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HostileIntent Page 8

by Chandra Ryan

  He was definitely in pain. She recognized the avoidance and the stalling tactics. And it killed her that she’d caused it. She did tend to get carried away when she talked about the Coalition. And it wasn’t as if she had to prove herself to him. He knew what it was like to be trapped in this never-ending battle. “I’m sorry I didn’t find more.” Now that she was thinking about it, three bases didn’t sound like much of an accomplishment. Not when he was probably fighting on the front lines. That’s where tactical officers usually started out, right? He was most likely in the infantry, watching his friends die around him as she was gliding over civilian planets. And she’d been bragging about her three bases.

  “No. I should be apologizing. I shouldn’t have questioned you. And I didn’t mean to imply your missions were a waste of time. Three bases is an accomplishment and you should be proud.” His smile, valiant attempt as it was, didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Hell, it’s three more bases than I ever found.”

  His words rang hollow but they were as good as she was going to get right now. And they were better than she actually deserved. What he needed was time. “So we’re good?”

  “Yeah. Everything’s fine with us.” He said the words with enough sincerity that she did believe him this time.

  “Good. Then let’s get this shelter up.” She and Aimes helped Sans gather the branches and brush they would need to build a small lean-to and then helped him erect the rustic structure. They used vines to tie the branches together and covered it with large palm leaves that littered the forest floor. When they were finished she was too hot, sweaty and tired to feel any of the residual guilt or sorrow. She was exhausted. And exhausted felt pretty damn good.

  Deciding to embrace the moment, she sat down next to Sans and smiled. “I’ve got a secret.”

  “I’m fairly certain you’ve got more than one.” He pulled off his shirt and started to use it to wipe the sweat from his body. All those glorious muscles and wonderful scars were back on display for her. And this time she was the one in charge. She licked her lips in appreciation of the sight. “And I already know that secret.” His wink pulled her out of the thoughts.

  Of course he did. He shared that secret with her. But that wasn’t what she’d been talking about. “I’ve got another. And it’s a good one.”

  “Better than the other?”

  “Under the circumstances I’d say it’s much better.” She reached into her uniform pocket and pulled out a candy bar.

  “You’re right. That is a good one.”

  Her stomach growled at the sight. “And I’ve decided to share it with you and Aimes.”

  “I do love a woman who shares.”

  Heat filled her face at the implication. “Candy only.”

  “It’s a start.” His smile told her that they were speaking—or rather not speaking—of the same thing. Michael. “So what’s put you into such a generous mood?”

  “I kind of got us into this mess.” She peeled the wrapper back and then broke the chocolate into three relatively equal parts.

  Aimes sat down on the ground next to them and took his piece of candy. “You’re not to blame, sir. And we’re still alive. That’s got to count for something.”

  “And yet you’re eating my chocolate,” she pointed out.

  “I’m honest, not stupid.” He smiled and then popped the candy into his mouth. “Besides, you’ll figure a way to get us out of this mess.”

  “Damn right I will.” Following his example, she gleefully ate her chocolate. She refused to rush the experience as he had though. Instead she took her time and savored the sensation of it melting against her tongue. The extra boost the sugar gave her coupled with Aimes’ faith in her immediately bolstered her morale. She could do this. She would figure out who attacked her and why. And she’d get them their lives back.

  “But first you need to rest,” Sans said as he licked the chocolate off his fingers. “I’ll take the first watch.”

  She wanted to argue with him but he was right. She was bone tired. And the wine Michael had given her to settle her nerves had only made her mind fuzzy. “If Michael isn’t here in an hour, wake me and I’ll take the next watch.”

  He nodded but she doubted he’d actually do it. She couldn’t discipline him until after he’d disobeyed her order, though, so she and Aimes went into the shelter. She wanted to stay awake and wait for Michael. At the very least she intended to stay awake for the hour so she could bust Sans and make him do the cleaning for the next week. But it was a losing battle. The moment she closed her eyes she fell into the comforting embrace of sleep and she didn’t wake again until the sun had set and the shelter was blanketed in the black of night.


  A fire crackled nearby but it was behind the shelter so she couldn’t see it until after she’d climbed out. “Sans?”

  “Over here, Captain.”

  The smell of roasting meat made her stomach cramp painfully and she was reminded that a third of a candy bar was simply not enough to keep her going. “Why didn’t you wake me up?”

  “Because I knew you didn’t actually expect me to. And you needed the rest.” Oh, he was so busted. She almost smiled at the thought of handing him a week’s worth of chores. “And you said that if Michael hadn’t shown up yet to wake you up. Since he had, I was off the hook.”

  Her heart caught at his words and all thoughts of discipline slipped out of her mind. Until that moment she hadn’t let herself think about what would happen if Michael hadn’t shown up. But now that he was here she was painfully aware of how worried for him she’d been. “Michael’s here?”

  “Where else would I be? It is my tunnel. I suspect I’d never hear the end of it if I got lost.” Michael stepped out in front of her. “Or did you think a couple of interrogators could get the best of me?” He studied her for a moment. “That’s it, isn’t it? I’m hurt that you have such a low opinion of me.” He gave her his best expression of a hurt puppy but she didn’t care. She’d already launched herself at him to give him a fierce hug. “Wow. You really must need me to get you off this rock.”

