Billionaire Baby Daddy (An Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Love Story)

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Billionaire Baby Daddy (An Alpha Billionaire Secret Baby Romance Love Story) Page 28

by Claire Adams

  “Hello, ladies,” I said as I approached the small group. “You all look like you’ve been working hard. Can I buy you a round of drinks?”

  Shit! I forgot I wasn’t buying drinks anymore.

  “You can buy them a drink. I’ll take a twirl around the dance floor,” said the redhead.

  George wasn’t kidding when he said she was a firecracker. I liked a girl with confidence and the guts to make a move of her own.

  I wasn’t sure if she recognized who I was or if she just really wanted to get laid, but either way, I liked it. She was hot, very easy on the eyes, and, I suspected, a real freak in the bedroom. Right away, I knew I wanted to bring her home instead of fucking her in the club. Only at home, in my bed, would I be able to really play with her.

  “Deal,” I said as I grabbed her hand and brought her to the floor. “What’s your name?”

  “Jen,” she said seductively.

  “I’m Chase. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Chase, can I tell you something?”

  That is either the kiss of death or the door that opens the entire night up for me. Sometimes, the women want to talk about their lives or go into long sordid details about their stressors. I desperately hoped that was not the case for Jen.

  “Sure, honey, I’m all ears.”

  “I caught my boyfriend cheating on me last night, and I’m really in the mood to give him a little payback. Would you be game?”

  I had no idea what her payback was going to entail, but I liked it. A scorned woman was certainly more fun than a woman who was going to latch onto me. It always amazed me how quickly women wanted to get back at their men when they cheated on them. My thoughts were if you didn’t want to be with a woman, you shouldn’t start dating. Most guys just don’t understand what monogamy is and when it’s important to have it.

  I knew exactly what monogamy was, and that was why I kept most of my dates to one-night stands. I didn’t want to give any woman the false idea that I was going to be her boyfriend. In the rare case that I liked a woman enough to go out with her a couple of times, I was happy to keep the relationship monogamous. Typically, it was such a short period of time that it didn’t really matter. It was easy to be monogamous if you only dated a woman for a month at a time.

  “Sure, what’s the plan?”

  “I’m going to take you into one of these private rooms. Wrap my lips around your cock and send him a picture of it.”

  Fuck yes!

  That sounded like the perfect opportunity for her to get back at her boyfriend. And just like that, my plans to bring her home to my bed were thrown out the window. I liked her plan just fine. I was more than happy to spend an hour pleasing her and making her boyfriend extremely jealous.

  “Seems like a reasonable plan,” I said as I pulled her close and kissed her hard.

  There was no need for the niceties with a girl on a mission, though. Our kiss turned deeper and deeper, and within a few moments, she grabbed my hand and pulled me into one of the back rooms. It was fun to be with a woman who was so ready to get to the action, instead of those who wanted to play around the fact we were about to have a one-night stand. Honesty was one of my favorite qualities in a woman.

  Jen pushed me down onto the bench and had my cock pulled out and into her mouth before I could blink. She pulled her phone out and took a couple of pictures, then continued. Her red lips moved up and down my shaft, and I wanted that moment to continue all night. She flicked the tip of my cock slightly with her tongue as she came up, and I felt pre-cum way sooner than I wanted it to be there.

  I quickly tried to think about baseball and anything non-sexy, so I didn’t look like a teenager getting his first blowjob. As a man, it wasn’t something you wanted to do too quickly. But a woman’s mouth around my cock had always driven me wild. I wanted it all the time, and oral sex was one of my favorite fantasies. I also really enjoyed getting time to lick a woman and enjoy her orally. Although, in the one-night stand world, I didn’t often get much time for the enjoyment of my women.

  There was just something so erotic about a woman who was willing to take control. I fucking loved it. Add to that the fact that she had her lips wrapped around me, and I couldn’t control myself. I couldn’t keep myself from exploding in her mouth and was just about to do so when she started to slow her strokes. But then she looked up at me and changed her mind all together.

