian had seen his type before. Now he understood Rylee’s concerns about dragon mating. No one would want to be stuck with a jerk like Eric.

  Calrian took a deep breath, pulling his anger under control before he stepped out of the bedroom door and quietly took up a place behind Rylee. “How dare you insult Rylee,” he said, glaring at Eric. “She is one of the kindest, bravest, most successful people I know.”

  Eric stared at him for a moment, his eyes widening a little. Calrian was at least a head taller than he was, and certainly more muscular. Calrian hoped he felt intimidated. He deserved to.

  Eric’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed, but he recovered quickly. His lips twisted in a sneer as he said, “You certainly have him fooled, don’t you, Rylee? I didn’t think you were good enough in bed for that.”

  This man just didn’t know when to quit. Calrian glanced at Rylee, searching her face for some indication of what she wanted. He would throw this man out forcibly if that was her wish. But not without some indication from her.

  Her face was bright red, and she wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Just go,” she said to Eric, her voice pleading.

  “You’re telling me to go? You’re my wife, Rylee. He’s the one you should be telling to go.”

  Her request was enough encouragement for Calrian. “The lady just asked you to leave,” he said, his voice flat. “I suggest you do so before I have to make you.”

  Eric raised a haughty eyebrow. “Was that a threat?”

  “Take it however you want,” Calrian said unfazed. “But know this, I will defend Rylee to my dying breath. Make very sure you are prepared to do the same before you challenge me.”

  Calrian’s glare must have convinced the man he spoke the truth, because Eric took a step backwards. He glanced from Rylee, to Calrian, then back again. He gave an uncertain laugh. “Where’d you find this guy, Rylee? Is he for real?”

  Rylee looked at Calrian, her expression a mixture of gratitude and awe. Then she glared at Eric. “Do you really want to find out?”

  Eric eyed Calrian one more time, his head shaking almost involuntarily. He took a few more steps back before saying, “You’ve made a mistake threatening me. You haven’t heard the last of this.”

  He turned and walked away, but any feeling of satisfaction Calrian felt was marred by his parting words. Calrian wasn’t sure if he’d helped or made the situation worse.

  Rylee closed the door behind him and then sank against it, her whole body shaking.

  Calrian couldn’t help himself. The need to comfort her, to protect her, overwhelmed him. He pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “It’ll be all right. I won’t let him bother you ever again,” he said firmly.

  She started crying then, great gulping sobs that made Calrian’s heart constrict. She clung to him as if he were her only safety in a storm.

  Not knowing what else to do, Calrian held her, murmuring words of comfort.

  Eventually, her tears subsided, and she pulled back, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. “Sorry for falling apart like that. He just…” She trailed off, waving her hand as though Calrian could guess what she meant.

  Which he could. “He is not a nice person,” he said flatly.

  Rylee gave him a wan smile at that. “No, he seems to know exactly how to press my buttons.” She broke off then, staring at Calrian. “It was very nice of you to come to my defence. To say such kind things about me.”

  “I meant every word,” Calrian said firmly. Rylee needed someone to tell her, that much was clear. Her ex-husband certainly wouldn’t, and he suspected her father never had either. She deserved to know.

  But Rylee was shaking her head. “I’m not brave,” she said. “Not successful either.” She turned away from him as though embarrassed by that fact.

  Calrian took her shoulders and turned her back towards him, staring into her eyes. “Standing up to a man like that was most certainly brave. Bravery isn’t about not being afraid, it’s about doing what you know is right even when you are afraid.”

  Rylee gave him a half smile at that. “Have you been reading motivational posters?” she asked, her voice holding a note of teasing.

  Calrian had no idea what she meant. But he wasn’t going to let her laugh this off. “It is the truth, Rylee. Every warrior knows it. Do you think I felt fearless when I faced Ultrima in battle? No, I was terrified. But I knew it was the right thing to do, and it had to be done. So I did it.”

  An inkling of understanding crept into her eyes. “But you weren’t afraid standing up to Eric here today. He stood no chance against you.”

  “No, I wasn’t.” Calrian shook his head. “I wasn’t the one who was brave today. You were.”

  He could see the war on her face, an understanding of the truth battling with her lack of belief in herself. The truth might not win this time, but if Calrian repeated it enough, eventually it would. Because Rylee was strong. He could see that in her. She could never have survived what she had if she were not.

  And he wanted to help her realise that. Because that truth was far stronger than any enemy she would ever face. It would give her the strength to do what had to be done, no matter how hard or terrifying it was.

  She was shaking her head, her mind refusing the see the truth. “I stood up to Eric because I had to protect Rowan, not because I’m brave. But Eric’s right, I can’t give him all the things he could have if I went back. And when Dad finds out about you, we might not even have a home here anymore. What am I going to do then? Eric’s right, I’m a failure.”

