Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella Page 47

by Jamie, Danielle

  “I could get use to waking up like this. Usually I’m the first one up.” Savannah says with a sweet sleepy voice as she runs her fingers through my hair.

  “Yeah, well I made it my mission to rise before you this mornin’, because I planned a surprise for you. So up and at em’ darlin’.” Slapping her sexy ass I give it a playful squeeze and hand her a cup of coffee. “Just the way ya like it.” I say thickening my drawl because I know the effect it has on my sweet Savannah.

  The sexiest little moan escapes her mouth as she sips her coffee. “Ohhh my gosh, you are amazing…you know that right?”

  “Yeah, but I love hearing it, so please keep going.” I laugh, leaning down to rest my hands on each side of her, and slowly grazing my tongue over her top lip. “You had a little whip cream on your lip.”

  “Oh, well if that’s all it takes to get your mouth on me, I’ll cover myself from head to toe.”

  Giving her a devilish grin, I make my way towards the balcony. “Don’t tease me, baby, because I will gladly lick every last drop of whip cream from your body. I think that would be sexier than the hot fudge.”

  I can’t help but laugh at her; she blushes so easily. I knew mentioning our night together at my suite would get her going. Just another thing to add to the list of reasons why I love her.

  “You’re so bad, Kayden Knox!” Her eyes are twinkling with glee as the words come out of her mouth. I know she wouldn’t have me any other way.

  Slipping on her silk robe, she follows me out onto the balcony and takes in the view alongside me. The turquoise water, palm trees, and white sandy beach…its paradise and I get to share it with the most beautiful girl on the planet. Stepping behind her, I press myself against her back and nuzzle my nose into her neck.

  “You better eat up baby, because we have a busy day ahead of us.” Spinning around, Savannah leans back against the railing and peers into my eyes. “Ohhh really? Are you going to fill me in on what we’ll be doing today? Or are you planning on torturing me by making me wait all day to find out?”

  “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, now would it?” Reaching for her delicate little hands, I lead her to the table. “Now sit and enjoy this meal that I slaved over…poured my blood, sweat and tears into for you.” I cut a small piece of pancake and stab a yogurt covered piece of strawberry, and slowly place it in between her lips.

  “Mmmm, now that’s delicious. I remember you cooking me pancakes our first morning together at my beach house. It’s crazy to think how far we’ve come since then.”

  I can’t help but smile thinking back to that day; I had so many thoughts running through my mind. Savannah had, in one weekend, turned my entire life upside down. I went from thinking I’d never find anyone worth giving my heart to, to having Savannah stealing it with just a smile. That first morning together, I knew there was no other way I’d rather spend my mornings than with her…just like this.

  Chapter Eight


  Sitting in Kayden’s speed boat, I peer over the edge and squeal with delight as I spot dolphins jumping out of the water beside us. “Oh my…dolphins!” Jumping up onto my knees, I start snapping pictures with my cell phone.

  Brooklyn’s kneeling beside me, holding her phone up in the air recording the dolphins as they dive in and out of the crystal blue water. I absolutely love dolphins; they’re such magical creatures. “If you think this is cool, just wait until you see your surprise, baby.” Kayden says as he grins mischievously from behind the wheel of the boat.

  I quickly make my way over to the captain’s spot and plop down on Kayden’s lap. The wind is whipping thru our hair and the water is misting our skin. The sun is so warm and welcoming, and there is nothing but water all around us. We truly are in paradise, and I’m soaking up every second we get to spend here.

  Dixon and Jax are sitting in the back of the boat sippin’ on their beers while Brooklyn is still hanging out on the front of the boat, mesmerized by the dolphins. Her weekend so far has been quite eventful. After the beer pong last night, she said Dixon was wasted and ended up passing out face down in the living room. She said Jax was all over her after Dixon was asleep, but she just wasn’t feelin’ it. Brooklyn won’t admit it, but she’s falling for Dixon. She’s hardly texted Xander over the last week, when before she was texting him off and on all day.

  I feel bad for Jax; he really does like Brooklyn. It’s too early to be anything serious, and he knew exactly what he was getting himself into with her, but that won’t lessen the blow if she decides to call off whatever it is they are.

