Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella Page 65

by Jamie, Danielle

  Slipping my yellow sundress on over my bikini and sliding my feet into my flip flops, I toss my wallet into my purse and put on my Ray Bans. I walk around the suite looking for my sunscreen, but can’t find it anywhere.

  Leaving my room, I head down to Brooklyn’s. The sound of music blasting out of her suite is so loud I doubt she’ll hear me knocking on the door. Pushing the door open, I spot Brooklyn by her closet trying on an assortment of sandals.

  Yelling over Jared Leto singing A Beautiful Lie, I cause Brooklyn to jump as my voice startles her. “Hey, you have any sunscreen?” I laugh as she spins around, pressing her hand against her chest.

  “Jesus Christ, Savannah! You scared the shit out of me.” Her eyes are as big as saucers as she walks across the room turning off her iPod. “I thought you had sunscreen so I didn’t pack any.”

  Walking over to her closet, I pick up her gold gladiator style sandals. Dangling them out in front of me, I hold them out to Brooklyn, “These are perfect with that bikini.”

  Letting out a sigh of relief, Brooklyn takes them from me and quickly slips them on. “You’re a life saver, I’ve tried on ten pairs and couldn’t decide which looked good with my bathing suit and wrap.”

  “You’re welcome!” I say in a sing-song voice. “That’s why I work in fashion.”

  “Well you’re a life saver, I cannot wait to go soak up some sun.” Sliding her sunglasses on top of her head, she follows me out of the suite.

  “We’ll have to stop at the gift shop down in the lobby and get some sunscreen. The last thing we need is to get sunburned and spend the rest of our time here sore and looking like lobsters.”

  Stepping off of the elevator we make our way across the busy lobby and into the gift shop. The gift shop is packed with tourists and Brooklyn doesn’t even bat an eye as she struts around in her black barely there bikini and sheer wrap. I mentally thank myself for opting on a tunic sundress.

  While reading the different sunscreen bottles Brooklyn decides to ask about Kayden. “So, things with you and Knox all good now?” She asks, giving me a sideways glance before returning her focus to the bottles on display.

  Reaching in front of her I grab a bottle of SPF 30, “Let’s just get this one.”

  “Changing the subject I see? So I’m taking it things are still complicated at the moment?” She says with air quotes, as she emphasizes complicated.

  Rolling my eyes at her, I head up to the counter and stand in line. “We’re not talking about a Facebook relationship status, Brooklyn. Things are okay I guess. Kayden just seems off since everything that’s happened over the last forty-eight hours.”

  Resting her hand on my forearm she gives me a small smile, “I think everything’s going to be fine. He’s probably being a miserable ass because he’s hung over and sore from his fight with Shayne last night.”

  I hope she’s right. I’m able to relax a little as her words sink in.

  Chapter Five

  Sitting on our lounge by the pool I’m basking in the sun, enjoying the warm breeze and quietly singing along with the music the DJ’s playing up by the poolside bar. This is exactly what I needed.

  Brooklyn’s in the water with a group of people we met at the pool’s bar. They’re laughing and hitting a giant beach ball around in the water. I was down there with them but felt like lying back down and working on my tan. My body is covered in water droplets, so the normally hot air that feels like a blow drier is pointed directly on you, actually feels refreshing on my damp cool skin.

  Rolling onto my stomach, I pull out my phone and check my messages. I posted a picture of Brooklyn and me hanging out by the side of pool earlier on Twitter and Facebook, and now have a flood of notifications on both social networks. I laugh at my mother’s comment on the Facebook post, chastening me about making sure we’re drinking plenty of water because of the hot Vegas heat.

  Scrolling through Facebook, I spot a post by Braxton; it’s a picture of him, Kayden, Jax and Dixon standing on a cement wall next to NASCAR driver, Chase Kenzington. I recognize him immediately because Kayden has tons of photos in his man cave of them together at racing events at Talladega International Speedway. He’s wearing his fire suit and Chase’s number 8 car is parked behind him in the pit box.

  The date and time is today, about thirty minutes ago. With the location marked Las Vegas Motor Speedway, Las Vegas, Nevada. Its three-twenty-two right now, so I’m guessing their poker game is now over, and they’re off doing more guy things with Braxton.

