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New Hope (The New Earth Colonies Book 1)

Page 18

by Nina Silver

  “You moving in with him Doc?” Haze looked at me thoughtfully.

  “Y-yyyes.” I barely managed to stutter as I blushed furiously.

  Haze grinned and then winked at me. “Well, I’m glad things are looking up for you two. You better take care of my boy though, or I’m gonna be up your ass about it.”

  “Haze.” Cove warned his friend in a protective manner that made my nerves tingle.

  Haze just grinned at his friend and then turned to me. “I crashed in your room Doc. Hope you don’t mind since it won’t be your room anymore.”

  “No, not at all.”

  “Is Jo up?” Cove asked, and Haze shrugged.

  “I don’t know what that stubborn woman is doing.” Haze answered with a scowl. Cove gave him an odd look and then looked over questioningly at me. Haze rolled his eyes at our display of intimacy. “You know she ain’t gonna like this though… Me having to stay here now? She’ll flip…” Haze finished with a hearty chortle not sounding at all perturbed by Jo's possible unhappy reaction.

  Feeling awkward with the discussion I cleared my throat. “Uhm, I’ll go pack my stuff then. You two can chat.” I quickly made my way into the room leaving the two men behind.

  The room did not look much different from the last time I saw it, the only big difference was that the once secure door now lay next to the wall useless. I started packing my clothes making fast work out of them when I heard a shuffle behind me. I whirled to see Jo standing there looking at me blankly.

  “Moving out then?” She pursed her lips and crossed her arms in a defensive stance. Her hair flowed down her back for the first time since I met her and I could see how tired she looked despite the way she stood tall and proud. There was a real vulnerability about her that made me want to reach out, hug, and comfort her.


  “Moving in with Cove then?” She snorted. “That didn’t take long…”

  I blushed and turned my back to continue my packing. I heard Jo behind me take a few steps in the room and then she came and sat down across from me observing me pack.

  “I don’t blame you if you must know.” I looked up at her with a questioning look. “I don’t blame you for Cove.” She explained with a one-shouldered shrug. “I knew it would never happen between us, as much as it burns me to say those words. Sure, I had hoped, but I was fooling myself all along...”

  I swallowed and nodded but said nothing. I needed no explanations from her. And I most definitely did not need her feeling obligated to be nice to me just because we went through something horrendous together. “I didn’t say anything - about your gift, so you don’t have to be nice to me.”

  I watched Jo open her mouth and then shut it. She gave me a stubborn look then blinked. “Thank you. I wasn't nice to you for that - but thanks anyway.”

  “Will you tell?” I asked closing my bag and moving towards the desk and starting to pack my work things.

  “Maybe - I don’t know yet when… I’m scared.” I gave her an understanding look. I can’t imagine being in her position - I think I’d go crazy. “I don’t want them to treat me like a freak - or-or send me up in one of the Colonies to dissect me…”

  “Understandable. Did you get checked by a medic at least?”

  “Yeah, one of the Neptunians ran a scan in the transport last night. Nothing came up wrong per se but there was more electromagnetic activity reported in my left hemisphere and some brain part I can’t and don’t really want to remember.”

  “Well you don’t have to worry about me - I’ll keep your secret, but it’s also important to understand what else they may have done to you.” I whispered as I carefully packed my informator and the last of my equipment.

  “I know that… Why do you think I’m scared?” I sat on the desk chair and faced her. She frowned at me and then chuckled. “You know, never in my life have I ever said those words - that I’m scared - to anyone, and here I am telling you - a woman that I’m supposed to hate.”

  I raised my eyebrow at her. “Well do you?”

  “Hate you?” Her eyebrows scrunched together and then released. “No.”

  I couldn’t help myself, I fully grinned at her. Jo might want to play tough, but she was really a big softie inside. “You know Jo, I think you and I will be the best of friends.”

  She snorted in disbelief. “Don’t push it, woman.”

