Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella Page 39

by Jamie, Danielle

  My whole body instantly turns to ice, time stops. My phone slides from my hands hitting the floor. Someone has Savannah. Comprehension has sunk in.

  This cannot be happening!

  Snapping back to reality, I lose it. Rage and fury boils up, erupting like a violent volcano within me. I flip over the couch and taking long strides I walk over to the book shelf holding all my awards, ripping it from the wall and pushing it to the floor. Taking each award, I hurl them across the room, smashing holes into my office walls. Gripping the side of the cabinet I flip it onto its side.

  A disheveled mess, I fall to the floor…breathing out of control, I crawl across the floor to retrieve my phone. Just as I get to it, my office doors swing open with everyone rushing into my office, panic and confusion all over their faces. They heard my boisterous shouts and the sound of me destroying my fuckin’ office. If I were them, I would be scared shitless too.

  “What the hell is going on?” Aaron yells running over and crouching down beside me. Everyone else piles in and starts cleaning up the mess that is now my office.

  “What the hell is going? Savannah has been fucking kidnapped is what’s going on! I need you to get on the phone…right now! Call the police, tell them she’s been kidnapped and they’re asking for $10 million within the next hour.” I howl up at him as I retrieve my phone, climbing to my feet.

  My entire body is convulsing, as anger trembles through me. I cannot believe some fuckin’ piece of shit has the balls to take her. If whoever has taken her harms even so much as a hair on her head…I will track them down and beat their body lifeless with my bare hands.

  I text Savannah’s phone back letting the kidnapper or kidnappers, who knows how many there are, know that the money will be in their account shortly. I am on the phone with Maverick when Aaron bursts back into my office with two FBI agents beside him. I knew I’d be talking with these men sooner rather than later with the breach in security, but never thought it would be tonight…because of Savannah.

  Maverick and Paisley, thank God, didn’t have a show tonight. They are on their tour bus driving to New York City. They said they will get off at the nearest airport and fly to Houston as quickly as they can. Maverick told me his bank information and to wire the money from his account, but I refused. I will pay them myself, and get my girl back.

  After thirty minutes of feeling like I’m going out of my mind, I pull into Savannah’s driveway. Her car is gone; they must’ve taken her car. They don’t know how happy I am that whoever took her did that.

  Dialing Maverick again I ask him to contact the car company and have them access the GPS system in her car. Getting off the phone with him, I walked up the stairs leading to Savannah’s house. There are police everywhere. Her home is now officially a crime scene. The police inform me that there are no signs of forced entry, and no signs of a struggle. So whoever took her either was let in or somehow bypassed her security system and got into the house while she was sleeping.

  All of this happening while I was called away to an emergency at the office seems to be more than a simple coincidence. I inform the police of the breach of security at the office tonight and they also think it is somehow connected.

  The FBI is trying to find out where the IP address is from as we speak. I hope they can find out soon. I will bet all my money whoever hacked my offices security system has done this too.

  I look over at the beach house beside Savannah’s that Jacob and Zak are staying in. You would think with the entire street filled with cop cars, their lights illuminating the whole area that they would be out here trying to figure out what the hell happened.

  Sprinting down the stairs I run to their front door and bang on the door for five straight minutes. Nothing. Looking over I see their car is parked in the driveway. If they’re sleeping, they should be awake by now; I’ve about punched a hole straight through the door I’ve been knocking on it so fuckin’ hard.

  Without thinking I ram my shoulder into the door, busting it open. The place is quiet, I run through the house calling out their names. Checking every single room…nothing! Things are disturbingly coming together now; Savannah acting weird tonight, them answering her phone. Running back out to the street, I quickly dial Agent Hanley. He answers on the third ring.

  “Agent Hanley, I need you to run two names immediately; Jacob Williams and Zak Russo. They’re both from Napa Valley California. They’ve been staying in the beach house next door to Savannah’s, and were the last two people she was with before she disappeared.” Leaning down I rest my hand on my knee. Trying to calm myself down, fighting a panic attack from taking hold.

