Alien Hostage

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Alien Hostage Page 16

by Tracy St. John

  He leaned in and gave her swollen nub another stroke from his tongue. She moaned, her fists clenching around the armrests. Her aroma grew stronger, and he wished he could drown in it. She was almost too good to be true.

  The next time he gave her clit attention, he sucked the distended flesh into his mouth and rolled his tongue all over it. Simultaneously he thrust a second finger in her. He delighted in her full-throated cries as he pumped in and out.

  He sat back again. “Pretty alien girl,” he crooned before lapping up all the sweet honey she’d emitted. Her silky petals danced across his tongue as he laved her slit. The feeling of her pussy trembling against his tongue was thrilling. Her convulsions were going to feel amazing around his cocks. They were swollen tight inside his pants, ready to immerse themselves in all that soft warmth.

  Soon, he promised them. Very soon.

  He neared her clit, and Tasha went from trembling to quaking in anticipation. Good. She was eager for his touch, her body finely tuned now to desire. Nur paused for a moment, delighting in how she thrummed with waiting tension.

  His lips closed over the rosy pearl. His tongue slid over it. Tasha bucked and emitted a drawn out “Aaaaah!”

  Nur left off with a happy sigh. He opened his pants and shoved them down, shucking them all the way off as he stood. He looked down at the dazed eyes of the Earther bound for his pleasure. Oh yes, she was ripe and ready.

  * * * *

  Tasha’s brain felt fuzzy as her body sharpened with awareness. She knew she rose in the air, floating upward, but not quite how until her drifting mind registered Nur was raising the chair. She ascended until her pussy was on level with the thick gleaming lengths that jutted from his groin. Her sex gave a surge. The eager response would have been embarrassing if she hadn’t been so desperate for him to claim her.

  “I will fuck you now,” he said. “You will come for me.” The words brought another swell of excitement from Tasha’s pulsing pussy.

  He stepped forward, lining himself up for the first thrust. The thicker cock – and how thick it was indeed – went to her throbbing womanhood, the other aiming for her ass. She moaned a wordless plea, wanting that invasion, straining towards it, held back by the straps tying her to the chair.

  His flesh was so incredibly hot, feeling as if it might brand her as he slid inside. They were both wet but he was big, the tapered tips of his shafts quickly growing in girth to test her boundaries. Tasha gasped, wanting him, wanting all of him, but he was so broad. She’d had cocks Nur’s length before, but he must have possessed the greatest girth. She couldn’t seem to unclench enough to take him. Her hips tried to jerk back.

  “All right, little pretty,” he soothed. “Slow and easy to start then.” His hips swung back a little and then forward again, back and forth, pushing her limits a little at a time, getting her accustomed to his size. Bit by bit he stretched her until his groin was flush against her, his pubic bone grinding delightfully against her clit.

  That wasn’t the only thing causing her to throb with insane delight. The pressure of his two thick cocks pressed up against her hotspot, making her every breath end in a whimper. She felt like a volcano, readying to erupt. Her guts were boiling hot.

  “So snug. So fucking good,” Nur grunted. “Woman, I have never felt anything like you.”

  Tasha didn’t get a chance to respond. Nur eased out and back in, as if testing to see if she could handle him. The friction against her G-spot bloomed wide, making her toes curl.

  “Oh yeah,” he breathed. He rocked back, nearly emptying her of his cocks – then shoved back in, hard and fast. She squalled, her body going stiff.

  “That’s right. That’s what I want to see,” he said.

  From there, his pace was relentless. Nur’s strokes were pure power, altering position slightly to find what made her cry out loudest. With his twin girths, everything felt amazing to Tasha. The friction was hot, burning her sleeves with heady delight. Second by second she felt him more keenly as his steady pace drove her higher. Her pussy flexed, signaling its readiness to release.

  The burning moved to its ignition point, flaring bright. All at once there was a sensation of billowing, an insane brightness that was the beginning of the detonation. Then it boomed through her, shockwaves bursting in every direction, flattening her senses in powerful heaves.

  Nur groaned to feel her spasming around him. He plunged in deeper and faster than before, whipping his hips in a frenzy. Then his spine stiffened and he froze over her. She felt his cocks jerk in urgent release as he let go.

