A Vintage Murder

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A Vintage Murder Page 2

by Michele Scott

  “I won’t be happy about what?” A middle-aged woman joined him. Nikki assumed she was the girl’s mother. They had the same eyes, and the woman was as thin as her daughter. She also had the same long blonde hair, but hers was pulled back tightly into a ponytail.

  “Goodness, we have forgotten our manners. Grace, this is my friend Derek Malveaux. I told you he’d be dropping in with us today for some business. Good to see you.” The men shook hands. “This is my wife Grace, and that was Hannah, our terror of a daughter, who blew past you. I’m not sure how we’ll survive her.” Liam kissed his wife on the cheek. “Grace here is far more patient with her than I am.”

  “Hardly. You spoil the girl something terrible. Nice to meet you, Derek.”

  “And you. This is my girlf—ah, my winery manager and my assistant, Nikki Sands.”

  He’d almost said girlfriend. Girlfriend? Wow. That had her in a spiral—a delicious spiral. She understood why he’d used her business title, but she couldn’t wait until things were more cemented between them and the formalities could be pushed aside.

  “Where are my manners? Come in, you two,” Grace said.

  They followed her through the entrance across light hardwood floors inlaid with another type of wood in a diamond pattern. Maybe walnut, but it was more reddish than walnut and quite dark. Possibly cherry. “Your floors are gorgeous, Grace. What type of wood are they?”

  “It’s jarrah wood. A popular wood here in the bush. Somewhat on the expensive side, but I love it. I redecorated the house a few years back and couldn’t resist.”

  “It’s lovely. The entire house is.”

  No joke. The house looked larger on the inside than it had from outside, and Grace had done a great job of turning the manor into a cozy home with warm golden colors, family photos, colorful throw rugs, and leather sofas. Everything about the place spoke of wealth and sophistication, but also of care. For the family it had to be a nice place to live, because it was definitely a nice place to visit. Grace led them out to the back, where the gardens spread out and a lap pool took up a portion of the yard. Behind the pool, a large patch of grass rolled down to a flowing river. Vast woods stretched out across the river.

  “This is gorgeous,” Nikki said. “What river is that?”

  “That’s the North Para River,” Liam said. “More of a creek typically, but we had some decent rain this year, so we have a bit more water than usual, which is good because the water can be important to the Barossa Valley for viticulture. You can’t imagine how lucky we feel to have it run right through the property like this. Good stuff for the vines. Have a seat. Enjoy the view.”

  “Nikki and I were wondering what’s going on here. When we turned into the vineyard, we saw all the activity.”

  “Oh yes. Hollywood has come to our village. Our place really,” Liam replied.

  “Hollywood?” Nikki said.

  “It’s quite a story. We’ll have to tell you all about it, but let me grab the contracts for us to go over first. They’re in my office. I would also like to discuss some new matters that have come up, Derek. Would you like your assistant to join us?”

  Derek looked at Nikki, who could see Liam wanted to discuss things with Derek in private, so she stepped back slightly, nodding to Derek though she wondered what it was all about. “Uh, no. Nikki why don’t you visit with Grace? We should be back soon.”

  “Of course.” It felt really awkward to have been holding his hand less than half an hour ago, and now this stilted kind of weirdness.

  “Yes, yes. You two take care of what you need to.” Grace waved them away. “We’ll head into the kitchen and have some tea.”

  Nikki found Grace to be hospitable, and the tea was warm and soothing. They made small talk for quite a while. Nikki told her about the Malveaux Winery and Grace began to fill her in on the scene they saw when they’d entered the winery.

  “You wouldn’t believe it. Shawn Keefer is doing a movie here, with Nathan Cooley directing it.”

  “The Shawn Keefer?” Nikki’s jaw dropped. Shawn Keefer was only Hollywood’s most sought after leading man, and Nathan Cooley was the kind of director everyone in “the business” wanted to work with. He was a genius.

  “No kidding. What’s the movie about?”

  “I . . . don’t think I can discuss it. We had to sign a nondisclosure agreement with the film company.” Grace lowered her voice and looked pensive.

  “Who else is in it?”