  “I just need you.” The moment the words were out, panic filled her. But she’d said them and she couldn’t take them back. She wanted nothing more than to rewind time and do just that though. Why had she said it? “I just… I need you to be okay. I didn’t want anything to happen to you because of me.”

  “It’s okay, sweetheart.” He hugged her back just as fiercely. “I understand.”

  And maybe he did. That would mean he was ahead of her though. She didn’t understand anything right now. She backed away from him and ran her fingers through her hair. “I’m not sure where to go or who to trust anymore.”

  “Adam got me caught up while you were asleep. I think I might know a place where you’ll be safe. It’s a small ranch on the outskirts of the galaxy.”

  She snorted. “Are you sure it’s still there?”

  “Oh, I’m pretty sure it’s not going anywhere. It belongs to an up-and-coming politician.”

  A shudder swept through her involuntarily. “Does he know my father?” It wasn’t that she didn’t like her father. She loved him. But the people he struck deals with often left her feeling dirty.

  “Sweetheart, everybody knows your father. But if it makes you feel better, he’s never worked with him.”

  “And he won’t tell my dad? I think he’ll forgive me for not telling him that I’m alive, someday. But if he hears it from someone else…” She shook her head as she thought about how badly that would hurt her dad.

  “I’ve worked with this guy before. Representative Lee can keep a secret. And he’s a good guy.”

  “Okay. Let’s go check out this ranch in the middle of nowhere.”

  Chapter Six

  Michael grimaced as a box rammed into his knee. Thankfully he was able to bite off the flood of curse words that sprang to mind before they slipped out. It was his own damn fault he’d gotten hit. He should’ve anticipated it and stoppe
d the wayward projectile. But he wasn’t paying attention to what was going on around him as the cargo vessel descended through the planet’s thick atmosphere. If he were, he’d have noted that anything not bolted to the floors was moving around freely. He was far too interested in studying Adam to be paying attention to common, everyday occurrences like boxes shifting though.

  He and Adam had caught up on a lot more than just possible safe havens while Renee slept. And even after hearing the man say the words, he just couldn’t believe Adam was Coalition. He’d suspected it when they’d first met. He’d even admitted those suspicions to Adam. But after Adam had stood by Renee during the attack, Michael had dismissed his concerns. It just didn’t make logical sense for the man to go against his own group to protect a stranger. And yet Adam had done just that. Which put Michael into a bind. He probably should tell Renee about Adam’s allegiances. But since Adam was working with them, he wasn’t going to. They needed Adam’s help right now and Michael was too much of a realist to let political affiliation determine his contact list.

  Good thing too, since it was some of his more shady contacts who’d been able to get them clothing, new identities and documentation on such short notice. Now all he had to do was make sure Renee made it to Representative Lee in one piece and they should be able to start unraveling this mess.

  “I’ve forwarded the meeting coordinates to each of your digital readers just in case we get separated after the landing.” He tore his attention away from Adam so he could address the entire group. “Mr. and Mrs. Lee have been informed of the situation but her ranch hands have not. If anyone else asks, you’re here to look at a couple head of cattle. Keep it simple. The fewer details you give, the fewer you have to remember.” The vessel shuddered as it landed on the planet’s surface. “Are you guys ready for this?”

  He wasn’t sure what he’d do if they said they weren’t. And given their current state, that was a possibility. The people standing around him looked exhausted and bedraggled. Although for everything they’d been through that day, he guessed that bedraggled was actually pretty good. Things could’ve gone much, much worse for them. They could really be dead right now. Just the thought of Renee being gone forever made his stomach clench painfully. But he pushed the sensation away. He’d already lived through losing her once today. He wasn’t going to relive the experience. Not with her sitting right in front of him.

  “We’re ready,” Renee said in a sure tone. And just like that the men seemed to come alive as the cargo bay doors were opened. On the off chance that there were security or customs officers in the hangar, they hid behind the large boxes of cargo. But at the pilot’s “all clear”, they came out of their hiding spaces and started making their way to the tavern that was the rendezvous spot.

  When they arrived a couple hours later, Michael was certain that even he looked haggard. Thankfully this planet seemed accustomed to haggard people. A few customers turned to look at them as they entered but none seemed overly interested in them as they made their way up to the bar.

  “What can I get for you?” a young server asked as she ran a dingy washcloth over the bar in front of them.

  “Whiskey neat for the lady and three of your best brews for us.” They had to drink or they’d stand out in the tavern but he didn’t want the men to be drunk on top of tired. Renee, however, was a completely different story. He needed her to be soundly sleeping when they met with Representative Lee. It was the only way Adam could tell his side of the story and survive. He loved the woman but his love wasn’t blind. He knew what she’d do the moment she found out who Adam worked for. It wouldn’t matter to her that he’d fought to keep her alive. Still, as frustrating as her black-and-white view of the world was, he’d always admired how passionate she was about her causes.

  “I take it you’re the potential buyers?”

