ROMANCE: His Ebony Blood Jewel - A Novel (BWWM, Paranormal, Vampire, Billionaire New Adult Romance)

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ROMANCE: His Ebony Blood Jewel - A Novel (BWWM, Paranormal, Vampire, Billionaire New Adult Romance) Page 10

by Chanel Kimani

  Harper laughed nervously. “Oh, I’m fine. Just…thinking about refinancing my home. You know, lots of decisions.”

  Kierra nodded, understandingly. “I know all about those real estate pressures. If you need any help, talk to my tax guy.”

  Harper bit her lip as she watched her friend walk away. She’d tell Kierra and the other divas in time the truth of what she was going through. She told Lola and she handled it okay. Hopefully the others would, as well. The vampires, the hot guys, the algorithm. All that will be shared eventually. But right now, she was still trying to process exactly what was going on.

  “And when would I…become a vampire?” Harper asked with trepidation.

  “That’s between you and Bryce. There are pros and cons. That’s something the two of you will have to talk about.”

  They picked at their apple pie as thoughts raced through Harper’s mind.

  “How often do you drink blood?” She asked.

  “Not often. Not often at all. Women don’t require as much as men. Only once or twice every few months.”

  Harper put her hand up to her neck, thinking about Victoria biting into her.

  “And fangs. You have fangs?”

  “Yep, but they’re kinda hidden until it’s time to get the blood. They’re like cat’s claws - hidden until it’s time for action.”

  Harper smiled. That didn’t sound too bad to her.

  But suddenly a stirring loneliness, an unavoidable agony, filled her very being. She missed Bryce terribly. She needed to be with him. She thought of his beautiful face. Those muscles. His kind words. His rich scent, so masculine and delicious.

  She needed to be with Bryce. No matter where he was.

  “How difficult is it to get to Elder Island?” Harper asked quickly.

  “Seeing as its a secret island that no human has ever been to before, I’d say it’s pretty darn difficult.”

  “Difficult things haven’t stopped me before.” Harper said assertively.

  “Well, if you’re going to go, you’re going to need a little help.”

  Harper smiled at Victoria but didn’t get her hopes up.

  “You’re willing to help?”

  Victoria leaned back and crossed her arms. “I’ve dedicated my life to helping out Bryce. If you’re the one he wants, I’m not going to stand in your way. Even though it does hurt a bit.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve loved him since I met him. In my life, he’s always been the prince. The one that all girls want. I did whatever it took to get near to him. And to have him not choose me as his mate…it hurts. A lot.”

  “I’m sure there’s someone out there for you.”

  “Whether there is or isn’t, that’s not what we’re talking about right now.” Victoria said coldly. “I’m going to help you get to Elder Island, but once we’re there, it might be a bit difficult getting back.”

  “Difficult getting back? How?”

  “Despite the fact that Bryce is the prince, no humans are allowed there. If they find out that you’re there, you might jailed or worse.”

  “So you taking me there is kind of a trap, huh?” Victoria said as she raised one eyebrow.

  “I’m not trying to trap you. I’m merely informing you of what the risks are. And it’s also risky for me. Bringing a human to Elder Island? I could get the same penalty for breaking the rules that have existed for thousands of years.”

  “Okay, then.” Harper said getting up. “I’m ready to leave when you are. I just gotta go tell my mother.”

  “I’ll make the proper arrangements.” Victoria said as she plopped down a hundred dollar bill on the table. She strutted past Harper and out of the restaurant.

  Kierra was watching like a hawk from behind the bar. She walked over after Victoria left. “Everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine.” Harper said. “But I’m going to go out of town for awhile. I’m going to go visit Bryce.”

  “So you two finally figured it out.” Kierra said with a smile. “Finally realized you have feelings for each other? That’s sweet.”

  Harper shrugged, a nonplussed expression on her face. “Something like that.”

  After saying goodbye to Kierra, Harper walked out into the cool night air. She pulled her shawl around herself tighter, surprised at how cold it suddenly got.

  “Hi Harper.” Said a menacing yet sexy voice behind her.

  “Oh my God.” Harper exclaimed. She turned around quickly and saw Roman standing there. “Roman. What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I’m here to try to talk you out of whatever that little succubus wench just convinced you to do.” He took a few steps forward. In the dark of the night, he almost looked exactly like Bryce.

  “What’s wrong with going to Elder Island? I need to see Bryce. I need answers.”

  “The man is nothing but trouble. Sure, he’s royalty, but his family didn’t get there through the proper channels. They’re impostors.”

  “I don’t need a history lesson right now.” Harper said, trying to brush him off. “I trust him more than I trust you.”

