Side Chic 4 (Forever Ratchet)

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Side Chic 4 (Forever Ratchet) Page 14

by La'Tonya West

  A few hours later, I woke up to a pitch black room needing to empty my bladder. I sat up and had to take a few seconds to figure out exactly where I was. I was still feeling the effects of all of the Ciroc that I’d consumed earlier. I got up and staggered out into the hallway, still in nothing but my bra and panties. Nelle had little a nightlight plugged up in the hallway so it wasn’t completely dark like in the room. I made my way to the bathroom not bothering to turn on the light or close the door. I sat there in the dark for several minutes trying to get myself together. My head felt slightly woozy. After a while, I stood up, wiped myself and flushed the stool.

  As I was leaving out of the bathroom, I heard the door to Nelle and Corey’s room open and then close. I started back down the hall to the guestroom, trying to make it before whoever it was saw me because I didn’t have on any clothes. I’d made it almost to the door when I bumped directly into Corey wearing nothing but a pair of boxers.

  “Oh shit!” He said obviously startled. “My bad Mina.”

  “Nah, my bad.” My eyes roamed over his muscular chest and then down to the boxers that he was wearing. I wanted to see what was in them more than anything in the world.

  “Excuse me.” He told me and tried to walk past me but I stepped in his path. I may have still been a little tipsy but I wasn’t so tipsy that I wasn’t well aware of what was standing in front of me. I finally had my opportunity to make my move and even though Nelle was only a few feet away in the bedroom down the hall, I wasn’t about to let it slip through my fingers.

  I reached out and touched Corey’s naked chest, slowly dragging my fingers down further and across his abs. “Damn you are one sexy ass motherfucka.” I whispered. “I want you so bad. I find myself watching you and daydreaming about you all the time.”

  He moved my hand. “Have you lost your damn mind?” He snapped in a hushed tone. “Nelle is right down the hall.”

  “I know that, we could be really quiet.” I tugged on his arm trying to pull him into the bedroom. “Come on, she doesn’t have to know. I believe that you want to too.”

  “Nah, I’m good.” He jerked his arm away and shoved me back off of him causing me to stumble back into the wall. Making a light thud. “You are trippin’. I don’t know what type of games you are playing but I don’t want no parts of that shit!”

  Feeling embarrassed, I snapped being careful to keep my voice down. “It ain’t that serious damn!”

  “It is that serious, my wife is right down the hall…”

  “No your wife is right here!” Nelle stood in the middle of the hallway. She flipped on the light switch and walked closer to Corey and me. The pissed expression on her face told me that shit was about to get ugly. She eyed both of us suspiciously. “Does anyone want to tell me what the fuck is going on out here?”

  “Ain’t shit going on.” Corey didn’t hesitate to answer. “I was on my way to the bathroom.”

  “Where in the fuck are your clothes?” She yelled getting up in his face pointing her finger. I took a few steps back.

  “They’re in the room because I’d forgotten that she was here!”

  “Okay so why are you and her out here? And why did I walk up on you telling her that your wife was right down the hall?” She questioned. “Somebody need to tell me what in the fuck was going on out here before I got up!” She looked over at me. “Mina open up your motherfuckin’ mouth! You was talking a few minutes ago. What’s wrong now? Cat’s got your tongue?”

  “No, I was on my way back from the bathroom and I bumped into Corey. I asked him where you were and that’s when he said my wife is right down the hallway.”

  Nelle started to laugh, which confused me but not for long. Without warning she slapped the shit out of me and started raining blows in my face and head. “Bitch, I warned you not to ever cross me! You are telling a gotdamn lie! It’s worse enough that you would stoop so low as to try and fuck my husband in my house but then you gone lie to my face on top of that.” She yelled as she continued to swing on me. I tried to fight back but I was no match at all for her. I was glad when Corey pulled her off of me.

  “Chill Nelle, remember you’re pregnant!” He told her as he restrained her.