  Thinking about Braxton and his fast approaching nuptials, I decide to text Mya. I’m supposed to be a bridesmaid in their wedding, but with everything going on with the whole Nadia thing, I wasn’t sure if I could go through with it and be around Kayden.


  Hey girl, I wanted 2 send u a quick text to catch up. I’m in Vegas with Brooklyn. We r staying with the guys in their suite. I’ll b home Wed we can have lunch and go over dresses. Nadia lied about everything. I’ll fill u in on everything when we get together.

  Leaning over the edge of the lounger I grab my water bottle out of the bucket of ice on the ground. I take a long pull from it before tossing the bottle back into the bucket. Just as I’m laying back down, my phone beeps as a text message comes in. Picking up my phone, I see Mya’s texted me back.


  Awesome!! Soooo happy things are okay, Braxton called me last night b4 bed and told me u n Brooklyn flew in. I’ve had my fingers crossed things would work out. Just text me when ur home. Miss you tons! Xoxo

  I can’t help but smile reading her message; I’ve missed her too. We’ve become close friends over the last several months and I hate the thought of not being able to get together for our weekly girl days at the spa, and some tennis and lunch at the country club.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts when a young girl who looks to be about fourteen walks up to my lounge. She looks nervous as she knots her hands in front her and rocks on her heels. “Excuse me?” Her voice comes out soft and sweet. I roll over and sit up curling my legs behind me.

  “Hi.” I greet her, giving her a warm, welcoming smile.

  Twirling her hair around her finger, she glances over her shoulder at a group of teenagers sitting on the edge of the pool; they’re ten feet away from where I’m sitting.

  “Are you Savannah Livingston?” She asks cocking her head slightly to the right before flicking her eyes back towards who I’m assuming are her friends.

  “Yes, I’m Savannah.” She must recognize me because of my parents, I guess? Although, I normally don’t get approach that often by their fans.

  Her face instantly lights up and I notice her eyes roam back to the pool. Then she focuses on Brooklyn, who’s riding a guy’s shoulders and smacking the beach ball to the girl I now know is Ashley, who’s also on another guys shoulders. I think his name is Keith? I’m awful with names.

  “That’s Brooklyn, right?” She asks focusing her attention back on me, but tilting her head towards Brooklyn.

  I let out a laugh before answering, “Yes, that’s my best friend Brooklyn.”

  I can see the excitement beginning to bubble up inside of her as her eyes begin to sparkle. She looks from Brooklyn and me, back to her friends. “Oh my God! My friend Jamie said she thought it was you guys we saw on Twitter; you two were at the pool here! We’re huge fans!”

  This time I really laugh. Full on laughter escapes my mouth, and I swing my legs over the lounge onto the hot cement. Standing, I glance questionably at her, “Really? You’re a fan of Brooklyn and me?”

  Grinning from ear to ear, she nods her head up and down. “I absolutely love you guys, and your boyfriend Kayden!”

  I raise an eyebrow at her as Kayden’s name comes out of her mouth. Is she a fan of us because I’m Kayden’s girlfriend? And Brooklyn is my best friend?

  “I swear my friends and I have watched your YouTube video like a thousand times!”

  Ohhhh, it’s now coming together. She must’ve watched the vid
eo of us singing in Vertigo, back in Houston. I was in complete and total shock when Reagan texted me one day telling me to check out the video on YouTube. It had, in a matter of a few days, hit one million views. It’s been making the rounds all over the internet. Paparazzi hounded me for days after it went viral asking if I was going to follow in my parents’ footsteps and make an album.

  “You two were awesome when you sang the Pistol Annie’s song; then you guys singing Billy Jean with Kayden! It was insane!” She explains enthusiastically. “My friends and I have it as our ringtones.” She admits shyly. It’s too cute seeing someone so excited over meeting me. I’m used to running into my parents fans.

  “You are so sweet! What’s your name sweetie?” I wave to Brooklyn, letting her know to come back over to our cabana.

  “Rachel. And my friends Jamie, Kenzie, Luca, and Tray are over there.” She says pointing over the teenagers by the pool. “We’re here on vacation for spring break with our parents. We flew all the way here from Rhode Island.”