  “Forgive me if you think my little…stunt was less than appropriate. But there was no other way I could’ve talked to you about those very serious manners.” His voice was dripping with sensualism. Harper forced her mind to repel his psychic intrusion.

  “Get out of my mind.” She said. She narrowed her eyes at him and clenched her hands into fists.

  “Fine.” He said. She suddenly felt her mental state go back to normal.

  “If you want to do me a favor, you’ll tell me what I need to do to heal my mother. You said that was a possibility.”

  “Yes, but it’s nothing that Bryce can help you with.”

  “Why not? He seems like the type who would do anything to help.”

  “His side of the family had sworn to never interact with humans. The fact that he’s been in the human realm all these years starting his business is something of an open secret, but one that is barely tolerated by the most important people of the vampiric chain of command. They want to keep him on Elder Island to prepare to rule.”

  “But how could he…mark me…if he wasn’t allowed to interact with a human?”

  “Oh, is that some silly little lie that Victoria told you?” He snickered. “She’s bad news. She’s just trying to lead you into a trap.”

  Harper was so confused by all the differing information she was hearing. Was Bryce good or bad? Was Roman really the villain she thought he was?

  “I need to go.” She said suddenly. She started walking past him, but he reached out and grabbed her wrist.

  “Let go of me.” She snarled.

  “If you want to be with Bryce, you won’t like what you have to give up.”

  “Every relationship has sacrifices.”

  “You don’t even know the man. You think all these things about how kind and generous and handsome he is, but it’s only because he’s tricked you. He’s nothing like how he appears. It’s all an illusion.”

  Harper didn’t know what to say.

  “I have a lot more to offer you, Harper.” He said. His deep voice suddenly turned kind. “I know I’ve been cruel to you, but it’s only because I’ve been embittered by everything my people have been through.”

  “I don’t understand. What’s happened to you? The vampires?”

  “They’ve started hunting us again. They can sense us. I think Bryce thinks if he can breed with you, the vampiric blood will be diluted enough that they can no longer pick up our psychic scents. I suspect he also thinks that he’d be able to get you to realize your power that you inherited from your African ancestor. So while the vampiric powers will be lessened, they will be amplified but everything you bring to the table.”

  “You’re crazy. I don’t have any powers. That thing about that great-great-great grandfather that came over from Africa to free the slaves…that’s all talk. Just a rumor. My grandmother was a genealogist and she never
told me anything about that. Believe me, I would’ve remembered.”

  “You don’t need to look at your family tree to know that it’s true.” He leaned in close, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply. “I feel the power on you. It’s hidden, but it’s growing. And soon, when Bryce fully brings it out of you, if you aren’t trained in how to use it, you’ll simply be used as a way to fend off the humans.”

  “Fend them off?” She said, stepping back. As handsome as Roman was, she didn’t appreciate the invasion of her personal space.

  “They’ll use you to amplify the power of the other vampire witches who have sacrificed their lives to put up psychic shields around Elder Island. That’s why no humans go there. Not because they don’t know where it is, but because the psychic defenses are too strong.”

  “So you’re telling me they just want to use me?”

  “Bryce’s people don’t believe that humans and vampires should occupy the same land. They don’t want to share or dominate them. They want to be completely separate.”

  “I need you to stop talking.” Harper said. “I’m going to go to Bryce whether you want me to or not.”

  “You’ll regret it.” He answered.

  She walked past him and was surprised he didn’t try to physically stop her.

  But knowing that she held a secret power inside of her, one that only Bryce could bring out, gave her a spring in her step.

  She got in her car and drove home. When she walked in through the front door, her mother was sitting on the couch. It was so quiet. The television wasn’t on. Neither was the radio.

  Harper walked briskly over to her. “Mom, what’s wrong? Why are you just sitting there?”

  “It’s spread.” Her mother looked at her. A distant look filled her eyes. She wasn’t crying. It was just that there was no emotion at all. “The cancer spread. That's what the doctor said today at the appointment.”

  Harper knelt down in front of her and took her mother’s hands into hers.

  “We’ll fix it.”

  “How?” Her mother said softly. “How can you?”

  “I don’t know exactly. I just know that you’re going to heal from this.”


  “I need to be out of the office for the next week.” Harper said to her boss. She went into his office, unannounced. She wasn’t thinking straight. All she knew was that she had to get to Elder Island as soon as possible.

  Victoria had texted her the previous night, giving her a time-frame for when they could leave. A private jet had been chartered and would be ready for take off that afternoon.

  “What about the record label deal?” Her boss asked. He looked annoyed.

  “It’s on hold. In fact, I’m planning on visiting Bryce.” She looked down at the ground, not knowing what to tell her boss. “I’m trying to convince him that it’s a investment that he should make.”