  “One of those young starlets. The one who is supposedly so brilliant. But she’s quite a troublemaker, from what the tabloids say. We’ve even had some paparazzi lurking in our midst. It’s the pretty redheaded girl. That Lucy Swanson.”

  “Oh yes, I’ve heard of her.” Who hadn’t? Lucy Swanson was a fine actress who’d starred in some successful films. She was also one of the new breed—if that’s what they could be called—of Hollywood: young women who spent too much time partying, getting busted, and then going back for more. This one hadn’t done any stints in rehab but rumor was that she needed to. At least she supposedly had a work ethic, and that was her main driving force. It might also be her saving grace. God, Nikki really had read too many rag mags and watched way too much tabloid television.

  “Yes, well, I can tell you that she is a wild one. Hannah has been spending some time with her, and also one of the crew people. Some good-looking young man—I’m not crazy about it. I’m afraid they’re going to get Hannah into trouble.”

  Nikki doubted that the girl had any problems getting herself into trouble. Instead of saying what she thought, she replied, “Really? Trouble, huh?”

  “Out partying at all hours.” Grace shook her head. “Anyway, tonight we are having an old-fashioned barbecue and the entire crew is joining us.”

  “Including Shawn Keefer?”

  Grace nodded and smiled. “He’s quite a cad, that one. He flirts with all the ladies.”

  “I’d read in one of the tabloids that he is a huge flirt.”

  “But he is a dear really, once you get to know him. We’ve had everyone up for dinner on occasion since they’ve been on the premises.”

  Nikki noticed Grace’s cheeks flush and she wondered if the woman had a crush on Keefer. Many women around the world did. He was on par with Brad Pitt and George Clooney in both the looks and acting categories; definitely a superstar. People loved him, and considering his stature he did a decent job of lying low and keeping out of the limelight, except for a few years back, when he’d gone through a divorce with his actress wife, Fiona. But from what Nikki recalled when that happened, they had remained decent to each other, and she’d made out like a bandit in the settlement. It would be interesting to meet Shawn Keefer.

  They talked a bit more about the actors in the vineyard before Derek and Liam returned. “Ladies, would you like to take a trip down to where they’re filming? I filled Derek in, and he said that he’d love to go, especially when he heard that Andy Burrow was on the set.”

  “Andy Burrow, too?” Nikki shot a glance at Derek. “How great!” Andy worked with all sorts of wildlife. He was eccentric and quite a character. Nikki knew that Derek loved watching the guy’s show on the Earth Channel.

  “I know. Isn’t that awesome?” Derek sounded like a kid, but there was also a catch in his voice that Nikki didn’t recognize.

  It was strange, because he sounded excited about meeting Andy, and Nikki was sure that he would be, but there was something else there that she couldn’t put her finger on, as if he were slightly troubled. She wondered if there was a problem with the business deal.

  “Liam says that he’s not in the movie, but they’ve got a bunch of wild animals they’re working with on the film, and Andy is on hand to train the animals. He brought all of them from his zoo,” Derek added.

  There it was again—an edge, almost fake. “Sure, I’m in. Let’s go,” Nikki replied. “This must be quite a production,” she said as they climbed into Liam’s golf cart, still curious about what was rattling
around in Derek’s head.

  “It is at that,” Liam replied. “Quite a group, too. The producer has put up a lot of money to film it and they’re looking for one of those big blockbuster movies you watch in America.”

  “I personally can’t wait until they’re finished. They’ve created a bit of havoc for us,” Grace said, “as much fun as it’s been.” She glanced at Liam. Nikki couldn’t figure her out.

  “Did Grace tell you that I wrote the script?”

  No she hadn’t. Now that was strange. She acted as if she wasn’t even certain what the movie was about. “Uh, well . . .”

  Grace rubbed Liam’s shoulder. “I didn’t mention that. I know you don’t like to brag much.” She smiled at Nikki.

  “Since when? I couldn’t be prouder, and having Andy here is wonderful. You’ll love him.”

  Derek looked like a kid in a candy shop, he was so excited. For him, meeting Andy Burrow was one of the coolest things in the world. She was excited, too, but also baffled by Grace. “That’s great,” Nikki replied. “I know what the business is like. It’s not easy to even get a screenplay read, especially not a first one. Then to have it made into a movie, no less. You should be proud.”

