Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella Page 24

by Jamie, Danielle

  Brooklyn could care less that the entire lunch crowd is staring at us, she craves attention.

  Snapping her head, Brooklyn flashes a wide grin at the waiter approaching our table. I swear she is worse than a man when it comes to flirting. Brooklyn takes serial dating to an entirely different level. She thinks of flirting as a sport, and she’s the MVP.

  “Well hello…Colin?” Brooklyn purrs seductively up at our waiter as she reads his name tag.

  Poor Colin, looking to be only about nineteen, is taking Brooklyn’s flirtatious behavior…hook, line and sinker.

  I almost feel sorry for the kid, but it is so damn entertaining watching her make men turn into putty in her hands. She’s in one of her trademark extremely low cut tops that accentuate her cleavage well.

  Since arriving at our table, Colin has had his eyes glued to her girls; Brooklyn is just giggling like a valley air head as Colin reads her the lunch specials.

  After finally ordering, and after Brooklyn ogled the poor guys ass a few times, we got our food and drinks.

  Throughout lunch, I filled Brooklyn in on everything that went down at the airport, expressing my concerns about Logan still being in Houston, which was definitely a very bad sign.

  A worried expression takes over Brooklyn’s face, “Do you think he has the balls to show up at the beach house again?”

  There’s the million dollar question.

  “I really have no idea; my answer would’ve been a definite no if you had asked me last night. Now that I know he’s still here, I truly have no idea. If he’s smart, he’ll stay far away and get his ass onto a plane bound for LAX. I have no idea what Kayden would do if Logan had shown up while he was there.” I suddenly feel my stomach drop, a sickening feeling settling in.

  The last thing I want to do is bring drama into Kayden’s life.

  He’s trying to run a business; the last thing he needs is my disastrous love life dragging him down. He has made it very clear he loves living here because he can live a pretty normal life compared to the way my life is back in L.A. with paparazzi constantly tracking your every move.

  My moving here is going to flip his entire world upside down.

  Shaking her head, Brooklyn rests her hand on top of mine. She does a quick glance around to make sure no one was ease dropping on us, or recording us eating lunch.

  Sadly that happens a lot back in Los Angeles.

  “If Logan knows what’s good for him, he will drag his sorry ass back to L.A. He thinks you have a mean right hook? He will be in for a rude awakening when he finds himself on the opposite end of my fist. I won’t stop at just one punch Savannah; I will have a knockdown, drag out brawl with that piece of shit.”

  I can’t help but laugh. Picturing Brooklyn going ape shit on Logan is pretty funny, but only figuratively, not literally. I don’t want to feed into Logan’s insanity.

  Pushing my plate away, I drink the rest of my lemonade, instantly wishing it was something stronger. “Let’s just hope Logan comes to his senses and goes home. If he honestly thinks I’m buying into this whole sex addict story, then he has truly lost it. No amount of therapy can get me to go back to him.”

  Pursing her lips, Brooklyn nods in agreement, “You know Logan is only chasing after you because he sees you have someone new in your life. He was all talk and no action for the last couple of months. Now that you’re putting your life back together he wants to come crashing back into it.”

  Taking in a shaky breath, I say, “That’s what I’m afraid of. That Logan’s not going to stop until my entire world is completely broken around me to the point that it’s impossible to piece it back together.

  Brooklyn gives me a sympathetic smile, “Believe me girly, I will not allow that to happen. I, for one, am happy you didn’t fall for his sob story. That tool deserves to be alone with no one but Rosey Palm, and her five friends.” Brooklyn’s laughter is contagious, and before I know it, I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders.

  “You never have to worry about me going back to Logan, trust me. I’m extremely happy with how things are with Kayden right now, and excited to see where things go with us.”

  An impish smile dances across Brooklyn’s lips as she sucks on the straw to her cherry Coke. “With what you’ve told me about Knox and his massive Southern sausage, my face would be aching from sporting a big ass grin all day!”

  Oh, my God, did she seriously just refer to Kayden’s penis as a Southern sausage?!

