Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella Page 16

by Jamie, Danielle

  He leans down to my ear, “You’re blushing again, my sweet Savannah. Whatever you’re thinking about…it must be naughty,” he purrs, instantly firing up the desire that he had burning inside me in his office.

  “Yes, as a matter of fact I’m reminiscing to a time when a certain, extremely attractive guy, who is far too sexy for his own good, had me pinned against a wall; bathing me in a mind blowing orgasm,” I say seductively and give him a quick wink. I burst out laughing as he lets out a slight growl and adjusts his slacks.

  “You’re killin’ me. You best behave yourself Savannah, before I have to take you back to my office,” he says slowly in my ear.

  I snap my head around to look at him again, “But where’s the fun in that? If being naughty gets me back in there, then hell, I’ll be the naughtiest girl you’ve ever laid eyes on.” I flash an impish smile and toss back the remainder of my champagne. I can’t help but notice the heat instantly rising in his face; I love how easily I’m able to affect him.

  Just like that, he picked up his beer, and was off again with his date for the night visiting with his guests. Not long after he leaves my desire for him starts to fade, and I instantly chastise myself.

  Why was I so worked up over a man I barely know? Kayden Knox had my insides in knots after just twenty-four hours; I can’t imagine what kind of a mess I’ll be in by the end of this week.

  We spend the rest of the night trying to keep our distance from one another, both doing our best not to draw attention to ourselves, especially after a few people witnessed me leaving with him last night.

  I don’t know whether it was because he had to spend most of the night with Giselle on his arm, but he was constantly finding little ways to show me affection – brushing my arm, or my ass, a cheeky wink, just reminding me that it was me he desired.

  Reagan notices our secret flirting while we’re dancing, and with the help of Rebecca, pokes fun at me all night. I have to try extremely hard to maintain my composure while talking with Eloise or co-workers from the magazine, because Reagan and Rebecca keep gesturing sexually at each other behind their backs.

  I loved how my sex life had turned into something so entertaining for them.

  Kayden and Eloise both gave amazing speeches to the attendees, Kayden looking superior as he spoke about his dreams and goals for his businesses and thanking Envy for recognizing all of the good he’s doing for the environment. Teasing Eloise, he jokes that he was shocked the entire article wasn’t all about his playboy antics and his glorified partying ways, “Now that would sell magazines,” he laughs.

  He’s such a charmer; he had the whole room eating out of the palm of his hand.

  I notice Victor approach him when he steps off the stage. He gives him a courteous handshake, and it sounds as though he tells him he’s proud. He then reaches for his fiancée’s hand and swiftly exits the party.

  Pretty much everyone who arrived for the Envy party has left, and the tables are all back in their usual nightclub setting, ready for the onslaught of any other Saturday night.

  Reagan and Rebecca are both dancing with respective hotties, so I’m pleased when I hear Brooklyn’s Hell on Heels ringtone. I step outside to be able to hear over the music and answer,

  “What’s up, movie star?”

  “Nothing much, just packing up my suitcases, my flight leaves at eight a.m. tomorrow so I should be in Houston around one. I just wanted to make sure you didn’t forget about me.”

  “Stop stressing. I’ll be there to get you. You worry too much, drama queen,” I tease.

  The silence between us is deafening, and I know why she’s really calling. “Brooklyn, if you have something to say, just say it already,” I say with a chipper tone, trying to show her I was truly okay.

  “I saw the news tonight, with…Logan,” She lets out a huff. “That guy really needs his ass kicked,”

  “I would love nothing more.”

  “Are you really okay? Don’t lie to me Savannah, or I will kick your ass when I get to Texas tomorrow!” I love how much Brooklyn cares for me. She’s been the one constant thing I can depend on…always.

  “I admit I had a slight breakdown when I first heard, but I’m better now. I can’t let Logan’s mistakes bring me down. It’s time to work my way out of this darkness; things can only get better, right? It’ll take a lot of help from a certain best friend, but I know that all of this heartache will only make me stronger in the end.”

