Dirty Side Down

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Dirty Side Down Page 15

by Phoenyx Slaughter

  A couple of quick, hard slaps on her ass later, she’s dancing on her toes. “I’m sorry!”

  Then I’m grabbing her hips and sliding home again. She claws at the sheets while I fuck her with ruthless strokes. “I don’t think I should let you come, Karina. What do you think?”

  “No.” This time when she looks back at me there’s a wobble to her bottom lip, like she might cry. Fuck, even that’s a turn-on. “Please let me come, please,” she’s begging so hard she’s close to tears. I just keep slamming into her harder, trying to get deeper. My hands grab, push and pull her ass, so I can get the best angle.

  My balls are drawn up so tight it fuckin’ hurts. A good hurt. I can’t wait to shoot my cum in her. Underneath me, she’s still moaning, begging, and whining. “You wanna come, do it in the next ten seconds. I’m damn close.”

  I take mercy on her and rub her clit in small circles until she bucks and shudders. That triggers me and a low, rough groan fills the room.

  I’m still clutching a handful of her ass so I squeeze and she moans.

  “Hey,” she yelps when I give her a quick slap.

  “Can’t help it. Love that juicy fuckin’ ass of yours.”

  She wiggles it in response and it makes me laugh. I crawl up her body, stopping to suck each nipple into my greedy mouth. “Kiss me.”

  She throws her arms around my neck and puts her mouth to mine gently. She pulls away and slicks her tongue over her bottom lip. “Thank you for letting me come.”

  The corner of my mouth curls up in a smirk. Her fuckin’ orgasms are as much for me as they are her.

  “Get ready for bed, baby girl.”

  My ass is actually sore the next morning as I straddle Dante’s bike so he can drop me off at school. A sweet burn that reminds me of last night’s activities.

  He pulls up right in front as if he owns the place. Oddly, it makes me feel less out of place. It’s early, so I have time to kiss Dante goodbye.

  When we part, he puts his hand to my face. “Be at the clubhouse most of the day. I’ll have a new phone for you this afternoon, but if you need me for any reason, call there first.”

  He hands over a piece of paper with the numbers for the clubhouse and Luck. For a second, I can’t speak. Sure, my dad always left a number for me to call while he was on the road. But I had an emergency one time—a kitchen fire. Calling my dad hadn’t gotten me a damn thing, except a “good thing the fire department got there in time.”

  Somehow, I know if I call Dante, he’ll be there.

  “Thank you.”

  He angles his head and stares at me, but we’re interrupted by Athena who races over and throws her arms around my waist. “I’ve been calling you all weekend!”

  She’s jumping up and down, while still hugging the crap out of me. Dante’s mouth turns up and he raises an eyebrow at my best friend’s antics. “I lost my phone,” I say as I tug myself out of her grasp. She rolls her eyes at me and then seems to notice Dante.

  I make the introductions and it’s predictably awkward since Athena stands there gawking at him like a moron. “So you’re the white knight who’s takin’ such good care of my girl.” She runs her gaze up and down his body. “Or knight in black leather.”

  Dante seems pleased and I want to yank Athena’s hair out by the roots. Until he takes my hand and pulls me closer. “I like takin’ care of her.” Jesus. If he keeps looking at me like that, I’m going to skip school and go straight home with him.

  Athena clears her throat. “So, mister big, bad, scary biker, when do I get an invite to party at your clubhouse? You got any brothers as hot as you?”

  Dante choke-laughs at my friend’s brazen question and I smack her arm. “What’s the matter with you?”

  “How old are you, Athena?” Dante asks her.

  She opens her mouth to lie through her teeth so I answer for her. “Seventeen. She won’t be eighteen until the day after graduation.”

  “Bitch,” she grumbles at me.

  Dante points a finger at her. “You’re trouble. Tag along with Karina after graduation.” He turns to me. “I’ll see you later, baby girl.”

  Then he’s turning over the bike, twisting the throttle, and speeding away.

  The smirk on Athena’s face is begging for a bitch slap. “Baby girl?”

