Attainment (Between Two Realms Book 3)

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Attainment (Between Two Realms Book 3) Page 11

by Amber Flora

  “Well you’re about to change everyone’s fate if you release Ser’ie. You want to do right by your family? Don’t lead them to the slaughter.”

  “How dare you!” Skyler shouted.

  Mac stepped behind me, putting his hand on the small of my back.

  “Lass, trust me when I say Cody and I would like nothing more than to get that book and destroy Ser’ie once and for all. After everything he took from us, the lives he destroyed, but now is not the time to fight this battle. We have to rescue Katrina, she needs us. Save this argument for another day.”

  My hands were on fire. I wanted to hold Skyler down and singe every hair on his body until he divulged the whereabouts of the book but I knew Mac was right. If Cody was willing to wait after everything Ser’ie had done to him and his family then so could I. We needed to get to Katrina before Damon did something to her that couldn’t be undone.

  “This isn’t over,” I said to Skyler as I began walking toward the exit.

  “I would expect nothing less from my blood,” he smiled.

  “Ashtyn, one last thing.”

  “Are you trying to lose your head?” I snapped, turning back to him. Skyler reached in his jacket pocket and pulled out an envelope, handing it to me.

  “I went to dream realm after the attack by the Credo and found this in rubble. I believe it was meant for you.”

  I looked at the envelope in my hands in shock. The missing letter, the one my mother gave to Gloria before the attack, the letter Damon found the piece to — the piece that fueled his crazy belief of our perfect child. I couldn’t read it, not now. Once we destroyed Damon and things were calmer then maybe; for now, I was just content with knowing it was finally where it belonged.

  Chapter 13

  Damon followed a couple of his soldiers down the crumbling steps to the cells beneath. He only had three remaining residents out of the original eight. He should have known the human girl would have been useless but he had to test them all. Now just one vampire, one wizard and, of course, his star pupil remained. She was the key; if she didn’t prove to be a viable match she would still make a great hostage. As Damon made his way down the darkened corridor, he turned his head slightly to glance at the vampire and wizard screaming and shaking the bars in an attempt to get his attention. He didn’t make a habit of visiting their living quarters but he had yet to welcome his newest guest and what kind of host would he be if he didn’t stop in and say hello? Reaching his destination, he stopped in front of her cell and waited for someone to open the door. He found it interesting that she didn’t carry on like the others. Instead she sat quietly on her cot with knees pulled up to her chin. She didn’t look frightened, more as if she were waiting for something or someone.

  “Katrina, how nice it is to finally meet you in person. I must say those who speak of your beauty do not do you justice. You are absolutely breathtaking, my dear.” Damon watched as Katrina raised her blue eyes to stare at him. Her blonde hair surrounded her heart-shaped face.

  “I would say the same but I was taught not to lie. It seems as though Ashtyn's aim was true. Although, I doubt you had much charm prior to the burns.”

  Damon stepped forward to strike her before he caught himself. He couldn’t go bruising the merchandise just yet, no matter how much better it would make him feel. She had no idea what a touchy subject she had stumbled upon, or maybe she did. Either way the next person who commented on his scarred face would pay dearly.

  “We can’t all be healers, my dear Katrina.”

  “For you being half-dreamwalker you don’t know a lot about healers, do you? We can’t heal ourselves. It is true that we regenerate quicker than normal but we can die like any other creature.”

  Damon smirked and sat down beside her. Kat didn’t retreat but she also refused to look him in the eyes.

  “I know more about you than you know of yourself, my dear.”

  “And I guess you’re just dying to enlighten me?”

  “Have you ever wondered why there are so few healers among the dreamwalkers? Think about it, Katrina, you are an intelligent woman. Why would that be?”

  Kat rubbed her hands together, feeling the tingle of healing magic.

  “The same reason only a few priest and priestesses are chosen. It is our calling.”

  “Don’t be foolish, girl. You were not called upon to heal others, it is your blood. You may not be a first-generation half-blood but make no mistake, dreamwalker blood is not the only thing that flows through your veins.”

  Kat stood up and began to pace the four-by-eight-foot cell.

  “You lie. I do not believe you. I knew my parents as well as my grandparents and they were all dreamwalkers.”

  “That may be so but the truth still remains. Healing is a vibrant trait, not dreamwalker. Perhaps if your race didn’t spend so much time depriving its people of knowledge you would have known this.”

  Kat turned toward him and squared her shoulders.

  “Do not pretend to know the workings of dream realm or its people.”

  “I did not set out to offend you, healer. I simply thought you should know the truth of your heritage. It is important for one to know where they came from.”

  “I am not half-vibrant. I’m nothing like them. They are soulless creatures.”

  Damon wagged his finger at her.

  “Tisk, tisk. Healers should not be so judgmental. It is true that vibrants lack in the touchy-feely area but there is much that they are skilled in, which is why I believe you just might be the one I’ve been looking for.”

  Kat tilted her head to the side. “I don’t understand.”

  “Not long ago I thought your friend Ashtyn was the key to all problems. That she would help me to bring about the war I've been waiting for. Unfortunately for you, she is not. I see that now. You, sweet little healer, could have the genes necessary to bear me the child who will destroy the realms.”

