Infamy (RiffRaff Records Book 3)

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Infamy (RiffRaff Records Book 3) Page 4

by L. P. Maxa

  “We have a dinner meeting with our contractor. We need to talk floor plans.” Halen clapped her hands together and did a little shoulder dance.

  I addressed Beau, “You’re on this guy’s ass about a quick timeline I take it?” What contractor agreed to dinner meetings? I glanced at my watch—it was close to eight.

  “Oh yeah.” He slung his arm around Hales and kissed the top of her head. “I’ve got to get this one out of her parents’ house.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “You catch my drift?”

  I snorted. “Loud and clear, horn dog.” Beau was growing up to be more and more like our father. Which definitely wasn’t a bad thing. Jacks Cole was loyal and hilarious. He lived with his whole heart and made sure we always saw the silver lining.

  And, after all these year, he was still crazy in love with our mom. They held hands all the time and got caught making out in the pantry—often. Growing up we’d made gagging noises and begged them to get a room. But secretly we liked it. Not many kids had parents that were still that deliriously happy together. Beau and I were lucky and we knew it.

  Halen’s eyes went soft, concern etched on her face. “How are you feeling?”

  How was I feeling? Like crap. I was tired and sick to my stomach all the time. My boobs hurt so bad I almost cried when I’d taken off my bra. And the cherry on top? I didn’t know who my baby’s father was. But that was all my stress, and I refused to let it become theirs. Halen and Beau deserved all the happiness in the world. I wouldn’t be the one to take it away from them.

  “A little tired, but otherwise I feel great.”

  “Well, you look like hammered shit. Your face is thin, you have dark circles under your eyes, and you sound exhausted.”

  Halen cut off my brother with (what I guessed because I couldn’t see below their shoulders) a backhand to the gut.

  “Thank you, Beau. Such a kind and diplomatic brother.”

  “Do you want us to come see you? We could fly out this weekend if you want? Can you do a paternity test? We can come with you. Do you want us to help you tell them? The potential fathers. Have you talked to your ex?” Hales took a deep breath before starting again. “The new guy? Have you talked to him? Can you tell us who he is now?” Halen’s eyes were wide and her expression hopeful.

  Beau put his arm around her, pulling her tighter against him, obviously trying to calm her down and slow her question roll. “Calm down, Sweets, you sound like Aunt Lo when she’s about to lose it.”

  “You two are sweet to ask, but I’m a big girl. I can handle this on my own.” Plus I knew they’d try to talk me out of keeping my pregnancy a secret from Brody and Travis. “My ex and I avoid each other at all costs, so no I haven’t talked to him.” I pulled the blanket higher up my chest. “There is a paternity test I can do but I need to wait until I’m twelve weeks.”

  “The new guy,” Beau persisted. “Do we get to know who he is?”

  I chewed at my bottom lip. It was easy to ignore that question during Halen’s interrogation rant. But now, with my baby brother staring at me with his pretty eyes… “Beau, I don’t know if I’m ready for you guys to—”

  “Look, I know you, big sis. You’ve never hesitated when it came to sharing your love life. At times, you over share and we both know it.” I giggled at his disgusted face. I treated Beau like he was one of the girls, never afraid to share details or ask his opinion when it came to the guys I was dating. The older he got the more often he’d run out of my bedroom with his hands over his ears. “So there is either one of two things happening here.” He held up his index finger. “One. There is something not right with this new guy. Maybe he treats you bad, maybe he’s a drug dealer.” He added his middle finger, subtly flipping me the bird like the little brother he was. “Two. We know him.” I narrowed my eyes. And Beau nodded. “So we do know him.”

  “No you don’t.”

  Beau glanced at Halen, and then back to me. “You’re lying.”

  “No I’m not.” Not really. I knew Beau had never met Brody. None of the cousins had; only Luke and Harlow had spent time with him.

  “We know of him.” He dragged out the last word, making it sound like a guess. He nodded again, this time slowly. “That’s it. Geeze, Landry, you are still a shit liar.”

  I made eye contact with Halen, seeking help. But she only winced. “It’s your eyes; they always give you away.”

