Attainment (Between Two Realms Book 3)

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Attainment (Between Two Realms Book 3) Page 7

by Amber Flora

  “Are you saying you have feelings for Ashtyn? That you are a vibrant with emotions?”

  I smacked my hand to my forehead. The truth was out. Now Ruby knew it was possible for vibrants to regain their emotions.

  “Yes, I have for a while now.”

  Ruby looked to me for confirmation. I smiled sheepishly. I honestly didn’t know he had feelings for me; that part he conveniently left out of our conversations.

  “Have you told her how you felt?” Ruby continued.


  “Why not?”

  “I know she doesn’t feel the same. She loves the Irish dick. When we slept together it didn’t even faze her; all she wanted was to get back to him. Why would I put so much effort into a woman who would never love me?”

  I lowered my head in shame and embarrassment. If he only knew the truth. If I could tell him how many times I thought about him over the months, how often I replayed our night together in my mind. It was true I wanted to get back to Mac, but not just to him, to all my friends, my home. I wanted Herrick to be a part of all of that, but as soon as the danger passed he skipped town. How was I supposed to know he felt the same way? Ruby rubbed her thumb across my cheek and I looked up at her, plagued by his words.

  “I had no idea. If I had imagined this is what I would find I wouldn’t have pushed so hard. I’ll erase his memory of this conversation. I’ll leave it to you how you would like to proceed.”

  I was amazed by Ruby’s empathy. It seemed like she truly cared about my predicament.

  “Why would you do this for me?” I asked in awe.

  Ruby sighed, taking my hand.

  “I may be a vampire but I’m no stranger to love. The heart is a divine instrument; it can heal even the darkest heart. What you did for him was no short of a miracle and one does not turn a blind eye to the acts of God.”

  “You didn’t want this life, did you?” I asked, seeing the pain in her eyes.

  “Not a lot of business options in this realm.”

  “Not the club, being a vampire. You didn’t choose to be vampire, did you?”

  She looked deep into my eyes and gave me a soft smile.

  “It doesn’t matter much at this point. I’ve been a vampire for so long I don’t even really remember being human.”

  “But you remember love; that’s as human as it comes,” I said.

  “You didn’t grow up in our world, did you? It doesn’t matter what race you are or realm you come from. Even a vampire can love, bright eyes.”

  Ruby said a few words to Herrick and snapped her fingers. Herrick blinked rapidly a few times and looked at Ruby. “Well? Are we going to do this or not?”

  Chapter 8

  Once I finally managed to convince Herrick that he was hypnotized, we made our way downstairs to meet up with Mac. We had an hour until the cage fight and Mac needed to prepare. As nice as Ruby had been I knew she wouldn’t let him out of the arrangement, I could only hope that she would keep her word about pairing him with an equal opponent.

  “There ya are. Tell me, did the vibrant cry like a wee baby talking about how he wasn’t loved enough as a child?” Mac teased, slamming his shot glass down.

  I rolled my eyes at his lack of sensitivity, especially since I knew he and Herrick had a similar childhood. I wondered if his dislike stemmed from his need to deny their similarities.

  “Keep laughing, Irish. After all you only have about an hour to live.”

  I should have asked Ruby to implant manners in Herrick’s thick skull while she had him under. If not that, then she could at least have made him play nice until this whole thing was over. I didn’t tell him what he had said while he was hypnotized. Now wasn’t the time to open that can of worms. I just told him she asked a couple questions about his intentions toward her and if he was working any other missions in her club. He seemed to buy it, or he was just placating me. Either way, he didn’t push the issue.

  “No one is dying on my watch. In fact, should you really be drinking right now?” I asked, eyeing Mac’s row of shot glasses.

  “I fight better drunk, it’s an Irish thing,” He shrugged.

  Mac really had me concerned. He was about to fight a vampire in a metal cage surrounded by his blood-thirsty kin, and he didn’t even seem fazed.

