Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella Page 88

by Jamie, Danielle

  It’s now or never; I’ve only got one chance. I gotta take it!

  It happens so fast that it’s all a blur. Jumping up, I wrap my arms around the guards’ neck, choking him with the cuffs. He struggles and tries to get his gun, but all the defense classes I took back in L.A. taught me everything I need to know to make him lose consciousness within seconds.

  The EMT; who was monitoring me, immediately jumps back, holding her arms up and pleading with me to not hurt her. Grabbing the Guards gun, I stick it in her face and tell her to unlock my cuffs.

  Just as I get my cuffs off, the driver of the ambulance; startled by my attack, has taken his eyes off of the road and is looking into the back of the ambulance. Snapping his eyes back to the road, I hear him yell about a tree falling in the road. All of a sudden, I’m smashed against the wall of the ambulance as the tires squeal and we begin swerving all over the road.

  I must have lost consciousness for a few moments; because when I woke, the ambulance is on its side and the EMT and driver are unconscious, and covered in blood.

  Looking around through the spewed items, I collect some medical things that’ll come in handy tonight. I need to get the hell out of here. I don’t know how long we’ve been wrecked, but I don’t want to wait around for the cops to show up. I didn’t go through all of this to just end up back in prison with escape charges on top of the time I’m already serving.



  With the winds picking up to dangerous speeds, and the threat of tornados, I’ve sent Savannah, Brooklyn and my mother to her reading area/office she has in the center of the house. It’s between the living room and my game room so there are no windows nearby, making it the safest place for them right now. They’re all in there watching the first season of Witches of East End on Netflix, while Jax and I keep an eye on the storm outside.

  I’ve been keeping in contact with my two security guys out at the security building by the gate to make sure they’re okay out there. I’ve asked them to check in with me every fifteen minutes to keep me up to date on the flooding.

  We’ve been lucky so far and not had any here, but I saw on the news a few minutes ago a ton of streets around us are flooded. I’m prayin’ that this is the worst that we get.

  Walking into the kitchen, I grab two more beers and rejoin Jax in the living room. Twisting off the cap, I toss it onto the coffee table and sit back kicking my feet up while taking a long pull from my beer. We sit here watching the news for any updates.

  As a breaking news report comes across the bottom of the screen, my cell phone begins ringing.

  Fuck. Me.

  Jumping to my feet, I spring for my phone, grabbing it off of the island in the kitchen. My heart stops when I recognize the number as one of the detectives with the Harris County Sheriff’s Department, “Hello.” I answer, with my voice shaky.

  “Hello Mr. Knox, this is Detective Harrison with Harris County, I’m not sure if you’ve seen the news…”

  Cutting him off with anger resonating through every inch of my body, I snap, “Yes, I just saw a breaking news report right before you called me. Zackery Galliano escaped from fuckin’ prison. Can you explain to me how this was even fuckin’ possible!? The mother fucker is practically housed in my backyard, now this!” I see Jax rushing into the kitchen…if looks could kill!

  I begin pacing back and forth in front of the fridge, raking my fingers through my hair. If the fuckin’ piece of shit steps foot near this fuckin’ house, I swear to God, I will snap his neck.

  I feel bad for snapping at this guy, but I’ve had my fuckin’ fill of all of this shit with Zak; he’s a fuckin’ parasite. It’s like no matter what you do, he just won’t stay away!

  “We’re not really sure how he managed to get away. All we know was the prison nurse thought he was suffering from either appendicitis or gallbladder attack and then we’re getting a call about a wrecked ambulance. The guard and EMT who were assisting in the back are okay, but I heard the driver of the ambulance perished due to injuries sustained during the accident. I listened to the 911 tape and the Guard never informed the operator that it was a prisoner transport so, Fort Bend Sheriffs’ were never dispatched to escort.”

  After talking with the detective a few more minutes, he lets me know they have police all over trying to find him. He won’t get far; so they say, but I’ve heard this all before. It causes an eerily, all too familiar feeling to wash over me. It’s as if I’m back on that December night all over again.

