Trusting the Dragon Prince

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Trusting the Dragon Prince Page 38

by Rinelle Grey

  Sarian’s expression hardened. “You don’t get it. You think everything is going to be okay because they’re your people. Because they’d never round you up and kill you all. You’re one of them. But we’re not. We’re different. Scary. A threat. And if they decide we’re too much of a threat, they could just wipe us out. Their weapons are more than capable of it, and they’ve already tried it once before. That’s pretty permanent.”

  Rylee could hear the helplessness in her voice and see it in the slump of her shoulders.

  Her fears seemed insurmountable.

  Rylee’s fears had once felt that way too.

  “Your logic is telling you there aren’t any other options. That if you don’t do this, everything will crumble around you. I’ve been there. I’ve had no home, no family, and no hope. I, too, thought I had no choice but to put up with someone who treated me badly—either my father or my ex-husband—if I wanted to provide a home for my child. I couldn’t see any other options.”

  In spite of herself, Sarian’s face softened. Rylee saw her take a little step outside of her own fear and pain to listen. “What did you do?”

  “I trusted,” Rylee said, hoping the answer wasn’t going to be too simple for the princess. “I took a chance on love, and on doing what I believed was right, and I threw my father’s attempt at control right back in his face. I accepted that I could handle having no home if it meant I could stay true to who I was and what I believed. I trusted that Calrian and I could find a way.”

  It had been so long ago. It was hard, looking back, to remember how desperate it had all felt, and how terrified she’d been when she’d made that choice. They’d stayed here, in Calrian’s lair, even though it was empty, and Rylee had been happier than she’d ever been before in her life.

  Sarian was still on the other side though, afraid to take the leap. She looked at Rylee as though she was crazy. “You’re saying I should reject Ultrima and just trust he’s not going to try to wipe out my clan, or try to goad the humans into doing it?”

  Rylee smiled. “I think you’re pretty safe in trusting that. No matter what else he’s done, Ultrima has never wavered from insisting he loves you. Not only that, but he clearly believes in love in general. Look at how he’s encouraged your siblings to pursue their mates. I think refusing him now is a pretty safe bet.”

  She could see the indecision on Sarian’s face. On one hand, Rylee knew her logic made sense. On the other, taking a risk on that fact was terrifying, especially because of the weight of responsibility that rested on Sarian’s slender shoulders.

  Rylee suspected she knew how to push the princess over the edge.

  “Beyond all that though,” she said softly, “You need to trust yourself. You are going to be queen. Can you really respect yourself if you let yourself be blackmailed into mating? Can your clan? And if you let Ultrima win this battle, is it really going to be you ruling your clan or him?”

  That got through to Sarian. Rylee could see the recognition in her eyes.

  And her voice, when she spoke, was less certain and more open. “So you think I should defiantly refuse Ultrima and trust things will work out? Without even a plan to go on?”

  Rylee smiled. “I didn’t say you shouldn’t have a plan. I’m sure your family are standing by, waiting to help you make one. But you can’t possibly recognise that plan if you’re comparing it to the certainty of mating Ultrima. It’s only once you reject that option that you open up other ones.”

  Sarian stared at her for a few long moments before nodding, slowly at first and then with more certainty. “You are right,” she said firmly. “Rian clan is strong. We will find a way to make this work, maybe even to turn it to our advantage.”

  Rylee’s heart lifted. “I’m sure you will.”

  Sarian regarded her thoughtfully for a few moments and then surprised Rylee by saying, “I hope you are planning to remain here. Our clan elders… well… they have done well resisting Trima clan all this time, but they lack the optimism you seem to have in abundance. I could do with someone with experience to advise me. We all could.”

  Rylee stared at her, aware her jaw was hanging open. That was the last thing she’d expected.

  She’d come here half afraid there was no place for her in Calrian’s clan. The most she’d ever hoped for was some sort of acceptance.

  But this…

  “I… I don’t know what to say, Princess,” she stammered. “I have a home… a family…”

  Those objections seemed inadequate.

  And in her heart, Rylee knew it was her own fears that were tugging her away from this life. She knew deep down, despite all the wonderful things that had happened to her, she had never truly let go of her fears.

  She feared not being good enough. For Calrian and for the life he’d given her. She’d clung to the trappings of Dragon Island and the success it represented, but in reality she’d always felt that she’d risen to where she was based on pure luck, due to the lotto win and then Calrian’s investment success.

  But Rylee had never really stopped fearing something would come along and rip it out of her hands.

  Was it any wonder that when Calrian’s clan had reappeared, she’d been afraid they would be the ones to do it?

  But what if this was just her next opportunity?

  She’d just told the princess she needed to put her trust in love and in doing what was right. Could Rylee do any less? If she did the same, she might just find even greater happiness than she already had. Or she could lose it all.

  “Of course you have a home and a family,” Sarian said softly. “You have one here in Rian clan. Your children do too.”

  Her words sparked something in Rylee’s heart. At first they hurt, reminding her of how much her father and Eric had hurt her. That pain was always there, lurking in the back of her mind. But now she had something to replace it.