  I covered my traitorous peepers with my hand. “You don’t know him, you don’t know of him. He’s a stranger to you two, someone one you’ve never come into contact with. In person or via social media. Or television.” There was no reason for my family to know about my relationship with Brody. It would only cause unnecessary stress. He was signed to their label; he was younger than me. Not to mention they thought he was slightly certifiable.

  “Landry.” Beau did his best to mirror our dad’s go-to parenting tone. A unique mix of demanding and exasperated.

  “Enough, Beau. This is her story to tell, not ours. She’ll tell us when she’s ready.” Halen kissed his cheek to take the sting out of the stern tone she’d used. “Pushing her isn’t going to help anything.”

  “Thanks, Hales.” I winked at her.

  She blew me a kiss. “Get some rest.”

  “Y’all have fun at your meeting. Let me know how it goes.” I gave them my most confident smile. The one that hid how drained I was, how emotionally compromised I felt.

  “I love you, Landry.”

  Beau’s softly spoken words made tears prick the back of my eyes. “Love you too.” I hung up, hitting the end button before my tears began to spill over. After the screen went black I let those m-fers run unchecked down my face, dripping off my chin to the blanket below.

  I was tired. I was confused and scared, and happy and excited.

  And in love.

  I was in love with the tiny baby growing inside me. I didn’t care who its father was—I’d love it no matter what.

  This wasn’t how I’d pictured my life going, not by a long shot. But I was no stranger to change, to good things rising from the ashes of despair.

  I put my hand to my bare stomach. “We’re going to be fine, little tummy bug.”

  Chapter Six


  “You headed back to the house? A couple of the chicks we picked up this morning are coming by.”

  I took a long pull from the Nalgene bottle in my hand before answering Brax. “Nah, man, I’m headed to Landry’s.” I shook my head at his expression, a blend of humor and annoyance. “I know, I know. I’m a lust-sick puppy.” I slid my bottle into my backpack and slung it over my shoulder. “Not lovesick, lust.” Well…lust-like was probably more accurate.

  “At least you admit it.”

  Talon and I met Braxton Jones, aka Brax, during an open mic night on a Tuesday in Malibu. We were all still in high school; it was the summer before our senior year. T and I had decided to take a road trip, and we headed south from San Jose and traveled down the 101 until we hit the SoCal coast. Our plan was to make it all the way to Baja, but the surf had been so radical in Malibu that we stayed. We spent three weeks doing nothing but surfing and playing music. Brax worked at a local bar where he was a regular during open mic night, doing covers of old artists like Bob Dylan and Leon Russell. Brax had lied and told the owner he was twenty-one, even though he was seventeen. Brax was a big guy.

  “Missing a night of partying and a morning of surfing? You do got it bad, bro.” Dane pursed his lips, hanging his head for a beat. “Shameful.”

  I slung my arm around his neck, dragging him out of the studio. “It’s okay. I know the only reason you’re giving me a hard time is because you need me at home. I know it’s near impossible for you to get laid without your number one wingman.”

  He pushed me off and jogged to catch up with Brax, calling over his shoulder, “You were easy to replace, my friend.”

  “Whatever you say, old man.” I threw the backpack into my old light blue Scout. My car was a classic,
and I loved it. I’d made sure the label found us a house with a garage. I didn’t like leaving my baby out to the elements. The salty air wasn’t good for her body.

  Dane flipped me off as he and Brax pulled away from the curb. He hated being called old. He was only five years older than the rest of us, but still, it was enough to give him a hard time about. And I loved messing with him. He was an easy mark.

  The three of us, Brax, Talon, and I, had met Dane Salinger during a surf competition out in Hawaii. It was the summer after our senior year and all three of us were avoiding college and reality as long as we could. Dane had been a big-wave surfer, semi-pro circuit, and was moving up in the ranks. We made friends with the locals and went to see some live music. Dane was sitting in with them, playing bass.

  The next day he’d wiped out, hard, hitting the reef and tearing his knee to shreds. He almost ripped his kneecap clean off. Two months later, we were still in Hawaii, and still avoiding our parents. We jammed with him one night and the rest, as they say, is history.