  It was going to be hard for her to fight through these insecurities. Calrian could see that. But he would not let her continue to belittle herself.

  “In my clan, success is not a measure of how much gold you have, or how nice your home is. It’s about earning the respect of your clan members and, even more importantly, of yourself. It is a goal that can take us a lifetime, but it is a far greater treasure than any physical jewel.”

  Rylee was staring at him, her eyes wide. For a moment, he thought she’d gotten it, that she understood. But then she shook her head and smiled slightly teasingly. “I thought dragons were supposed to hoard great piles of gold? That’s what all the stories say.”

  He wanted to push her to accept the truth, but he knew deep down that she wasn’t ready yet. He had to take comfort in the fact that she’d taken the first steps on that journey and accept that it would be a long road.

  So he returned her smile slightly ruefully. “Some dragons have collected rather a lot of wealth, it is true. Some even guard it jealously. But they do not usually earn the respect of their clan members for it. In fact,
many of them end up leaving over the problems it causes.”

  Rylee grimaced. “I guess that means you don’t have a stash of gold hidden somewhere to fulfill all my dreams then.” She was teasing, but there was a note of disappointment in her voice.

  “I’m afraid not,” Calrian said apologetically. He only wished he had something to offer her, something that might make up for all the troubles he’d caused. But he was on his own. He was dependent on her, not the other way around.

  But all that could change if he found his clan. Which he was going to do.

  Now he had even more reason to find them. He needed to, not only for himself, but so that he could help Rylee.

  He took both her hands in his and stared at her solemnly. “If I do manage to find my clan, you and Rowan will always be welcome there. I respect you, and the choices you have made, and I know my clan would too.”

  He had no doubts about that.

  Chapter 27

  Rylee stared at Calrian, surprised and touched by his offer. Being welcome in his clan had never occurred to her as an option.

  Even if they did find them though, she wasn’t sure it was really possible. His clan was obviously hidden, and hidden well, since even he couldn’t find them, and no humans had any knowledge of their existence. Taking Rowan there was fraught with many problems, not the least being it would be hard to send him to school, and she wasn’t sure how he would find friends.

  Not to mention the fact that her presence there could put the dragons under threat of being discovered.

  But none of that mattered right now. Calrian needed to find his clan before that was even an option. And to do that, he needed to have his magic back.

  If Eric did as he’d threatened and told her father about Calrian’s presence, he would be here any minute, angry and demanding. They didn’t have much time.

  Hopefully they would have long enough.

  She didn’t want to have to rush this, but she wasn’t sure what other choice they had.

  “If we’re going to find your clan, we need to…” she cleared her throat, embarrassment creeping in. “Uh… mate…”

  Calrian’s eyes darkened, the sea blue whirling, and he stared at her, his gaze intense. “Perhaps now is not the best time…” he started.

  Rylee refused to listen to his protests. They didn’t have time.

  Instead she stepped forwards, closing the distance between them, and put her finger on his lips. “Arguing is just wasting time. My father could be back at any moment. I want to do this for you, Calrian. I want to share this with you.”

  If only her father hadn’t interrupted them, they would have been done by now.

  Calrian would have his strength back.

  And be on his way to find his clan. Without her.

  Or maybe not if his earlier offer had been genuine. Did it indicate that he cared for her?

  What would it mean if he did?

  Rylee shook her head. She didn’t have time to think about the consequences or agonise over every possible outcome of this decision. She needed to act. Now.

  So while Calrian was still staring at her doubtfully, she stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

  As her lips touched his, she could feel his objections melting away under the sizzling desire that claimed both of them. His arms went around her, pulling her hard up against his body, and he gave a groan of surrender.

  This time, there was no time for words. As the passion consumed her, Rylee’s surroundings, the threat of her father’s arrival, Eric’s words, all those faded away into the background.

  All she was aware of was Calrian’s hands sweeping down to her waist, leaving scorching trails of need across her body, his mouth and tongue licking and sucking her lips, the feel of his body, hard and hot under her hands.

  And Rylee felt more alive than she ever had in her life. This was what it was about, this intense, blinding craving, this feeling of being part of something bigger than herself, feeling like she knew and trusted someone enough to let down all her barriers, knowing that they’d never hurt her.

  This was what she had been longing for her whole life and never found.

  And now that she’d found it, it wasn’t hers to keep. That fact added a bittersweet taste of scarcity to the passion. A need to grasp every bit she could before it was gone.

  It made her all the more desperate.

  Rylee’s breath was ragged as Calrian ran his hands up under her blouse, caressing her bare back. She risked parting her lips from his just long enough to pull it off over her head, then sought out his touch again, finding him by instinct, kissing him urgently.

