
Home > Other > 9781618857835FrozenFuryBeckNC > Page 2
9781618857835FrozenFuryBeckNC Page 2

by Paloma Beck

  His brother cut him no slack. “That you did.” Madden paced for a few more minutes. “I don’t even know where to start in fixing this.”

  “I don’t see why you need to fix it,” Gage commented, growing angry with his brother for trying to take control of the situation. “I’ve got this. I’ll take care of her. She’s my mate.”

  “How? How about you tell me just how you plan to take care of all this, little brother?”

  “When she wakes up, I’ll explain it all. She’ll sense the truth of it. She’ll sense I’m her mate.”

  “Little brother, little brother, it’s just not that easy,” Madden shook his head as he continued. “Not only is the Claiming—hell, the damned Acclimation—not that easy but this is bigger than the two of you. I have to tell her family, my wife’s family, that my idiot brother shot their sister. And, oh by the way, she’s his mate. How the hell do you think that will go over?”

  Gage started to answer but Madden interrupted. “Then I’ve got to contact the Director of the MagCircle Lab to notify her of the accident. Explaining how a TEU weapons specialist couldn’t handle a simple security assignment for one night is going to be a friggin’ blast.” Madden’s voice grew louder.

  Admittedly, Gage hadn’t thought all these things through. “Okay. You’re right. I wasn’t considering all these things. I wasn’t thinking beyond my mate.”

  As Gage finished speaking, the front door opened and Anton walked in. “Right where your thoughts should be. She’s waking up, by the way.” Anton handed Gage the bags he was carrying and then nodded to Madden.

  “We’ll go now but, Gage, as your brother, I understand how crazy you are on the inside right now. The best advice I can give is to lay it all on the line for her.” Madden’s unsolicited advice shocked Gage. Gone was the TEU Director and in his place stood his brother.

  “Thanks,” Gage nodded.

  “You will need to overcome her soul sin but you also have to bond with her so she can acclimate. I’ll try my best to give you this time.”

  “Thanks.” Gage knew he was repeating himself but he couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  “If you need us, we’ll be right next door,” Anton offered.

  Without another word, Madden and Anton left. Now alone, Gage could sense his mate’s wakefulness and was compelled to go to her.

  Gage made his way back upstairs to the room where he’d laid Amelia. It was their room now, a room—a bed—they’d share. He had brought her to this room without thought as he’d carried her up the front steps. Gage had imagined the moment of meeting one’s mate to be burdensome and overwhelming, but he felt an odd sense of rightness. Despite the confusion, they would move on from here.

  He opened the door quietly to see Amelia’s eyes flickering open. Anxious about how she’d respond to him and what she’d recall, Gage made his way slowly to the side of the bed. Their eyes locked on one another, but neither gave away their thoughts. It was a bit too much like a standoff for Gage’s comfort.

  She shot first. “What happened to me? And where am I?” Amelia’s voice wrapped itself around his heart. She was quick and to-the-point, a no-nonsense request with the resolute expectation that he would reply accordingly. In other words, she couldn’t be more perfect.

  “You were shot in the lab where I was on duty.” He’d keep it short and avoided the details that would make anything worse.

  “Why were you on duty? Where was Leonard?”

  Gage couldn’t help the growl that rose from his throat at another man’s name on his mate’s lips. Amelia noticed and her eyes widened. Flaring his nostrils, Gage took a few deep breaths and attempted an answer.

  “Assuming Leonard is the standard security guard, he was out on the perimeter check. TEU was brought in to add security for a few days at the lab.”

  “TEU?” She interrupted. Then recognition flickered in her eyes. “Shit. You’re Madden’s little brother.”

  Gage puffed up at the indication he might be little. He might be younger but damn to them all, he was not little anymore! He had a mate. He had the beginnings of his own family. “I’m Gage Santucci.” He sat on the edge of the bed, no longer able to fight the pull to be near her.

  Her fingers brushed along the side of his thigh and they both drew back at the electric shock that ran through them. As he rubbed his leg, Amelia’s eyes flashed from her fingers to his eyes.