  Katrina’s heart began to pound as she collapsed on the bed. She wanted to bury her face in her hands and cry her eyes out, but she wouldn’t let him see her so weak. She may not have Ashtyn’s courage but she wasn’t about to be a coward either.

  “I’m Ashtyn’s replacement?” she whispered.

  Damon smiled.

  “Let’s not be hasty. A few tests will have to be run first to ensure you are a match.”

  “This isn’t possible. How could you think such things? I am pure dreamwalker, I assure you,” she pleaded.

  “For your sake I hope that isn’t true. If you are not meant to provide me a child then the only other use for you is a pawn against Ashtyn and your friends when they come for you. I can assure you, that will be a much worse role to play. If I have no use for you, I will use you how I see fit.”

  Kat wanted to reason with him, to try to find the man hidden beneath all the pain. She took her hand and placed it on top of his, letting her healing powers seep through her.

  “I feel the pain that clenches your soul. Let me help you to heal. You can find peace if you are willing to let it in.”

  For a moment Damon let her hand rest on his. The warmth that flowed through her momentarily calmed him. For a second he believed her, then he remembered how Ashtyn had seemed to care for him in the beginning as well, and how in the end she had hurt him far worse than anyone before her. Damon lunged at Katrina, grabbing her by the throat and pushing her head against the concrete wall.

  “You are not permitted to touch me. You are a naive child who knows nothing of the darkness that lurks in the souls of others. The only reason I allow you to live is because you serve a purpose. The moment you fail to do so I will be rid of you. Don’t make it sooner than it needs to be.”

  Damon released his grip and Kat began to cough, trying get air back into her lungs.

  “I apologize. I have spent my entire life trying to heal those who suffer. It’s all I know. If it is your choice to do so then I will leave you to your sorrow but stop pretending to know me. I have seen evil Damon, it come
s in many forms but rarely is it as desperate as you were to feel the warmth of another.”

  Damon growled right before he slapped her across the cheek, causing her to fall back on the bed.

  “Tomorrow you will be taken to my facility and tested. I’m beginning to hope you are not a match.”

  Damon stormed out of the cell, leaving Katrina to her wounds. Kat curled up on the cot and wrapped her arms around herself.

  Finally alone, she let the tears flow freely now. She was so frightened. She couldn’t think of a time when she had felt more isolated. She thought about how she wanted to experience more of the world, how she imagined being more like Ashtyn. She wanted to see the world, experience new things. It was somewhat ironic that she could potentially be a mother before she had ever even been kissed by a man. It was almost laughable. Damon was right, she was a foolish girl. Now all she wanted was to go home, to feel safe again. She kept telling herself that she survived the attack on the Credo; she had seen destruction on a level Damon could never top. Somehow she would survive this and she would be stronger and wiser for it. She thought about Cody. Kat knew he was looking for her and he wouldn’t stop until he found her. That gave her comfort, knowing that even though she might physically be alone in this dark, lifeless cell, she wasn’t truly. She had people who loved her and wouldn’t rest until they rescued her. Kat closed her eyes and began to hum a tune her mother used to sing to her when she wasn’t feeling well. Thoughts of Cody and Sarah ran through her mind. She missed Sarah every single day. Sarah’s heart was her strength. She could find the good in anyone, although Kat had a feeling that not even Sarah could find good in Damon. Kat drowned out the sounds of the dripping water and rats scurrying from cell to cell as she began to sing.

  “Here in the realm of dreams I am free, take my hand and walk through it with me. See the beauty this strange land does hold, be not afraid of an unknown road. You are here where you belong, sing with me the dreamwalker song.”

  Chapter 14

  “Do you think immortals can get fat?”

  “I think anyone who eats a tub of rocky road in twenty minutes is in danger of gaining a few pounds. Plus, I hate to be the one to remind you but you’re not immortal yet.”

  Lori laughed, snatching the pint of ice cream from my hands.

  “Who cares, it’s not as if I have someone to be attractive for anyway,” I shrugged.

  “Oh, good lord, I cannot not listen to your self-pity a moment longer. You are Ashtyn Lane. Dreamwalker, wizard and total badass. You can’t play the shy, introvert Ashtyn card anymore, sunshine. You have changed and the man you're sulking over is the reason for it. You heard what Herrick said when he was hypnotized, the man has it bad for you. You two bring out the best in each other.”

  I fell back on the couch and grunted in annoyance with the topic. I decided to meet my father at Lori’s apartment because I thought she would cheer me up. Boy, was I wrong.

  “If that were actually true then why did he disappear when I needed him most?”

  “Maybe because like you he couldn’t come to turn with his feelings. He may not be human but he is still a man.”

  I wanted to smack myself. All the things going on in my life right now and I’m sweating a man. What has become of me?

  “Has he woken up yet?” Lori asked, sliding in next to me to share the blanket I was wrapped in.

  “No, Cody says he’s healing but it still scares me. He should be awake by now. I’m sure he has taken tougher blows than that in the past.”

  As the words came out a thought hit me.

  “That bitch!” I shouted, jumping to my feet.