  I grinned at her even bigger. She could deny it as much as she wanted. I knew we’d be friends, I felt it deep in my heart. “We shall see about that.”

  Jo rolled her eyes and rose to her feet. “I guess I’ll see you around.”

  I stayed in the room alone for a few seconds trying to ground myself at present the moment and take inventory of things to come - the ones I could foresee at least.

  Cove stepped in the room. “Ready?” I nodded and indicated my two bags, as I grabbed my precious equipment. Cove easily lifted the other bag as if it were light as a feather and slugged it over his shoulder. He approached me with a naughty grin, and as I was caught in the snare of his beautiful chiseled face, he carefully lifted my equipment from my hands.

  At seeing his gentle handling of my cherished work, my heart fluttered my insides melting. All of a sudden, it became imperative for me to tell him how I felt. Right at this moment.

  "Cove?" I breathed out urgently.

  "Iolee?" He questioned worried at the seriousness of my tone.

  "I think I've fallen in love with you." I breathed out as my heart pattered.

  Cove gave me a full blast smile, his eyes practically melting with tenderness.

  "Amazing!" He winked at me, and reached out grabbing one of my hands, our fingers intertwining. "I think - no I know that I definitely have fallen in love with you."

  A smile burst out of my lips, and I couldn't help the dizzying rush of emotion that overcame me. "You don't think I'm crazy for falling in love with you after a week?"

  "Sweetheart, we live in a crazy world about to get crazier and this right here is just about what feels sane." He squeezed my hand, and I smiled softly. Me and him did feel right.

  “Should we go back to our unit then?” He smiled down at me, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

  “I like the sound of that.”

  “Let’s go then since I have a couple more tricks up my sleeve to show you.” He winked at me and I giggled as we left the room holding hands.


  Neptune Colony


  I paced around my room anxiously. My mind just about ready to explode. I chewed on my lip as I waited for news from New Earth. Had they recovered Iolee? Had they not? Was she alive? Was she injured? Was she … dead?

  Oh, why hadn’t I heard anything back yet? It had been a whole day since I woke up to that terrible, sickening video message left on my com. I chewed on my lip more until I tasted blood. Ugh, the suspense was killing me - absolutely killing me!

  Iolee was a sister to me, and the uncertainty of what had happened to her along with the horror at the discovery of Ourupta on New Earth chewed my insides like a rabid dog gnawing a bone.

  I was due at the lab to start my new position in a few hours, but I couldn't possibly rest knowing that Iolee was being tortured by Ourupta! On New Earth no less.

  I had woken up just fine yesterday, had managed to forget all about that arrogant Goody-Two-Shoes, Golden Boy, Mr. High-and-Mighty Captain Jaxson Jet. Oh, how he riled me up! I had been excited to see I had received a video call on my com by Iolee, and my hopes had risen thinking that she perhaps had more juicy info to share regarding her irresistible New Earth Chief.

  That sly fox - I couldn't believe she'd done the dirty with someone she had just met. Ah, girl made me proud!

  But realization dawned, and my breath hitched at the thought that Iolee might not even be alive anymore. My eyes watered and promptly tears started running down my cheeks.

  What the Jupiter was going on!

  Why was no one calling me? Patience was not my midd
le name damn it!

  As if a dam had burst, so my tears could not be held back. Iolee's cries for help kept running through my mind. She had called me! Me! For help and I had been sleeping! I let her down. My breaths came out in heaving sobs, and my anger rose. Why the fuck was no one calling me? I felt so helpless...

  I had been lucky to have even been able to get in touch with her supervisor yesterday or who knows what would have happened otherwise.

  In the end, the most obnoxious person on the face of the galaxy had actually come to my rescue.

  As soon as the shock of watching the video and recognizing the danger Iolee was in had weaned, I started calling anyone I could think of that might be able to help. Unfortunately, that had not been enough. Desperate, I had hastily run out of my room. Surely, Neptune would do something to help! I mean hell-oooo Ourupta! On New Earth! And of course, who is the first person I run into? None other than Goody-two-shoes Captain Jaxson Jet with the stick up his ass.

