Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella

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Savannah Series Boxed Set: Four Full Novels and One Novella Page 94

by Jamie, Danielle


  “I’m gonna go grab a beer, want one?” Braxton asks clapping me on the back. Mya, Brooklyn, Jacob and Zak are in line for The Shark, which is a big ass roller coaster with a one hundred foot drop. I normally would go on it, but right now I’m too busy winnin’ my girl stuffed toys that are as big as her body.

  “Yeah, sounds good, thanks bro.” I try to fish some money from my pocket, but Braxton shoots me a look sayin’ ‘try to give me money, and we’ll throw down’.

  “I got it.” Braxton says bee-lining it for the beer stand. He’s a stubborn son-of-a-bitch, just like me, which is why we get along so well.

  Savannah is having a blast trying to smack the crap out of the Whac-a-Mole alongside a group of lil’ kids; it’s pretty freakin’ entertaining. She looks hot when she’s in competitive mode. She has this look of determination on her face, and she’s nibbling on her bottom lip as she tries to keep up with each hole the mole pops out of.

  The buzzer goes off, and one of the kids beside her starts cheering because they won. I walk up behind Savannah, giving her a playful slap on her perfect ass. “Hey!” She shouts. My dick twitches as a small laugh escapes her sweet lil’ mouth.

  “Close but no cigar, baby.” I love teasing her.

  Folding her arms, Savannah glares up at me. God I love it when she tries to look all intimidating, it’s beyond hot.

  “I let them win.” She says matter-of-factly.

  I let out a low chuckle, “Oh, really? Well ain’t that just so sweet of you. It’s just another reason to add to my ever growing list of why you’re perfect.” I flash a cocky grin before gripping her hips and pulling her against me.

  Savannah lets out a small squeal as I kiss her neck, trailing my lips along the sensitive skin beneath her ear. “Kayden…there are kids everywhere.” Her words come out in almost a whisper.

  God she is too cute.

  “I don’t care.” I murmur against her neck. Biting down playfully on her collar bone, I smile against her warm coconut scented skin when she slaps my butt, yelling at me to behave myself.

  She should know by now I can’t behave myself or keep my hands off of her sinful body even if I wanted to. She’s completely irresistible to me.

  Braxton finally returned with my beer after waiting in line for almost fifteen minutes. He just shook his head as he watched me toss a dart of the wall of balloons. Savannah has five stuffed animals sitting on the ground beside her, and I’m going for number six now.

  “Where the hell do you expect to put all of these?” He asks before taking a long pull from his beer.

  Rolling my eyes, I toss the dart and fist pump with excitement as I see the next balloon pop. “If you keep bustin’ my balls, they’re gonna ride along with you in the limo.”

  I burst into a fit of laughter as a look of horror flashes across Braxton’s face. I’ve never seen a guy so creeped out by stuffed bears in my entire life.

  “No fuckin’ way dude, keep those evil things far away from me.”

  Savannah runs around me to stand beside Braxton, slapping him on the chest she teases, “You cannot be serious right now! You’re scared of a teddy bear? But you’re not scared of a four hundred pound lineman that’s tryin’ to crush you into the ground?!”

  Shooting Savannah a ‘I’m fuckin’ serious’ look; he huffs out a loud puff of air, “I’m serious as a fuckin’ heart attack darlin’, those beady little eyed things creep me the fuck out!”

  Savannah spends the next hour bustin’ Braxton’s balls and stuffing teddy bears in his face, getting a kick out of him squealing like a little bitch. I haven’t had this much fun at the pier since I don’t know when.

  The only crappy thing is after we finish going on all of the rides; Mya was sicker than a dog. She spent twenty minutes in the ladies room barfing up her dinner and all the mixed drinks she had at Fishtales.

  Alcohol and roller coasters DO NOT MIX.

  Savannah, being the good friend that she is, stayed by Mya’s side until she felt okay enough to try and head home. I had the limo drive them back to their house in Houston. I told the driver to just park behind The Spot and text me when he’s back.

  Savannah and Brooklyn are on a mission to get drunk and dance their asses off, so I am expecting to be out until the sun comes out. They’ve been carrying around an armful of stuffed animals for the past hour, and said there’s no way they’re bringing all of these back to the beach house. We settled on her taking the big stuffed dog I won her back to the limo. She decided it would be a keepsake to remind her of tonight, and hand the rest out to kids at the pier.

  She’s always putting others first. I made her take a picture with the mountain of stuffed animals all around her to capture this memory forever. We then spent the next ten minutes walking around handing the stuffed toys out to kids. I loved watching her as she gave each kid a stuffed toy. She was beaming with a smile stretched ear to ear.

  Now it’s time to get our drink on.

  Club Drip

  My blood is boiling as I make my way through the club. As soon as I heard Savannah say that Logan was here in Drip, my mood went from laid back chillin’ with my boys, to ready to bash that fucker’s face in.