  I turned to Herrick and whispered quietly enough for only him to hear me. “

  Do something. He needs help or they will rip him apart.”

  “His well-being is not my concern, love.”

  “I know this whole compassion thing is a new concept to you but we help our friends.”

  “I’ll remember that should I ever have one,” he smirked.

  I growled in frustration and imagined ripping his head off his smug, taut shoulders.

  Herrick looked down at me; his gray eyes shining in the neon lights’ glow. Sighing, he patted my back and took a seat on the stool next to Mac.

  “You need to keep your wits about you, mate. Most of these guys make a living out of cage fighting. They are ruthless and well trained.”

  Herrick grabbed Mac’s shot of tequila and downed it.

  “I know what they are and what they’re capable of, Dr. Phil.”

  “Then why are you getting hammered instead of practicing? I could show you a few moves.”

  Mac looked back at me before snickering at Herrick’s comment.

  I got the feeling he didn’t want to have that discussion in front of me so I made myself scarce. I felt safe enough in Ruby’s club to distance myself enough to give them some privacy. Whatever Mac was feeling he wasn’t about to share with me.

  Mac was relieved that Ashtyn had given him some space. He didn’t want to give Herrick the satisfaction of discussing his concerns in front of her.

  “I’m not stupid,” Mac said, finally turning to Herrick.

  “Debatable, but I never said you were.”

  “I know something happened between you two, just like I know you have feelings for her. I’m not sure how that’s possible but I see it in the way you look at her. Anyone who sees the two of you can see the tension.”

  Herrick cringed. He did not want to have this conversation with Mac, especially not in a vampire club minutes before the guy went into the ring to fight for his life.

  “What may or may not have happened between us is for her to divulge, not me. As for my feelings toward her, what is it you would like me to say, Mac? That I care for her? I’m not even sure what that means. Knowing emotions and feeling them are two completely different things. One thing I do know: It doesn’t matter what I feel. Ashtyn wants you, not me.”

  “You’re wrong,” Mac lowered his head. He didn’t want to admit it, not to himself and especially not to Herrick, but if this were his last day on earth he needed to make sure Ashtyn would be okay.

  “I wish I were.”

  “Bollocks, you are exactly whom she wants, maybe even what she needs. I know she loves me, but not as deeply as she does you. If you hadn’t come into the picture I might have had a chance but … my luck doesn’t work that way.”

  Herrick was baffled by what Mac was saying. Mac was admitting defeat to him? Did they not only cross realms but universes as well?

  “I think you had too much to drink. Clearly you don’t know how desperate she was to get back to you.”

  Herrick couldn’t understand why he was trying to make Mac, of all people, feel better. He was still trying to understand this emotion thing.

  “Aye, she wanted to come home to her friends and her home, not just me. She’s different now. She has been ever since she came back to us. As much as it rubs me to admit it, you make her stronger, not just physically, but emotionally. She has faith in herself that she didn’t before she met you.”

  Herrick shook his head at Mac’s comment.

  “That’s not love, it’s growth.”

  “Don’t be daft, lad. Just promise me something: If I don’t make it out of the cage tonight, look after her for me. Ashtyn wants a normal human
life. Maybe one day she will want to join her friends in dream realm but for now she’s content on the farm. You can give her that, Herrick. You are not immortal and as long as Ashtyn remains in human realm, neither is she. You two need one another. I need you not to be selfish, lad. Love her like she deserves to be loved.”

  Mac knew he sounded like he was giving up, but he wasn’t. He intended to fight and win, and he certainly wasn’t about to bow to Herrick and admit defeat when it came to Ashtyn’s love, but he also wasn’t a fool. He could admit what Ashtyn couldn’t. Her heart wanted Herrick. Her mind may be telling her that he was the smartest choice, but everyone knows the heart is what drives us, what makes us stronger and weaker at the same time. Her heart beat for the annoying gray-eyed assassin.