  He had seen how upset I was, and too distraught to care about the fact that he was my nemesis, I had spilled all about Iolee being taken by Ourupta while on a mission at the reservation of New Hope. I don't know what I had expected from him then, maybe laughter, perhaps disbelief, even anger. What I had not expected however was the stark, grave expression on his face, or him running me up to Neptune's Command Center, helping me get in touch with Iolee's boss, and then presenting me before the Neptunian Governor to share the video and any information I had.

  Still, despite me being the one to present them with crucial information on Ourupta activity, no information for me!

  I sat on my bed trying to take deep breaths and exorcise the anxiety from my body, but within seconds I was on my feet pacing once more.

  I checked my com - perhaps I had missed a message or a call - but there was nothing. I paced again.

  Knock. Knock.

  The unexpected sound made me start, and I turned to study the door of my small efficiency unit. Who could it be? News? My heart pounding, I ran to the door pressing my palm on the keypad to unlock it.

  I deflated at the sight of the person in front of me. "Oh, it's you." The Golden Boy of the Academy deemed to stoop so low as to visit me?

  Said Mr. High-and-Mighty, gave me a stoic look from head to toe. My hackles rose as I attempted to pat my hair in vain effort to appear somewhat presentable. I knew I looked terrible - but give me a break, I hadn't slept or had food in over a day.

  Of course, Captain Jaxson Jet looked perfect - absolutely perfect damn him! Tall and imposing, I had to tip my head back to even make eye contact with him. His turquoise eyes were crystal clear and acutely intelligent, his chestnut hair perfectly combed to the side with not a hair out of place looked like burnished bronze. His navy-blue uniform starched and buttoned up to his throat, not a single missed crinkle on him. Ugh, he looked so proper I just wanted to reach out and ruffle his hair just to antagonize him. I took a deep breath however, not forgetting that this was the man that had helped me yesterday when I had been losing my mind after all.

  Jet regarded me calmly, his hands clasped behind his back. "How can I help you, Captain Jet?" I finally asked as cordially as I could at the moment.

  "Apologies for my intrusion Dr. Calvin." His voice came out thick and yummy reminding me of hot chocolate - such a seductive tenor was just wasted on this insipid man. "I understand that I found you at an inopportune time, however seeing how distraught you were yesterday I wished to come check on your wellbeing."

  Pleasure flushed through me, but I did not let it distract me too long. "Thank you, Captain Jet for checking in with me. I am as well as can be expected."

  He nodded his head. "Well... I had hoped you would feel much better knowing that your friend has been retrieved and was in perfect health."

  His words reached my ears, and my jaw dropped in surprise. "What?" I screeched so loudly, the always perfectly composed Captain Jet winced. "What did you say?" I asked my hands shaking, hoping the words I heard rang true and were not just a figment of my imagination.

  Jet frowned and cleared his throat. "You did not know? Your friend has been retrieved and is in good health recovering at the reservation of New Hope."

  Relief washed over me as my whole body quaked with the sob that left my mouth. Unable to stop myself I reached out and hugged him. Iolee was safe, she was safe - she was not dead! Tears of happiness and exhaustion leaked out of my eyes as I hugged him tighter his imposing muscles pushing against me in a delicious way.

  He completely stood frozen, his whole body tense, his arms still clasped behind him. With a gasp, I realized who I had been hugging and hastily jumped back, my arms falling by my sides.

  "I - I did not know..." I mumbled as I swiped at the tears still leaking out of my eyes and looked down not wanting to see his expression at the emotionality I was unwittingly subjecting him to. "Thank you, you cannot understand the relief you have provided for me. I sincerely thank you."

  He cleared his throat again, and I looked up to see him equally flat and unaffected as always. "You are welcome, Dr. Calvin. I shall leave you to your rest then, it appears you may be in sore need of it."