  “No.” She rose to get up, but her injury prevented the movement.

  “You’ve been shot. You won’t be able to move around too well for a bit. Uh, do you know Nicolaus? He treated you. He said a day of bed rest and you should be healed to normal.”

  Amelia nodded. “Don’t get any ideas. I know what you are. And now I want my sisters.” She looked around. “If I’m right, I’m on the Santucci compound which means Layla is nearby. I want to see her.”

  Gage shook his head. “Not yet. You and I need to talk first. I have to explain what happened in your lab.”

  “My lab,” Amelia’s body tightened in concern and her voice jumped. “Is everything okay there? My experiment I was working on?”

  “Everything was left just as it was and locked behind us.”

  “Then how was I shot? Did someone try to break in? I can’t have my research taken. It’s important.”

  “Hush now,” Gage reassured her. “It was a misunderstanding. There was no one trying to break in. I thought there was. You see, you weren’t signed in. I should’ve been the only one with a heartbeat in the place. When I saw your lab light on, I assumed there was an intruder and under orders, I… I…”

  “Oh dear Goddess! You shot me.” Amelia’s voice vibrated off the walls as she put the events of the past night together. Gage could do nothing more than cringe at the anger in her words. “I cannot believe this. I get a mate only to find out he’s an idiot who shoots people. Just my damn luck. Get out. Get out right now and bring me my sisters.”

  Amelia’s frantic pointing drew Gage up and away. He left the room, closed the door, and stood on the other side. He had no idea what to do now.

  Chapter Two

  “No.” Amelia shook her head at her sisters. “This is not happening. My mate shot me.”

  “To be fair, it was an accident,” Layla offered by way of comfort.

  “And he is terribly sorry,” Paige added.

  They both sat in the small seating area in the bedroom where she’d been hiding since Gage had left. Thankfully, he’d at least conceded on her request to get her sisters. There was nobody who could understand her like them. They’d know that even though she was angry, below that emotion was hurt and disappointment. Amelia had quietly dreamed of the day she would mate. This was not meeting her expectations.

  “You both know how much I’ve wanted this. I want to be mated. I’ve waited the longest and I should’ve been first since I’m the eldest sister.” Amelia took a breath and continued, “Now, here’s my chance and instead of courting me, my mate shoots me.” Though her thoughts began quiet, the anger inserted itself and Amelia’s voice grew louder.

  “We know, Amelia, but this is the mating you’ve been given. The Goddess has reasons for all things and this too has a reason. Maybe if you simply try to know him, you’ll find he’s just what you need.” Layla leaned in to stroke Amelia’s arm and with her mated powers, the sensation calmed her.

  Tears welled in Amelia’s eyes, but she batted them away and pushed herself up to stand by the window. “It’s not fair.” Her heart was heavy, the frustration that even this miracle would be tainted by her soul sin was overwhelming. “Why do I have to deal with this anger always?”

  “Soon enough, it’ll be gone.” Paige moved to stand beside her. “But first you must find it inside yourself to go to him freely.”

  “Gage is suffering. He has a knack to look casual in all things but he knows he’s done wrong and he’s very worried, Amelia.” Layla implored her sister from deep within the couch. Amelia noticed Layla’s pregnant belly was weigh
ing her down quite a bit.

  Jumping in, Paige added, “He looked awful when he greeted us downstairs. Madden and Donovan are with him now. Van brought some new vaccination to help him while you take some time to sort out your feelings.”

  “No,” Amelia stomped up. “I don’t want him to have something that takes him away from me.”

  “Then you must go to him. Otherwise, he will grow moody, twitchy, and unable to concentrate. It isn’t fair when there are ways to treat it now. You know this for yourself.”

  “I damn well know it. I created the drug you’ve mentioned but that doesn’t mean I want it used on my mate!” Just the thought made Amelia furious and she felt a power surge in her like magic. She paced to the large window and looked out onto the vineyard.