  “See you for breakfast?” Talon knocked on my hood, pulling me out of my little trip down memory lane.

  “Yeah man. Landry has to work another twelve tomorrow. I’ll be home early.”

  He waved as he climbed into his hydrogen SUV. Talon’s family was loaded, so he always had the newest model of the most cutting-edge vehicles, and he was extremely environmentally conscious.

  I turned over the Scout’s old engine and headed toward Landry’s apartment; speeding, to be honest. I couldn’t help it. I was excited to see her. I’d thought of her constantly during the day, and all through rehearsal. I was a lust-sick puppy, no doubt about it.

  I took the stairs two at time, retrieving the key she’d left under her mat. After I unlocked the door, I shoved it into my pocket. I was keeping the key, whether she liked it or not. I wanted unfettered access to Landry—her body, her apartment, her soul. I wanted all of her for as long as she’d let me.

  I pushed open the door, locking it behind me. “Baby cakes?” I dropped my bag and headed toward the couch. She was curled on her side, wrapped in a blanket, sleeping. Her scrub top was on the floor and her bra was hanging from a lamp in the corner. She was still wearing her navy scrub pants and the TV volume was turned down so low I couldn’t make out what anyone was saying. “Hey, bad girl.” I knelt beside her, pushing her hair off her face.

  Her lips formed a smile while her eyes stayed closed. “Hey you.”

  I used one finger to drag the white and light blue throw blanket back, peeking inside. “Did you fall asleep while you were getting naked for me?” She nodded, her eyes still shut. “You need some help with the rest?” She nodded again, her grin growing. I scooped her up, cradling her warm body to my chest as I carried her to her bedroom. I laid her on the fluffy bed and slowly removed her pants and her thong. I loved her like this. Naked and spread out before me, her dark hair a perfect contrast to her white sheets. She was like sin lying against saint.

  She opened one eye, smirking. “You gonna join me? Or just stare all night?”

  The truth was I could stare at her all night, and I’d be happy. I’d be satisfied and content to be in her presence. Maybe I was fooling myself. Maybe I was more than lust-sick after all.

  I didn’t need to be asked twice. I removed my clothes quickly, rolled on the condom, and covered her body with mine. Claiming her lips, I kissed her senseless. I didn’t care if she had a virus and she got me sick. I couldn’t be around her and not get inside her tight little body. I grabbed her thigh, spreading her wide, making room for myself. I smirked and I reached down, testing her with my fingers. “Ready, I take it?”

  She bit her lip and I licked mine. I stayed on my knees, grabbing her hips and lifting up to where I needed her to be. I entered her in one smooth motion, burying myself as far as I could go. I threw my head back, staring at the ceiling and taking a deep breath. I could already feel her start to tighten around me. “Fuck, baby, you feel so damn good.” I pulled out, and then slammed back in.

  She arched her back, taking her nipples in her own fingers.

  I did it again, grinding against her clit. “I fucking love it when you touch yourself, but I want all of you tonight.” I leaned forward, taking one nipple in my teeth and the other in my hand. I hammered into her tight pussy. Hitting all the right spots, making sure my pelvis rubbed her clit every damn time.

  “Brody. Oh my god, yes.”

  I sat back up, pushing her thighs to her chest, getting as deep as I could. Driving into her, relentlessly, the way she liked it. “Let me hear you scream for me, bad girl.” I changed direction, adding more pressure to her clit, and she shattered around me. She called my name as she came, the sweet sound filling her apartment and my ego. I knew my grip was getting too tight, but she was still milking my dick. Her orgasm didn’t seem to have an end and it dragged me right over the edge. “Fuck, baby, yes.” I didn’t pull out, I didn’t want to, she felt too good clenching around me.


  “I think I came for like two minutes.” Landry turned her head to the side, studying me where I’d collapsed a few minutes before.

  I chuckled. “I know. I felt it. What was that about? Am I just that good? Or is that a trick you’ve never shown me before?” I reached over and rested one of my hands on her hip.

  “Not to inflate your rock-star-sized ego, but that has never happened to me before.”