  “When Corey got out of the bed, I woke up. I was thirsty so I put on some clothes and came to get some water. You was so busy trying to fuck my husband that you didn’t hear me coming. I heard your triflin’ ass though, talkin’ about ‘she doesn’t have to know’!” She yelled out of breath, her chest heaving up and down and tears streaming down her face. “You ain’t shit! I swear, I have no idea what happened to you but you have turned out to be a very fucked up individual! From this day forward, I don’t have shit else for you to do. I am done with you, period point blank! I should’ve been stopped fucking with you, like everybody else! But no, I tried to be nice and give you the benefit of the doubt. Go and get your clothes and get the fuck out of my house!”

  “Nelle it wasn’t like you think.” That was all I could think to say.

  “Just get your stuff and leave.” Corey told me still holding onto Nelle.

  I went into the bedroom, put back on my dress, and slipped on my shoes. When I was done I went back out into the hallway, Nelle was leaning against the wall and Corey was standing next to her.


  She closed her eyes biting on her bottom lip. “Girl, if you don’t take your ass on somewhere!” She warned. “You don’t have shit else to say to me long as you be black. Like I said before, you ain’t shit. You gone try something like that in my damn house with me right down the hall? I believe that you have some type of serious mental issues. You might want to get that shit checked out.”

  I knew there really wasn’t anything left to say, to be honest there really wasn’t anything that I wanted to say. Things hadn’t worked out like I’d wanted them to but I’d tried and I didn’t regret it one bit. I’d known that there was a possibility that things wouldn’t work in my favor. All I could do was chop it up as a loss and keep it moving.


  I sat next to Lavar at the Olive Garden enjoying my salad and nearly killing myself laughing. This was our second date and I have to admit that I was really feeling him. So far I’d learned that he was a recently divorced single father of a twelve year old girl and a five year old boy. He had his own place out in Franklin, VA and worked as a supervisor for the paper mill out there. Both of his parents were still living and they lived in Franklin as well. I was very impressed by how he seemed to have his shit together. That made me want to get my shit together even more.

  I had managed to get the job at Walmart so I was very happy about that. I’d been working for the past week and I was really enjoying it. They’d given me night shift. I wasn’t crazy about staying up all night but I wasn’t about to complain either. I had to start somewhere.

  Lavar reached over and touched the side of my face. “You have such a beautiful smile.” He complimented me, his eyes roaming over my face, causing me to blush and feel a little uneasy at the same time. It’d been a while since I’d had a man compliment me.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He told me and then his face took on a serious expression. “I wanted to ask you, what you’re looking for as far as a relationship is concerned. I mean, I’m not trying to rush you into anything but I would like to know so that I will know how to carry things with you.”

  I sat my fork down on my plate and took a sip of my wine before answering. “Well to be honest, I don’t know. I can’t really say that I am looking for a relationship or that I’m not.” I answered truthfully moving my bangs back from my eyes. “I’ve been through a lot over the past few years as far as relationships are concerned. Right now my main focus is getting my life in order for my boys. I am trying to get to a point in my life where I don’t have to depend on anyone else unless I want to, not because I have to. My boys deserve better than what I have been giving them. They deserve stability and a mother who isn’t so ca
ught up in a bunch of drama and nonsense that she can’t properly take care of her children. I say all of that to say, I like you and I would love to continue getting to know you and if this progresses into something more than a friendship…cool. If not…cool.”

  “Fair enough, pretty lady.” He replied. “Well I would love to continue getting to know you as well but I can’t lie, I am praying that it progresses into something more.” We both laughed. “You’re laughing but I am serious. A man would be a fool to not want to lock you down. You are beautiful and seem to have your head on straight. I like that.”

  The waitress showed up with our meals and placed them down in front of us. We both thanked her.

  “No problem.” She smiled. “Is there anything else that I can get the two of you.”

  “No thanks, we’re good.” Lavar replied, answering for the both of us.

  “Okay then, call me if you need me.” With that she left us alone so that we could enjoy our meals.

