Stanley, Gale - Mating Call [Black Wolf Gorge 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Stanley, Gale - Mating Call [Black Wolf Gorge 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 14

by Mating Call (it)

  Why not? "I can't go back. Not if it means living in a prison. Not if Jonas is going to hurt my baby."

  "Sweetheart, don't worry about Jonas. You and our baby will be legally mine, and there isn't a damn thing he can do about it. There's a lot of Outlaw property, and one-third of it belongs to me. I'll build you a brand new house with as many rooms as you want for all the babies we're going to make together."

  It was her childhood dream, a mate, children, and a home of her own. Could it be that simple? Things rarely were. What would he do when he tired of her and found someone he really loved? Lycans mated until death do them part. She loved him, really loved him. Could she deal with losing him one day?

  She'd worry about it when the time came. Surely, she deserved a little happiness despite the bad things she'd done in the past.

  The hell with Jonas. She’d just claimed Jude, why not go all the way and have a human ceremony. At least her child would always be taken care of.


  "Okay what?"

  "Okay, let's get married."

  His face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. "That's great! You won't be sorry. I'll take good care of you, both of you."

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sable sat at the window watching the moon and stars fade in the wake of the rising sun. Her wedding day dawned sunny and full of promise. She let her fears slip away with the dark.

  Her new ring, a princess-cut, two-carat diamond, sparkled on the bedside table. She couldn't wrap her head around it all. The ring, the new clothes hanging in the closet, the marriage license on the dresser, they were all hers. She must be dreaming. In a minute, she'd wake up in an abandoned coyote den in the forest.

  Startled by a knock at the door, she bolted upright.

  "Are you awake, dear?"

  "Yes. Come in."

  "I brought you some breakfast." Mrs. Stone set a tray on the bed. "You're going to lose that beautiful ring for sure. You need to put it on and leave it on."

  "I guess I'm just not used to wearing a ring," she said lamely.

  "Did you sleep at all?"

  "Not very much," she admitted.

  "Are you happy, Sable?"

  "Of course," she answered, surprised by the question.

  "You know you don't have to get married if you don't want to. These days a woman can raise a child on her own, and you know you always have a home here."

  "I do know, and I appreciate it. But this is the right thing for me to do."

  "Forget about what's right. Do you love your young man?"

  "Yes." It was the first time she admitted she loved him out loud.

  "Okay then. Put that ring on and eat your breakfast. We have a lot to do today.”

  You didn't want to mess with Mrs. Stone. Sable smiled and picked up the orange juice. The past week had been a whirlwind of preparations. How much more could there be to do?

  Like a magician pulling a rabbit from a hat, Jude had materialized a social security card and ID, providing her what she needed to get the marriage license. He gave her his credit card, and his sister, Janis, showed up to take her shopping. Meeting Janis had been a shock. She looked so much like the twins they could have been triplets. They were all very close, and Janis didn't like the idea of keeping secrets from Jonas. Somehow, Jude convinced her not to tell him about the baby or the wedding.

  Today a judge would marry them at City Hall. It was all happening so fast that she had trouble keeping up.

  "After you finish eating, I want you to get dressed. Janis is coming over, and we have appointments to get our hair done."

  Sable ran a hand through her long mane. She'd never gotten her hair done in her life.

  "Now don't look so stricken. They're not going to cut it all off, just fix it in a nice updo."

  "No. Jude likes it long."

  "Okay, we'll figure out something."

  * * * *

  A stranger looked back at Sable from the mirror. A woman with French braids circling her head. The rest of her long, black hair cascaded down her back in a mix of sexy waves and spiral curls. A manicure, pedicure, and skillfully applied makeup completed her transformation. Never had she been so fussed over. It made her tense and anxious, but the results were dramatic. Would Jude like the surreal creature she'd become?

  "You look gorgeous!" Janis appeared in the mirror behind her. "You'll be the most beautiful bride ever."

  "Do you think Jude will like it?" She twisted this way and that, trying to see more of the hairstyle.