  “Oh, this isn’t my first go at it. I have a bunch of them in the closet. Been writing forever, but never really thought it would happen, you know. I’m a farm boy at heart. I grow grapes and we make wine. To have this now makes everything complete.”

  “How did you get the idea for the story?” Derek asked.

  “That’s a long story in itself,” Liam replied.

  “Yes it is. We don’t want to bore you with it,” Grace said. She looked at her husband. “Do we, Liam?”

  “Right. Maybe another time.”

  Nikki thought she heard Grace’s voice tighten as she spoke.

  A group of people sat around in chairs as they got closer, all looking pretty bored. The camera crew and extras. Maybe they were taking a lunch break. It seemed a little early for lunch . . .

  Liam parked the cart just as a horrible scream came from the direction of the trailers parked on the set.

  Chapter 2

  Nikki and Derek looked at each other and then the people around them. No one moved.

  The door to the trailer swung open and out sauntered Mr. Movie Star himself—Shawn Keefer. “She’s a lunatic!” he yelled. “I can’t work with her. A nightmare. That’s what she is.”

  “Me, a nightmare?” In his wake came Lucy Swanson, long red hair flowing behind her. “You’re a joke, Shawn. One big stupid ass of a joke. You can’t even get it up!” she screamed. “Freak!”

  Whoa. Okay, that was way more information than Nikki needed to know.

  Shawn stopped in his tracks, turned and faced her, his face purple. He wasn’t yelling, but they were close enough to hear what he was saying. “Let me tell you something, little girl: I am a professional. I’m here to do a job, not make nice or anything else with you, and frankly I find you repulsive. I wouldn’t sleep with you if you were the last woman on earth. Do your job and stay out of my way, you nasty pig.”

  “What? What! Did you hear that?” She was now yelling at another man who stood nearby. “Me a ‘nasty pig’?” She laughed. “Wait until the world finds out what a fake piece of—”

  “Lucy! That’s enough! Come here if you want to keep your job,” the other man said.

  “Whatever. You should be talking to him.” She pointed at Shawn. “And that Crocodile Dundee freakazoid. Weirdo calls his animals gorgeous and shit—what’s up with that? I’m not going near that snake! I don’t give a shit what you say!”

  “Lucy,” the man said. “I need to speak with you now.”

  She sighed, indignant. “Fine.” She stomped over to the man, who put an arm around her shoulder and escorted her away from the set.

  “That’s the producer, Kane Ferriss,” Liam said. “He’ll get her under control. This isn’t her first tantrum. Maybe we should see if we can find Andy Burrow. Let me ask someone if they’ve seen him.”

  He walked over to a young man who, with that tan, could only be from Southern California. He wore torn jeans and a Sex Pistols T-shirt. Now that brought back memories of the eighties and Nikki begging her aunt for an earring on the side of her eyebrow. Thank God Aunt Cara had told her no way.

  “Johnny boy. How are you, mate? Looks like a bit of trouble today. Seen Andy around?”

  “Yeah. He’s over there with his snakes. That’s why the princess is losing it. She doesn’t want to do the scene with the snake. But she knew what she was signing on for. She’s holding up everything.” He shook his head and walked over to a table, where coffee brewed.

  Nikki couldn’t really blame the actress for not wanting to do a scene with a snake, but all the same, her fit seemed over the top. As Johnny mentioned, the actress knew what she was getting into when she signed her contracts.

  “Ridiculous,” Liam said. “That girl is a royal pain in the arse. I know Andy has all of his critters under control.

  There he is. He’s a good man. Known him for years. Old friend, actually.” Liam pointed toward an area next to a group of picnic tables and chairs likely meant for the crew to eat lunch at.

  Andy Burrow waved as they headed over. “Hey, mate!” he yelled, smiling brightly. Andy was of average height and medium build. He wore his dark, wavy hair long and had big hazel eyes. He had an innocent little-boy look about him.

  Liam introduced Derek and Nikki to Andy. She noticed how nervous Derek was. “So, do you like snakes, Derek?” Andy asked.