  Agent Hanley quickly pulls up their information. He confirms to me that Jacob does in fact run a Winery that his family owns in Napa Valley, and that Zak is a personal trainer in L.A., and also a graphic designer for an AD agency in L.A., but was just laid off due to the agency making cut backs. The big kicker, Jacob just filed bankruptcy and is in danger of losing his Winery.

  They said Jacob unexpectedly withdrew all of his savings and booked this beach house…the day after the Envy party! Those son-of-a-bitches sought us out. That was the night we made our relationship public. They acted so shocked when they learned who she was and acted as if they had no clue we were together, until the night I took everyone out.

  They had this planned all along.

  Twisted fuckin’ Bastards!

  As soon as I got the GPS location of where Savannah’s car is heading I jumped into my truck and began driving like a bat out of hell. I don’t care if anyone tries to fuckin’ pull me over…I’m not stopping for anything. Besides the cops are driving just as fast up ahead of me.

  They’re expecting their money in the next thirty minutes. So I pray to God I find them before it’s too late. My bank is ready to transfer the money. I just have to call them and it will be done. I’m afraid if I don’t get to them before then once they get the money they will kill her anyway.

  The GPS shows they’re heading north along route six. I have the Tech Guy on the phone the entire time I’m driving, letting me know how close I am to catching up to them. I feel like my heart is about to explode in my chest with every minute that passes by. I love Savannah more than life itself. If I lose her I don’t think I can make it.

  Melody’s death ripped my heart from my chest, but Savannah has found it when I thought all was lost, breathing life back into my lifeless heart. She showed me I am alive, and taught me how to live and love again. Savannah is my everything; I cannot and will not lose her to some fucking greedy assholes.

  I’m nervous, and scared but also relieved when the guy comes back onto the phone and tells me that her car is only half a mile ahead. Pushing the gas, I am grasping the wheel so hard I fear my knuckles will break through the skin.

  I’m going over a hundred miles per hour now. The air is instantly knocked out of my lungs when he comes back on and tells me the car is a quarter mile up the road and has stopped moving.

  A million thoughts run wild through my head. Did they stop and wait for the money transfer? They’re expecting it within the next fifteen minutes.

  Did they just stop to maybe relieve themselves? Then my worst fear is confirmed when my headlights show tire marks on the road, and I see Savannah’s car flipped over off the road.

  Slamming my brakes I throw the truck into park, and jump out, not even bothering to turn the ignition off. Running as fast as I can, zigzagging around the cop cars all parked along the road in front of me, I run down the grassy hill towards Savannah’s now totaled Audi. The EMTs and fire trucks are pulling up just as I reach her car. The police are surrounding it, talking to each other.

  “What’s going on, where’s Savannah!?” I wail running around to the car. I have tried to stay strong fighting my breakdown to ensure I do everything in my power to get my baby returned to me safely, but looking upon her wrecked car has brought me to my breaking point.

  I feel tears welling up in my eyes, as I take in the site of J
acob in the car covered in blood. The EMT checking for a pulse shakes his head pronouncing him dead. As they’re checking over his body, the EMT says the last words I thought would ever come out of his mouth, Jacob died from a gunshot wound to the side of his head.

  Did Zak get greedy and kill Jacob to keep all the money for himself? Instantly my mind travels back to Savannah. I begin screaming her name, and asking them where she is. In a panic I fall to my knees, ignoring the shouts of everyone around me I begin crawling into the totaled car. I spot Savannah right away, curled in a ball behind Jacob’s seat.

  Screams escape my mouth as the tears I’ve tried to hold back are now falling rapidly from my face. Trying to maneuver myself into the back of the car is proving to be impossible with it being on its roof, and smashed all to hell. The fire fighters have the Jaws of Life prying open the passenger side of the car, as I’m climbing in from the driver’s side.

