Channing: Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates (Big Cats Book 5)

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Channing: Big Cat Shifters Looking for Fated Mates (Big Cats Book 5) Page 11

by Crystal Dawn

  “That was my intention but I’ve not had a chance to do it yet. I need to meet her and get her duties determined. She can take the lead on much of this move for my people. It seems she lived among humans and doesn’t know many of our kind. This will be a good opportunity for her to meet others.”

  “She has human blood?”

  “Yes. I put out a call for those with other blood to come here. We will deal harshly with any racism. It won’t be tolerated.”

  “You’ll have to watch for it. Many of those bullied never report it. They just pack up and leave.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “I had a case when I was still a student. The girl committed suicide and her parents wanted some kind of justice. Bullying wasn’t recognized then as it is now. All we were able to get was a small payment and an assurance from the school that their teachers would receive training and they added a counselor to help students who had adjustment problems. They had to accept that or get nothing. The students involved all got warnings. A poor punishment for pushing someone to end their life. I did a lot of research into it and bullying was common place but largely unreported.”

  “We’ll set up a committee to watch for it and have a counselor to deal with any of our people who have adjustments to make to the move and integrating with our kind.”

  “That sounds like a good start. I need to go home to get on my computer and see what’s gone wrong while I’ve been away.” He stood and pulled her into his arms. “Haven’t you had enough?” She giggled.

  “You know it’s not just about sex. I love to hold you close, feel your warmth, and breathe in your sweet scent.”

  “I never pegged you for a romantic. I like to cuddle too, more than I ever thought I did before.” Viv admitted. He hoped it was a sign that she was ready to accept their mating and move on.

  “You know you really need to let your cat out? She must be going crazy in there.”

  “Not so much. She’s a sex addict. Of course now that you brought it up, she’s chafing to get out.” Viv glared at him but he grinned back.

  “Believe me, you’ll love prowling around in your cat form. There’s nothing else like it. As long as you let her loose once in a while, she’ll be fine.”

  Viv sighed heavily. “Between the two of you, I know when I’ve lost. Let’s go.”

  He pulled her along wondering what kind of cat she’d be and what she’d look like. Unsure if there had ever been a white cheetah, he didn’t have a guess. Maybe she’d just be a regular one. Although he’d heard no white wolf had turned without at least a bit of white. Just like the red wolves had red, always. It was time to see as they made it to a small copse of trees. This was their orchard and he was seeing it for the first time.

  Pulling his mate into his arms he kissed her sweetly. “Just imagine your cat. Call her to you and tell her to come out and play for a while. Just relax and let it happen.” He kissed her again and she slid out of his arms as the change took over. “Goddess!” He couldn’t believe the perfect white cheetah that was his mate. Slightly smaller and more delicate looking than his cat, she was gorgeous and amazing.

  Viv started prancing around but stumbled. Her cat legs were new for her and she needed to adjust. It didn’t take long before she was off and running to a larger grove of trees where a section of forest was. The house had two hundred acres with it and about a fourth was in woodlands. It was lovely with paths cleared out for walking and most of the scrub growth and vines had been tamed. Around the edge of the woods, there were some wild grapevines that might produce the tiny round grapes that grew in the area.

  He also saw some signs of the blackberry, raspberry, and even an odd gooseberry bush. Once they had cubs, he would teach them to recognize the plants and what was edible. Viv probably knew as well. Looking up, he caught her tail as she hurried away. It was time to catch up with his amazing mate.

  Stalking her, he circled to get in a good position noting she was looking for him behind her. Wouldn’t she get a surprise? He rushed around from behind a tree to jump on her. But the surprise was on him, she wasn’t there. That’s when someone jumped on his back. His mate had found him and now they rolled around on the ground as he tried to establish some dominance.

  Finally he managed to get on top. He stared deeply into her wide open eyes taking in the green mixed with flecks of gold and blue. What he saw was love and commitment, which was all he’d wanted from her for so long. This was his future, her and their cubs and he would give her everything he had. He nipped her nose, not enough to hurt much. It may have pinched just a bit. Then he got up and walked away like the king of his domain.

  He might not be a lion, but he was the biggest baddest predator in his own group and they all knew it. If Tamra planned to fight his mate, he had a feeling she’d get her ass handed to her. Their group house was done and soon his people would be introduced to their female alpha. That’s when Tamra could make her decision to fight or let things go.

  They returned home and made a plan to call their people together in two days for the full moon. That’s when they would feast and rejoice in their new home and those in the female hierarchy would have their chance to challenge. It was fairly certain someone would do so and his sister was the likeliest one. Seeing how marvelous and muscular his mate’s cat was, he wasn’t worried at all. Her cat was the largest female one he’d ever seen and larger than most males. She still looked feminine, but her strength was undeniable.

  Time passed quickly because they were both busy catching up on everything. They had the feast tonight, but no group run. That was mainly because he didn’t want Viv to run and he preferred Tamra and the others not to know she’d changed. It would be her ace in the hole if she had to fight.

  “Are you ready, Beautiful?” He asked.

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  “Let’s head out now. You think Sara got it all set up okay?”

  “As long as all her helpers showed up.” Viv observed.