  "Are you kidding?" Janis asked, astounded. "You'll knock his socks off. Won't she?" She turned to Mrs. Stone, who stood by the door.

  "Absolutely. He's a very lucky man."

  "I hope he thinks so."

  "Sable, you have to be more assertive with him," Janis advised. "Show him who's boss."

  Sable laughed with them, but secretly she disagreed. She wanted her mate to be the alpha in the family. The years on her own had toughened her, but the time she'd spent with Malcolm brought back her submissive side. A true she-wolf, she wanted to be dominated by her mates, in the bedroom anyway. Mates? What was she thinking? Jude was hers, but no matter what she felt, Jonas belonged to someone else.

  "We're meeting Jude at City Hall in two hours. You should dress." Janis broke in to her thoughts.

  "I don't need two hours to dress."

  "Trust me, you do," Janis insisted.

  "Why isn't Jude coming here?" Sable asked, disappointed.

  "It's bad luck for a groom to see his bride in her wedding dress before the ceremony," Mrs. Stone explained.

  "Why?" It sounded kind of dumb.

  "Well. I don't really know." She looked at Janis, who shrugged.

  "It just is." Mrs. Stone pulled a slim box from her pocket and handed it to Sable. "Something borrowed and it's old as well."

  Sable held up a strand of pearls secured with a diamond heart in a white gold clasp. "They're beautiful."

  "They're for good luck. Karin wore them when she married Malcolm."

  Could she and Jude ever be as happy? She hoped so.

  Mrs. Stone recited. "Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and a silver sixpence in her shoe."

  "More good luck." Sable smiled. "Are you trying to tell me something?"

  "It's just tradition, dear.” She reached in her pocket again and pulled out a shiny penny. "It's tough to find a sixpence these days. We'll have to make do with this."

  "And I have something that's new and blue." Janis handed her a small box with a clear top. Inside was a fancy blue garter with white lace. "After the wedding I want it back. Whoever catches it is next to get married." Janis squinted at her. "Don't you dare cry and ruin that makeup."

  "You've both been so wonderful. I don't know how to thank you."

  "Well, if you come across a nice guy, you can send him my way." They all laughed and clasped each other in a three-way hug.

  * * * *

  Sable froze in front of the judge's chambers. She straightened her dress with shaky hands. She wondered if Jude would like what she’d selected, a tea-length ivory silk with a V-neck and sleeves a hair above her elbows.

  "There's no reason to be nervous. You're the most beautiful bride I've ever seen," Janis assured her.

  "I've never seen one lovelier," added Karin's mother. "Except for Karin, of course."

  Laughter broke the tension, and Janis opened the door.

  The minute she stepped over the threshold and saw Jude, everything was okay. They locked eyes and stared at each other for a few minutes. Then he walked over to get her. At a loss for words, he took her hand and planted a gentle kiss on her lips.

  "You'll ruin her makeup," Janis scolded, though no one bothered to acknowledge her.

  "You look like a Grecian goddess," he whispered, finally finding his tongue.

  "And you look like a Greek god." She'd never seen him in a suit before. He was beautiful. She touched his smooth cheek, no stubble today. She couldn't believe he be
longed to her.

  "Ahem." The judge cleared his throat. "We should get started."

  Jude led her to their place before the judge. Janis and Grace flanked them.

  "We're gathered today for a joyous occasion, the marriage between Jude Outlaw and Sable Hemmings. Marriage is a pact and a promise to be faithful, kind, and supportive. It can only work if both partners promise to protect, listen, and love each other unconditionally. So many relationships fail because people are not honest with each other and..."

  Sable's heart twisted. Was their union doomed to failure because it was based on a lie? If Jude knew the truth about this baby, he'd never marry her. Her heart sank like an anchor.

  "Jude, do you take Sable to be your wife? Will you love...?"

  Everything after the word love faded to a buzz in her head until she heard Jude say, I do. It rolled off his tongue so easily. Did he mean it? He never told her he loved her.

  "Sable?" the judge interrupted her thoughts.

  "I do!"

  "Not yet, sweetheart." Jude laughed. Her face flamed, and she lowered her eyes.