  Michael was pulled out of his musings by the dusty ranch hand who sat down on the stool next to him. “That we are.” Michael lifted his beer up to his lips, tipped it back and pretended to enjoy the bitter liquid as it sloshed against his tongue.

  “Zack McGree. Miss Kat sent me to collect you.” Zack stuck his hand out in greeting and Michael shook it briefly. He didn’t have anything against ranchers. He just didn’t want the guy to notice how smooth his hands were. Sure, Michael could come up with a cover story to explain his lack of calluses, but he’d meant it when he’d told the others that the fewer details they had to remember the better.

  Zack didn’t seem to notice Michael’s hands, however. He was looking down at the floor instead. “Travel pretty light, don’t ya?”

  They hadn’t brought any bags with them. They didn’t really have anything to pack but even if they did it would’ve slowed them down. Still, that wasn’t exactly something he could say to Zack. “Shuttle companies are always losing our stuff.” He tossed the man a weary shrug. “If we don’t bring it, they can’t lose it. Besides, we’re used to roughing it.”

  Zack laughed as he signaled the server for a drink. “I think I like you. We get too many dandies these days what with the man of the house.” He paled and then cleared his throat. “Not that I’ve got anything mean to say about the representative. He’s a fine and upstanding man.”

  “His friends just require a lot of…upkeep?” Michael asked with an understanding smile. “It’s the way the universe is going. The other day, one of our interns was asking about some new shower system that they have at the swanky hotels in the inner realms. What do we need with a shower that costs more than a prize steer? He’s lucky we didn’t make him go bathe in the pond for the next month just for suggesting it.”

  Zack laughed and hit his hat against his knee. “That would’ve taught him a lesson he never would’ve forgot.”

  “Especially since that pond’s got leeches the size of my fist.”

  Zack laughed harder and took a large gulp of his ale. “I do like you. You’re my kind of people.”

  “Just call ‘em like I see ‘em.” In truth, Michael was everyone’s kind of people. It’s what made him so good at his job. The more people related to and liked him, the more they opened up. And the more they opened up, the better the story was.

  He hadn’t met too many people who were his kind though. Well, except for Renee. She was as stubborn as they came but she had a sense of fairness to her that most people lacked. She’d turn on her own blood if she learned they weren’t playing aboveboard.

  And Adam. He smiled as he thought about the man. Adam was loyal and loyalty was a rare trait these days.

  “You folks must be tired. Don’t you worry none, the ranch isn’t too far away. Just let me finish this and we’ll have you in a bed before you know it.” Sure enough, as soon as Zack finished his drink he led them out to a private transport that was parked in front of the tavern. The stylish vehicle had all the current upgrades and went a long way in explaining why the ranch hand had expected a slightly more pampered group. And even though Michael had said they were used to roughing it, he couldn’t help but sigh with appreciation at the luxury in front of him.

  He was slightly disappointed that the comfort wasn’t enough to put Renee to sleep on the ride out to the ranch though. The whiskey and soothing ride only seemed to energize her. By the time they reached the settlement and the door to the transport was opened by a lovely woman, Renee was wide awake.

  “I’m so glad you were able to make it out to my ranch safely.” She held out her free hand as soon as Michael was out of the vehicle and he was happy to take it. Her dark hair was worn in a think braid and she carried a child on her hip even as her rounded abdomen hinted that she was expecting another.

  “Thank you for the invitation, Mrs. Lee.” He moved to one side to allow the others room to get out as well.

  “We don’t stand on formality here. Please, call me Kat.”

  “It’s lovely to finally meet you.”

  “If you’ll follow me, I’ll escort you to your sleeping quarters.” She started walking back to the
house as she spoke. “My husband has made arrangements to join us but unfortunately his shuttle has been delayed.” She shook her head as she opened the front door. “With the transport strikes, I’m surprised anyone can get anywhere in a timely fashion these days.”

  They followed her through the door and into a welcoming yet simple room. “You have a lovely home, Kat.” His voice must have carried his sincerity because she smiled back at him.

  “Thank you. It nearly burnt down a couple of years ago. Does my heart good to see it all put back together again.” She looked around and sighed. “It may not be as grand as some of the other politicians’ manors but I wouldn’t live anywhere else. The guestrooms are right this way.” She walked up a flight of stairs that led to a hallway. “So… This is the awkward moment when I tell you we only have two guestrooms. I’m sorry. Usually we have a couple of cabins free but we’re in the middle of calving season. And we’ve had to move Annie here into her own room so we have space for the baby when he comes.”

  “No need to apologize. We’re grateful you have room for us at all with the last-minute notice we gave you.”

  “Okay then.” She opened two of doors that lined the hall. “I’ll let you guys decide who bunks where. The bathroom is the door just down the hall.” She turned and started to walk away before stopping. “I’ll send someone to get you as soon as Jasper gets home.”

  “Thank you.”

  As soon as she was gone, the four people all looked at each other in a moment of awkward silence. He wasn’t surprised when it was Renee who decided to take charge.

  “What do you all think is fair? Two in each room?”

  That depended largely on who got to share a room with her. And Michael had a feeling that Adam was thinking the same thing.


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