  Savannah is covered in blood; her small body unmoving and looking frail; I am terrified to learn if she is dead or alive. Reaching for her hands that are zip-tied together I hold them in mine, as sobs heave from my chest. She’s lifeless and her body is cool to the touch. I rest my hand on her wrist. I can’t feel a pulse, oh God please no, please not my Savannah

  “Baby, please don’t leave me. Fight, fight for us, we can’t end like this.” I can’t let her leave me, she is all I have. I pray she can hear me and knows I’m here so she’ll fight to live.

  My shirt is now soaked with my tears as I continue to plead; please make her come back to me, Savannah can’t die like this. I shake her arm pressing on her delicate wrist again. Mary Mother of God thank you Jesus I finally feel a pulse but it’s very faint. Leaning down I brush the hair from her face. It’s drenched in blood…her head has a big gash in it.

  Leaning down I kiss her lips…as my tears trickle from my face dripping onto hers. “I love you Savannah…” I whisper against her lips. “Just hold on baby, we’re going to get you out of here. You’re safe now.” Kissing her one more time I pull away.

  It takes all my will power to leave her; I know the EMT’s have to get her out and to the hospital as soon as possible. I just hope it’s not too late. Looking around, it is finally dawning on me that Zak is nowhere to be found.

  The police told me that they scoured the entire area and there’s no sign of him anywhere. They said if Zak was ejected from the car, he’d be somewhere nearby, but there’s no sign of him anywhere.

  A fresh avalanche of fear hits me, as my worst nightmare is confirmed; Zak is out there somewhere so this is far from over.

  Savannah’s Envy Interview!

  Eloise: Thank you, Savannah, for agreeing to this interview. I know how hard it is for you during this time to talk about everything that’s happened.

  Savannah: You’re very welcome. I’m honored to be on the cover and to be doing this interview with Envy. I love this magazine, and I can’t think of any other magazine I would want to share my story with.

  Eloise: Well we are honored that you agreed to this. Even though we wish it were on different terms; I think it’s wonderful you want to set the story straight, and get the truth out about your breakup with Logan Sanders.

  Savannah: Believe me, it’s the last thing I really want to talk about, but with Logan running to magazines and television shows, I feel that this is something that I have to do. I think any person who’s ever been cheated on can relate to my situation.

  Eloise: I have a list of questions here for you. If, at any time, you don’t feel comfortable answering, just let me know. You’ve watched me do enough of these to know how this whole thing goes.

  Savannah: Yes, all too well. But I think it’s actually beneficial, because I know what to expect.

  Eloise: Okay, first question that everyone has been asking on our website. Did you have any idea that Logan was cheating on you?

  Savannah: Sadly, I had no clue. I was totally in the dark. He had me fooled along with everyone close to me. He seemed, to me, like the perfect boyfriend. We were both career driven, and supported each other’s goals. I just assumed, during the time away from me, was for him to work on building his agency. Little did I know, he was busy sleeping with his models while he was signing them.

  Eloise: Ouch…I can only imagine how you were feeling after finding out. There have been a lot of different stories floating around about how you found out. If you are comfortable with discussing it, what really happened the night you caught Logan with this Cara woman?

  Savannah: Well, it happened the night of Logan’s masquerade ball, after he proposed to me. We talked with the Press and did the whole picture thing with them. Then when we went back into the party to show my engagement ring off to my friends, he got a text and excused himself. A few minutes later a woman approached my friends and me with a key card to one of the rooms at The Roosevelt Hotel. She was, to say the least, not the sweetest person I’d encountered that evening. After she gave me the room number, I and everyone else, assumed Logan booked it to celebrate our engagement. Apparently, I was wrong! When I entered the room, I found champagne glasses and a woman’s pair of high heels. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out what the hell was going on.

  Eloise: Oh my, on the night you got engaged that’s awful! Did you confront him?

  Savannah: Yes. At first I contemplated just turning around and leaving. Then I realized I needed to see what I thought was going on with my own eyes. Opening that bedroom door to find my Fiancé having oral sex with one of his model’s, was like a sucker punch to my stomach. I flipped out. Screamed at him, her…I was furious and mortified. Then she revealed to me that this wasn’t the first time; it was, in fact, one of many times, and she wasn’t the only one. I literally thought I was going to pass out. My entire world was crashing down around me. It went from the happiest day, to the worst day of my life all within a few hours.