  “Well, it’s very nice to meet you Rachel. Why don’t you go get your friends, and we can all take a picture together. Just give me your email and I’ll send the picture to you? How’s that sound?”

  Jumping up and down, squealing she nods her head yes and sprints over to her friends. They’re all exploding with excitement as they make their way over.

  “What’s going on?” Brooklyn asks, flopping down onto the lounger.

  Nodding my head at the group of teenagers heading our way, I tell her, “We have some fans who want a picture with us.”

  Brooklyn gives me a puzzled look, “Fans? Of us?”

  “Yup!” I answer emphasizing the P. “And not because of your acting, or my parents,” I laugh. “Get this…they are fans because of our videos on YouTube singing at Vertigo.”

  “Really? That’s so awesome.”

  Brooklyn stands up beside me, greeting the other kids and giving them all a quick hug. I can’t help but laugh to myself as the two boys with Rachel look like they’ve died and gone to heaven being hugged by Brooklyn and me.

  I ask one of the Cabana boys to take our picture with my iPhone and use an app on my phone so Brooklyn and I can sign the picture using our fingers by drawing on the screen. After getting Rachel’s email, I send her the photos we took and forward it to Kayden’s phone telling him about the fans we met at the pool.

  “As you know, my fiancé owns this hotel, so I’ll talk to the front desk and let them know that you guys, along with your parents,” I say waving over to their parents sitting at a patio set by the bar, “can have dinner on the house tonight at the hotel restaurant.”

  Saying goodbye, they all head back to the pool and Brooklyn and I head back to the water. I’m in desperate need of cooling off before we head inside to get ready to have dinner.


  Walking out of Planet Hollywood, Brooklyn and I climb into a cab and head back to our hotel.

  “Have you heard from Kayden?” Brooklyn asks, while applying a fresh coat of lip gloss.

  Glancing down at my phone, I see no missed calls or texts while we were at Peep Show.

  “Nope. Not since he texted me back earlier when I sent him the picture of us with those kids by the pool. He just said it was cool and said they we’re hanging out at the track with Chase before going to gamble some more. He said ‘I love you’, which is a good thing I guess.”

  Popping her lips, and wiping the excess lips gloss off of the corners of her mouth, Brooklyn lets out an aggravated sigh. “Men. Why the hell are they sooo confusing? I swear they’re more moody than a woman on the rag.”

  “That they are.” I say dryly. “I don’t want to be the nagging girlfriend. I know he’s here with his friends for their guys’ get-a-way, or whatever the hell it is; I just wish he would’ve set a little bit of time aside this morning for us to talk. Do you think I’m overreacting and just being overly sensitive?” I ask, as our cab comes to a stop outside of Knox Hotel and Casino.

  Sliding the driver my debit card, I pay the cab fare, and exit behind Brooklyn. She glances at me as we enter the hotel; we both nod and say hello to the doorman as we walk through. Once we’re inside the lobby she answers me.

  “I don’t think so. Kayden did nothing but text me non-stop when we were in L.A. Telling me he loved you, and the story Nadia sold to the press was completely fabricated. All he wanted was for you to come home and work things out. Now you’re here and all because of the shit with Shayne Andrews, he doesn’t even try to talk this shit out with you?”

  “Well I’m done sitting around Vegas being ignored. It was a frickin’ belly shot for God’s sake. Him acting like this over that, when it was just us having fun and nothing more is ridiculous. If he wants to be pissed off because I slept with Shayne last Halloween, then I guess I can be pissed about him hooking up with that snotty bitch Trixie before we were together.”

  Brooklyn’s eyes get big as Trixie’s name leaves my lips, “Eww. Seriously!? He fucked that nasty skank?” Shaking her head, she has a look of disgust on her face. “I guess it doesn’t surprise me. He was a man-whore, she loves a guy with deep pockets and they do run in the same social circle. All of which explains her rude ass comments to you last night. She was probably boiling over inside with anger that she couldn’t sink her claws, literally, into Kayden last night because of you.”