  “Mate, I’m not drunk enough to be having this conversation with you but I will say this: Whatever does or doesn’t happen, you will be there. Now get your ass sobered up and let’s head to the practice ring for a few lessons.”

  “Aye, as soon as ya promise me.”

  “Bloody hell, I love her, Mac. Is that what you want to hear? Does that make you feel better? I don’t think it does. I think knowing how I feel about her hurts you just as much me knowing how she feels for you. I will always protect her. Regardless of whom she chooses, that I can promise you, and if by some turn of fate she wants to be with me, I will fight every day to prove to her that I’m worthy of her love.”

  Herrick felt sick saying the words out loud — not because he didn’t mean them, he did. He would never let any harm come to her as long as he had breath in his body. What made him sick was saying them to the man he knew held her heart. Telling Mac that he actually did care for Ashtyn and that he wanted to be with her was like a punch in the gut; he felt like Mac was just toying with his emotions for his own enjoyment. As drunk as he was, it was a real possibility.

  My mind raced as I tried to figure out what Herrick and Mac had discussed in my absence. Whatever it was, they seemed to have bonded over it. I watched as they sparred together in the training room in the basement of the nightclub. Each opponent was allowed twenty minutes of practice prior to the fight. Mac’s opponent had already come and gone, which had me on edge since I hadn’t gotten the opportunity to size him up. What I was able to see was two men I cared for working together and looking damn good doing so. Mac was wearing nothing but gray sweatpants and a pair of black fingerless gloves. Herrick had on black basketball shorts with his typical tight black T-shirt that clung to his glistening muscles. The clothes were courtesy of Ruby’s minions. Herrick was obviously more skilled in the art of fighting than Mac, but Mac was good at reading his opponent and determining his or her next move. I could see that Herrick was impressed a couple times when Mac managed to thwart some of his hits. Herrick did his best in the short time they had to give Mac some pointers and prepare him for the strength and speed that his adversary would undoubtedly have. While I knew what Cody was doing was far more important, I really wished he could have been here to offer Mac comfort and support. Even though Mac would never admit it, Cody was the one person who could instantly ease his concerns and give him the pep talk I knew he needed. Unfortunately for both of us, he just had me. After the practice ended and we made our way to the waiting area, I grabbed Mac’s arm, pulling him off to the side.

  “Do you remember what I told you the night in the celI? When I told you I needed you to live, to be happy and write your own destiny? Fight harder than you ever have before. Don’t make me set this entire club on fire because you can’t take down one little vampire.”

  I smiled, nudging his shoulder.

  “Ah, lass, ya know I never lose. Whatever happens this isn’t your fight. Promise me you’ll keep your hands to yourself. We don’t need to be starting a world war because you burned a hundred vamps alive.”

  “Don’t lose and we won’t have to worry about it.”

  I was dead serious; if anyone hurt him I would destroy them and I wouldn’t care who got in my way to do it.

  “Ashtyn, I mean it. I don’t need to be worrying about you while I’m in there. I will be fine; if you don’t think you can keep your emotions in check then I don’t think you should watch the fight.”

  “If you try to stop me I’ll light your ass on fire, too. Stop focusing on me and worry about yourself.”

  I placed my hand around his neck and pulled his forehead to mine.

  “Don’t lose. I didn’t rescue your snarky ass from Damon to have your story end in shadow realm.”

  Mac kissed my cheek before slowly pulling away.

  “Macree, my story is far from over. Stop worrying your pretty little head. Let’s get this over with so we can meet your dear ol’ grandpappy.”

  I snorted, slapping his shoulder as we continued walking.

  “He isn’t my grandfather.”

  I felt the need to clarify my relation to the first known vampire.

  “Whatever helps ya sleep at night,” he replied, giving me a wink as we walked through the doors of the arena and straight into hell.