  “Well look at you, getting all philosophical on me! But you are right, screw Logan; he’ll just make himself look like an even bigger jackass. I think the best revenge is to beat him at his own game. He wants to run to the magazines and feed them his pathetic sob story, yes? I think you need to get out there and give it right back. Before you interrupt me, just listen.” She stops to take a few breaths.

  “Please don’t say what I think you’re going to say,” If she seriously thinks I’m going to do a magazine interview talking about my devastating break-up from Logan, she needs her head checked!

  “Savannah! Hear me out,” She snaps, shutting me up quickly. “Now listen, I know this is the last thing you want to do, but listen to me! This could work out for you personally and professionally. The cherry on top would be a swift kick between Logan’s legs when he sees your gorgeous freaking face all over the newsstands, televisions and blogs!”

  “Okay, say I entertain this idea…how the hell do you see this helping my career? Things like this can break one,” Eloise would kill me if I went to another magazine for a ‘tell all’ interview.

  It was like Brooklyn was reading my mind. “Talk to Eloise about doing an article for Envy! I think she’d so be on board with the idea. I bet she’d be thrilled that it would be an exclusive interview. It would draw in eager customers and boost magazine sales.”

  “You’re such a bitch,” I laugh. “I hate it when you’re right.” Annoyance laces my words, “I’ll talk to Eloise and think about it; I kind of just want to move on with my life, so I’m not giving you a definite answer,”

  “I have one more teeny, tiny idea to help get some juicy revenge on Logan.” Oh God, I dread to think what scheme she has conjured up this time.

  I know Brooklyn all-too-well; her plans are almost always over the top and borderline illegal.

  “Brooklyn, I think the one you already suggested is a pretty good way to stick it to Logan; I don’t think I can handle any more of your ideas tonight.”

  Brooklyn’s laughter echoes through the other end of the phone, “Oh, shut up…stop being such a drama queen, you haven’t even given me the chance to tell you what it is and you’re already shooting it down. Have a little more faith in me.”

  Brooklyn sure knows how to push my buttons; twenty-four years of practice had made her a pro at driving me insane and manipulating me into going along with any scheme that randomly popped up in that crazy head of hers.

  “Okay, what is your amazing idea?” I hold my breath, trying to prepare myself for whatever is going to come out of her mouth. This is the girl who thought it would be “the most amazing thing ever” to get completely trashed and then go bungee jumping. Alcohol and heights do not mix well with me; I puked my brains out before I could even get my feet off of the platform!

  That is just one of many bad ideas Brooklyn Bennett has come up with over the years.

  “Well I was thinking about Mr. Hotness himself…Kayden. You could get back at Logan big time using Kayden as your ammunition,” she says matter-of-factly, as if I was the world's biggest idiot for not coming up with this idea myself.

  I toss my head back against the sofa and stare up at the ceiling. This is either going to work out exactly as she’s planned, or it’s going to blow up massively in my face.

  I sit there for the next ten minutes listening to Brooklyn go on and on about how this was the greatest idea ever. She says I should leave with Kayden tonight and let the paparazzi get pictures of us. Instead of trying to hide the fact that we’re sleeping toge
ther, just let the cat out of the bag.

  It would be all over every news stations, gossip blogs, Facebook and Twitter that I’m no longer sulking over our break-up.

  After hearing her talk of how Logan is being extremely vocal about our break up back in L.A., my blood is boiling. Apparently he’s been telling everyone that our break up is temporary, and he’s just giving me some time to cool off before I come crawling back to him.

  Over my dead body.

  I reach my breaking point finally giving in and agreeing with Brooklyn; I’ll show Logan once and for all that I am done crying over him and that I’m moving on with my life.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I don’t give myself time to think about the consequences, and when I return to the party I stride straight up to Kayden at the bar.

  Surprisingly, Brooklyn’s plan seems to be working. I seductively whisper into Kayden’s ear, “Why don’t we get out of here and go finish what we started earlier?”