  Loving Calrian and raising a family together had begun to heal that pain.

  Could helping his clan find their place in the world complete it? Rylee stared at Sarian, disconcerted. Perhaps the young dragon princess was wise as well.

  “Thank you,” Rylee said softly. “I think I might like that.”

  Chapter 73

  Calrian pretended to listen to the elder, Ostrian, talking about his research on life dragon genetics. Ordinarily, Calrian would have been fascinated, especially when he brought out a chart with numbers. But right now, he couldn’t help glancing over towards the entrance to the bathing room where Rylee was still talking with Sarian.

  He could have used dragon speech to ask her how the conversation was going, of course, but he didn’t want to interrupt. He just hoped she’d be able to convince his sister not to sacrifice herself for the supposed good of the clan.

  It was Sarian who appeared first though. She looked around the room and indicated he and the rest of his brothers and sister should come to discuss something.

  Calrian’s heart beat faster as he stood up to follow Sarian into the royal meeting cavern. He glanced back at the entrance to the bathing cave, catching a glimpse of Rylee emerging not far behind Sarian. She looked a little dazed, but her eyes sought him out too, and when she saw him, she smiled.

  Hopefully that meant her talk with his sister had gone well. Calrian felt more positive as he followed Sarian into the other room.

  His siblings though, not knowing of Rylee’s talk with Sarian or lacking his faith in his mate’s abilities, looked concerned.

  They needn’t have worried.

  “We need a plan,” Sarian announced. “After careful consideration, I’ve decided to reject Ultrima’s kind and considerate offer,” she gave a sarcastic smile, “so we must be prepared for retaliation. And we need a new plan for negotiating with the humans. I’m hoping you all have some excellent suggestions.”

  His brothers and sister didn’t disappoint. “We can defend the lair from Ultrima without a concern,” Taurian said immediately. “Though it could be worth sneaking out to wake Warria
n while all this is going on. Ultrima might not be guarding his Mesmer chamber right now. And once he is here, we can perform the coronation ceremony.”

  “No,” Sarian said sharply. As all the other dragons stared at her, she said, “The humans are keeping their distance at the moment. I don’t want to do anything to bring them down on us. Our best chance of a lasting peace is to obey their rules and negotiate with them.”

  On the surface, her argument was sound, but Calrian couldn’t help thinking her vehemence was a little too strong for the risk. Was it the coronation she was afraid of or Warrian? Neither made any sense.

  Apparently he was the only one who saw anything amiss though. The others nodded in agreement.

  “If we can convince the humans to continue negotiations with us, then that will help keep Ultrima at bay anyway, won’t it?” Verrian suggested.

  “We need to offer the humans something they can’t refuse,” Lyrian suggested. “Perhaps we could offer some limited healing?” she looked at Calrian for his agreement.

  “The reality is the humans are going to have to negotiate with us,” Taurian said shrewdly. “It’s not like they can just throw us out. We’ve been here longer than most of them have.”

  “Not to mention the fact that we have plenty of human friends,” Calrian added. He thought of Rylee and the life they’d built together. “We can prove we are friends to humans and that we mean them no harm. It just might take a while.”

  For the first time since she’d woken, Sarian smiled, and Calrian couldn’t help wondering what Rylee had said to her. Whatever it was it had worked. Not only had she stopped trying to sacrifice herself, some of her softer side was returning. She was his sister again, not just the future Rian queen.

  They didn’t come up with a definite plan, but it didn’t matter. Calrian knew they had time. He had no doubt they could find a solution if they were all working together.

  His mind relieved of his worries over his sister, it turned to his mate.

  There was so much he wanted to say to her, so much he needed to say. He was glad when Sarian dismissed them all with the admonition to keep thinking of plans and a promise they would meet to discuss them further tomorrow.

  Calrian was finally free to seek out Rylee.

  Finding his mate wasn’t hard. The mating bond drew him to her like a moth to the flame, and he was relieved when she was alone in his sleeping cavern. He swooped down next to her, pulling her close, soaking in the feel of her warmth and the scent of her skin, which was more familiar to him and dearer than his own.

  “Whatever you did, it worked. Thank you,” he said softly.

  He’d missed her so much. Until now, worrying about his clan had kept him too busy, and he’d refused to think too much about her absence, not knowing when he’d be able to return home. Now that she was here, he couldn’t deny he was dreading her leaving.

  But part of loving someone was accepting they were on their own journey too. Rylee had accepted that he needed to be here with his family, and he needed to do the same and accept her need to be elsewhere.

  But first he intended to have a proper reunion with her.

  “It was nothing,” Rylee said dismissively, waving her hand.

  It most certainly wasn’t nothing, but Calrian wasn’t in the mood to argue. He’d reassure Rylee of his appreciation of her mind later. First he wanted to show his appreciation of her body. With that thought in mind he trailed kisses down her neck, pleased when he elicited a sucked in breath.

  But despite her body’s clear reaction, Rylee didn’t immediately sink into his caress.


  For some reason, Calrian’s stomach contracted nervously.