  She must have sensed my withdrawal from the thrusting and my distraction, in the hopes of not coming too fast, because it made her thrust harder. Her lips tightened around me, and she took my cock deeper into her throat than any woman ever had. Jen obviously didn’t have any gag reflex issues.

  I couldn’t hold back and started to thrust into her and felt myself get ready to cum. The more I thrusted, the more she took into her throat. It was hot as hell to watch, and I couldn’t take my eyes off of her.

  “Wait,” she said, as she pulled her lips off of me. “A video. I want to take a video.”

  She pulled her phone out and propped it up on the edge of the bench as she wrapped her lips around me again. The video was just focused on her mouth and my cock, so there wasn’t any reason for me to worry about it. Normally, I wouldn’t allow any videos. But if she kept my face out of it, I didn’t mind.

  I let her take her video. What could possibly go wrong with a video that didn’t show my face?

  With my hands in her hair, I helped guide my cock deep into her throat. Harder and deeper she went, and soon I felt cum as it shot into her mouth. What a glorious feeling it was to have a woman take me that deep and swallow it all.

  Typically, a girl would let it spill out onto my cock, but Jen sucked it all up and swallowed it without a second thought. I really hoped she didn’t get back together with her boyfriend. She was the kind of girl I liked to keep in my phone for a lonely night.

  We did a little small talk and exchanged numbers. But Jen was quickly back with her friends, and I was left alone in the private room. She was a hot little number, and I wanted to get in touch with her again very soon. Maybe she could be a long-term thing. Maybe I had found the elusive friends-with-benefits type of woman.

  After I had cleaned myself up a bit, an overwhelming feeling of guilt shot through me. It wasn’t something that often happened with me, and I couldn’t figure out why it had happened at that moment. I needed another beer to wash the feeling away.

  “Really, Chase, already? It’s not even ten o’clock,” Carlos said as I walked out of the back room.

  “What are you talking about?”

  Chase pointed to my undone zipper and laughed. He didn’t care what I did and actually found it good entertainment most of the time. He just liked to razz me about my lifestyle every now and again.

  “Hey, I couldn’t turn her down,” I said as I grabbed another beer.

  “Seriously, man, you’re going to have to settle down sooner or later. You can’t party forever.”

  Carlos was recently married, so all he ever talked about was how much he liked it and how all of us should get married. Yet, in the very next breath, he would complain about his wife and all the things she asked him to do around the house. He was the worst salesperson.

  “Oh, shit, I wonder if that would work for my dad?” I said under my breath to myself. “He wants me to be responsible.”

  “If what would work?”

  “My dad freaked out on me and cut me off even more than he had before. He said I need to show I’m responsible and have my life together, or he’s not handing the company over to me later this year.”

  “Seems reasonable. You’re not really the working type. Why do you want the company, anyways?”

  “Because he needs money to pay off Escabar,” Mathew said as he joined us.

  “Chase! You owe Escabar money?” Carlos’ face said it all. He knew just as well as I did that owing Jose Escabar was a very bad thing.

  Truly, I hadn’t thought things would have ever gotten to the point they were at. I thought I c
ould borrow a little from Escabar, keep my lifestyle going, and my dad would give up his plans to cut me off. But the loans to Escabar had continued to add up. Now, I had gotten myself way over my head and didn’t have the finances to pay him anything more than the interest payment. And, I had to pay more than the interest payment if I was ever going to get out of debt.

  “Yeah, but don’t worry. I’ll pay him back,” I said with as much fake confidence as I could muster up.

  “Or you’ll get killed,” Mathew added.

  “He won’t kill Chase. There’s no way to get the money back, then. Escabar prefers to mutilate and debilitate people first.”

  Jose Escabar was well-known in our community as having a direct link to the Mexican drug cartel. His work around Atlanta was mostly drugs, but he also dabbled in some other areas. He had money, and lots of it, so if you ever needed money fast, he was the person to go to.

