Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella Page 6

by Jamie, Danielle

  When we walk out of the ladies room, Logan is waiting for me, my mother must have told him where I was. He links his fingers between mine and leads me over to the lobby. There’s press everywhere. “They want a statement on our engagement,” he grins, flashing his pearly white teeth at me.

  “What about the announcement for the winner? Shouldn’t we be in there while they pick the winner?” I ask, mainly as an excuse to get away from the press; I could care less who wins.

  “It’s fine. All the guys from my agency are in there, along with the guys from Sunset. I think they’ll survive without us.” He quickly turns back towards the paparazzi, and their probing questions.

  They want to know if we’ve set a date, if this was a spur of the moment proposal, or if it was planned. Perhaps the most shocking question of all is whether I’m pregnant. Would I seriously be downing flutes of champagne all night if I was?

  After what feels like an eternity, we’re finally finished with the firestorm of questions and head back inside to the party. It’s only around twelve thirty, but I imagine people will be partying until the early morning hours.

  I find Brooklyn leaning against our table, talking with Reagan and Megan. They finally decided to rejoin the party after the drama of Logan’s proposal.

  Logan’s phone is buzzing in his pocket, and I can tell he wants to answer it. “You can get that; I’m going to go show off my ring to Reagan and Megan. They haven’t had a chance to see it yet.” I kiss him quickly on the cheek and head over to them.

  I glance back at Logan and see his face turn a deep red as a consequence of the text he’s reading; I hope it’s nothing serious. He’s having such an amazing time, and I don’t want anything to ruin his night.

  “What the hell Savannah? I leave for what? An hour? To come back and find out you’re engaged?” Reagan grabs my hand. I glance at Megan, who looks in awe over at my giant rock.

  “I’m sorry! You’re the one who ran off for hot elevator sex with Miss Megan over there.” I say, winking in her direction.

  “That is a big ass diamond!” Megan squeaks, as she admires it up close. You are one lucky bitch. You know that, right? I swear, every woman around here wishes they were you right about now...The future Mrs. Logan Sanders.”

  “Well, I am definitely not wishing that. I would rather walk across hot coals than marry him.” Brooklyn blurts out. All this champagne has gone straight to her head.

  Megan and Brooklyn glance over my shoulder, both wearing puzzled expressions. I turn around to find we are being approached by one of the many women who have been staring me down all night. She stops a few feet away and extends her hand out to me. She’s holding a hotel key card.

  “Logan is in room 267. He asked me to bring you this and to have you meet him there.” She says dryly, with a phony smile plastered across her face. I take the card from her well-manicured fingers, and as soon as I do, she spins on her heels and stomps away.

  “Well that was odd,” Brooklyn says, watching the woman walk away, completely confused. “You better go see what lover boy wants; he probably booked a suite for you two tonight.”

  “You have a ride home?” I ask Brooklyn. She came with Reagan, but it looks to me like he’ll be leaving with Megan. “If not, I’ll go up and talk to Logan, let him know you need a ride home and have his driver take you back to our place?”

  “I’m fine. If Reagan can’t, I can always call a cab. I’m bored out of my mind anyways. I think I’m going to go to Vertigo and have a few drinks.”

  I smile. “Okay, as long as you’re sure. I’ll see you in the morning; I guess.”

  We all say our goodnights and I zigzag through the crowd of people that still fill the ballroom. When I finally make it to the lobby, I slip off my heels and carry them to the elevator. My head is spinning from all the champagne and I really don’t feel like spraining an ankle tonight. I walk past a couple getting hot and heavy against the wall by the elevators; they are so wrapped up in each other; they don’t even acknowledge me waiting there.

  Finally, I hear the electronic tone, and as the doors slide open, I quickly step inside and push the button for floor twenty six. On the way up, I lean against the wall of the elevator in an attempt to try and stop the small space from spinning. I know I’m going to wake up with the world’s worst hangover.