  Brooklyn is a hard cookie to crack. She has walls higher than Fort Knox, and I can’t fathom why that is. She’s never been hurt by a guy. Hell, she’s never even committed to a guy longer than two months, and that was back in college. Even when those relationships ended, it was always her breakin’ their hearts!

  The only logic I can come up with is she’s afraid to get hurt. She’s witnessed me and a lot of our friends fall hard for a guy, just to end up with our hearts bleeding on the floor. I told her when she finds the right guy, she’ll know it. He’ll consume her every thought, and I think that’s what’s happening with Dixon. It scares the hell outta me though, because Dixon is dangerous. He’s a player with a capital P. She is just as bad, so the two of them together screams disaster. Only thing I can think of is she’s enjoying the thrill of the chase and sees Dixon as a fun challenge.

  Or I could be wrong and maybe they actually are both perfect for each other, and possibly be the ones to make each other happy. Only time will tell I guess. I just hope Jax doesn’t get hurt in the process, because he really is an amazing person.

  Kayden’s persistent nibbling on my neck snaps my attention back to him, and away from my thoughts of Brooklyn. “I can’t believe you’re not trying to torture the information outta me, baby.”

  Wiggling on his lap, trying to escape Kayden’s embrace, I can’t stop giggling. He’s tickling my side and kissing my neck, driving me absolutely crazy.

  “I’m trying to be a good girl and wait for my surprise.” I burst into a fit of laughter again as a look of shock crosses Kayden’s face.

  Raising an eyebrow at me, Kayden finally utters a few words as he comes out of his moment of shock. “What the hell?” He starts poking at my face and playing with my hair as he looks me over. “Who are you? And what did you do with my pain in the ass, zero patience, and always finding a reason to be naughty, girlfriend?!”

  “Haaaa, will you stop!” Slapping his bicep, I’m distracted momentarily as I take in his delicious body as it glistens in the sun. Man, did I hit the jackpot with him or what? Kayden is everything a woman could wish for: funny, romantic, smokin’ hot and sexy without even trying. He’s all of these things and then some, rolled into one delicious package. It’s like I crawled into a Sylvia Day book and pulled this magnificent man from a fantasy, and he’s now my reality; a pinch myself-daily kind of reality. “I’m turning over a new leaf! I’m trying to enjoy the suspense and excitement of the unknown.” I say, making my voice all spooky and mysterious.

  “What the fuck?!” Dixon blurts out as he slaps his knee and laughs a deep husky chuckle. “I swear when you hit your head, it did somethin’ to ya, Savannah. I’ve only known you a few weeks, but I know you enough to understand you and ‘to enjoy the suspense of the unknown’.” He says mockingly with hand quotes, “Is a bunch of B.S.! I bet you’re exploding inside with excitement, doing all you can to contain yourself from pinning Kayden down and torturing it outta him!”

  Brooklyn and Jax decide to chime in and all laugh at the fact I’m not beating the surprise out of Kayden. “Ha ha, laugh it up you douches, but seriously! I’m telling the truth! Sure, it’s killing me, but I’m trying to be patient for Kayden.”

  “Well ya’ll can stop now because we’re here.” Kayden says, powering off the boat as he pulls up to a dock. There’s a sign above a little tiki shack that boasts Crystal’s Cove. As soon as we all step onto
the dock, a woman who looks to be in her early forties, with a short blonde pixie cut and large brown eyes approaches us. She’s dressed in water shoes and a wetsuit and guessing from her tan, I would say she spends a lot of time in the sun.

  Extending her hand out to Kayden she gives him a warm smile and introduces herself. “Hi, I’m Crystal, owner of Crystal’s Cove. You must be…Kayden?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m so grateful for you agreeing to do this for us. As you understand, privacy is key, so you’re closing down your business for a few hours to accommodate us is greatly appreciated.”

  “Well, it’s my pleasure. Now let’s not just stand around here! Follow me to the shack, and everyone can get into their wetsuits.”

  Walking out of the dressing room, I take in the tiki shack. It’s got a rustic feel, with the building being made out of dark wood and a grass style roof. There’s tons of old school surfing posters on the walls and Rum memorabilia all over. One photo I love is blown up on the wall above her mini bar. It’s Crystal in the water surrounded by six dolphins; it instantly brings a smile to my face.