  The problem with borrowing money from Escabar was that his interest rate was steep. For a $100,000 loan, my rate was twenty percent a month. That added up quickly, and I currently owed almost $200,000.

  Normally, that kind of money would have been easy for me to come by. But since my father started tightening his wallet, it had been tough. I couldn’t even make the last interest payment. That’s when Escabar started with his threats. I promised to get caught up by the end of the month, but things were looking pretty grim. There was no way I would be able to make an interest payment this month, and that was going to be horrible.

  “What do you mean you wondered if it would work for your dad?” Carlos asked.

  “Oh, if I got a relationship. I wondered if that would make my dad feel like I was responsible.”

  “Just order one of those hot Russian brides and get married. Your dad would have to see you as responsible, if you were married and shit,” Mathew said jokingly.

  “I know you’re joking, Matt. But seriously, Chase. If you want to show commitment and that you can be responsible, getting married might be a good idea. But I wouldn’t tell him you bought her over the internet,” Carlos said seriously.

  We all laughed at the idea, except Mathew seemed a little serious when he started to pull his phone out and show us an app.

  “You don’t buy them. It’s an actual dating website. You just meet nice girls who live in the middle of nowhere and really want to have a different life.”

  “Mathew, you seem to know an awful lot about these mail-order brides,” I said as I punched him in the arm.

  “I was on a few of those dating websites before I met my girlfriend. There are a lot of really nice women there. At least, the ones I talked to. You have to avoid the ones who are asking for your money and want you to send it over to them. But other than that, you should totally check out OK Love. I bet you’d find some smoking hot women on there.”

  I punched the website into my phone to check it out. What would it hurt to take a look at it? I really had nothing to lose.

  For the next hour, we continued to drink and set up my profile in search for the perfect woman. Well, the perfect woman that three drunk guys could describe. I made a mental note to go back into the website in the morning when I wasn’t drunk and re-read everything we put in.

  “You might just find the ideal woman in Russia. Those girls are quiet and love to listen to their men. She’ll be at home making dinner for you. Ready to fuck you every night. Maybe I should exchange my wife,” Carlos joked.

  “I don’t think I need a Stepford wife. I’d just take a nice, cute girl, though. We could get married and put on a little show for a bit, then, divorce in a year or two down the road. She’d have her green card, and I’d have my company.”

  “This actually seems like a really good plan,” Carlos said.

  “Yeah, sometimes I come up with good ideas,” Mathew added.

  In our drunken stupor, we added a ton of women to my favorite list. There were some seriously smoking hot women on that website. I’d be happy with most any of them. But there were a couple who stood out for me.

  “Are you sure none of these are fake profiles?” I asked. “This girl says she lives in Liechtenstein. I don’t even think that’s a real country.” We all laughed.

  “It’s somewhere by Switzerland, I think. Really small, like the size of Washington, D.C.,” Mathew added.

  “Well, I might send her a message later or something. She seems halfway interesting, but fake.”

  “Send them all messages and see who can speak English. That was my biggest issue when I was on there. I saw a lot of super-hot chicks, but not too many of them could speak English well enough to communicate,” Mathew added.

  “Well, if you’re just wanting to bone them, I guess that wouldn’t matter,” Carlos said.

  “The problem is, with them being so far away, you really do need to be able to talk to them. You can’t even see if you get along if they don’t speak at least a little bit of English.”

  “Give it a go. Send her a message,” Carlos said as he grabbed my phone and started to type a message into the phone.

  “No! I’ll do it.”

  I grabbed my phone back and typed in the most ridiculously short message: Hi, I’m Chase. I’d love to talk.

  Meeting women online had never been a necessity for me, so I just didn’t know what to do or say. Part of my appeal was the in-person conversation and flirting. I wasn’t sure that would be able to portray who I was over the limited capacity of the internet.