  “Yeah.” While I got here early, now I’ll be late if we don’t hurry inside. Of course, I have to drag Athena, who wants to ditch.

  “Come on. Fritz will be here.”

  “Okay. Okay.”

  Me and my hard-as-fuck cock are waitin’ at the curb for Karina at three sharp. I watch countless kids go by—none of them my girl. A flash of blonde hair catches my eye. Athena. I have to jog across the yard to catch up to her.


  She’s startled, but smiles when she turns and sees me. “What’s up?”

  “Where’s Karina?”

  “I don’t know. The Vice Principal’s office called her down during physics. I haven’t seen her since.”

  “Shit. What the fuck for?”

  “No idea.” Her brow wrinkles. “She said you were replacing her phone? We planned to catch up tonight.”

  Absently, I pat the pocket where Karina’s new phone rests. “Yeah.”

  “She’s probably up for Salutatorian.”

  “What the hell is that?”

  The little gash has the nerve to roll her eyes at me. “Second in our class. She’s super-smart.”

  Damn. Why didn’t she tell me that? “No shit.”

  “Yeah, she’ll have to make a speech at graduation.”

  Fuck, I’m proud of my girl. “And?”

  Athena shrugs. “She doesn’t really like public speaking.” She holds up her thumb and finger a millimeter apart. “I know she’s been slacking off just enough to knock herself out of second place.”

  My girl’s clever.

  “Do you want me to go try to find something out?” she asks.

  “Do ya mind?”

  She ignores my sarcasm and eyes me up and down. “Yeah, you should definitely wait out front. Where’s your bike?” I point to the front of the school and she follows me. As we’re rounding the corner, Karina comes flying down the front steps, but stops when she sees my bike. She turns our way and somethin’ ain’t right. Red-faced and red-nosed like she’s been crying. What the fuck?

  “Karina! What’s wrong?” Athena yells and goes runnin’ down the sidewalk.

  My girl’s mumbling, “Nothing, nothing,” when I reach them.

  She throws herself against me, wrapping her arms around my waist. “What’s the matter?”

  “Nothing. Can we please go home?”

  Pushing her away, I stare into her eyes, but she turns away from me. In front of the school and her friend ain’t the place to talk, so I nudge her toward the bike.

  “Karina, call me later, please? Or I’m going to worry about you,” Athena pleads as Karina gets on behind me.

  “I will, promise.”

  Athena narrows her eyes at me and raises an eyebrow. I read her loud and clear. Little fuckin’ ballbuster, this one is. She definitely needs to stay away from my clubhouse.

  Karina wraps herself around me and we head home.

  As soon as we’re in the house, I take her by the hand and sit her down on the couch. “Tell me what’s going on.”

  Tears roll down her cheeks. “I’m so sorry.”

  “For what? Talk to me. Athena said you got called to the Vice Principal’s office. Why?”

  She buries her hands in her face and sobs. If I don’t get some answers from her soon, I’m gonna go back to that fuckin’ school and burn it to the ground.

  “Karina,” I snap. My sharp tone dries up her tears and she faces me. “Tell me, now.”

  She takes a few deep breaths. Her quivering bottom lip sends a jolt of rage through me. Whoever upset my girl is gonna fuckin’ pay for it. “I got called down there, because someone made an anonymous call to the school and told them I w
as living with you.”


  “So, Mr. Hackett said he’s going to call DCS and have them investigate you.”

  I laugh without much humor. This Hackett doesn’t know who he’s messing with or what he just brought down on himself.

  “I’m so sorry, Dante. Please don’t be mad at me. It wasn’t my fault. I didn’t tell him—”

  “Hey.” I reach out and pull her into my arms. “I know it’s not your fault. I ain’t mad at you.”


  “Honey, I don’t give two fucks about some high school suit or some stupid agency. Where were these assholes when your dad was out on the road for days at a time, neglecting you?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You let me worry about this, okay? I don’t think it’s an issue. You’re eighteen. You can live wherever you want. But if it makes you feel better, I’ll run it by the club’s lawyer, okay?”