  I glance down at my left hand and admire my engagement ring, watching it twinkle under the bright lights. I always imagined getting engaged to Logan, but never in a million years thought it would be this soon.

  We’ve been together for four years, but he always said he didn’t want to settle down until after we were both stable in our careers. There’s no way of knowing if he wants a long engagement or wedding in the near future. I guess we have a lot to talk about, but not tonight; tonight we will celebrate.

  The elevator comes to a stop, and the doors open up to a group of people dressed in nightclub attire, waiting to get in. I excuse myself, and squeeze past them, before heading down the hallway to Logan’s room.

  My head is still foggy; I haven’t been this drunk since my days at UCLA and its making fumbling through my purse to retrieve the key card more difficult than usual. I find it and shakily slide it into the door and wait until I see the light flick to green. At least I’m alert enough to get into the room, I laugh to myself.

  I bet I’m a sight to see, walking around the Roosevelt hotel barefoot and stumbling around with my heels and clutch in my hands.

  I enter the room and look around the suite. Logan isn’t in the living area, so he must be in the bedroom setting up our romantic night. I cannot wait to be with him…a week without sex is killing me.

  Lately, my vibrator just isn’t cutting it.

  I start towards the bedroom door when something catches my eye: a pair of women’s red high heels sitting by the couch and a lipstick marked glass of champagne. Panic instantly starts running through my veins, like ice sending chills all over my body. I am sobering up quickly, as my stomach starts to twist into knots.

  I slowly tip toe over to the door of the bedroom and stop in front of the door. My hand hovering over the doorknob and all I can think is: this cannot be happening; someone must have slipped something into one of my drinks and I’m just hallucinating.

  I can hear a woman giggling on the other side of the door. A million thoughts begin to flood my brain. Maybe Logan gave the room to one of his business partners to use, and I got here before he could let me know. There has to be a logical explanation. A man doesn’t pledge his love to a woman in front of thousands of people, and moments later cheat on her, does he?

  That only happens in the soap operas Brooklyn watches. Not in my life.

  I finally let out the air I’ve been holding in my lungs. I didn’t even realize I was holding it as I listened to the noises and voices on the other side of the door. I freeze when I recognize Logan’s voice, telling her to go deeper.

  This is not happening. This is not happening! I just keep saying those words over and over in my head as tears begin to fill my eyes, feeling like acid on my skin.

  Taking a few deep breaths I finally regain my composure and turn the doorknob. I don’t think there is any way I can prepare myself for what I am about to see. I just need to open the door quickly and face what I am about to find on the other side of it; stalling will not ease the blow I am about to face.

  Chapter Six

  My entire body shakes as I push the door open. As soon as I step into the bedroom, my feet freeze, and I can’t move. It feels like I’ve been sucker punched in the stomach, and I can’t process what I’m seeing. I can’t move or even breathe.

  My eyes are locked on the bed, where Logan is laying, still dressed in his tux. Between his legs lies a red headed woman with long wavy curls obscuring her face. She is in her bra and panties, with my fiancé’s dick in her mouth.

  I finally snap back to reality and slam the door against the wall with a forceful blow that echoes across the room.

e red head sits up quickly, and Logan snaps his head towards the doorway, his eyes landing on me in a combination of panic and fear. The girl turns towards me with a smile creeping over her face, “So glad you could finally join us, Savannah.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about Cara?” Logan barks at her as he sits up, fixing his pants.

  I can feel the tears pooling in my eyes again, and I’m trying so hard to speak, scream, anything, but the lump in my throat will not go down. I feel like I’m about to be sick. Panic has consumed my entire body; I should have just walked away.

  Why did I come into this room? I knew what I would find. I cannot believe this is actually happening to me.

  A single tear streaks down my cheek. I’m finally able to mutter out a, “What?” to, I guess her name is Cara, otherwise known as the red headed slut who was just giving my fiancé of about an hour, a blow job. In a room, I thought was booked for a romantic night to celebrate our engagement, no less.