  Chapter Six


  The morning after Ana left was one of the loneliest I had ever had. Without work to keep me busy, I just lay in bed and stared at the ceiling. My whole life had changed in the last couple of weeks, and I felt like I was on the edge of a big change to a new life. The problem was I knew that new life couldn’t possibly happen if I stayed in Liechtenstein.

  Most of my day was spent doing absolutely nothing. I lounged around in the emptiness of my apartment. It felt emptier than it ever had before. I had even been home for a week without my mother before, but I always knew she was coming home soon. This time, it was different.

  I lay in bed for the first few hours. Then, I got up and cleaned my tiny apartment and made some lunch. There was no motivation at all inside of me. I hated my apartment; I hated my life without Mom and Ana around.

  Before they left, I thought of myself as a confident and outgoing woman. But that day spent alone in my apartment, I suddenly realized I wasn’t the person I thought I was. A confident woman would be ready to move forward, even if she was alone. For me, that confidence had totally disappeared, and all I could think about was finding someone to keep me company.

  Reluctantly, I logged back into OK Love and looked through my messages. I groaned at some of the guys and how hideous they looked. Of course, looks aren’t everything, and I was totally willing to give a nice guy a chance, but a 300-pound, sweaty guy who didn’t even clean himself up for a picture – that was just not going to happen.

  Then, I ran across Chase.

  He described himself as a bored billionaire who needed a partner by his side.


  But for fun, I continued.

  “I’m twenty-nine, single, with blue eyes, and I’m six feet tall. I party way too much and use my father’s money. I live in Atlanta, Georgia, and, despite my current lifestyle, I would love to meet my partner and see if settling down suits me.”

  At least he was honest enough to say his money came from his father. Surely if someone was going to make a fake profile, they would say the money was their own. But money wasn’t all that important to me. Obviously, I didn’t want to be homeless when I got to America, but a small, one-bedroom apartment like the one I had at the time would be suitable.

  His message said that he wanted to talk. So, I figured the best way to see if he was real or not was going to be talking to him on the phone. If he was fake, he would make some sort of excuse not to talk on the phone. If he was real, well, if he was real, he would have no problem hav
ing a phone conversation.

  “Hi, I’m Jordan. Call me if you want to talk.”

  I gave him my phone number and suddenly felt more confident than I had all day. I continued to go through some of my messages and replied to a few other guys. I was browsing profiles when a very long number called my phone. It was a U.S. country code.

  My whole body froze as I looked down at my phone. It had only been a couple of hours, and I had not expected Chase to call me. I stared at the phone and then, finally, answered it right before it went to voicemail.

  “Hello,” I said in my best English.

  “Is Jordan there?” a man’s voice said.

  His voice was velvety and sweet. My whole body tingled when I heard it, and I instantly felt like he was exactly who he had said he was on his profile. It was weird that someone’s voice could or couldn’t match the picture they had on a profile. But for whatever reason, Chase’s voice did seem to match.

  “Yes, this is her.”

  “Wow, you sound beautiful,” he said.

  “Is it possible to sound pretty?” I giggled.

  “Oh, yes. I think it is. I’m going to stick to my guns and say you sound beautiful.”

  My whole face flushed, and I felt my knees get wobbly as I heard him talk. His deep voice was seductive even though he wasn’t saying anything that was particularly enticing. It was how he drew out his words and took his time with each sentence. Chase sounded like the kind of southern man I heard about in movies.

  I had to sit down.

  As much as I wanted to talk to him, I couldn’t think of what to say. My nervousness had overcome me, and I just sat quietly, waiting for him to keep talking. But apparently, nervousness had gotten a hold of him, as well.

  We sat in silence for a minute, and I had to pull his profile up on my computer so I could remind myself of the things he had said about himself in his profile. His profile pictures were very handsome and his voice matched – so far, things seemed to be leaning toward this guy was actually real.


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