  They remained like that for a long time, letting the sweetness of dying ripples wash over them until their pulses calmed and their breath steadied. Tasha’s thinking mind asserted itself as her body quieted.

  She readied for what must come next, dreading it. She tensed as Nur sighed, his eyes fluttering open to look at her.

  “Fuck yeah,” he moaned with a wicked half-smile. “I could do with a drink after that. What about you?”

  Tasha blinked at him as he began loosening the straps that held her down. He wasn’t turning overly solicitous like other men tended to. He didn’t go all soft and sickeningly sweet with tenderness so overbearing that it rang false. He was conscientious to be sure, rubbing her ankles and wrists and forehead as he released her, asking if everything felt the way it should. He even picked her up and placed her in the clan’s bed and wrapped her up warmly in the linens before snagging them both a bottle of bohut.

  There were none of the usual requests of whether she’d enjoyed herself, no excessive fawning, no pointing out he’d made her climax well and good. Nur lay next to her on the sleeping mat, beaming in the afterglow. He saw to her comforts, but not with the air of someone trying to win her agreement. It also wasn’t the companionable distance of Commander Bifen. Nur treated her like she’d always imagined a man should treat an intimate partner ... with easy respect and warm familiarity.

  She didn’t have the urge to beat a hasty retreat to a safe distance. She was comfortable lying next to him in the big bed, his warm body stretched next to hers. When her bottle of bohut was empty, she found it easy to curl against him, his arms surrounding her, her face burrowed against his chest. Tasha sighed, feeling at complete ease with a man for perhaps the first time in her life.

  If only they were all so steady and undemanding, she thought as drowsiness cloaked her as warmly as the Imdiko’s arms. Except for that one moment early in their play, he’d not tripped any of her alarms. If she ever found a clan of men like Nur, she might be able to let go of her ghosts.

  Tasha dozed, smiling at the silly fantasy.

  Chapter 13

  Nur relaxed, a soft smile playing about his lips as Tasha curled against him, sheltering in his arms. He’d enjoyed the little Earther more than he’d thought possible. Better still, she had enjoyed him. Seeing to her needs had fulfilled him as only taking care of others could. Her cries of realized pleasure had been the sweetest music to his ears.

  He studied her face as they lay together. In the soft lighting of the room, her lovely face had lost all its earlier tension. Her eyes had closed, her dark lashes fascinating fringe on her still flushed cheeks. Her mouth, swollen and rosy from his claiming kisses, smiled as she drifted towards sleep.

  Nur thought he could stay still forever, watching this woman who had given herself wholeheartedly to him. Even the shadow that appeared in the doorway wasn’t enough to change his mind on that.

  However, the horrified look on Falinset’s face as he stared at his Imdiko and Tasha told him he was in trouble. Nur decided he didn’t want Tasha to witness what would no doubt be one hell of a reprimand.

  He nodded to his Dramok, acknowledging his presence before patting Tasha’s cheek to rouse her. When her eyes fluttered open he whispered, “Sleep if you wish. I’ll put you in the other room with the princess after a bit.”

  She looked towards the man frozen in the doorway. She cringed a little against Nur. “Are you in trouble?” />
  Nur kissed her forehead with a soft chuckle. “If I am, it will be worth every bit of it. Don’t worry. Rest.”

  Tasha didn’t lose the look of concern, but she snuggled deeper into the mat and closed her eyes again. Making a sound of approval, Nur slid off the bed. He pulled his pants on and padded to the door towards Falinset.

  Falinset had gone from shock to fury. His scathing glare robbed Nur of the assurance he’d given Tasha. Nur gave his Dramok few reasons to administer discipline, but from the pissed off expression he was getting now he might be in for serious punishment.

  Falinset didn’t say a word as Nur stood before him. He turned on his heel and stalked towards the front of the house. Nur followed without having to be told to do so.

  Fuck it. Making love to Tasha was still worth whatever was about to happen. That had been one hell of a good time.

  Falinset led him into the common room. Nur had barely stepped through the doorway when the Dramok swung around to face him. He wasted no time before erupting.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he hissed. “Are you insane?”