  I spot Logan making his way towards the exit as I squeeze through the crowd of people. That fucker ain’t leavin’ here until I have a few words with him. Pushing my way through the crowd, I don’t say a word as I step up behind him. With the music pumping out of the speakers, he doesn’t hear me come up behind him. Not wasting a second, I reach out grabbing his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks.

  “What the….” Logan shouts spinning around and jerking his shoulder out of my grasp. The second his eyes land on mine his face drops. I can’t help but enjoy seeing this douchebag sporting his two black eyes and a busted nose, but once I’m through with this piece of shit he’ll be sporting a whole lot more.

  “Were all the flights to L.A. booked? Because I’d really love to know what the fuck you’re still doin’ in Galveston. I thought Savannah made it pretty fuckin’ clear that she’s with me now.” A sly smile creeps across my lips, as Logan flinches at my words.

  Being the chicken shit he is, Logan doesn’t respond; instead he just stands there staring at me a few seconds longer with his mouth opening and closing like a damn fish before he tries to turn and make his way towards the exit.

  He isn’t leaving here until he knows I’m not playin’ any games. This asshole thinks he can follow Savannah around and make her life a livin’ hell. No. Fuckin’. Way.

  I only allow him to take two steps before I shove forcefully at his back, causing him to lose his footing and stumble forward.

  Regaining his balance, Logan spins back around with anger taking over his features. Before he can even react, I fist his t-shirt and yank him towards me so that our faces are now just inches apart.

  He reeks of alcohol.

  “What the fuck is your problem, bro!?” He shouts in my face.

  Sucking in a sharp breath, I burrow my eyes into him. “My problem, bro, is that you can’t get it through your fuckin’ head to stay the fuck away from Savannah!”

  It’s taking everything in me to not pound this fucker within an inch of his life. Just the idea of his hands on Savannah earlier tonight is making me lose my mind.

  Not backing down, Logan spits back at me, “Last I knew it wasn’t illegal to sit in a bar and have a drink. It’s just a coincidence that Savannah happens to be here.” He slams his hand against my chest gripping my shirt.

  This asshole is too drunk to have any common sense left in him. Anyone with a brain would see he doesn’t stand a chance. This piece of shit signed his death wish when he decided to stay in Texas.

  I let out a deep husky laugh; he actually thinks I believe he didn’t follow Savannah here. “Coincidence? If you would’ve dragged your sorry ass back to Los Angeles days ago, you wouldn’t be able to run into her here!” I notice Savannah out of the corner of my eye; she looks terrified. She shoul
d know the only one who should be scared right now is Logan. Sliding my eyes over his black eyes, I can’t help but laugh, “Nice black eyes by the way. My baby has a mean right hook.” Logan’s face is priceless. I look back over at Savannah and give her a wink. I need to reassure her I’m just fuckin’ peachy right now.

  Logan’s face turns fire red as he boils over with anger. “Don’t call her baby! Savannah is mine! You are just a speed bump along the way. It won’t be long, and she will be crawling back to me; begging for me to take her back!” I guess he is too dumb to understand what the fuck we’re done means, since he seems to think Savannah is still his. The fact that he thinks she’ll ever go back to him is fuckin’ comical.

  “You are a fucking lunatic, you know that? You fucked every whore who would willingly spread her legs for you! That’s not love, and believe me Savannah is very satisfied with our relationship. She won’t be runnin’ back to you ever. So, don’t. Hold. Your. Breath!” Savannah’s gorgeous face flashes in my mind, as do images of her lying beneath me screaming my name and clawing my back. I fuck her to the edge of consciousness every fuckin’ day; this asshole can’t even come close to pleasing her the way I can.

  I’m done listening to this asshole run his mouth; it’s about time I shut him up. Cocking my arm back, I swing forcefully towards his face connecting with his jaw. He stumbles backwards, but catches himself before he falls to the ground.

  Lunging back at me Logan swings, I lean back but he still connects with the side of my face. I bring my hand up to my face and rub my cheek, as I flash Logan a small smile. I let him have one, now it’s time to show this asshole that coming here was the biggest mistake of his pitiful life.

  Rage is boiling over inside of me as I reach out gripping Logan’s shirt with both hands, and lifting him off of the ground. A low growl resonates in my throat as I take long strides and slam him against the wall.

  The entire club is practically surrounding us, shouting at us to fight, as the bouncers are screaming for people to get out of the way, but I zone them out and focus solely on Logan.

  “You have one more chance to get the fuck outta here and head straight back to L.A.; it’s your choice! Just know this: if you don’t walk out that door when I set you down, I will not hold back anymore. You think those punches hurt? Those were fuckin’ love taps. When I’m finished with you, you’ll be shitin’ out teeth for a fuckin’ week!” I tell him between clenched teeth before dropping him back down forcefully onto the ground.

  Showing no desire to back down, Logan straightens his stance and spits a mouth full of blood at my feet. This fucker is going to wish he’d taken me up on my offer to allow his ass to walk out of here. Now he’s going to be leavin’ on a fuckin’ stretcher!