  Lavar and I were eating and talking about our kids when my phone started to ring. “Excuse me.” I told him and then opened my clutch and took out my phone. My mama’s name was flashing on the screen. I looked over at Lavar. “It’s my mama. I have to take this because it could be something concerning my kids.”

  “You don’t have to explain anything to me.” He assured me. “By all means answer it.”

  I pressed the send button to answer as I rose from the table and walked in the direction of the ladies room. “Hello.”

  “Hey baby, I’m sorry to interrupt your date but I just saw something very disturbing at the corner store.”

  “Huh?” I asked puzzled as I pushed the door to ladies room open and went inside. “Ma what are you talking about?”

  “Did you know Parnell was out of jail?”

  I laid my clutch on the counter and stood in front of the mirror. I checked my hair and noticed that a few strands of hair were out of place. “I saw something about it on Facebook a few days ago.” I told her wondering what Parnell being out of jail had to do with me. “Ma, I’m not trying to be rude but why are you calling me about Parnell. I am trying to enjoy myself not worry about who just came home from jail.” I fixed my hair with my fingers and then leaned against the wall.

  “Kisha, I know goodness well if I done heard the things that he’s said about Tre, you have too. Does Tre know that he’s out or that he’s here in Boykins? If not he needs to know so that he can watch his back. People are crazy now a days and capable of anything.”

  I rolled my eyes up in my head becoming agitated. All of this had absolutely nothing to do with me. “Ma, I have no idea what Tre knows. Honestly, I don’t care. Tre is a grown man he can take care of himself. Furthermore, I don’t believe that Parnell is going to do anything more than talk. Yeah, I’ve seen little stuff that he’s said on Facebook about when he comes home somebody is going to pay for what happened to his sister but I really don’t be paying that mess no mind. That’s what folks do on Facebook, they front and pop shit but then when you see them in person they are so quiet that you could hear a mouse piss on cotton.”

  “How in the world did he have access to Facebook if he’s locked up?” She inquired acting as if I wasn’t on a date at all. “Lord knows I am confused child.”

  “Ma a lot of inmates have cell phones. People sneak them in to them, sometimes even the CO’s.”

  “Well lord, you sure done told me something. That is really something else, ain’t it?”

  “Yeah ma, it is.” I sighed. “Listen I have to go. I will talk to you when I get home.”

  “Hold on a second, I still haven’t told you what it was that didn’t set right with me when I saw that boy at the store.”

  “Ma, what?” I snapped she was really starting to tap dance on my last nerve. My idea of a good time hadn’t included leaving my date at the table alone while I stood in the restroom on the phone gossiping about Parnell and Tre. “Hurry up and say whatever it is that you need to say so that I can go back out into the dining area with my date. That is if he hasn’t let me.”

  “You’d better calm your nerves!” She checked me real quick. “And if he has left you, you do know your way back home don’t you?”

  “Ma, I didn’t drive.” I reminded her.

  “Girl, that man ain’t gone no damn where! Now shut up so that I can tell you what I have to tell you.” She snapped. “Parnell was at the store with Mina.”

  That got my attention. Why in the hell would Mina be with Parnell? How did she know Parnell? Why would the two of them be together three weeks after Tre put her out and only a couple of days after Parnell got out of jail? My gut told me that her ass was up to no good.

  “Hello?” Ma spoke into the phone. “Kisha are you still there?”

  “Y-yes ma’am, I’m still here.” I replied realizing that I’d gotten super quiet.

  “Kisha, I don’t trust that girl.”

  “Me either ma.” I admitted. “But truthfully whatever they have going on isn’t any of my business. Tre might even already know about Mina and Parnell. Knowing her, she is only messing with him to get back at Tre. She probably just wants some attention with her ratchet ass.”

  I heard her let out a sigh. “Yeah maybe you’re right. I sure hope so. I’m going to get off of this phone and let you get back to your date. I’m sorry for bothering you. It’s just that when I saw that mess I had to call somebody. You should’ve seen the guilty look that she had on her face when she saw me. She even looked a little uneasy.”