  "Sable, do you take Jude to be your husband? Will you love, honor, and cherish him, in good times and in bad, and do you promise to stay true to him as long as you both shall live?”

  "I do." The promise was heartfelt. She dared to hope this would really work.

  They exchanged rings, hers a circle of diamonds to match the engagement ring that adorned her right hand, his a plain gold band.

  "And now, you have made your vows, each to the other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving your rings. I pronounce that you are husband and wife. Jude, you may kiss your bride."

  Jude's sweet kiss promised her the world, and she returned it in kind. They broke apart smiling, but the witnesses sniffled.

  "They're just happy tears, dear." Karin's mother blotted her eyes with a tissue.

  After hugs and kisses all around, Janis pulled a small camera from her purse and took pictures. Then they took off for an early wedding dinner at the Fountain Restaurant in the Four Seasons Hotel.

  The women oohed and ahhed at the fancy lobby with its lovely fountain. Intimate seating areas filled with enormous bouquets of flowers were scattered throughout the large expanse.

  In the elegant restaurant, the maître d’ showed them to a table with a stunning view of the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Sable, unaccustomed to having her chair pulled out and pushed in, felt like a princess.

  Jude ordered for her, Duet of Beef Filet and Short Rib.

  Janis's jaw dropped. "He tells you what to eat, too."

  "Hey, I know my girl." Jude winked at Sable. "She likes red meat. Right, sweetheart?"

  "You're right, baby." She smiled back at him.

  "You two are sickening." Janis made a face.

  Dinner went much too fast. Sable took a sip of her champagne when Janis made a toast and left the rest.

  Dessert was crème brûlée. Sable could only taste a bite before sitting back in her chair, stuffed. She excused herself to go to the powder room.

  When she returned, a small envelope was at her place.

  "What's this?"

  "It's for you and Jude. Open it," Mrs. Stone urged.

  Sable pulled out two plastic cards and glanced at Jude with a flicker of uncertainty.

  "They're keycards, sweetheart. We're staying here tonight, compliments of the ladies."

  "Oh, you've done too much already. My hair, the makeup."

  "That was for you. This is for you and Jude."

  "We wanted to do more, but we didn't have much time," Janis added. "We'll make up for it when the baby comes."

  "Thank you. This is wonderful." She thought she might cry. "Oh, and this is for you, Janis." She handed her the garter she'd removed in the ladies’ room.

  "What's that," Jude asked.

  "Insurance. I plan to be the next one to marry." Janis stuffed it in her purse.

  "Right. I don't think Jonas wants to wait that long."

  Janis punched him in the arm.

  "Hey, I'm only kidding. Your time will come."

  "You deserve someone wonderful," Sable said. Inside, her heart broke thinking of Jonas with another woman. She buried the thought. It wasn't right to be thinking of another man on her wedding day.

  "She should be as lucky as you, sweetheart." Jude leaned over and kissed Sable, full on the mouth.

  "Oh, Lord. Grace, I think it's time for us to go."

  "The night is young. Let's stop somewhere for a nightcap."

  "Grace, you and I are going to be great friends." Janis pushed her chair back and stood.

  They walked to the elevators together, kissed, and hugged. Suddenly she felt nervous to be alone with Jude. She held on to Janis like a lifeline.

  "Come on, sweetheart, you'll see Janis again.”

  "Of course you will. Once that baby comes you won't be able to get rid of me."

  Jude held her hand in the elevator and all the way down the hall until they stood at the door to their suite. He used the card, swept her off her feet, and carried her over the threshold.

  "Here we are, Mrs. Outlaw." He kissed her gently and set her down.

  Her heart stuttered. Mrs. Outlaw. It would take some getting used to. "This is lovely, Mr. Outlaw." The furniture, rich carpets, and artwork reminded her of Mrs. Stone's house.

  "Hey, look at this view." He set her down in front of doors to a balcony that overlooked the Swann Fountain in Logan Circle.

  "Can we go outside?"

  Jude slid the door open, and they stepped out.