  I’m never so thankful, as I am right now, that Savannah isn’t watching regular broadcasted television. All programs are currently being interrupted with the breaking news reports to be on the lookout for Zak.

  Fuck! I don’t know what the hell to do. Storming into the living room, I grab Jax who’s been glued to the TV watching for any updates on Zak.

  “I just called out to the front gate and warned the guards to be on high alert for Zak. He is armed and they said they believe he stole medical supplies from the ambulance. So either that fucker is injured and trying to repair himself, or he’s planning on showing up here.”

  Jax’s immediately shifts into military mode. This is why I pay his ass so well. He’s the best of the best. I’m bigger than him, but would never even think about fighting his crazy ass.

  “Let him show up, if he does, he won’t be leavin’ in the back of no cop car mate; he’ll be leavin’ in the back of a Hurst.”

  With that, Jax and I head into my game room and quickly get to work loading up my shot guns with ammo. After running up to his room, he comes back down with two bullet proof vests.

  Strapping mine on, I slide my pistol into the back of my pants, and hang my shotgun on my shoulder.

  The storm is only strengthening outside as we make our way out to the patio. “Let’s do a quick check around the house. I’ve already locked all the windows and set the security system, but I want to do a quick walk around.” I yell to Jax over my shoulder. The rain is coming down hard, feeling like little needles pouncing off of my face.

  After we both walk around the house and head back inside, I radio back out to security. It’s been fifteen minutes and no one’s checked in; I’ve tried three times, but no one is responding.

  I dial 911 and let them know we have a situation and I need to have the security up at my gate checked on. After giving them my address, Jax and I each cover the back and front entrances to the house.

  Savannah, Brooklyn and my mom still haven’t come out of her office; I don’t want to worry her, especially with her being on strict orders to remain stress free. We are trying to have the babies born as closely to term as possible.

  Twenty minutes pass and absolutely nothing happens: no police, no security. I’m starting to doubt myself; maybe something just happened to the lines causing us to lose communication with our security. I can’t just walk out to them, seeing our driveway’s half a mile long. If I don’t hear from anyone soon, I’m going to have to get my truck out and drive up to the gate. The police said it can take up to an hour to get to us because of all the roads flooded out, and car accidents they’re all attending to.

  Pacing back and forth in the foyer, anger is coursing through my veins. A loud beeping sound startles me momentarily; I spin around and see our security alarm is going off.

  Shit! “Jax!” I shout, as I start typing my code into the panel. It will not reset. The beeping stops as I hear all the doors clicking unlocked. Shit. Shit. Shit!

  As Jax is running towards me, I yell, warning him the entire house is unlocked. I take off in a sprint towards Savannah’s office; I burst through the door panting and startling the shit out of all three of them.

  “Jesus Christ, Kayden! What the hell are you doing? You just about gave me a heart attack!” Savannah shouts, slowly climbing to her feet.

  “Why the hell are you dressed like that?” My mother asks, with concern on her face.

  I probably look like hell: I’m soaking wet, my vest is cove
red by my jacket, and I have my gun slung over my shoulder. Ignoring her question, I focus on Savannah and what needs to be done to keep everyone safe.

  “You guys need to go upstairs now! Lock yourselves in our bedroom, and do not, I mean it Savannah, don’t come out for anything. Not until I tell you it’s okay.” Taking her hand, I walk with her towards the stairs as my mother and Brooklyn follow behind us.

  As we climb the stairs, I look back towards the foyer and see that Jax isn’t there anymore.

  Just fuckin’ great! I need to hurry and get everyone locked upstairs.

  “Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on!?” Savannah shouts at me as I pull her against me.

  Holding her in my arms, I gaze down at her face that just a few hours ago was bright and cheerful and is now filled with anger and confusion. “I can’t get into it right now, but Zak somehow escaped while an ambulance was transporting him to St. Luke’s; now shit’s goin’ all haywire here. As a precaution, I want you to stay up here where I know you’ll be safe. Jax and I are going to go wait for the police to get here.”

  Kissing her trembling lips, I whisper that I love her, and shut door. I stand in front of it until I hear her turn the locks before running back down to try and find Jax.