  Her hands slid down to his buttocks, running over their firm curves, massaging their roundness. Mostly though, pulling him against her as though she could somehow merge them into one.

  With Eric, sex had always been a long, slow attempt to work herself up enough to perform. Never had it been like this, hot and heady, all there waiting for her without any effort. Never had she felt anything like this urgency, this delicious, undeniable surge of anticipation.

  Calrian’s hands ran across the silky fabric of her bra, snagging her nipples, stopping to rub and tease them, sending rivers of feeling down to her core. She couldn’t help the moan that escaped her lips, pressing her body even harder up against his. He tugged at her bra, as though trying to figure out how to remove it, and Rylee twisted around to undo the clasp.

  That was better. Now her naked chest was pressed up against his bare torso, and his hands had free reign to caress her all over, which only made her need grow. “Calrian,” she gasped against his lips, not pausing to try to make the word clearer. Not even sure what she was trying to say.

  His hand tangled in her hair, his lips writhing against hers. His other hand slid down into her jeans, caressing her butt, driving her wild.

  Rylee pulled back, taking the opportunity to gasp a few breaths of fresh air as she unbuttoned her jeans and pulled her remaining clothes off.

  Calrian watched her, his eyes whirling, his gaze intense. “You’re beautiful, Rylee.”

  That made her blush. An automatic denial rose on her lips, and for some reason, she smothered it. Just this once she was going to let herself believe him without questioning. Without doubting.

  She wasn’t going to let reality intrude on this beautiful, wonderful daydream. So she smiled shyly at him and moved closer.

  Calrian paused to remove his own pants, and Rylee felt her eyes widening as she stared at him. He was stunning. Gorgeous.

  He pulled her close, and the feel of his whole body, warm and hard against her, felt right. More right than anything had ever felt before. Rylee could get used to this.

  But that would be dangerous. Better to remember it as an amazing, exotic detour.

  Tomorrow she was going to have to worry about what she was going to do with her life, how she was going to deal with all the problems on the horizon, but right now, none of that mattered. All that she cared about was Calrian and the desire surging through her.

  Now that she was naked, his hands were free to roam her whole body unhindered, and Rylee was surprised at the places he touched that had never struck her as erotic before. But his hands caressing her hip or her shoulder were somehow just as intense as when he cupped her breasts or slid down her thighs.

  The more he touched her, the more it left her wanting. It wasn’t enough. It didn’t satisfy the craving that surged through her.

  Now Rylee wondered if they should have taken this to the bedroom sooner. They’d have to pause to move that distance now, and she didn’t want any chance for this passion to cool. But she had no idea how to get any closer to him standing here in the middle of the kitchen.

  And she wanted to be closer. Now.

  As if reading her mind, Calrian’s hands gripped her butt, and he lifted her body against him. Rylee gave a gasp of surprise and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, revelling in the closeness.

  Yes, this was what she wanted, wha
t she needed.

  For a moment she wondered if Calrian could hold them both, but before she could part her lips from his to ask, she felt the coolness of the laminate kitchen counter against her skin as he settled her on the edge.

  Feeling more secure, Rylee abandoned herself to the moment. She tightened her legs around his waist, trying to pull him closer, to bring him into her. That was what she wanted, what she craved.

  Calrian hesitated for a moment, pulling back just a little to search her eyes, but what he saw there must have satisfied him because he smiled and bent to kiss her again, his lips hot and fevered.

  His body between her thighs teased at her, his hardness pressed up against her core, sending need pulsing through her in waves. Rylee wriggled against him, trying to indicate that she wanted all of him, trying to show her impatience.

  Calrian took the hint. He moved slowly, nudging between her thighs, teasing at her opening.

  Rylee threw back her head, not even trying to stifle the moan of desire and anticipation. Her fingers clutched at his shoulders, trying to pull him closer into herself. It was impossible to believe that feelings like this existed, and that she’d never known about it.

  But they were nothing compared to the heat flooding through her as Calrian slid into her, filling her and completing her in a way she’d never even imagined. It felt right. Exquisite. Perfect.

  Rylee savoured the feeling, storing it up, committing every bit of it to memory, drawing everything she could into her.

  Then Calrian began to thrust, slowly at first, but with quickly building intensity.

  Rylee found herself pulling him closer, one hand gripping his broad shoulders, the other tangling in his hair. She gasped and moaned with every thrust, her body meeting his with reckless abandon. The past and the future all faded away, and there was only the right here and now, and the feelings Calrian was creating in her body.

  Desire rose in her far more quickly than she’d expected, spilling over with spasms that wracked her body. Rylee gasped out Calrian’s name over and over as she clung to him, her rock in the passionate storm washing over her.


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