  Nur thought the only reason Falinset didn’t yell was to keep from waking the princess, whom he’d checked on as he passed the guest room. With his face flushed, the Imdiko thought his clan leader would have preferred to shout.

  Nur shuffled uncomfortably. “She invited me, my Dramok. We wanted to enjoy each other.”

  Falinset’s thick jaw clenched, and he grated between his teeth. “Is sex worth your hide? What if Ket and his men busted in here again and caught you like that? They could have, you know! Don’t you think they would have torn you apart?”

  Nur tensed. “Are they watching the home then?”

  “Wekniz is still checking. But they could be. Damn it, Nur! Wekniz and I would have been killed defending you from Ket and his men!” The Dramok’s voice rose in frustration.

  Nur cringed in shame. He knew the scenario Falinset described was possible. They had no idea if Ket still lurked about, looking to get in and catch them by surprise. He had been stupid to let lust do his thinking for him.

  His face burning, Nur murmured, “I am sorry, Falinset. It won’t happen again.”

  * * * *

  Falinset’s heart plummeted to his feet as he watched Nur crumple before him. There had been a moment of happiness shining from the Imdiko’s eyes when the Dramok came upon him in the sleeping room, a joy Nur displayed far too seldom. Falinset had robbed him of that stolen sweetness because he let fear overcome him.

  The Dramok was scared to death of what Ket would do to his clanmates if Tasha and Noelle’s presence was discovered. Even as imbecilic as his bastard of a brother was, Ket was still a trained killer. Maf’s soldiers were even more dangerous. It was too easy to imagine them storming into the house and hurting Wekniz and Nur.

  Things were going to hell in a hurry. It was still no reason to ruin the pleasure Nur had found.

  Falinset grabbed his Imdiko in a rough hug. “I didn’t mean to yell at you. I’m sorry.”

  “You’re right though. It was stupid of me—”

  “No. Wekniz and I were nearby. We would have stopped Ket from coming in and finding you like that. I was just surprised to find you with the Matara, and with everything worrying me – no, you did nothing wrong.”

  Nur relaxed against him, transmitting his relief that he’d not fucked up. Not you, my Imdiko, just this situation, Falinset thought grimly.

  He stepped back to offer an apologetic smile to Nur. “Wekniz is still conducting flyovers, but we should know something soon. If he thinks we can fly the princess and her cousin out of here right away, we’ll do it.”

  Nur nodded. “That will make Tasha happy. She’s terrified for the child.”

  Falinset sobered again. “We’ll do what we must. You know what that will mean though. We’ll be exposed.”

  The Imdiko paled, but he squared his shoulders. He nodded.

  Falinset offered, “We can try to warn your fathers. I’ll give them money to hide somewhere.”

  Nur managed a sickly smile. “You know they won’t go. They’ll never leave my mother behind. But thank you for offering.”

  Falinset sighed. The love Nur’s fathers held for his mother was what had gotten them in trouble in the first place. Maf had turned that very adoration against them for his own gain. More than ever, Falinset felt impotent hatred for his biological father.

  Looking for something to keep him from screaming in helpless rage, Falinset asked, “So. Matara Tasha. Was she good?”

  Sorrow didn’t leave Nur’s eyes, but his mouth twisted up in a lascivious grin. “She was amazing. If we get through this, I insist we get in on the lottery. I’ve got a thing for Earthers now.”

  Falinset laughed despite knowing it would never happen. “Enjoy her while you can with my blessing. It’s good to see you happy.”

  “Good enough for us to find an Earther of our own?”

  Falinset shook his head, but Nur’s antics kept the smile stretched on his face. “Wouldn’t that be some sweet vengeance against Maf and his desire for a pure-Kalquorian Empire?”

  “The best,” Nur agreed. His eyes were twinkling again.

  If only they could wreak that kind of comeuppance to the Basma, Falinset thought. Now he was glad his Imdiko had been able to bed Tasha, snagging himself a little joy in this dark time. Tasha’s presence had wrecked what little his clan had, but Falinset could find forgiveness if she’d made Nur happy.

  Distracting him from those ruminations, Wekniz walked in. Falinset’s momentary uplift in mood disappeared at the thunderous look on the Nobek’s face.