  Holding my rifle, I make my way through the house. If he has the fucking balls to show up at my house, I’m going to be the one to blow his fuckin’ head off of his shoulders.

  Chapter Twenty Six


  “This cannot be happening…oh my God…oh my God…” I just keep repeating it as I pace back and forth in front of my bed.

  We’ve been sitting up here for ten minutes, and as each minute passes by, I feel as if I’m going to lose it. I’m trying my best to keep calm and control my breathing, but with every second that goes by, it gets harder and harder to keep myself together.

  Walking up to me, Lorelei wraps her arm around my shoulder, “Why don’t you sit down, sweetie? You really shouldn’t be on your feet. You’ve got to look out for the babies.”

  Brooklyn’s standing in front of the window, gazing down into the darkness. I can see the fear on her face; she, like me, knows what Zak is capable off. “What the hell is wrong with this guy? Has he not put us through enough shit already?” she asks. Turning and making her way over to the bed, she sits down beside me and rests her head on my shoulder.

  Taking her hand into mine, I give it a gentle squeeze, “I don’t know. He’s so hell bent on seeking revenge on me for killing Jacob, he’s not thinking rationally. I hate not knowing what’s going on. What if he’s here and he does something to Kayden or Jax?” A pain shoots through my stomach, causing me to lean over. As I press my hand against my stomach, I realize it’s hard as a rock. “Oooww!” I scream, as I try to breathe through the pain. My Braxton Hicks have been getting more intense as the nights gone on, and the pain in my back just keeps intensifying.

  “Are you okay? Did you just have a contraction?” Lorelei asks crouching down in front of me.

  “I don’t know…I think they’re just Braxton Hicks?” The look on her face sends ice through my veins.

  She glances down at her watch, she says, “It’s twelve after nine, if you have another contraction; Savannah, you tell me, okay? We need to see how far apart they are.” Looking up, she smiles at me, which I can tell is only to try and keep me calm. But I’m not stupid; she thinks I’m going into labor.

  Just fan-fucking-tastic! Of course I’d go into labor for not just one but two babies during a fucking storm, as a psychopath is here trying to kill me! Isn’t this just freakin’ wonderful?!

  So much for avoiding stress!

  Nodding my head yes, I breathe through the pain. Brooklyn hands over the bottle of water I brought up with me, “Here, drink some more water. Damn it! Why hasn’t anyone come up to tell us what the hell is going on!?”

  No sooner do the words leave Brooklyn’s mouth, we hear gun shots fired. “Oh. My. God!” We both scream, as the gun shots startle us.

  I jump to my feet, running; well because of my belly, I walk quickly, attempting to run towards the door. Ignoring the shouts from Brooklyn and Lorelei, I fling the door open and begin descending the stairs.

  Within seconds they’re both by my side, following me down the stairs, “Savannah, we need to go back upstairs. Right! Now!” Brooklyn shouts, grabbing my arm.

  Snapping my head towards her, I yank my arm out of her grasp, “I’m going to make sure my husband is okay, you can either come with me, or go back upstairs. It’s your choice.”

  Brooklyn’s stunned momentarily, but shakes it off. “You’ve lost your fuckin’ mind, but I’m not letting you go alone.” She snaps, as she follows me down the stairs.

  Lorelei stays upstairs to call for an ambulance while Brooklyn and I head to Kayden’s game room.

  We quickly make our way through the house and go straight to Kayden’s gun cabinet. Grabbing a revolver; I quickly open the chamber, filling it with bullets, and we make our way out the front door.

  We hear the sound of men fighting as we approach the left side of the house. Holding the gun up, I round the corner and all the wind is sucked from my lungs the moment my eyes land on Zak. He’s fighting Jax, and it’s apparent who’s kickin’ whose ass.

  Jax notices us, and shouts over his shoulder for us to go back inside the house. Just as I feel Brooklyn pulling on my arm, yanking me backwards, I hear Kayden come running up from behind. Turning, I see he’s soaked to the bone, and covered in mud. “Savannah? What the hell? You need to get back inside the house!” The anger in his voice startles me, I stammer as I begin walking backwards.