  Logan looks like he should have steam pouring out of his ears, “What did you just say? I want answers, NOW!” He yells.

  She turns towards him, and nonchalantly remarks, “I said it was about time Savannah got here. I sent Amanda down to the ballroom to give her the key card to the room after I sent you that naughty little text,” she says, with a devilish grin on her face. “I figured that since you’re engaged to her now, she could join in on our sexual rendezvous.”

  Logan leaps off the bed runs towards me and grabs my hands. I’m frozen again, trying to process the idea that this was all set up and the fact that it’s not just tonight that my boyfriend has been with this woman.

  “Savannah, it’s not what it looks like. She seduced me, preyed on my weaknesses. Please, say something!”

  “You really don’t want to hear what I have to say,” I manage between breaths, my words shaky.

  “Come on Logan, did you seriously think I would just sit back and continue to be your ‘fuck buddy’ once you got engaged to this bitch? You had the nerve to propose to her at the party, in front of me and who knows how many other woman you’ve screwed.” Sliding into her dress, she stands and stares at Logan.

  I am frozen as I take in the scene unfolding before me. I can’t believe the things I’m hearing right now. My head is spinning as her words hit me like a brick; Logan’s been sleeping with her and other women from his agency.

  Resting her hands on her hips, her smile fades and her eyes turn dark and cold. “I knew right then and there that I was going to make you hurt as much as I was hurting, so…I booked this hotel room, and asked Amanda to help me get Savannah up here. I knew as soon as I sent you a picture of me here, ready and willing to fuck your brains out; you would come running back to me. Your predictability and weakness for sex helped me make this plan a reality.”

  “You...stupid…Bitch!” Before I can even blink Logan is in her face, and I’m scared of what he’ll do. I’ve never witnessed him be violent with any woman before, but he is so angry right now, that there is no telling what he is capable of.

  Anger is boiling over inside of me and I snap. I can’t listen to another word either of them has to say.

  “STOP IT!” I scream at them. “I don’t care who did what tonight. I loved you Logan, and to know that you could ever do something like this to me…it’s…it’s unbearable!” I take a few more steps into the room, walking towards him and Cara. I look her in the eyes with such intensity that if looks could kill that bitch would be on the floor. “You want him so bad, you can have him. I’m. Done.”

  I grab the ring that Logan gave me: the one that was supposed to symbolize love, trust and commitment, when in reality it was nothing but a fancy ploy to cover up his lies and betrayals. I yank it off of my finger and toss it at his chest.

  He catches it and stuttering his words, begins to plead for me to wait and give him a chance to explain. I’d heard and witnessed enough in the last five minutes to seal our fate for a lifetime. I’m done with Logan Sanders.

  As I walk out of the bedroom, I vow to never set myself up for this kind of heartbreak again. With tears running down my cheeks in rapid streams, I run to the elevator, pressing the button frantically and pleading with it to open. I hear Logan yelling my name down the hallway as he runs toward me, and I close my eyes in an attempt to drown out the sound of his voice. A voice I cherished until about five minutes ago. A voice that now causes instant nausea to wash over my body.

  The doors finally open, and I jump inside, pressing the button for the lobby. Just before they close, Logan appears, pressing his hand against the doors, and forcing them to stay open.

  His breath is erratic, and his face flushed, “Please Savannah, don’t do this…don’t run away from me. We can talk about this. I’ll do anything to fix this, just please don’t go.”

  I don’t know what comes over me, but before I know it, my hand is cracking against his right cheek with a loud slapping sound that echoes throughout the small elevator.

  My hand must be burning, yet with the adrenaline and pain of the night, I feel little more than a tingling sensation. Logan’s eyes grow wide and his mouth slides open, but nothing is coming out.

  “Goodbye Logan” I manage to spit out, as I shove him away from the doors. To my surprise, he stays back and watches the doors shut in front of him.