  That’s all it took and he was saying his goodbyes and practically dragging me out the door. He freezes when we get to the doors leading out to the parking lot.

  His face becomes serious, his eyes narrowing into two small slits, “Are you sure you want to walk out these doors with me Savannah? Once you do, you won’t be able to turn back,”

  I push the panicked voice out of my head and give myself a talking to; Kayden is the most amazing man I’ve ever met. Why not, as Rebecca said, “shout it from the rooftops?” I take a deep breath in, and give him a small smile, “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. I have nothing to be ashamed of; I’m leaving with the sexiest man on the planet.” I mean every word.

  Kayden leans down to my ear and whispers, “I hope traffic isn’t too bad tonight because I don’t know how long I can contain myself before I rip that dress off. I’ve been suffering all night, trying to keep the image of you all hot and bothered out of my head. We cannot get out of here fast enough.” He murmurs, sending shivers throughout my body. He could take me from zero to sixty within seconds.

  “Awww, poor thing. Suffering from blue balls tonight, are ya?” I giggle as I run my hand up his chest, getting lost in his sea green eyes and trying hard to be coy, not letting him know just how strongly he affects me.

  He runs his hand down my back and cups my ass, pulling me up against him with very hungry lips. It left me starving for more. Kayden Knox was my new addiction; I wanted him anywhere, anytime.

  “Then stop stalling and let’s get out of here,” I reach for his hand, flashing him another smile. Reassuring him that I was okay with this, we walk out the door, and I take the first step toward truly healing my shattered heart.

  With those words, Kayden whisks me out the door and into the lighting storm of flashbulbs. I’m practically blind by after only being outside five seconds. I now understand why celebrities are always donned with sunglasses when they’re out at night in Los Angeles.

  The press goes berserk when we step out of the club holding hands. The plan has worked; all questions were directed towards Kayden and me and away from Logan. They were shouting at us, asking if we were an item, if I was the one to tame the wild Kayden Knox.

  Kayden smiled at me with a mischievous look twinkle in his eyes, “You want to know what Savannah is to me? Instead of telling you, how about I show you?”

  Before I can mutter a single syllable, he dips me backwards and plants a scorching hot kiss onto my lips. Take that Logan!

  Excitement soon settles into panic as his lips pull away from mine…did Kayden just confirm to these reporters that we were a couple now? This is crazy; I can’t do the whole boyfriend, girlfriend thing again. What happened to Kayden saying he doesn’t date, he just fucks?

  He whispers to me, only centimeters away from my face, fire from our kiss still burning in his eyes, “Savannah, you’re over thinking things again.” He pulls me back up to stand beside him, waving goodbye to the reporters and refusing to say another word.

  Kayden drove himself tonight in his 2012 burnt orange F150 Raptor. “That is a hot ass truck, Kayden.” I admire his truck and its huge tires, trying to figure out how the hell I’m going to get into this thing. “Kayden, I am sorry to tell you, but I think you may have just a slight obsession of orange vehicles.”

  He lets out a laugh, “I admit, I do have a slight obsession, and I don’t just have two orange vehicles. I also have my baby: a 2012 orange Lamborghini Gallardo. I will have to take you for a ride in her one day this week before you go back to Los Angeles.”

  Hearing him say he wants to see me again while I’m in Galveston, makes me excited and scared, all at the same time. We both have tried to shut off our hearts from feeling anything for anyone. I’m afraid to get my hopes up that there could actually be an us.

  Do I really want to open myself up for the chance to get hurt, once again, by a man I thought I could trust? I barely know him; I know of him and what we learned about him from our research and interviews. I, more than anyone, know you can manipulate the media to make them see only what you want them to see.

  “I have never been inside a Lamborghini before; I’ve seen them all over Los Angeles, but never actually ridden in one”.

  “Well it can be another first we cross off our list then. You will be the first girl to ride in it; I just got it a few months ago. With traveling for work so much lately, I haven’t had much free time to take her out.” Walking around me, he opens up the truck door. “Hold onto the door and I will boost you up, okay?”