  Jax is standing, holding Zak by his collar, landing punch after punch. Kayden, ignoring me and focusing on them, he charges Zak and tackles him to the ground, landing several punches to Zak’s face, “You son of a bitch! When I’m through with you, you’ll wish you’d stayed in jail!”

  Jax jumps back and hovers above them, holding his gun ready to take a shot, if needed. Finally, I see the police lights through the trees, approaching the house.

  Dragging her eyes back to me, from the fight unfolding before us, Brooklyn shouts, “Savannah, come on…please.” She’s yanking on my arm, but I can’t move.

  My body is consumed with a piercing pain tearing through me, “Oooowww…” I scream out as a contraction rocks me to my core, and I feel a sudden trickle of fluid run down my legs. Panic hits me and tears begin in fall from me eyes, “My water just broke…”

  Brooklyn takes the gun from my hands, tucks it into the back of her jeans, wraps her arm around me and tries to help me back towards the house.

  Everything is happening so fast; I can barely process it. I see Kayden and Zak fighting and the rain is coming down so hard the entire yard is beginning to flood. Trying to climb to his feet, Kayden stumbles and slips on the muddy ground. Zak uses this moment to dive towards his gun on the ground a few feet away, rolling onto his back; he points the gun up at Kayden.

  Screaming out, I shout for Kayden, trying to warn him as he reaches for his gun. I hear gun shots explode causing my ears to start ringing; screaming, I cover my mouth as tears fall, mixing with the cold rain, numbing my body.

  Everything happens in slow motion. Kayden falls back onto the wet ground as water splashing up all around him. At the same time, Zak’s body goes lifeless as blood pours out of his skull, and he falls back into the mud.

  Jax shoves his gun in his holster and runs towards Kayden. The sound of sirens behind me grows louder, as the police cars approach the house.

  They’re always too late.

  I drop to my knees as the pain becomes too much, my entire body is shaking from crying and the wind blowing over my water drenched clothes.

  I drop my eyes to ground as the rain drops pound on top of me. My head is spinning, and then everything goes black as I collapse into Brooklyn’s arms.



  Rain is pegging me in the fuckin’ eyes; blin
king, I raise my arm up and cover my face. Jax is knelling down beside me; he looks like shit. We’re both soaked to the bone, and have mud covering every fuckin’ inch of our bodies.

  “Kayden…you okay?” He asks, sliding his arm under my head and helping me sit up.

  I hear Brooklyn shouting from behind me, “Is he okay?! Savannah just fainted…and her water broke. We need to get her to the hospital!”

  Shit! Sitting up, I let Jax help me to my feet. Thank God for this fuckin’ vest. It just saved my God damn life. Standing, I slide my gaze over to a lifeless Zak. He’s lying dead in the mud with a bullet whole between the eyes.

  Looking away, I turn back to Jax, “Ya know, you could’ve shot the fucker a few seconds sooner and saved me this frickin’ pain in my ribs.” I say sarcastically, slapping him on the chest.

  “Aye, mate. I was just tryin’ to make sure it looked like self-defense; we don’t need any trouble with the cops. Who, by the way, are makin’ their way over here as we speak.” He nods his head towards the front of the house where there are three cop cars parked, and troopers that are heading our way. They’re all hollering instructions for everyone to drop their guns, which we immediately comply with.

  “Can you two jackasses stop flapping your fucking gums, and help me carry her into the house!” Brooklyn snaps up at us, she’s sitting on the ground with Savannah lying in her arms.

  My ribs hurt like a bitch, but I ignore the pain and run to Savannah. Scooping her up in my arms, I spot blood on her legs and it scares the living shit out of me. “She’s bleeding!” I yell, snapping my head over to Brooklyn, who’s running beside me.

  Rolling her eyes at me like I’m some fuckin’ idiot, she says, “I told you! Her water broke, that’s what happens.”

  Two ambulances’ are pulling up as we make our way towards the front of the house. The police send one set of paramedics to the back of the house to get Zak’s body; two more paramedics run towards us with a gurney, “Lay her on here sir, we’ll take it from here.”


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