  “Wasn’t she supposed to call you if she was short?”

  “I wasn’t first on her call list. I think I was like number ten. I’m sure any of the others would have gone to help her. This will be marvelous.”

  “Hungry? I know I am.”

  “Hell yes. Since the change I’m starving all the time. She’ll have some of my favorites so let’s go.”

  They got in his SUV and took off. The place was packed. Her perfume was light and just enough to hide her cat. He didn’t feel guilty because his sister needed a take down. Maybe it would make her a better person. He didn’t like the person she was right now. The place was already packed with extra tables set up that Sara rented to those she supplied food and services to. The deal she’d given him had been good with the family discount.

  Food was everywhere carefully covered and citronella torches kept most bugs at bay while adding a pleasant scent to the air. Viv assured him the bugs could get bad without them. They gave the event a festive and slightly romantic vibe. Once the time was right, he stepped in front of everyone with Viv at his side.

  “I would like to introduce you to your alpha female. Some of you already know and the rest of you will get to know her in time. Please make her feel welcome.” Most of his people shouted enthusiastically. Few of the females wanted the headache running the coalition would bring and only a small percent were even fighters anyway. Cats weren’t as aggressive as wolves where the hierarchy is concerned.

  Tamra steeped up near them. “I challenge for the right to be alpha female.” Everyone grew silent.

  “I’ve heard even the bloodthirsty wolves had good enough manners to challenge after the feast.” Channing said. Tamra blushed with embarrassment but stood her ground. “The fight will be tomorrow at eight in the morning. It will have the usual rules as is customary. No unnecessary harm.”

  “I’ll try not to hurt your princess.” Tamra said.

  “I’m saying that for your benefit, not hers.” Some of the males that had worked with
Viv snickered and now Tamra looked uncertain. Maybe she would learn to find out what was going on before she drew conclusions.

  His sister left, she had only come to cause trouble it would seem. That was okay. At some point his mate’s cat needed to meet their people too. There was little doubt they would be as impressed as he’d been. Right now they had to forget about Tamra and try to enjoy themselves. The night went by fast and when it was over, they helped Sara cleanup. The night had been a great success with his people leaving for a run after they had fed.

  Now they needed to go home and rest. His only concern was that Viv had never fought in her cat form. Cats did have some fighting ability that was instinctual and hopefully, that would be enough. In a weird way, he looked forward to the fight. That was only because he thought his mate was going to school his sister. Most cats didn’t have the need or even the opportunity to fight much. He doubted Tamra had either. She just felt superior and over confident. Her thoughts were even that Viv was still a human and an ordinary one at that.

  When they arrived home, they showered and went to bed. She needed her rest so she would be ready to take on his sister. It bothered him that Tamra was hard to like. That she wanted to fight someone she thought ill prepared to defend themselves didn’t speak much to her character. His parents had never encouraged that kind of behavior or racism and he wasn’t sure where her attitude had come from. The ass kicking she was about to get might back her down, but it would just add to her resentment of humans.

  Never in his dreams would he have thought his siblings might bring out some of his biggest worries. Finally, his mind calmed and he wanted sleep so badly that it came. When he woke it was to his alarm but he was alone in bed. Dressing quickly, he hurried out to the dining room where Viv was eating. Tamra had finally moved into her two bedroom lake house on the other side of the lake about ten miles from them but the same distance from Blue Eye. Her being gone was a relief. Samuel had sent him a text telling him he’d got together with Tamra and he’d not been impressed with her behavior himself. He’d warned him that she was out to get his mate. The warning was appreciated if somewhat late.

  His memories of his sister were somewhat hazy. She’d been older than him and left home when he was just a cub. The contact had been spurious at best until three years ago she’d ask for a part time job with one of his companies. Family is important so he’d looked at her skills and matched it with a small internet company he owned. It had seemed like a good match and everything was going well.

  The job didn’t reflect on her character and he was discovering things he didn’t like. He thought he might have Tyne investigate her. Although he had his own in house investigators, this was personal and he wanted the best. Right now he needed to give his mate all the support he could. She looked surprisingly calm for a female about to face such an important fight. He decided it was best if she was calm.

  They finished eating and headed out to the Coalition House. A circle had been built that would now see its first fight. It was similar to those the wolves used in that it was a circle surrounded by stones. The inside was dirt that had been pounded down until it was hard and any debris or obstacle had been removed. Eventually, a statue of the goddess would be put at the head of the circle with bench seating going around for the judge and a guest and for those that were old, very young, or crippled in some way. It was his honor to see to the comfort of the weakest among his Coalition.

  All the cat alphas were present with their mates. “I’m glad to see you guys. I forgot to find someone to preside over the challenge. We’ve had no fights for a long time. “

  “I’d be honored. The rules are the same as far as I know. Your circle will be the first one to be broken in.” Seb said with a smile. “Who is the foolish challenger?”

  “My sister Tamra. She’s nothing like I remember her being. I hope the lesson will give her some humility.”

  “Getting your ass kicked usually does.” Azrael injected with a grin.

  Tamra stood near the circle obviously able to hear them. To say she looked confused was an understatement. “Ladies, enter the ring.” Seb commanded.