  “What, who?”

  “Ruby, she must have coated the knife in something prior to tossing it into the ring. That’s why he hasn’t awaken. I’m going to kill her! What is her issue with me? Does she just do these things out of boredom or does she hold some unknown grudge against me?”

  I felt Lori wrap her arms around me from behind as she put her head on my back.

  “He will be all right, sunshine. When is your pops supposed to be here? Have I told you that your dad is a total fox? I seriously wish I could flash. I would love to see if all the wizards are as hot as Algon.”

  I pulled away from her embrace and slowly turned to give her my disgusted face.

  “Are you kidding me? Gross! O’Hara, if you want to maintain our friendship, which is on shaky ground right now, you will never, and I mean never, use hot and Algon in the same sentence again. My nightmares will never be as bad my thoughts in this moment.”

  “Please, you will always be my bestie. We will be pigging out and talking about boys even when we’re old and gray.”

  “Lori, what if I decided to live in dream realm, be an immortal?”

  She looked up at the ceiling as if she were choosing her words.

  “Then you better take really good care of me when I’m feeble. Don’t go putting me in some dank nursing home.”

  “I’m serious, would you hate me?”

  “If you decided you want to live forever in a magical land? Oh yeah, I would be furious. Ashtyn, no realm or amount of time will stop me from loving you. You are and always will be my best friend but as your friend I feel it is my duty to be honest with you. I know you better than anyone. The farm is where your heart is. I know you feel a deep connection with dream realm but don’t abandon your values because you feel some kind of obligation to those people. When and if the time is right to move on, you’ll know it, whether you’re fifty or thirty when you decided to go, you’ll still be an immortal.”

  A knock sounded on the door and Lori smiled.

  “Oh no, not fifty. I want to at least be able to still pull off a mini skirt while you’re wearing muumuus.”

  “Harsh! Is that anyway to talk to your future stepmother?”

  I made a gagging sound as I pushed past her and opened the door.

  Algon smiled when our eyes met and he picked me up in tight hug before I could even get a word out. I hadn’t seen him since my birthday and even though it wasn’t that long ago I really missed him. Strange how a man I didn’t even know existed a few months ago was now claiming the title of father. I still needed some time to adjust to that thought.

  “Hi, Algon,” Lori said excitedly from behind us.

  I rolled my eyes as he released his hold and I waved him into the apartment.

  “Hello, Miss Cobb, are you well?” Algon asked with a smile.

  “Better now,” she cooed.

  “Lori, don’t you have organizing to do in your bedroom?” I suggested, trying my hardest not to strangle her.

  “Nope, I’m good.”

  “Lori!” I scolded.

  “Fine, you’re such a buzzkill. Good to see you, Algon.” Just for good measure Lori kissed his cheek and winked at me before strolling out of the room.

  “Your friend is a little … odd.”

  I could tell he was trying to find the nicest word to describe her; odd was probably the closest he was going to get.

  “You have no idea.”

  I took a seat on the couch and patted next to me for him to join.

  “How is the hunt going for Damon and the missing girls? Did Cody and Ben make any progress?”

  “Actually, that is why I asked you here. I’m afraid we need another favor.”

  He placed his hand on mine and squeezed it lightly.

  “Of course, anything I can do to help get your friend Kat back.”

  I took a deep breath, hoping he really meant that.

  “We need your army.”

  Algon’s brows rose and I could tell he was making sure he heard me correctly.

  “I’m sorry, child. You what?”

  “Damon is in Siberia. He has the Credo and goodness knows how many women locked away for his science project. Ben is gathering the dream realm guards but it won't be enough, we don’t have enough bodies to go up against the Credo. It will be a slaughter. We need your rebels. This fight with Damon needs to end
once and for all. I can’t, no, I won’t give him another opportunity to harm anyone. His reign of terror has to end.”

  I saw the concern in my father's eyes as he searched my face for something.

  “Darling daughter, you are asking a great deal of me. Not only are you wanting me to threaten the rebellion I worked years to build but you also want me to allow you to seek out Damon for another deadly battle?”

  I wanted this conversation to go smoother. I had envisioned my father jumping at the chance to be my savior and us bonding over the whole experience. As I stared at what I could only assume was his disappointed face, I realized this was not going to go as planned.

  “Regardless of whether you and your army help me I’m still going to Siberia. Nothing you say or do can stop that. Damon must die and I have to be the one to make that happen. He has taken so much from me, from us. I’m stronger than you think, I can do this. I just have to get close enough and your rebels can help make that happen. You have had years to make your move on the wizard committee. All you have done is plan and wait for the perfect chance to strike. You can’t keep waiting for fate to take control. You decide your fate, seize the moment and be more than the man that hides in the shadows. I have never asked anything of you, but I’m asking you now. Help me end this, let’s write our own destiny and if we do fail at least it will be on our terms.”

  I saw tears forming in my father’s eyes. At first I thought they were because he was about to tell me no but then he wrapped his arms around me as he gently stroked my hair.

  “I have never been more proud of you than I am in this moment. You embody everything a powerful leader should be and then some. I wish your mother could have been here to see the amazing woman you have become. You shall have your army.”


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