  Eloise: I can only imagine! I am surprised Logan Sanders, along with that Cara woman, weren’t checked into the hospital after that altercation. I would’ve gone postal on his ass and hers, so major props to you Savannah.

  Savannah: Thanks. That night my eyes were opened to the life I’d been living. I thought after that there was no way I could ever handle falling in love again. It wasn’t worth the heartache. But I knew that one day, if I ever allowed myself to love another man, I would have to feel loved first.

  Eloise: Well, now that brings me to my next question. You were blowing up the website and blogs the night of and the morning after the Envy Party in Houston, this all due to a certain Billionaire, who graced our cover of Envy’s January issue. Of course, we're all talking about when Kayden Knox dipped you back and planted a hot kiss on those little lips of yours, in front of Vertigo. Are you two an item now?

  Savannah: Oh. My. God. I’ve been preparing for this question, but thinking back to that night, fries my brain! Kayden Knox is one of the most fascinating people I’ve ever met. When we got together in Houston, I thought I was just having fun. I was just trying to move on from Logan. The last thing I ever expected was to actually fall for him. I fell fast and hard for Kayden Knox! I keep pinching myself daily trying to let it sink in that he is really with me.

  He could have anyone he wanted; I mean look at him! He’s freakin’ gorgeous! He wants me; it’s totally insane. To answer your question…yes, we are a couple now. It’s scary; I never thought I would find a man who would make me want to give love another shot. When I’m around Kayden, it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It’s like we are two magnets being pulled together. No matter how hard we try to fight it, in the end, we are going to come together. So we thought, why fight it?

  Eloise: Well, I think I can speak for every female around the globe when I say you are one lucky lady! For my next question, I know the answer to this since I am your boss…but our reader’s do not. So…for my next question: How do you and Kayden plan on making your long distance relationship work? You live in California, and he's in Texas?

avannah: Actually, I’ve thought about this a lot. I think with my trust issues and Kayden’s also; if we tried to do a long distance relationship, our relationship probably wouldn’t stand a chance. Thanks to my amazing boss, I have the opportunity to have my dream job, and my dream guy without picking between the two. I’ve made the decision to move to Galveston, Texas, and to live in my parent's beach house. That way Kayden and I are close to each other and can truly give us a chance. We'll see where it leads.

  Eloise: Believe me, if I had a hunky man like Kayden Knox, I would haul ass to Texas, too! Now that it’s been a few months, and you have this new thing with Kayden. How are you with the whole Logan thing?

  Savannah: I’m getting better every day. It’s still hard. I loved Logan for four years. But after what he did, I could never go back to him. I know some people do and with therapy or whatever; they get through the betrayal together. I just couldn't do that. A part of me will always love Logan and the good times I shared with him. But I am looking forward. I’m excited to see where things go with Kayden.

  Eloise: Okay, last question and this is a very personal one so if you don’t feel comfortable enough to answer, you don’t have to. We’ve seen Logan talking to the press, claiming sex addiction. What do you believe? Do you think he truly suffers from it? Or is he using it as a way to pass the blame for all the women he cheated on you with? Also, did you fear that you were possibly exposed to a STD or God forbid, AIDS, since you learned he had so many different sexual partners while with you?

  Savannah: This is a difficult question, but I want to answer because even my own parents have asked me this. I feel that I need to answer it to try and stop the publicity Logan is getting. I do not believe for a single second that he has a sex addiction. I believe he is power hungry, money hungry, and he gets a thrill from being able to seduce so many women. He is using this to get attention and sympathy. I do believe people do suffer from sex addiction, and that it is a real problem. But after reading up on it and learning the facts, I just don’t believe that is Logan’s problem. He is just finding yet another way to get his name and face out there. If he really wanted to fix things and get me back, he would’ve sought out a local therapist and asked me to go with him. Not sign up for Celebrity Rehab’s reality television show.


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