  Not skipping a beat, Brooklyn smacks my arm playfully, “So, cheer up buttercup! Don’t let the world’s biggest douche bag bring you down. I want our first official day back together to be nothing but fan-fuckin-tastic, so we are not allowed to speak of Logan again for the rest of the afternoon.”

  I hold my pinky up between us, “I pinky promise, to try and not mention the King of Douchebags for the remainder of the afternoon.”

  This is easier said than done.

  I have tried everything possible to push Logan out of my head, but until I know for sure he’s left Texas, I don’t think I will be able to fully relax.

  Trying to anticipate his next move is irritating the hell out of me. I just have a bad feeling; he isn’t through wreaking havoc on my life just yet.

  Colin returned to our table to clear our plates as soon as he saw we had finished eating. Brooklyn dived head first into full on flirt mode again.

  Being more than eager to continue his conversation with us, after clearing our plates and bringing us our bill, Colin asked if we were in Houston on vacation, using a cheesy pickup line to do so.

  He told us he’d never forget a beautiful woman like Brooklyn. The smile on his face when we said we recently moved here was apparent.

  The poor kid would soon enough have his heart broken.

  He isn’t the first to fall under the Brooklyn Bennett spell, and I know, for a fact, he won’t be the last.

  Brooklyn managed to flirt her way to free desserts on the house…well, on Colin. I doubt his boss would be thrilled about him giving away two seven dollar slices of chocolate mousse cake.

  After paying our bill, I found the café’s business card tucked in with our receipt. Snickering I showed Brooklyn the back. In black marker is his phone number and under it, it says: ‘in case you want me to show ya around’.

  Smooth, real smooth, I laugh to myself reading it.

  Brooklyn burst into a fit of laughter tossing the card into a nearby trash can a little ways down the road. “Boys really need to stop being so easy to seduce. It gets boring after a while. I like a challenge!”

  All I can do is roll my eyes and nod in agreement.

  I don’t think there’s a man out there who wouldn’t be begging for five minutes of her time. I just pray Kayden is immune to her gorgeous looks and charismatic charm.

  Last thing I need is for the man I’m falling for, to suddenly fall for my best friend. “Just remember to keep your flirting to a minimum with Kayden. I really like him…a lot.” I state without an ounce of sarcasm in my voice.

  Wrapping her arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to her, Brooklyn lets out a loud sigh. “No need to worry love, I see how bad you have it for him. I will stay far, far away…but that means we need to get on our manhunt as soon as possible! I cannot spend the entire week listening to you two fuck like rabbits while I lay in my bed staring at the ceiling.”

  I playfully push Brooklyn away from me, making her almost bump into a woman speed walking and talking on her cell phone. The woman snaps her head around shooting a death glare at us before continuing on her way.

  Brooklyn and I instantly lock eyes and burst into a fit of laughter. All is right in the world again; I have my best friend back by my side.

  We spend the entire afternoon shopping and checking out some vintage shops in the area so Brooklyn can find some new jewelry.

  Houston was buzzing with people everywhere while Jax drove us around in bumper to bumper traffic.

  I remembered a few places Reag
an and I visited last week when we were here for the Envy party, so I introduced Brooklyn to some unique shops we found while touring the city.

  While looking around one of the gift shops, I came across a keychain that says, “Everything is bigger in Texas.” I had to buy it! I just know Kayden will get a kick out of it.

  After grabbing a box of red velvet cupcakes at my favorite pastry shop in Houston, Crave Cupcake, I climb back into Kayden’s burnt orange Audi Q5.

  It’s almost Five o’clock, so we’re heading back over to the Beaumont Office Building to wait for Kayden to finish up his business meetings.

  Brooklyn of course hops into the front seat, to get her flirt on with Jax. She has no shame.

  Sliding into the backseat, I set my box of cupcakes on my lap. Memories of Kayden and I back here my first night in Houston, after we left Vertigo together, flood my mind.

  I can’t help but smile as I think back to the amazing sex we had, with Jax only a few inches away sitting in the driver’s seat. It was dangerous and exciting; making the entire experience that much more exhilarating.

  “What are you smiling about back there?” Brooklyn asks from the passenger seat, flashing me a curious smile and twirling one of her ringlets.