  She sniffles and finally smiles. “Yeah.”

  “Anyone comes to the house, I’ll deal with them. Now put it out of your head.”

  She glances down at her book bag and nods.

  “Before you start your homework, I want to talk to you. Athena told me about you being second in your class, but purposely trying to drop your grades so you don’t have to give some speech?” My words are teasing but her jaw drops and she shakes her head.

  “I was not. She’s such a liar. It doesn’t matter now anyway. Mr. Hackett said I couldn’t be Salutatorian, because I have ‘poor moral character.’ Even if I have the GPA, he won’t let me speak at the ceremony. He threatened to call any college I apply to and inform them of my “behavior.”

  Seems I ain’t gonna be throwing Mr. Hackett the beating I was planning. No, I’m gonna be throwing him for a cement block nap in a fuckin’ lake. It’s a good thing I’ve got years and years of training myself to stay completely still when I’m raging inside.

  “He tell you who called?”

  “No. He said a concerned neighbor.”

  That could mean anything and nothing.

  “Dante, you think it was Logan? Another attempt to break us up?”

  Yes, that’s exactly what I think. “It’s possible,” I say carefully. “Maybe your dad?”

  She shakes her head. “Maybe. I never told him who I moved in with though.”

  Somehow, I bet her father already knows. “I need you to call him for me tonight.” I pull her new phone out and hand it to her. “He should know that you’re okay.”

  I honestly don’t give a shit if the father knows she’s okay or not. No real man neglects his daughter the way he’s neglected Karina. As far as I’m concerned, he’s lost the right even to be her father.

  Suddenly, her hand tightens around my forearm. “Dante,” she squeaks out in a panicked voice. “Logan said…When I told him about the man who hurt me. He swore up and down he didn’t know anything about it. He…he suggested my dad did it. He also said my father was the only reason he broke up with me. My dad didn’t like Logan being part of your MC. But then, he said my father is the one who introduced him to you guys. Do you know my dad?”

  Fuck me. “Why you just telling me this now?”

  She shakes her head, her question about my relationship to her father forgotten—for the moment. “I don’t know. We got distracted at the clubhouse and I forgot until just now.”

  “Tell me exactly what he said.”

  She wrinkles her nose. “I was so scared, I don’t know if I can remember everything. He said he needed time. He wanted to earn money with the club to buy a place for us. That my dad threatened him to stay away from me. But that’s bullshit because Logan knew my dad was never home.”

  “Babe, prospects don’t earn much money and they ain’t got no time to hold down another job. He’s been living at the clubhouse—”

  “Yes, that’s what he said, that I couldn’t live there with him. But he could have explained this to me instead of being so mean.”

  Yeah, a real man woulda figured something out. Not broken her heart, and left her all by her fuckin’ self when he knew damn well how shitty her home life was. Fuckin’ Hemi’s ten times the douchebag I thought he was.

  “All right, call your dad. And don’t forget to call Athena later. Actually, can she give you a ride after school tomorrow?”

  “I don’t know. Probably. Why?”

  “Your car should be ready. I won’t be able to get there on time. But if she could drop you off at Romeo’s garage, that would work. I’ll meet you there.”


  “Go ahead. Call your dad.”

  I stay right where I am so I can listen to the call. Unfortunately, the fuck doesn’t answer and it goes to voicemail. “Hi, Dad, it’s me, Karina. I, uh, just wanted to check in. Haven’t heard from you in a little while. I wanted you to know I’m good and make sure you have my new number.”

  She rattles off the number and then hangs up. “Typical,” she says. “He’s not much of a talker.”

  While she calls her girlfriend, I get up and make us some food. Her girlish chatter is nice background noise in my house and I stop what I’m doing to watch her. She catches me staring at her and smiles. A few minutes later, she hangs up and joins me.

  “You didn’t have to get off the phone.”

  “Oh, I thought you were annoyed I was taking so long.”

  Jesus. I cup her neck with my hand and run my thumb over her cheek. “You never annoy me.”

  Her lips twist into a frown, like she doesn’t think that’s possible.