  A memory—hazy but all too vivid to be anything but a memory—floated into her consciousness. She was lying on the floor of her lab and a wicked pain lanced her when she tried to sit up. Someone pushed her gently back down. Was that Gage? She could hear hushed conversation as if someone were on the phone, but opening her eyes hurt as much as trying to move. Goddess, her head felt as if it were split in two. What the hell had happened to her?

  Last she remembered she was in her lab working on her private research. She’d nearly had the confirmation on her experimental drug. And then, nothing. She couldn’t remember anything but a loud noise, an explosion. Her first thoughts ran to her research no one knew about. She’d need to keep it secret, but first she needed to find out who this man was now pacing around her and whispering in furious tones.

  Amelia listened to his side of the conversation, trying to piece together what happened. “She’s awake. Oh Goddess, Caedon, she’s awake. But there’s so much blood. No, no of course not. Madden called for a non-kill shot. Thank the Goddess. Who would’ve known? No one was supposed to be here. I assumed it was an intruder. Of course, I checked. Security reports had the building empty. Fuck, Caedon, just get Nico here.” She had a flashing recognition she was safe. This man worked for the TEU. He knew Madden and Caedon, her sisters’ mates. The memory ended with her eyes closing and her lethargy pulling her back into unconsciousness.

  He had been so worried for her, so kind. He’d regretted his actions and been hurt so deeply that her words of anger must’ve cut him deeper still. Damn all that anger. Why hadn’t she spent even a moment considering how hurt he was? Now, Amelia had to swallow down her own self-centered behavior and focus on the gift she’d been given.

  She looked back to Layla who sat rubbing her hand over her burgeoning stomach. She allowed her calming presence to embrace her, smiled at her sister, and nodded. “Please ask him not to take it. I need just a bit of time. Please.”

  “Let me go down,” Paige offered as she walked briskly from the room.

  * * * *

  Gage listened as Paige relayed Amelia’s message. He was relieved he hadn’t yet taken the medicine Van brought. Even more so, he was relieved at this outward sign of her acceptance of him. He knew he was the cause for her frustration and that this was certainly not the way a woman wished to be mated, but he knew he couldn’t take it back.

  Goddess help him though, he still had no idea what to do to bridge the gap. He’d never had a mission that felt as insurmountable as this. His mamma had called him as soon as she was told by Madden. She’d cussed at him in her native Italian tongue more than he’d ever heard. Gage didn’t need anyone else to tell him how much he’d screwed this up. He was well aware.

  Anton walked in carrying a large basket surrounded with lace and ribbon. “If this helps, I took the liberty of putting together a basket of Amelia’s favorite things. Your mamma included her soothing herbal tea and those famous lavender bath salts.” Anton handed the large basket to Gage.

  “Well, don’t just stand there. Go and bring it to her,” Paige encouraged as she made a brushing motion towards the stairs with her hands. “Go on. She doesn’t bite.”

  “Not what I’ve heard, Principessa,” Donovan spoke from behind her.

  Paige reached around the tap him but it was too late. Donovan had hit on his biggest fear. Gage had no idea what to do with an angry woman. Most women he’d bedded simply fell into his arms without any coaxing, but Amelia, she belonged to him, and the longer she kept him waiting, the stronger his urge to take her would grow.

  He didn’t want to wait to claim her, and without the medicine Donovan had, he couldn’t wait too long. It was against everything in his Valendite DNA to allow his newfound mate to go unclaimed. With determination, he climbed the stairs and knocked on the door to their bedroom.

  “Come in,” Amelia’s voice called out.

  When Gage opened the door, he saw she was kneeling at Layla’s feet with her hand on Layla’s belly. Her green eyes were glossy as if tears were forming, but the smile on her face stopped him where he stood. Never had he seen a more beautiful sight than his mate’s happiness. She was shining as her dainty, thin lips pulled up in joy. Her cheeks rounded and she looked to Layla.

  “He’s moving.” Layla smiled down at her sister and then looked at Gage across the room. “The baby is moving. It’s the first time Amelia has felt it.” She indicated with her hand for him to come closer, but Gage felt as if he was intruding on their moment. He stood as a sentinel at the door.