  I lean against the wall and slowly slide to the floor, pull my knees up to my chest and drop my purse and shoes to the floor with a thud. Wrapping my arms around my knees, I cry the entire ride. My shoulders are shaking vigorously as I sob for what feels like an eternity.

  Finally the elevator comes to a stop, and the doors slide open. I slowly climb to my feet, grab my shoes and purse from the floor, wipe away my tears, smooth my hair and try to regain my composure.

  As I step out into the hallway, I’m grateful to see the lustful couple from earlier have departed. I look around, but there is only a bellhop. Everyone is back in the ballroom, drinking, dancing and mingling without a care in the world.

  I stand in the entrance of the place Logan, and I first met, where he proposed to me and then betrayed me, and now the place our relationship ended. Forever. Who knew one building could hold so many good and bad memories at the same time?

  When I arrive home, I’m relieved to notice that Brooklyn is still out partying. I don’t feel like talking to anyone right now; all I want to do is curl up into a ball and disappear. Today went from being the most amazing day of my life to the worst, in a matter of just a few hours.

  How could I be so completely and utterly stupid? How could I not know that Logan was cheating on me? I don’t even want to know how many women there have been.

  Now all the odd behavior from tonight is starting to piece together and make complete sense. All of the models from Logan’s agency giving me death glares? I can pretty much guess that he’s slept with every single one of them.

  Thank God we always used protection; who knows what kind of diseases any of them could have. I shiver just thinking about the possibilities.

  That Cara girl did me a favor. At least I found out now and not after we were married, or heaven forbid, started a family. Would he have always been this way? Deceitful and unable to commit to monogamy?

  Did he plan on marrying me and continuing to have numerous affairs with all of these women? Would he have always had the desire to have sexual relations with other women?

  I don’t understand if it’s just about sex. I was more than willing to have sex with him anytime he wanted to.

  He’s the one who always seemed distant, only getting together during the week for lunch dates and only being together intimately on the weekends. Was it because he was sleeping with all these other women during the week that he had no desire to be intimate with me? Had he kissed them passionately, and made love to them the way he did with me?

  My stomach is starting to knot up again, and my lips begin to feel dirty. I wipe forcefully at them in an illogical attempt to rid myself of all the pain Logan has cause
d me.

  Just thinking of all the women he has kissed while with me…it’s sickening. I jump up and run to the bathroom, making it to the toilet just in time. I throw up violently until my eyes throb; my throat burns and my stomach feels completely empty.

  I quickly undress and toss my dress across the bathroom before turning on the shower so hot, it’s almost scalding. I needed to wash away the filth that I feel all over my body. The way Logan has made me feel: dirty, used and betrayed…I don’t know if I can ever get rid of this feeling.

  I stand under the water, scrubbing my body profusely until my skin is raw, and slowly slide to the floor of the bathtub as the water beats down on my head. I could barely tell the difference between tears and water as they drizzle over my body and wash down the drain. I remain like this until the water turns cool.

  I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow, but toss and turn all night, unable to get the images of Logan and that woman out of my head. I can hear her laugh echoing in my head, tormenting me. I finally fall into a deep, dreamless sleep around six in the morning, wishing I would never wake up.


  The sound of the front door closing wakes me. I hear Brooklyn’s heels clicking across the living room floor, and I hold my breath as I listen to her walk around the house. I finally let my breath out when her bedroom door closes.

  I look at my clock to see it’s almost noon; she must’ve stayed out all night. This works out well for me because she’ll sleep the entire day, giving me time to try and wrap my head around everything that happened last night. I don’t think I can handle talking to her right now.

  I grab my phone from my nightstand and turn it on. I had turned it off in a cab last night, as Logan was continuously calling and texting me. I discovered quickly; he was not giving up on reaching me. I had twenty text messages, twelve voice mails, numerous emails to my Facebook, Twitter and my personal email inbox.

  I don’t want to hear or read any of his excuses and apologies, so I delete everything without giving it a second thought.


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