  “I can imagine.” I told her. “Okay then, I will see you when I get home. We will talk more then.”

  “Alright, try to enjoy the rest of your date. I love you.”

  “I love you too.” I disconnected the call, washed my hands and exited the restroom.

  When I reached the table a smile cover Lavar’s sexy full lips. “Is everything alright, beautiful? I was starting to think that you’d snuck out the backdoor for a minute.”

  “Nah…” I took my seat back next to him, picked up my fork and began picking at my now cold food. “Everything is fine. One of the boys isn’t feeling well.” I lied.

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” He looked concerned. “Do you want me to take you home? I don’t mind. I understand that your baby comes first.” He was such a gentleman.

  “No it’s okay, he just has a stomachache. He will be fine with my mama until I get home.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “Would you like to order something else because I know that is cold now?” He offered pointing to my food.

  “No, I’m fine. I don’t really have much of an appetite anymore.” Truth was now I couldn’t stop thinking about Mina and Parnell. Maybe there wasn’t anything to their being together other than Mina trying to get back at Tre but when it came to Mina, you could never be too sure. Anyone who would shake and pinch innocent babies who couldn’t defend themselves was capable of anything if you asked me. I didn’t put nothing past that hoe!

  “A penny for your thoughts.” Lavar said cutting into my thoughts.

  “I’m sorry.” I apologized realizing that I was being rude but it wasn’t intentional. I kind of regretted answering my phone now because I didn’t need to be worried about Tre and his Mina and Parnell issues. Tre was my past, I was trying to work on my future, a future that didn’t include him and his drama. He was no longer my problem. Here I was supposed to be on a date getting to know someone new and all I could think about was some mess that didn’t have nothing to do with me.

  “You don’t have to apologize. I understand how it is when something is wrong with one of your children.” He explained. “Listen, how about we call it a night and I take you home so that you can take care of little man. Then if he’s feeling better, you and I can go to the movies or something tomorrow.”

  “I guess, I’m not much fun anymore sitting here with my mind somewhere else.” I forced a smile. “I apologize again.”

“No problem.” He waved the waitress over and asked for the check. After he paid, we left. When we reached my house he walked me to the door. “I had a great time with you tonight Kisha.”

  “I had a great time with you as well. I’m sorry…” he placed his finger over my lips to silence me.

  “Will you please quit apologizing? I am a very understanding man. I knew that you had kids from day one and I also realized that things like this would come up. I honestly would rather you be here with your sick baby than somewhere with me worried to death about him.” He leaned over and kissed me on my cheek. “Go on inside and take care of your baby. I will call you before I go to bed to check and see how he is doing. Also so that I can hear your voice before I go to sleep.”

  “Okay.” I blushed and then used my key to let myself inside. Inside, I placed my keys on the coffee table. Ma had fallen asleep in the recliner and left the TV on. I walked over and turned off the TV and fixed the blanket that she had thrown over her legs. I went down the hall, on the way to my room I stopped by the boys room and peeked my head in. They were both fast asleep so I headed on down the hall to my bedroom. I flipped on the light switch, took my heels off at the door and then flopped down on the bed. I opened my clutch and took out my phone and went to my contacts. When I found the name that I was looking for, I pressed it on my touchscreen and waited for the call to connect.

  The phone rang several times, I was about to hang up when he picked up. “Hello.” Tre’s deep voice came through the phone.

  “Hey, I hope that I didn’t bother you.”

  “Nah, you straight. I was just laying here watching TV. What’s up?”

  “Ummm, I called because mama told me that she saw Parnell up at the store earlier. I wanted to know if you knew that he’s out or that he’s here in Boykins.”

  Tre burst into laughter. “Kisha, why are you calling me like this nigga is the big bad wolf or something? Fuck him. If he wants to see me, I ain’t hard to find. It ain’t like I’m hiding or something.”


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