  Noticing his discomfort, Layla turned her head as if hearing a far-off noise. “Oh, I think that’s Madden calling for me,” she said. “Help me up and I’ll go see what he needs. You two can talk.”

  “Subtle,” Amelia shrugged, looking as uncomfortable as Gage felt, once Layla made her way from the room.

  “Good intentioned.” Gage still didn’t move until he realized Amelia was looking at the basket he was carrying. “This is for you. I wanted you to have some of your favorite things. Maybe it will bring you some comfort.”

  “A ‘Sorry for Shooting You’ gift?”

  Gage set the basket back down and ran his fingers through his hair. “Damn it. What am I to say? I could apologize one thousand times but it’ll make no difference to you. Will it?”

  “I don’t know. I’m trying. I just cannot believe this is how it was meant to be.”

  “What was meant to be? I’m not following.”

  “This. Us. Our mating. It’s supposed to be romantic, an incredible passion like Layla and Madden, Eloise and Caedon, and my other sisters. Instead, I’m cursed with this frustratingly ridiculous way to meet my mate.” Amelia began to pace as she spoke. Her frustration so obvious in the way she held herself, Gage took a few steps back.

  “I’m so sorry. I’d do anything to change it if I could. I’m just so damn sorry.”

  Amelia glared across the room at him. Gage couldn’t help but consider that American phrase “if looks could kill”. Then she walked towards him and he was lost. She was coming near him. Their eyes locked and he held his breath until they were standing chest-to-chest. He could smell the fragrance of her skin, allowing himself the pleasure for just a moment before returning to her eyes. She was furious.

  “Stop saying you’re sorry. Just stop,” Amelia growled as she struck her fist against his bicep and then his chest.

  He allowed her to hit him. Her tiny fists didn’t hurt, but it seemed to be helping her. He saw the tiny beads of perspiration form on her forehead and could feel the fight beginning to fade from her muscles. Then all movement stopped and she leaned her head against his chest. Afraid to move but equally afraid to do nothing, Gage gripped her wrists and nuzzled into her neck. He kissed every spot of skin he could find, licking and sucking until he heard her moan and felt her body go heavy against him.

  When she tilted her face up to his, Gage brushed his lips against hers. He slowly deepened the kiss, carefully gaining her permission. Amelia sighed and opened to him when she felt his tongue swipe along her lips. In this single moment, no other woman existed. Gage was completely taken in by his mate.

  As part of the Valendite Breed and being part of a founding family, Gage had been raised by his p
arents to know and appreciate the significance of claiming a mate. He planned to make up for the way they met until the day he died. Thank the Goddess that despite how stupid he’d been, the sharing of blood would ensure they bonded. He smiled to know that it would also sustain him and prolong Amelia’s life so she could live as long as he did.

  Slowly pulling away from the kiss, Gage framed her face with his hands and watched for her reaction. Had he melted some of her anger?

  “I think if I take some of your blood, as you have mine, it will help us. I want so badly to make this right.” Gage knew he was nearly begging but there was no use hiding his desperation. “Do you know what to do?”

  “Yes,” Amelia sounded perturbed at his question. “I’ve spent years on the genetics of our race.” She grumbled something he couldn’t understand, but didn’t pull away from him. Of course, he chastised himself, she knew how to perform the blood exchange in its initial form. She damn well knew more than he did.

  “Let our blood exchange bind us,” Gage whispered against her lips before drawing on her mouth again and finding acceptance.

  He implored his body to relax, to move slowly and have patience. He couldn’t afford to screw up again. He felt her tongue work its way along his teeth and tasted the burst of her life-giving blood as a bead formed along her tongue. Pulling her tongue between his lips, he sucked. Dear Goddess, it was ambrosia. To taste her, to pull a part of her inside him, he couldn’t know anything more right.

  With those first tastes of blood, Gage’s control slipped and his head spun. He gasped at the pleasure and knew the possibility of gentleness and patience was gone. Amelia didn’t seem to mind though as Gage noted her body still pressed against his own.


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