  She had that ‘I know exactly what you are thinking about’ look written all over her face.

  I let out a nervous laugh. I cannot believe Brooklyn caught me daydreaming about hot car sex with Kayden. Shifting in the seat, I shake my head and say nonchalantly, “Nothing.”

  The last thing I want to do is tell Brooklyn in front of Jax, especially since he doesn’t know what we were doing…at least I don’t think he does.

  Who am I kidding; he probably knew exactly what was going on.

  “Mm hmm,” Brooklyn says flashing another smile at me before returning to her conversation with Jax.

  Chapter Five

  My heart skips a beat as Kayden joins me in the back of the car. I instantly melt under that mega-watt smile of his.

  “Hey.” I say greeting him, as I slide my hand along his chest tugging on his tie.

  Not saying a word, Kayden gently runs the palm of his hand along the side of my face, stopping to cup my chin in his hand. Tilting my face up, he pulls my mouth towards him. I eagerly press my lips to his.

  Jolts of electricity spark around us sending shock waves throughout my body.

  “Miss me?” He whispers against my lips. I can feel his mouth forming a small smile as our lips stay pressed together.

  I nod my head yes, raising my hand up to gently brush it through his sandy brown hair. It’s extraordinary the way my body reacts as soon as Kayden is anywhere near me. It’s as if all of my senses are instantly heightened.

  Brooklyn spins around to face us, “Break it up love birds. Save the hanky panky for the bedroom,” she teases shifting her gaze from Kayden to me as she points her finger at us playfully.

  Letting out a husky laugh, Kayden sits back against the leather interior and rests his arm behind me. “I’m sorry, I will try to control myself and not take Savannah right here in the backseat, as a courtesy to you Brooklyn,” Kayden says as lips curl up into a small smile.

  My breath hitches and my heart starts racing against my chest, as I feel my face flush. Kayden mentioning sex in the car nearly has me creaming my panties.

  Not seeming to notice my current state, Brooklyn focuses on Kayden, “Well I appreciate that Knox. But don’t get me wrong, I think I would thoroughly enjoy watching you two get your freak on. From what Savannah has told me, you’re quite the animal in the sack.” Reaching between the two seats, Brooklyn slaps Kayden on the knee laughing.

  I tossed my head back against the seat letting out a small whimper. “Oh. My. God. You did not just say that Brooklyn!” I slapped my hand over my eyes praying that Kayden isn’t embarrassed.

  I don’t know him well enough yet to know if he is comfortable with Brooklyn and I discussing our sex life. That’s just how we are; we talk to each other about everything.

  Brooklyn grabs my knee squeezing it, “God, Savannah, don’t be such a prude! Damn, if I was getting mind blowing orgasms’ every second of the day I would be standing on the roof of that building, shouting it for the whole world to hear!” She says nonchalantly, pointing up at one of the tall skyscrapers as we drive down the busy streets of Houston.

  This time Jax and Kayden burst out laughing.

  Shaking his head, Kayden looks from Brooklyn to me, “Y’all crack me up.” Reaching for my hand, Kayden slowly pulls it away from my face leaning down placing his lips against my ear, his warm breath misting my skin.

  “Savannah, you have nothing to be embarrassed about. Really! I’m flattered that you find our sex so amazing that you brag about it to Brooklyn. At least I know I am doing my job of keeping you one hundred percent satisfied.” He whispers, with his thick drawl making the dull ache between my thighs increase.

  We spend the remainder of the car ride telling Kayden everything we did while he was hard at work. Brooklyn proudly showed of her new cowgirl boots, stiletto cowgirl boots at that. She says they’re country with a dab of L.A. chic.

  Kayden tried a few times to sneak a cupcake, and thoroughly enjoyed my threats of inflicting bodily harm on his man parts each time he tried to snag one. I told him they are for dessert tonight after our celebratory BBQ. Jax and Brooklyn couldn’t contain their laughter, finding our banter amusing.

  After an hour drive, we finally pull into my driveway; I immediately noticed a Ford F-350 parked with a horse trailer attached to the back. I slide a quick glance to Kayden and then lock eyes with Brooklyn, who is looking just as confused as I am. The plates on the truck are from Tennessee.

