Tixis (TIk’ sis)
Major River of southern Tixos
Tixos (TIk’ sOs)
Island born from the Wizard Wars to the west of the Powterosian Peninsular. Major trading partner of Neuyokkasin, home of the Highback Mountains. Ruled by King Kious
Tixumemnese (TIx’ U mem nEs)
Capital and port of Tixos
Tonelia (TOn El’ ya)
Tonelia Tezentok; Daughter of dungeon keeper of Castilyernov Hoyahof
Tossledorn (Tosl’ dorn)
Tossledorn Fortress, Graushdem fortress on the Southeastern border with Talok-Lemnos. Built by King Grekenbach III to defend against possible invasion from Neuyokkasin after Queen Lyttia took the throne of Talok-Lemnos from her brother.
Tournak (Tour’ nak)
Tournak Delphendor; Steward to the house of Memlatec, mentor and protector of Saxthor and Bodrin during their flight to Helshia, assistant wizard to Memlatec
Tulak (TU’ lak)
King of Talok-Lemnos during reign of Minnabec I and II, father of Queen Lyttia and Minnabec III, grandfather of Queen Eleatsubetsvyertsin and great-grandfather of Saxthor Claremendak
Vicksnak (Vick’ snak)
Title of Bodrin Vicksnak’s father, Count George de Vicksnak
Vicksylva (Vick sil’ va)
Country estate of the Vicksnak family
Virax (VI’ rax)
Vortex Virax, living vortex anchored in the sea outside the Veil of Helshian Mists to ensnare and suck down boats attempting to pass through the veil; Created by Memlatec
Vos (Vos)
Major alluvial plain of the Powterosian Peninsular with the richest agricultural development within Neuyokkasin
Woelsin (WOl’ sin)
Village where Witch Earwig was spawned
Yamma-Mirra Heedra (Yamma Mir a HE’ dra)
Dragon created from positive wizard energy by Memlatec after the Wizard Wars to hold the energy for future lord of the south to confront the Evil One.
Yensupov (Yen’ sU pov)
Crown/Necklace created by Memlatec from most of the wizards’ positive energy in the Wizard Wars to overthrow the Evil One. Its power was so extreme they disassembled it at the end of the wars and scattered its power jewels to prevent its power from corrupting its wearer.
C. Craig Coleman was born and raised in Kinston, North Carolina, USA. He earned his BA in History and his MBA at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, with a tour of duty in the United States Air Force in between. He currently resides in Greensboro, NC where he wrote this series.
Visit his website at
Coming Soon!
The Crown of Yensupov
Book 3
Neuyokkasinian Arc of Empire Series
Table of Contents
1: Alarm
2: The Journey to Favriana
3: Lake Pundar Passage
4: The Morass Mesas of Sengenwha
5: Botahar and the Pundar River
6: Escape from Hoya
7: Talok-Lemnos
8: Talok Tower
9: On to Graushdemheimer
10: The Ruins of the Wizards’ Hall
11: Memlatec and the Prince of Hoya
12: The Road to Hador
13: The Fortress Guarding the Hador Pass
Neuyokkasinian Dictionary
The Crystal Legacy (Book 2) Page 34