  “Fine. Use the expense account. And keep me updated on what the status is.”

  “Yes, sir.” She said as she walked out of the office.

  “And one thing, Harper.” He said, smiling at her. “I’m proud of you. You’re really doing what it takes to bring the deal home.”

  Harper said nothing. Her boss didn’t know the real reason she was going to be gone: to see if Bryce was all he purported to be…and to save her mother’s life.

  Harper drove home and found her mother waiting with all the suitcases.

  “Is everything packed?” Harper asked distractedly. She preferred to go on a shopping spree to buy new clothes before traveling internationally, but she simply had run out of time.

  “Yes, everything’s ready. Are you sure this doctor knows what he’s doing, though?”

  “It’s not a doctor, mom.” Harper had tried to explain to her mother the night before that she was going to take her to a country in Europe for alternative treatment. She didn’t want to lie to her mom, but she thought the mention of vampire might either scare her mom or cause her to think her daughter had gone bat shit crazy.

  “I looked online and I don’t see a flight to that place you mentioned. That island off the coast of Romania?”

  “We’re taking a private jet, mom.” She said smiling, sitting down next to her mom and putting her arm around her. “Are you ready to go?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Harper followed the directions that Victoria had texted her to a remote private airport outside the city. She had to go through a lot of security, which surprised her. Obviously the airport was reserved mostly for VIPs - politicians, actors, singers and sport stars.

  “I have to admit I feel a little out of my element.” Her mom said as they walked into the terminal. Everything was gorgeously done. It wasn’t like the airports that they were used to, how they looked all industrial and boring. Everything here was lavish and decedent.

  “You’re going to want to make your way to Terminal F.” The chic woman at the counter said. “The airplane is waiting for you.”

  When they reached the designated terminal, Victoria was already there.

  “You ready, ladies?” She asked. She was wearing a very classy looking navy suit.

  “Hold up!” Said a voice. Harper and her mother turned to look. It was Ashanti, Kierra, Lola and Telah.

  “Oh my God, divas!” Harper exclaimed. “What the heck are you doing here?”

  “We thought it would be good to get out of town for a little while.” Lola said, holding onto her Louis Vuitton duffel bag.

  “And we didn’t think you should have to go through this all by yourself.” Ashanti added.

  Harper broke away from her mother and Victoria and walked over to the women. Her dear friends, the ones who didn’t want to abandon her in her time of need. But they didn’t understand what was at stake.

  Harper motioned for them to come closer to her and started talking in a hushed voice. “You ladies can’t come with me. It’s far too dangerous.”

  “Huh?” Ashanti said.

  “I don’t have time to explain everything, but I’m going someplace where…it’s a little strange. I don’t think you’d want to go.”

  “You can’t go all by yourself. Especially with her.” Lola said, motioning to Victoria. She obviously didn’t trust her. Lola had been told the truth about the vampires, but she was obviously leaving it up to Harper as to whether or not she wanted to share that information with the divas. But Harper could tell that Lola was having a difficult time keeping the secret in.

  “It’s okay, really.” Harper said. She desperately wanted them to come with her. She felt so scared at what was to come - the total unknown of what awaited her at Elder Island. “But you girls need to get back to the city. I’m leaving soon.”

  “We’re going to go with you.” Kierra protested.

  “No, you’re not. I’m not letting you put your lives on the line for me. That’s simply not happening.”

  The divas looked dejected and disappointed. Harper forced a smile. “I’ll call you as soon as I get there. I promise. I’ll call each and every one of you.”

  “Promise?” Lola said.

  “I promise.”

  “Come on, Harper. We’re getting ready to go.” Victoria shouted over from the plush couch where she was sitting with Harper’s mother.

  “Alright, divas. I’ll be back in a week.” Harper bit her lip, hoping that it was true. That she would actually see her friends again in the future. Because that deep, sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach told her that her intuition was telling her differently.

  They all hugged and said their goodbyes. Harper helped her mother outside onto the runway and up the stairs into the private jet.

  “Estimated travel time is approximately 16 hours.” Said the handsome looking pilot with a smile. “We’ll stop to refuel outside of Paris, France.”

  “Oh, that’s one of my favorite places.” Harper said. “I wish we had time to stop and look at the Hermes store. They have the best Birkins there.”

Victoria stifled a giggle as they settled into the plush leather couches. The inside of the jet was definitely done up all in designer furniture and accessories.

  “There are three private cabins, so each of us gets our own bedroom.” Victoria explained. “Your mother looks weak. Why don’t you get her settled in and then come back and chat.”

  Harper nodded.


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