  “Why is there a truck parked in my driveway hauling a horse trailer?” I asked Kayden and Brooklyn, hoping someone can provide me with an answer.

  Shrugging her shoulders, Brooklyn looks from me back to the truck, “I have no idea, but I’m going to find out.” She says jumping out of the car.

  Jax, Kayden and I follow. Kayden makes his way over to the driver’s side door and knocks on the window.

  Brooklyn and I jogged across the driveway, stopping behind the trailer. Looking it over, Brooklyn asks, “Do you think your dad had Cheyanne and Whiskey sent here?” She asked as she tried to look into the trailer.

  Sliding my gaze from the trailer I glance over at Brooklyn giving her a puzzled look, “I don’t think so. Where the hell would we put them? We definitely don’t have anywhere here to keep them?” I say waving my hand around at the sandy landscape surrounding our beach house.

  Moments later Kayden and the man I’m assuming is the driver come around to the back of the trailer to join us.

  Smiling down at us Kayden shouts, “Surprise!” as the man opens up the trailer doors.

  Standing inside are our horses! Without even thinking, I lunge into Kayden’s arms squealing with excitement.

  “What? You gotta be shitting me?!” Brooklyn blurts out, dumbfounded.

  “How did you do this?” I ask in between my shrieks of excitement.

  I haven’t been able to ride Cheyanne since last Fourth of July. I’ve been so busy in L.A. with my job at Envy that I haven’t had any free time to fly to our ranch in Tennessee and spend any time with her.

  My dad bought Whiskey for Brooklyn about six years ago as a graduation present so she could have her very own horse to ride when she came with me to Memphis to visit.

  “I had my assistant get your parents’ number for me, so I called your father. I let him know that I have a large stable at my ranch in Sugar Land. I know how much you love riding, and your horse, Cheyanne. So I asked if it was all right with him to have yours and Brooklyn’s horses’ brought here. That way you guys can ride them whenever you want.” Raking his fingers through his hair, he studies my face nervously.

  I can’t believe he did this, I swear he is too freaking perfect. I need to pinch myself, and make sure I’m not dreaming.

  Overwhelmed by his thou
ghtfulness, I choke up with emotions. I’m not sure how to express just how happy he has made me. I turn and look at Brooklyn; she’s petting Whiskey’s nose grinning ear to ear, before looking back up into Kayden’s mesmerizing green eyes that are sparkling in the setting sun, “I cannot believe you did this Kayden, are you sure you have room to store our horses? I’ll pay for their care. I don’t want this to be a burden on you, or whoever cares for your horses.”

  “Darlin’ you don’t know how thrilled I am to see you so happy, and it’s no burden, trust me.” Sliding his fingers into my hair, I can’t help but melt into his touch “After the day you had yesterday, I’m glad I could put a smile back on this gorgeous face of yours.”

  Excusing myself, I grab my phone and run up onto the deck for some privacy to call my parents. I think I told my mom and dad thank you about a hundred times before I got off the phone with them.

  My parents are over the moon that I have found such an amazing guy. They hated seeing me so torn up after everything that happened with Logan.

  My mother informed me that they will be flying to Dallas in a few weeks for a show, and want to get together to officially meet Kayden.

  I would imagine my dad has already had private eyes’ dig up everything they can find on Kayden, taking every precaution to prevent his little girl from having her heart broken again.

  I already know that they’re going to love him. It helps that they somewhat know him already because of who his father is, so I just hope since they’ve met at past events, Kayden won’t be too nervous about officially meeting them as my boyfriend.

  Brooklyn and I spend a little over an hour riding our horses along the beach. It’s exactly what I needed; it provided the perfect escape to help me forget all the darkness clouding my mind over these last twenty-four hours.

  Being on the back of Cheyanne, riding in the open air with the sea breeze misting my skin is so freeing; it feels like I can finally breathe again.

  I’ve been riding my entire life, and use to ride competitively until I went off to college. After graduating, I immediately started working at Envy, climbing the business ladder. Living in L.A. and working fulltime left me with very little time for riding anymore. I could never find the time to jet off to Memphis, or get to a ranch in California.


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