  I swallowed, not even his ill comment about my looks would ruin my good mood at the moment. I watched as Captain Jaxson Jet stiffly walked away from me, his arms straight by his side, his steps confident and efficient until he was gone from sight, only then did I close my unit's door.

  Thank you for reading!

  If you enjoyed reading New Hope as much as I enjoyed writing it please consider leaving a review, and telling a friend.

  Don’t miss the excerpt of the next book in the series, Nemesis, on the next page.

  If you enjoyed the book or have questions don’t hesitate to contact Nina by email: Nina loves hearing from readers!

  Or find her on Facebook for upcoming books, sneak peeks, and news.

  Excerpt from NEMESIS

  Chapter One

  Saturn Colony


  I yawned and jabbed at my com in an effort to make my stupid alarm shut off. Heavenly stars, my head was pounding so much it felt it would explode. I shouldn't have celebrated by drinking that whole bottle of firewine last night or was it perhaps the space tequila? Unable to turn off the alarm, I blinked an eye open to see the day-light had already come on in my room. For efficiency reasons, all Colonies had the same schedule every day. Unfortunately, that meant the lighting controls followed the patterns for our scheduled day and night, which made it particularly difficult for people like me when we wanted some more damn sleep.

  "Xan, are you up yet? You need to get ready because we have to get you to your platform!" Iolee, my roommate, and best friend called from the wash unit conveniently located between her room and mine. I licked my dry lips, feeling extra grumpy. With a strong jab I managed to shut up my com, a sigh of relief coming to my lips as some of the pounding in my head diminished.

  "Do I have to?" I groaned loud enough for her to hear. Today was the Day. Yeap, I was moving from the Saturn Colony to the Neptune Colony. I was not happy. Saturn had been my home for ten years now, and having to leave and abandon Iolee behind was proving stubbornly difficult.

  "Xanthippe Calvin, get your butt up!" Iolee yelled, and I shoved my feet to the ground sitting up on my bed.

  Alas, it was inevitable! I was all packed and ready for Neptune. I actually had no choice in the matter. As a doctor of medicine and biotechnology, I had found out I had been placed for work at the Neptune Colony despite how much I begged my superiors to let me become a researcher at the Science University of Saturn, I was even wiling to become a simple practicing doctor on one of the other two Colonies, but they would have none of that. It was Neptune for me or well… Neptune.

  I frowned at myself, stubbornly wanting to complain and whine about the unfairness of it all, but I knew that would accomplish nothing. My fate had been sealed when all graduates
of the University had received their placements last month. So here I was, a day after graduation getting ready to leave my whole life on Saturn and start anew.

  I heard the shower in the wash unit shut off, and the green light in my room turned on indicating Iolee was done using the wash unit. With another sigh at myself, I got up and begun getting ready for the day to come. I showered, got dressed and then exited my room to find Iolee waiting for me with a gloomy look on her face.

  Iolee and I had been raised together, my family had taken her in after her parents passed away from a freak accident at Jupiter Colony where we had lived until we both got accepted to the Saturn Science University ten years ago. Iolee was two years younger than me, and she was in all meanings of the word my true sister, as we had been inseparable for the last twenty years... Yet here we sat, ready to part - not only on a different Colony but a whole different planet!

  Iolee who graduated yesterday with multiple degrees in linguistics had been assigned a prestigious position in working with her idol, Dr. Morton esteemed war hero from the Ourupta Wars and key member to their defeat. Working with him meant that Iolee was remaining in Saturn unfortunately.

  "All ready?" She asked her cute little face squishing together in sadness.

  "There's nothing else to do, so yes." I replied feeling my own face mirroring hers. My things had all been packed and gone since yesterday. As soon as I boarded my flight to Neptune, Iolee would be moved to her own individual unit at another part of the Colony. It would be as if we never even existed and spend ten years of our lives in this unit. Melancholy washed over me, but I tried to ignore it.


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