  "It's all like a beautiful fairy tale."

  "You're beautiful," he murmured, taking her hand and drawing her close.

  Her heart pounded wildly. She slipped her hands under his jacket and around his waist, every curve of her body molded against his, and she tilted her head to gaze at him. He was so beautiful and all hers. His closeness ignited a fire in her, and she writhed against him. "Pretty soon I won't be able to get this close."

  "We'll improvise."

  She laughed, giddy with the knowledge that he'd be by her side throughout her pregnancy and after.

  "Are you cold, sweetheart?" he asked suddenly.

  With or without fur, the autumn chill didn't bother her. "No. I'm on fire."

  He grinned suggestively and set her pulse racing. "Good, because I want to look at you." He unzipped the back of her dress and pushed it over her shoulders, trapping her arms in the sleeves.

  "Very sexy," he said breathily, running his fingers under the straps of her lacy, beige bra. "Your cup runneth over. I could get used to this pregnancy thing." He unhooked the bra, and her full breasts spilled out into his hands. "You make me so damn hot," he murmured against her bare shoulder. He kissed the hollow of her throat while his hands roamed over her exposed breasts. Her nipples tightened to pebble hardness, and she pressed them into his hands. Her breath caught in her throat.

  "Let's get rid of this." He inched the dress over her hips, and she shrugged off the bra.

  Jude got to his knees in front of her, hooked his fingers in her panties, and slid them down her long legs. She stepped out of them, and the cool night air caressed her bare flesh.

  He positioned her against the balustrade. His hands burned her hips as he kissed her taut, round belly. She gripped the rail on either side, trying not to think about where she really wanted his warm lips. They hadn't been together like this since the first day he found her. Did he need this mating as bad as she did?

  He spread her legs to give himself access. His thumbs parted her nether lips, and he dipped his head to lick first up one side, then the other. He slipped his hands around her hips, cupped her buttocks, and pulled her closer. His heated mouth covered her clit, and he sucked and nibbled until she felt ready to explode. She screamed as her climax hit, and he rode the aftershocks with her, his face buried between her thighs.

  Finally, he stood, and they locked in a deep kiss. She tasted herself on his lips and felt a f
amiliar heat course through her body.

  She unzipped his slacks and slipped her hand inside to caress his hard male flesh.

  "Fuck." His breath rasped in her ear.

  She wrapped her fingers around his cock and squeezed, massaging his sac with her other hand. Each stroke made him gasp, and each gasp made her stroke harder. His balls tightened in her hand.

  He clenched his eyes shut, gripped her arms, and thrust into her hand. She increased the pressure, and he sucked in a breath. Fluid leaked from the tip of his cock, and she smoothed it over his length. Traffic, horns honking, a dog barking in the distance, it all faded until nothing existed except the two of them. All of her attention focused on Jude, touching him the way he liked to be touched, watching him respond.

  The guttural sounds he uttered were more animal than human. He rested his forehead against hers, and his sweat bathed her brow. She loved this, knowing she could make him lose control. His body tensed, his hips bucked. She sank her teeth into his flesh where her mark bore witness to her possession. His control snapped. He came hard, in great pulsing spasms, and she continued to stroke him, riding out the waves until he went soft in her hands.

  * * * *

  More asleep than awake, Sable nestled her bare bottom against her husband. Jude molded his body to hers, enjoying the way she felt in his arms. She was made for him.

  He'd surprised himself when he suggested they get married. It came out of the blue. Deep feelings surfaced when he saw her again and realized how much he loved her. When he found out about the baby, it seemed like a sign from God. Over the past week, he’d had second thoughts. Marriage was such a big step for any couple, let alone one that started out on the wrong foot. And they were so different.

  But when she arrived for the ceremony, all his doubts fled. He knew he wanted her by his side for the long haul. The baby was a blessing in disguise. She might not have married him if she wasn't pregnant. He didn't kid himself that she loved him. Why would she, after what he and Jonas had done to her? He knew he had a long road ahead trying to make up for the past. But maybe in time she'd come to trust him and care for him.


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