  We all head over to the mini bar Crystal’s standing behind with shot glasses lined up. Pulling out a bottle of Malibu Island Spiced Rum, she fills each glass up to the brim. Picking hers up first she tosses it back as we all grab our glasses and do the same. Slamming her shot glass down onto the bar she yells, “Who’s ready for some fun in the sun?”


  I haven’t put on a wet suit in so long; it feels weird wearing one. I am bouncing with excitement; I cannot wait to see what Kayden has planned for us. “What do you think we’re going to be doing?!” Brooklyn asks, squeezing my hand.

  Smiling at her, I glance at Kayden, who’s walking beside me, holding my other hand. “I don’t know he won’t spill the beans. I think he’s enjoying torturing us way too much. I’ve been such a good girl; I think I’ve waited long enough!”

  Kayden clears his throat and pulls me against him, planting a quick kiss on the top of my head. “Well I suppose now’s as good a time as any to tell ya’ll the surprise. Jax and Dixon already know; we thought it was too much of a good opportunity to drive ya’ll crazy. So we decided to not tell ya until we got here.”

  Brooklyn runs behind me and pops up on the other side of Kayden, slapping him on his pectoral. “You’re a bastard you know that, Knox?!” Turning her attention to Jax and Dixon, who are walking ahead of us with Crystal, she shouts at them, too. “And you two…you guys think you’re so clever, well pay back may be a bitch. Brooklyn Bennett payback is the bitch of all bitches, so you better watch out!”

  “Oh, really?” Dixon says seductively. “Give me your best B, because I assure you, it isn’t anything I can’t handle.”

  Brooklyn takes off charging at Dixon full speed and leaps onto his back laughing hysterically as Dixon sprints off down the trail with her riding bitch.

  “Well I guess she’ll find out the surprise when we get there, but since you’ve tried so hard to allow me to surprise ya baby, I’ll tell you what I’ve got planned for you.”

  Wrapping my arm around Kayden’s waist, I’m bursting with excitement. I’m about two seconds away from screaming at him to spit it out already! My cheeks are aching from smiling so damn hard.


  “We’re going swimming with dolphins. Just us, no one else around to observe, take pictures, nothing.”

  Running in place, I squeal enthusiastically and blush from embarrassment when I realized Jax and Crystal are watching my little celebration.

  “You. Are. Amazing! You’re absolutely amazing, Kayden!” I dive onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist and kissing him all over his handsome, and now smug face. “I’m even more excited now that I know what we’re doing!”

  “I’d do anything to see this smile on your face.” Kissing me one more time, Kayden sets me back on the ground, and hand-in-hand we make our way to the cove where the dolphins are.


  Today is officially one of the best days of my life. I haven’t swum with dolphins since I was sixteen. Brooklyn and I went on a cruise for my sweet sixteenth birthday during spring break. Her father is the CEO for a cruise ship company and gave us tickets.

  One of my favorite memories with Brooklyn is that trip. We stopped at the Atlantis Resort for the day and went scuba diving, snorkeling, and swimming with the dolphins. We have pictures of us each kissing a dolphin; they’re on the mantel now at our beach house.

  Today though takes the cake. Not only did I get to swim around with a bunch of dolphins, but got to do so with my amazing boyfriend and my best friend. Kayden said the surprises don’t stop here, so now I’m on pins and needles again!

  We’re back on Kayden’s island and after dinner Brooklyn, Jax, and Dixon all head down to the beach to do some snorkeling. Kayden has other plans for us though, and insisted they go without us. Walking down to the beach, I swear you can hear my heart beating inside of my chest. I’m excited and nervous for whatever it is Kayden has planned. The sun is slowly creeping over the sky, getting lower and lower.

  I love the feeling of the warm sand between my toes and the smell of the cool ocean breeze caressing my skin. All this mixed with the sensation of Kayden’s strong hands gripping my hips as we make our way to the little cabana on the beach, it has all my senses on overdrive.

  “To get the full surprise effect, I have to cover your eyes darlin’.” Kayden’s thick southern accent sounds downright seductive. Covering my eyes with his hands, he helps direct me up the stairs of the cabana. As soon as we enter, my nose is entranced with the aroma of jasmine and warm vanilla. “Surprise.” He murmurs into my ear followed by a warm kiss on my neck.