  “Come on over here then and have a look at my Charlie. He’s a beautiful brown snake. Just gorgeous. But one bite from him and you’ll be gone in a matter of hours if you don’t have the antivenom, which of course I keep on hand. And, that’s why I wear one of these when I’m dealing with him.” Andy winked and ran his hands up and down his long-sleeved khaki pantsuit. “Made out of Kevlar, you know, just like those vests the police officers wear. So I’ve got a better chance if one of my critters tries to lay their fangs into me; it’s harder for them to get through this. I’ve got an extra one inside the animal enclosure. He pointed to a barnlike structure made out of what looked like corrugated aluminum siding. “Can you believe the producer had that thing built for this movie? So, what do you say, Derek? Do you want to put the suit on? I’ll let you handle my beauty here.” The snake eyed them from inside a portable terrarium set on the table. Nikki did not like the looks of him at all.

  “Oh God, I don’t know about that,” Derek said.

  “Andy knows what he’s doing, mate. Besides, that snake is only one of the deadliest snakes in the country.” Liam winked at Derek.

  Derek looked at Nikki, who shrugged. “I’m not doing it,” she said.

  “Oh what the hell,” Derek said. “Sure, I’m in.”

  “And we do have the antivenom as I said,” Andy said.

  “I don’t care if you have antivenom or not. No way am I even getting near one of those,” Nikki replied. “I do not like things that slither. Add the fact that they’re poisonous on top of it and you can count me out.”

  “She sounds a bit like our Lucy,” Andy teased.

  “Oh no, I don’t think anyone could be as high maintenance as Miss Swanson,” Liam said.

  “I hope not.” Andy winked at Nikki. “Woman is a lunatic. See over there?” Andy pointed to a bushy area about fifty yards away. “That’s where they want to film the scene with my Charlie and that crazy actress. We’ve got the glass pane set up. It won’t be a problem at all. I’ll be standing right there, monitoring everything. I understand they’re paying her a ton, so I told her let’s get it over with and she started screaming ‘bastard’ and such at me. So, I told her we’d get a look-alike. We don’t have to use Charlie then, if it’s such an issue for her. She still kept on and then went after poor Shawn.” Andy shook his head. “I don’t need the money, you know. I can walk from this anytime. I’m only doing it as a favor t
o Nathan . . . and of course you, too, Liam. This movie will be a treat if we can get it finished. Nate has done some great cinematography for me and my creatures in the past. Helped us raise money for the zoo, you know. I don’t want to let him down, but that actress is plain loopy.”

  They all laughed.

  “Here, why don’t we take a quick tour through the animal enclosure.” He picked up Charlie’s terrarium. Nikki cringed. “Okay, gang, follow me.”

  Nikki wasn’t too sure about this, but didn’t want to be a bad sport. Snakes did make her squeamish. They followed Andy into the enclosure, which was about thirty feet long with a pathway down the middle that was ten feet or so wide. On either side of the pathway were enclosed terrariums that housed a variety of reptiles. Down the line were larger areas with small eucalyptus trees in planters where Andy kept a couple of koalas. Next to the koalas were a couple of dingoes. The wild dogs looked to be a cross between a wolf and some kind of domesticated shepherd, only golden in color.

  “Those are my babies. Love them to death,” Andy said, pointing to the wild dogs. “Do anything for me, completely trained.” Been around for thousands of years. The farmers hate them. Kind of like the coyotes in the States.”

  “Really?” Nikki asked. She kept glancing at Charlie the snake in the terrarium and hoping that Andy wouldn’t drop it. What if it shattered and the snake got out?

  “Yep. Raised them myself. They were orphaned pups. Then over here in the next space I have Sophie, my kangaroo. She’s an odd one. Got to watch it with her. She can throw you a jab or two if you aren’t looking.”

  “Punch you?” Derek asked.

  “You bet.” They walked on.

  “And here is my croc. Ain’t he a beauty? Love that guy. Hey, Albert.” Andy pointed to the largest enclosure yet. Inside was a huge crocodile.

  “They have really gone all out for this movie. For you to bring the animals here and to build this, it’s incredible,” Nikki said.


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