  “I mean it, baby girl. Like having you here. I never really spent much time here before. Mostly stayed at the clubhouse. But I like coming home now.” Now that it actually feels like a home. Because of her. But I keep that extra-mushy shit locked down.

  She looks away and I can tell she still thinks I’m full of shit. “It ain’t about fuckin’ you either. I can do that at the clubhouse.”

  Fire’s flashing in her eyes when she turns back my way. “I know.”

  “Good. Now help me finish dinner.”


  I don’t even want to go to school the next morning. But Dante forces me out of bed and tosses me in the shower.

  “I thought bikers were anti-school,” I whine while he watches me shower.

  “I ain’t the one going. You are,” he answers with a smirk. Not even some seductive teasing with my shower puff interrupts his mission.

  “Can’t let those fuckers win, Karina. You gotta go in there with your head held high.”

  When he pulls up to my school, I groan when I see the three bitches clustered on the front steps.

  “What’s wrong, baby girl?”

  “Nothing. That blonde one? Called me biker trash yesterday. She’s an uppity bitch.”

  Dante narrows his eyes and glares at the girls. “That Addison Turner’s daughter?”

  Now it’s my turn to narrow my eyes. “Yeah, Jayne. Why?”

  “She looks just like her mama. Next time she hassles you, you let her know her mama’s been fuckin’ biker trash behind her daddy’s back for years.”

  “What? Who?” God, please don’t let it be Dante.

  “Slim. You ain’t met him yet.”

  “Well, thanks for the tip. You made my day.”

  The corner of his mouth curls up in a sexy smirk. “Glad to help. Don’t let anything get you down today. You got a few more months and then this place is history.”

  Shit, is this big, scary biker giving me feel-good advice? “Thanks, Dante,” I whisper.

  He takes off and I stare after him, wishing I were still on the back of his bike.

  “Hey!” Athena yelps as she’s running over the grass. She’s out of breath by the time we catch up to each other.

  “Did I miss hot, scary, biker man?”


  “Still need me to drop you off at the clubhouse today?”

  “Not the clubhouse. His friend’s garage.”

Oh, poo.”

  I roll my eyes, because she says the weirdest shit sometimes. “The president of the club owns it. He’s hot, but way too old for you,” I tease, because I know it will drive her nuts.

  “Old like your guy old? Or really old?”

  “I don’t know. I think he’s older than Dante. He’s kind of a pig though.”

  She waves her hand in the air. “Meh. Got enough of that around here. At least high school boys can still get it up.”

  “Yeah, but they don’t last a minute,” I snark back.

  Jayne and her friends are gone by the time we reach the stairs. Even though Dante handed me some fantastic ammunition to hurl back at her, I’d prefer to skip any more drama today.

  Although I keep repeating Dante’s advice to “keep my head up” all day, it’s not easy. Especially when I pass Mr. Hackett in the hallway and he sneers at me like something that overflowed from his toilet.

  “Luck, need you to gather some intel on someone for me,” I ask first thing when I stroll into the clubhouse after dropping Karina off.

  “Yeah, whatever you need.”

  “Hackett. VP at the high school.”

  He cocks his head and gives me a curious stare. “Okay.” He doesn’t question me though. That’s not how this brotherhood works.

  While he’s busy gathering information for me, I check in with Romeo to see where he’s at with Karina’s car.

  “Nothin’,” he says. “Unfortunately the little fuck wasn’t dumb enough to leave any clues.”

  “Of course,” I mutter.

  “You still meeting with Hade?”

  “Yeah, at two. Karina’s friend’s droppin’ her off at your shop to pick up her car. You gonna be there?”

  “Should be.”

  “Good. I don’t want anyone hassling her.”

  His mouth tips up into a cocky smirk. “Including me?”

  “Especially you.”

  That makes his grin wider for a brief second. Then he turns serious. “How is she?”


  “You get any more info out of her?”

  “He’s got an aunt in Wyoming. I’ve got a contact running that down.”

  “Good. You still up for Thursday’s trip?”


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