  Opening my eyes, I barely recognize the place. Yesterday it was filled with rustic furniture and a little bar. Now it’s completely transformed into a romantic bungalow! His staff must have hauled ass all day today while we were gone.

  “I’m speechless.” I say in barely a whisper as I run my eyes from one side of the room to the other. There’s now a large bed with white linen sheets covered in hot pink rose petals. Candles cover every inch of the small bungalow; giving the now darkening room a romantic glow. There are bouquets of tropical flowers on either side of the bed full of pinks, yellows, vibrant greens, and blues. It’s a mini oasis inside of our paradise.

  My body is blanketed in goose bumps as Kayden traces his fingertips along my arms and kisses my collarbone. Trailing a path of hot kisses along my shoulder and neck, the feeling of his warm breath tickling my ear makes a giggle escape my mouth. My body, from my toes to my scalp, is tingling with excitement as Kayden’s hands stop on my hips; gripping them possessively, a low growl escapes his lips as he bites on my earlobe. It’s my weak spot that he knows instantly makes me wet and hungry for him.

  “Savannah Livingston…speechless?” Kayden says with sarcasm, mixed with pure sexiness, wrapped together with his sinful southern drawl, making me ache for his touch even more.

  I can feel my heart smashing against my ribcage and my breathing becoming erratic as I lay my head back against Kayden’s chest. “Yes…savor this moment, Knox. For once, I’m speechless.” I laugh breathlessly, spinning around and wrapping my arms around his neck. “So you are just full of surprises today, I see?”

  “Ooh, believe me babe; I’m savoring this moment, every single second of it.” Tilting his head down at me and pulling my body against his, I’m consumed with the intoxicating aroma that is Kayden Knox. It’s his cologne mixed with body wash and his natural, delicious scent. Flashing me his panty dropping smile, I feel my knees go weak. I swear if he wasn’t holding me right now, I’d be lying on the ground. Just one look from him and I turn into a puddle of desire, yearning for his touch…a kiss, a light caress. He’s like a drug; I can’t get enough of him. He’s a sweet addiction that sends me on the highest of highs that I never want to come down from.

  I pray I never lose this feeling when our eyes connect. It’s like the most exhi
larating sensation ever; as if I’m riding a roller coaster and plunging down a thirty foot drop with my stomach in my throat and my heart beating frantically against my chest. It’s as if we’re reliving love at first sight every time our eyes meet.

  Raising an eyebrow, Kayden lets out a low husky laugh, “Oh, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, baby.” Scooping me up, Kayden carries me over to the bed effortlessly; as if I’m light as a feather. Setting me down on the bed, he leans down with his hands beside me. “I want to see your sweet little ass naked in this bed when I return. Okay?”

  Puzzled, I stare back at him, getting lost in his smoldering green eyes. “Okay?” I answer confused and nodding my head slowly. Dangling a silk scarf in front of me that he scooped off of the stand beside the bed, he flashes a devilish grin at me.

  “Once you’re naked…put this on. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” With those words and a quick kiss, Kayden left me sitting on the bed wondering what the hell he has up his sleeve now.

  Chapter Nine

  Quickly getting undressed, I lay my sundress and bikini on the floor beside the bed. My body is buzzing with excitement. Today has been magical, and from the looks of things, it’s only the beginning of what Kayden has planned for us.

  Tying the scarf around my eyes, I lay back on the bed of pillows and rose petals. Picking one up, I twirl it around in my fingers, listening to the roar of the ocean as the waves crash onto the surf. I can faintly hear Brooklyn, Jax, and Dixon talking nearby down by the beach. With my eyes covered, my other senses are heightened. The aroma of the candles and flowers are dancing under my nose, making me feel drunk off their intoxicating scents. I’m noticing all the different fragrances filling our romantic bungalow even more so now than when we first entered it.

  The anticipation of Kayden returning is killing me. My body is vibrating with want. The ache and need to be filled with him is becoming overwhelming. I’m two seconds away from getting myself off to help relieve this edge that he’s brought me to. Kayden has me all hot and bothered and then just leaves me lying here all alone. The not knowing what Kayden has planned is causing me to grow more and more impatient by the minute.


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