  “So, I am a golden god.”

  She snorted as she rolled her body until it was flush against mine. “Sure, tonight, I’ll give you golden god.”

  I put my arm around her, holding her tight. “Inside your pussy is the perfect way to end the day.”

  “I thought inside my pussy was the best way to start a day?” Her words were mumbled, like she was fading fast back into the sleep I’d woken her from.

  “You’re the best way to begin a day, as well as end it.” I whispered, kissing the shell of her perfectly shaped ear.

  “I am?”

  “Well, your pussy.” I growled and bit at her neck, making her giggle. I couldn’t tell Landry she was the best part of my day, morning noon and night. I couldn’t tell her that sometimes I wanted to make her mine, that I hated the thought of leaving her in a couple months. Because that’s not what we were; not what we had. We were fun and flirty and short term. We were easy, and uncomplicated. We were the world’s best fling, and we were both okay with that.

  Trying to make it more, trying to force something that didn’t make sense would only make things harder. Landry was a surgeon. I was a surfer. She was almost thirty, and I’d barely begun my twenties. She had a life, a career, and mine was just beginning.

  But, man, what I wouldn’t give in that moment for things to be different.

  Chapter Seven


  Oh no. I jolted up in bed and made a mad dash for the bathroom. I managed to close the door behind me and turn on the vent before throwing up in the toilet. The sounds of me heaving were echoing around the room. After I was done, I rested my forehead against my forearm, flushing with my other hand. I sighed and slouched down to the white tiled floor. I glanced at my watch, groaning when I saw that it was barely five in the morning.

  “Kid. You’re already waking momma up way too early.” I rested my hand on my stomach as I got to my feet. I brushed my teeth before turning out the light and opening the door. I kept quiet, peering into the room to see if I had woken Brody.

  He was still sprawled out on the bed, his naked body on full display, his eyes on me. “Still feeling bad?”

  I leaned against the doorjamb, studying him by the glow of the streetlight outside. “Some little bugs are stubborn like that. I’m probably eating too many heavy foods and not drinking enough water.” There were so many things to like about him. His body. His good looks. His humor.

  His heart.

  I crossed the room and got in bed beside him, snuggling up with my head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around me, letting ou
t a content sigh. If things were different, if there was no chance the baby wasn’t his…would I tell him? Would I let him in?

  I didn’t know the answer to my own questions, and that alone kept me awake until my alarm went off.


  “Dr. Cole.”

  I froze with a doughnut half in my mouth, powdered sugar covering my navy scrub top. I chewed and swallowed as much of the pastry as I could before turning around. “Dr. French.” When I say that my ex and I had a bad breakup, I’m being generous. We had an epically horrific breakup, in the middle of a crowded hospital. We were straight up Grey’s Anatomy from back in the day. “What can I do for you?” I had gone postal when I caught him cheating, and we hadn’t spoken since.

  “I need a general consult.” His lips were thin and his hands were on his hips. He looked like a pissed-off Superman. Obviously he didn’t want to be talking to me any more than I wanted to be talking to him. Which was dumb. I was the only one with any right to be harboring a grudge. I mean, I was possibly pregnant with his kid and purposely keeping it from him, but he didn’t know that.

  I tossed the rest of my doughnut in a nearby trashcan, my hunger having disappeared at the sound of his voice. “Sure.” I spun on my heel, brushing the sugar off my top, and headed toward the ER. I glanced behind me in confusion when I realized he was following. “Uh, is there something else?” Normally he’d let me consult and then the patient’s nurse would relay what I’d said. Or he could read it in the chart when I was done. I hadn’t had a babysitter during a consult in over a year.

  “This patient. He’s kind of a big deal—he’s on the board of trustees.”

  I stopped short. “And you don’t trust me to make the hospital look good? Why’d you even ask me for the consult?” I crossed my arms over my chest, cringing slightly at the discomfort.

  “Of course I trust you. You’re the best general surgeon we have on staff today. I’d simply feel more comfortable if I was in there with you.” He held his hand out, gesturing for me to head to the right. “And he’s in a private suite.”


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