  Wekniz nodded as the Dramok’s shoulders slumped. “They’re here. The drone picked up four men within view of the home. They are armed and armored.”

  “Damn it.” Falinset’s dim hopes of getting rid of his unwanted guests vaporized.

  In contrast, Nur wore an optimistic look. “Only four, huh? Tasha said Ket didn’t have too many men at his disposal, not with them keeping guard over the other women. If he’s also got some searching for the princess in other places, they’re spread thin for the moment.”

  Falinset paced as he thought the issue over out loud. “The way I see it, we have two options. One, try to sneak the princess and Tasha out past the spies. We could put them in bins and get them on the shuttle, go to Nalta City, and turn them over to the authorities there. Lobam’s governor would be the logical person to contact.”

  Wekniz mused, his face brutish as he concentrated. “Not even try to take them to Kalquor itself. That might indeed be the best chance. I see a couple potential problems, however.”

  “Such as?”

  “The large military presence in Nalta City. It’s widely acknowledged that the Basma has men working for him in the troops, though no one can say how many have turned traitor. Even high commanders and admirals are suspect at this point.”

  Falinset scowled, but at the situation and not his Nobek. “If that’s true, the governor would have to keep a tight lid on the princess’s presence until he gets her back to Kalquor. He has a military guard, doesn’t he?”


  Falinset woofed out a breath. “That could mean trouble if any of the traitors are part of his security. What’s your other concern?”

  “If we try to put anything on our shuttle, even for a hop to Nalta City, it’s likely Ket will demand to inspect it. He’ll dump any bins we hide our visitors in.”

  Nur had an idea of his own. “What about getting them out of here on foot?”

  Falinset snorted. “All the way to Nalta City? Over a hundred miles?”

  Nur gave him a look of reproach. “Do you think I’m that dumb? Of course not. Wekniz could sneak them out, and you and I could get on the shuttle without loading anything on it. Then we land and pick them up a few miles away. Sure, we’ll get yelled at for the unauthorized landing, but only until the authorities see our reason for it.”

  The Dramok thought N
ur’s idea had merit. He looked hopefully to his Nobek. “Wekniz?”

  Wekniz sighed heavily. “Again, that large military presence in Nalta City as well in other parts of Lobam gives me pause. The Basma’s men within the troops may have already been alerted. They surely will be if we make it out of here. We have to anticipate they would intercept us.”

  Falinset frowned at him. “I never thought you were one for conspiracy theories. You make it sound like we’re under an enemy power.”

  “We may be. We’re not talking about just Ket here, my Dramok. We’re not even talking about Maf as the blackmailing bastard we thought he was. We’re talking about the Basma, the leader of a growing revolt.” Wekniz’s fierce demeanor grew more intense. “Who knows how many men he’s got and where he’s got them? Maybe this moon is a base of his operations. He’s got those women here, doesn’t he? What else does he have on Lobam?”

  “We don’t know any of that. For all we know, the extent of what’s here is a few AWOL soldiers and that pen of Earthers.”

  “Are you willing to risk the life of a three-year-old girl on that?”

  Falinset felt sick at the idea. “Of course not. I hear you and concede what you say makes sense. For fun though, let’s say you’re wrong. How hard would it be to get the princess and her cousin out of here using Nur’s idea?”

  Wekniz considered in his methodical way before answering. “The vantage points the spies have on our home are pretty good. It will be hard to escape detection, but not impossible.”

  “What about sneaking out at night?”

  Wekniz pursed his lips. “If Maf’s men are as smart as I’m afraid they are – not counting Ket, of course – I’m betting they’ve set up those heat-detection eyes in case we try to pull such a stunt.”

  Falinset sighed. It was as bad as he’d anticipated. “We have to assume they’ve got us netted up pretty good. Which brings me to my second option.”

  The unscarred side of Wekniz’s mouth twitched up. “Sit and wait them out?”

  Falinset kicked a seating cushion to vent his irritation. “If Tasha and Princess Noelle can stay out of sight for long enough, Ket will eventually call his men off. He’ll keep monitoring our coms and leave the sensors in place as a precaution, but we can at least get them to our shuttle and fly them out of here.”


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