  He’d sensed her apprehension from the moment she’d arrived at the lair, from the moment he’d seen Verrian’s picture in the paper in fact. And ever since, he’d worried, worried his love wasn’t going to be enough for her. Worried his dedication to his family and his clan would come between them and worried he wouldn’t be able to satisfy her while he was distracted by his responsibilities.

  And somehow he suspected those worries were about to be brought to light.

  Was he ready to face them?

  Rylee’s smile was gentle and loving and eased some of his fears, but not all of them.

  “What is it, Rylee?”

  She didn’t speak. She just reached out to touch his face, running her fingers over the curve of his jaw as though memorising it. Calrian held his breath.

  “I’m glad you asked me to come,” she said softly.

  And in that moment, Calrian knew everything was going to be all right.

  “Talking to your sister made me realise—I want to be part of this. I want to get to know your clan… your family. And being here and meeting them has made me hope they can be my family too.”

  Calrian’s heart filled with love, even as he struggled to believe it. “Really?” he probed. “But what about the resort? The children? How are you ever going to be able to divide your time between both?”

  His question was filled with doubt and worry. Not for Rylee or her ability, but because of the uncertainty in his own heart.

  Rylee smiled. “Our children are grown up, Calrian. Oh, they’re always going to need us, but they’re perfectly capable of running the resort for a few months while we sort this out. And really, being here and making this right is important for them too. This is their legacy we’re building.”

  She was right, Calrian knew it in his heart. And it made him feel slightly better. What he needed to do for his clan was the same thing he needed to do for his family—make a place for them in this world just as he had always done.

  Rylee gave a slight grin. “Damrian is home moping about over Zara again. He wants to tell her the truth about who he is, and I’m pretty sure he wants to mate her. If we can sort this out, maybe he can.”

  Calrian thought of his son and Zara, his son’s best friend. Privately, he suspected Damrian wasn’t going to wait. He wouldn’t have waited for Rylee. But he kept that to himself.

  It was his son’s life and his son’s worry. He trusted him to make the right decision.

  Calrian was here, right now, with his mate.

  “Are you sure you can manage being a dragon princess?” he asked her teasingly, grinning when her eyes widened.

  “A dragon prin… You’re kidding me, right?” she stammered.

  “Not at all,” Calrian said solemnly. “Technically you became one the day we mated, but now, here in the clan, it’s more official.”

  Rylee looked off balance for a bit, and it amused Calrian she’d never made the connection before. “Well, Sarian asked me to stay,” she said, her voice uncertain. “She wanted someone she could ask for advice.”

  “She couldn’t hope for anyone better,” Calrian said immediately. “You’ve always given me the very best advice.”

  “I don’t know if I’m really qualified…” Rylee began.

  Calrian shushed her immediately with a finger to her lips. “You’re a dragon princess who’s raised a human son, two dragon sons, and a dragon daughter, not to mention the mother of the clan’s only life dragon. I can’t think of anyone more qualified.”

  “Besides,” he added with a grin, “If I’m going to be called upon to be the oldest and wisest prince, you can certainly handle being the oldest and wisest princess.”

  Now his mate was looking completely overwhelmed. “Running a resort seems like child’s play in comparison,” she joked.

  “That’s exactly why we can leave it to the children,” Calrian responded immediately.

  That drew a laugh from Rylee, albeit a shaky one.

  “I never expected any of this,” she admitted honestly. She stared up into his eyes, and her gaze steadied. “But I think I’m ready for this challenge.”

  “I’m sure you are,” Calrian said firmly. “Welcome to my family. Our family.” He looked at her, his eyes asking a question.

  “Yes, our family,” Rylee said

  Calrian knew he’d never been more in love with his mate than he was at that moment.

  And hopefully, all the agonising and talking was done because right now what he wanted to do was prove it to her the best way he could.

  Rylee looked up at him with unwavering trust in her eyes, and for the first time, the tiny doubt Calrian had always suspected was in the back of her mind was completely gone. She was his and he was hers, and together they’d forge a new era for Rian clan.

  He bent and kissed her, knowing deep in his heart that this was what was meant to be. He let go of any guilt he’d felt over choosing her over his family, realising for the first time that what had been best for him was what was best for them.

  Knowing that now, with his doubts and fears gone, he was prepared to be the ruler Rian clan needed.

  No matter what was ahead for his clan, he was certain he could face it with Rylee at his side.

  The End

  I hope you enjoyed Calrian and Rylee's story. If you want read more about Dragon Island and meet their children, check out my spinoff series, Dragon Island Hideaway, for a story for each of them. Beginning with Dragon Tides, Damrian and Zara's story!

  Zara’s searching for mermaids, but is she so busy looking out at the ocean, that she's missing the magic right in front of her? She's running from her feelings for her best friend after an unexpected kiss puts her life's plan at risk. But Damrian has a secret - one far bigger than she could ever imagine.

  Grab your copy now!

  Warrian's story is coming soon in the Dragon Forged serial, beginning with Distracting the Dragon. Preorder now!

  A newspaper reporter intent on a story and a dragon prince with a secret. Is this a match made in heaven, or a disaster waiting to happen?

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