  Quickening my pace, I speed walk through the hotel to the elevators while Brooklyn takes long strides to keep up with me. The fact that I’m wearing 4” heels isn’t fazing me; I’m a woman on a mission, and I need to set my plan into action.

  Looking at the time on my phone, I see it’s almost Midnight. Between having lunch, going to the pool, out to dinner, then site seeing and watching a show, the day has gone by quickly.

  “I just sent Jax a text. He said they’re all in the casino playing Black Jack; they’ve spent the last five hours in the casino.”

  “Good for them. They can enjoy themselves gambling and drinking. We’re going to go have our own fun, like we have all day. We’re going dancing.” I say matter-of-factly, as we step onto the elevator.

  After a quick change and freshening up our makeup, we head down to Vertigo. It’s packed and the music is pumping out across the club making my entire body buzz with excitement. Nothing helps me burn off my frustrations like dancing.

  “Let’s take a shot before we go dance.” I love having a slight buzz when I’m dancing; it makes my entire body slowly connect with the music, allowing it to engross my body and mind, filtering out the world.

  Brooklyn’s wearing a barely there black strapless dress and red peep-toe Jimmy Choos. I decided on a tight one shoulder leopard dress and black suede Louboutin pumps. We both opted for up-do’s since we plan on dancing the night away, and we know within the hour our bodies with be sheathed in sweat.

  My phone vibrates, alerting me of a text message while we wait for our shots at the bar. Taking out my phone, I see it’s from Kayden and I instantly feel my stomach do flip flop’s. I’ve been on edge all day stressing over how things are between us.

  Opening the text I smile as I read it.


  Sorry been MIA baby. It’s been a crazy day. We already had the day planned for Braxton. I didn’t want to bail on him when I flew him here for a guy’s weekend. We r going 2 eat at the diner in the hotel then IDK what they want to do. I love u. C U at the suite later?


  It’s ok. I just was afraid u were avoiding me, I def can’t wait 2 C U. Miss u too. <3 u xoxo


  Sorry. I was an ass this morning, it’s just I got a lot on my mind with everything. Whatever ur doing, don’t get too drunk; I’ve been limiting my drinks tonight. I plan on fucking you all night & don’t want to pass out like last night, or have u up praising the porcelain God. Haa ;)

  I laugh out loud as I read the last line; I can’t help but feel my entire body tighten with the anticipation of being fucked senseless by Kayden tonig
ht. I immediately feel all the tension in my body evaporate. I knew things would be okay; they had to be. We love each other too much to let such petty things bring us down.

  I sent another text back promising not to drink too much tonight. Finally, the bartender takes our orders and I have him add our drinks to Kayden’s tab. I raise my shot of whiskey in the air tapping it against Brooklyn’s.

  “To Vegas, baby!” We shout, and quickly dispense the liquor into our mouths. I scream and jump up and down as the whiskey slides down the back of my throat. I welcome the hot burning liquor. We shout at the bartender for one more, repeat our cheers and make our way down to the dance floor.

  The dance floor is packed, leaving us a tiny space to dance in. The strobe lights are dancing above our heads, cascading us and the dancers on the poles by the DJ in a rainbow of blues, reds, greens, and yellows.

  Tossing my hands in the air as the music takes over my body, I sway my hips to beat of the music. As Drake’s seductive voice vibrates through my ears making my body come alive, I lace my fingers through Brooklyn’s and we dance to the music.

  After a few songs I feel someone come up behind me, gripping my hips and grinding against my backside to the beat of the music. My head is slightly foggy from the shots I took, and I allow myself to let my mind go free. I dance, swinging my hips side to side. Closing my eyes, I focus on nothing but the music. After everything I’ve been though, it feels good to just block out the world.

  Opening my eyes, I see Brooklyn’s dancing with someone too. I instantly recognize the guy…Its Dixon. I immediately look around for Kayden and right on cue, he appears on the dance floor, making his way through the crowd.

  Slowly, he slides his eyes over my body, absorbing the view before him; the predatory look burning in his eyes sets my body on fire.

  Kayden gives the guy a get the fuck outta here look as he takes another step closer to us, “You’ve had your dance, now go find another chick to dance with, because this ones, mine.” Kayden says, never moving his eyes off of me.


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