  I nodded my head with agreement. Stepping up onto the step bar of the truck, I hold onto the door as Kayden grabs my butt and pushes me up into the truck. “Now I understand why ya’ll drive these big ol’ trucks,” I say as he slaps me playfully on the butt. Sliding into my seat, I gaze down at Kayden, sporting a big ass grin on my face.

  “You caught me, I only drive a big truck for the slight chance I may get the opportunity to grope an ass every once in a while,” he jokes. Shutting my door, Kayden runs around to the driver's side and hops into the truck effortlessly.

  As we’re driving, we spontaneously decide to take a drive out to my parent’s beach house. He knew that the paparazzi would be swarming around the hotel like angry bees waiting to attack us. It’s almost an hour drive to the beach house, and we spend the entire ride singing along to the radio, and telling stories about the craziest things we had ever done.

  Kayden has me laughing so hard my stomach is aching. He told me the craziest thing he ever did was his Freshman year in college. He and a bunch of his friends got really drunk, decided to toilet paper the dean’s house, hot-wired his car and drove it to the football field, parking it in the center of the field and leaving it there.

  He said he thought for sure his father was going to kill him when he was arrested for vandalism and auto theft. He had to beg the dean not to press charges and was able to get the police report tossed out.

  Kayden and I just seem to click right away, all of the anxiety I was feeling when I walked out of the club tonight has evaporated. Kayden rests his hand on my lap, enclosing my hand the entire drive.

  Finally, at almost ten thirty we pull up to my parents beach house. My father has one of his cars parked in the garage, so I tell Kayden to park his truck in the drive. When I jump down out of the truck, I’m instantly chilled, and I run quickly up the stairs leading to the deck.

  Almost all of the beach houses in Galveston are built on top of pillar like beams, high off the ground in case of an unusually high tide.

  “This is a really nice place,” Kayden says as he admires the three story, pale yellow beach house. “Mine is just down the beach, probably about a ten minute drive from here. Your parents picked the best location for a vacation home. Galveston is the best place to be in the summer-time.”

  He steps behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his hands on my stomach. I’m distracted by the smell of his cologne and the feeling of his body against mine; I’m having trouble punching
the security code into the keypad.

  “Am I getting you all worked up, Savannah?”

  “When are you not? I swear every time you touch me, I can’t concentrate!” I finally get the code to work so we can enter the house before I freeze to death.

  “You’re shivering. I guess that dress wasn’t really meant to be worn outside in fifty degree weather,” he says, rubbing his hands along my arms in an attempt to warm me up.

  “It’s a perfect excuse to start a fire,” I say, walking to light it.

  “The fire is one way of warming you up, but I have a better idea,” he gently sucks my earlobe into his mouth and works warm kisses down my neck.

  “Slow down, cowboy! I’m going to go get us a bottle of wine out of the wine fridge, and then you can work your magic on me.”

  He slaps me on the butt again, laughing as he does it. I squeal playfully as I smile at him, and head to the kitchen to get a bottle of Chateau Palmer. It’s my mother’s favorite wine, and she has it stocked in all of our houses. I retrieve two wine glasses and head back to Kayden, who is waiting patiently, sprawled out across the cream sectional.

  Kayden takes the wine from me and opens it. “I like this place. I can picture you living here. I know it’s stupid, but the blue accents bring out the color in your eyes,” he looks embarrassed. “I have never met a woman whose eye color seems to change daily. One minute I think they’re green and the next they’re blue; it’s very intriguing”.

  “I don’t really notice it, but people have mentioned it before,” I laugh. He hands me a glass, and we clank them together, making a toast to my “chameleon's eyes.”

  I gulp down my first glass, trying to calm my nerves. “I don’t know about you but I had so much to drink last night, the last thing I expected to be doing today was drinking more. I had the worst hangover when I woke up this morning. Thank God you gave me that complimentary massage at the hotel’s spa. Without it, I don’t think I’d have been able to move at all today, let alone dance most of the night.”


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