  They both moved into it quickly and stood on opposite ends. Now he began to explain the purpose of the fights and this one in particular. Tamra looked more uncertain by the minute and Viv didn’t seem worried in the least. Maybe her cat was in control and confident in her abilities.

  He spoke of the vicious nature of the battles and how their numbers had dropped so rapidly that new rules had been made. Once a fighter was unconscious, no more hitting or biting was allowed. There was no honor in attacking a defenseless opponent. The rules were few and both opponents were to stay in the circle until a winner was declared.

  Since Viv had been challenged, she had decided to start the fight in human form. The other form could be taken after the fight started. “Wait a minute. I thought she was a regular human. What’s her other form?” Tamra asked.

  “You should have discovered that before you challenged her.” Seb said. He raised his fist above his open palm and slammed it down.

  Viv quickly moved in and punched Tamra in the nose. It erupted with blood shooting everywhere. A kick to her knee made her limp. Now Tamra came back trying to get in a hit but all of them were blocked. Viv was still getting in hits and kicks that were wearing his sister down. Frustration from his sister was evident. A change of form was coming and it would be soon. That would be her worst mistake.

  The air wavered as Tamra began to change, but Viv made the change faster and went for the throat. She caught his sister unsuspecting before her change was complete with a death grip on her neck. Her fangs were sharp and a small trickle of blood dripped out. His sister tried to shake her neck free, but the blood stream increased. It was obvious she’d lost to everyone but her. The fight could not be called unless she lost consciousness or gave up. She was already dizzy and soon would pass out judging by the increased blood flow.

  This was stubbornness to the extreme. She’s misjudged her opponent and now refused to give in. It wasn’t long before Viv dropped her to the ground unconscious. Seb declared her the winner and now the attention was on her cat form. His people were stunned to say the least. Another white wolf in cat form. How incredible was that?

  Some of them bowed while others dropped to their knees while Viv’s cat pranced and basked in their attention. Not too surprising for a young cat. That ended fast when Maddie approached her and slapped her ear. Viv quickly changed back.

  “What was that for? You know that hurt.” Viv declared.

  “Stop taking on airs. You’re just Viv. You’re not a princess or anything like that.” Maddie claimed.

  “I just won my first fight. Can’t I be happy about that?”

  “You can, but not by prancing around like that. You’re too old for it anyway.” Maddie concluded.

  Viv looked at the ground and her face was bright red. Hurrying over to her he hugged her. Meanwhile he noticed his sister had used the distraction to run away. Something was up with her and Tyne was already checking it out. That was his biggest worry right now.

  They went home and celebrated her victory in the most meaningful way. It was nearly a week later that Tyne called. “Channing?”

  “Yes, is this Tyne?”

  “It certainly is and I have some news for you. That female is not your sister. She’s not related to you in any way I can trace except she is a cheetah and human mix. I’m surprised you couldn’t scent it.”

  “She has a perfume she wears. Some of our females wear light scents. Hers is heavier than most, but I never really thought about it. Where is my sister?”

  “The last anyone heard of her, she went to Africa. She’s either living off grid or she didn’t do so well. That female didn’t kill her if that’s your concern. It was just an opportunity she took advantage of. The female has done this many times before but never in person like this.”

  “We’ve had a few return to the land of our ancestors. They weren’
t happy with modern life. That’s where our parents went so maybe she’s with them.”

  “If you want to track her down I can send a team after her.”

  “I may later, but for now I need to deal with this female. Any suggestions?”

  “The wolf council wants her for theft. That’s probably why she assumed your sister’s identity. They would be glad to get her and the reward would pay my bill. Their prison is rather harsh.”

  “Did she have a bad childhood?” He asked.

  “No, her parents cared for her and she left home seeking adventure.” Tyne shared.

  “Anyway to get her in some kind of program where she works to pay back her victims rather than be abused by the system?”

  “I can talk to Damon, he won’t do anything unless an agreement is reached.”

  “I’ve heard of him and his wild witch.” He chuckled.

  “Don’t laugh too much. Magic of various kinds runs in the family.” Tyne admitted.

  “I knew Ariel had her own special magic, but the others?”

  “Each has their special gifts that usually get stronger after the change.”

  “Thanks for the heads up.”

  “No problem. I’ll send you the report on the fake Tamra.”

  As he sat in his office, his computer buzzed. He pulled up the email from Tyne and printed it out. Tyne was right. The girl was a much loved child of an affluent couple. Maybe she’d been too spoiled, who could say? It was time to make a phone call.



  “Is this my favorite boss?”

  “Only if your favorite is me. I have a delicate matter for you.” He went on to explain what had happened.

  “You never questioned who she was?”

  “No, but if I have doubts I will next time. I need the business gone through thoroughly and given full report including a recommendation on who might fill the manager’s role.”

  “I have good/bad news for you.”

  “That was quick.”

  “It was because I just completed the quarterly review two days ago. The business is running well, but your not sister hasn’t been doing anything. The assistant manager has always run things. I thought you were trying to help your sister out so I never mentioned her lack of input or decision making in the business. She’s a figure head, plain and simple. “


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