  The arena was a lot like a human stadium. The viewing area was two stories of chairs that circled a metal cage with a giant blue mat in the center. The ring had only one door, which locked once the contestants entered. Vampires were cheering and screaming as the current fighters battled it out. My stomach churned thinking about Mac having to go in there. I would not forget what Ruby was putting him through. I never should have come here. Whatever information Skyler might have isn’t worth Mac being harmed.

  We made our way toward the front of the crowd, pushing through the amped up immortals.

  “Where is his opponent?” I shouted over the noise to Herrick.

  “I have no idea.”

  Ruby waited for us by the cage door as two of her minions dragged the loser from the previous fight out of the ring. The vampire appeared to still be breathing but I didn’t know if he would consider that a blessing since he was missing a leg. I shuddered at the carnage that was before me and nearly flashed Mac to safety before anyone would notice.

  “All right, she devil, whom am I fighting?” Mac asked Ruby, looking around.

  “There has been a change of plans,” Ruby purred, looking at me instead of him.

  “I’m shocked.” My sarcasm was palpable.

  “Irish will fight the vibrant.”

  As soon as Ruby spoke the last word my hands were blazing. There was no way to hide my magic; anyone who looked in my direction could see the flames rolling off me.

  Ruby’s eyes went wide with amazement but surprisingly she didn’t appear to be afraid. My teeth were gritted as I bore my eyes into hers. It took a moment for me to register that someone was yelling my name.

  “Ashtyn, for the love of all that is holy. Simmer down, lass!” Mac shouted over my rage.

  “The deal is off! Let us pass before I torch the place,” I sneered at Ruby.

  I should have known she wasn’t a friend. How could I have been dumb enough to believe that she had my best interest at heart? She was a lying, blood-sucking vampire. Her eyes went their dark black, the way they did right before she hypnotized Herrick.

  “Sit down in the chair, Ashtyn, and extinguish the flames immediately. You are not permitted to rise until I say so.”

  As much as I tried to fight it, I turned and began walking to the chair behind me. Her abilities were stronger than the vampire who attacked me on my first trip to shadow realm. I was somehow able to break his trance, but the pull from her words was too strong.

  Herrick grabbed my arm to stop me but he couldn’t. Against my will I took a seat in the chair as Ruby demanded.

  “Let go of her, Ruby, you’re pissing off the wrong person.”

  I saw Mac take a swing at her but she quickly dodged his fist and two vampires seized him from both sides.

  “Don’t you dare hurt him!” I screamed, infuriated that I couldn’t jump from the chair and kick her lying, stupid ass.

  “This is how it’s going to go. Either
the two of you go a round in the cage or I ensure that the lovely bright eyes doesn’t make it out of this club intact,” Ruby said, looking between Herrick and Mac. At that time a massive shadow descended behind me. I didn’t have to turn my head to know that one of her lackeys was standing there, probably holding a weapon or at the very least with fangs exposed.

  “Have you forgotten who I am and what I am capable of? I’ll kill half your crew before you realize I have moved,” Herrick growled.

  “Oh, come now, Herrick. You’re good but not that good. I can assure you she will have her throat torn out before you can reach her,” Ruby countered.

  Mac was still being held by her minions but I saw the look on his face. Any moment he would break free and head straight for her. Fear seized me at the thought of Ruby killing Mac in retaliation. I caught Herrick observing Mac’s demeanor and his immediately changed. I realized he was sensing my emotions and he didn’t like what he found.

  “I’ll do it!” Herrick shouted.

  “No!” I yelled, desperately trying to fight the trance.

  I saw Ruby's satisfied smile as she turned to Mac. “Do we have a deal?”

  “How do I know you won’t harm her while we're in the ring?” Mac asked, still being held hostage but not fighting it at this point.

  “You’ll have to take my word.”

  “Yeah, that’s not going to fly, vampy,” Mac spat.

  I wanted to punch Mac for antagonizing her. What the hell was he thinking? Ruby rolled her eyes and approached me.


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