  I cock my arm back ready to pound the life out of him, when a bouncer steps between us. My chest is heaving; my entire body is burning hot as adrenaline courses through my veins. I furrow my brows at the bouncer, silently begging him to let me beat this piece of shit down, but he presses his hand against my chest, “Kayden, stop! He’s not worth it!”

  The entire town knows me or knows of me, even if I don’t know them. I have no fear of being arrested or thrown out. There isn’t a cop in the entire county who’d arrest me. Logan, on the other hand, well, I’d stand on the curb waving goodbye with a big ass grin on my face as the cops hauled his ass away.

  Peering around the bouncer, Logan glares at me before turning his attention towards Savannah. “You can have the stupid whore, I’m done with this shit!” He locks eyes with me one more time before making his way towards the door. I can see cop lights illuminating the windows just as Logan tries to exit the club, but two cops walk through the door and stop him from leaving.

  Hearing him call Savannah a whore makes my simmering anger return to a rapid boil. Shoving the bouncer out of the way, I lunge towards Logan. Before I can get my hands on him, Savannah jumps in front of me, pressing both hands firmly against my chest. I’m seeing red; my chest is rising and falling as I try to calm myself. Looking down at Savannah and seeing the fear in her eyes, stops me cold.

  Gently sliding her hands along my chest, Savannah looks into my eyes, pleading, “Stop Kayden, please. Baby, just let him go. The cops are dealing with him now. He’s not worth getting arrested over. Just let him go, for me…please.”

  Savannah affects me like no other. Normally nothing can stop me once I get going, but hearing the desperation in her voice is my undoing. I suck in a sharp breath and blow it out slowly as I rake my fingers through my hair. It’s taking everything in me to let that fucker walk out of here.

  Wrapping my arms around her waist, I pull Savannah tightly against me, and breathe in her intoxicating perfume; I’m the luckiest man because she’s mine. I understand why Logan refuses to let her go, because she’s the most amazing person on the God damn planet.

  I let out a loud sigh before finally speaking. “Okay baby, I’m sorry I let it go this far. I was hoping he would’ve just left so it wouldn’t have escalated to that…but he really had that coming to him.”

  I hate that she’s witnessed that side of me. I want to be a better person for her, not some hothead who solves all of his problems with his fists, but I can’t stand the idea of Logan putting his hands on her. I had to confront him so that he’ll see she is mine. There’s no chance in hell he’ll ever be with her again.

  Alamo Bowl Deleted Scene


  Game time is fast approaching; you can feel the excitement in the air around us as we all clean up. We pack all of the chairs, tents and food, putting everything into the back of our trucks.

  Closing the tailgate, Kayden turns to look at me. “Ready to watch Texas kick some Oregon ass?” Wrapping his strong arms around my waist, he pulls me up against his hard slab of muscles; engulfing me in his warm embrace.

  Gazing into his eyes, happiness washes over me. I flash him a big smile, “I am super excited! The energy and excitement is so contagious!”

  Leaning down Kayden brushes his lips against mine bestowing a swift but tender kiss upon them, the passion in his kiss causes my heart to flutter as my core tightens at his words, “you look hot in your Longhorns Jersey, baby. Tonight I want to see you in this and nothing else.”

  Smacking his chest playfully, I wiggle out of his embrace. Taking my hand, Kayden laces our fingers together, and gives my arm a gentle tug as a small smile dances across his lips. Kayden leads us through the sea of people as we make our way towards the stadium, this place is packed, and I could easily get lost if we got separated so I squeeze his hand a little tighter as we push through the crowd.

  “If Texas wins, you gotta deal Cowboy.” Winking at him, I can’t control my giggles as a big ass grin spreads across Kayden’s gorgeous face. I love seeing him in his element and being able to experience this with him. This is definitely going to be a day I’ll cherish forever.

  “Deal…because baby, I know Texas won’t let me down!” Kayden says slapping me playfully on the butt.

  Rolling my eyes I let out a small chuckle, “You’re confident, but this isn’t a fair wager, I need something if they lose?”

  “What do you want to wager, my sweet Savannah?”

  Trying to keep a straight face, I say the one thing I know Kayden will absolutely hate to do if Texas loses. “You have to wear an Oregon University State Championship T-shirt out to the bars tonight.”

  “Fuck that! Texas better win, because the only way that’s happening is if hell freezes over! I thought you would pick something fun like have my body to live out all of your wildest fantasies, something hot not torturous!”

  Club Vertigo

  After having our evening ruined last night, I’m hoping for a do-over tonight for Savannah. She’s had a shitty week thanks to her douchebag ex, so I’m going to do everything I can to make sure tonight she has a good time.

  We just walked into the club; one the perks of owning the place is getting to sail right by the mile-long line outside. Savan
nah’s beaming ear to ear as we enter Vertigo with her hand on my arm. The club is already packed with people dancing, drinking and partying it up.

  As we make our way up to my favorite spot in the VIP area, we pass a group of girls I’ve partied with regularly before I was with Savannah. They have all tried to see if one of them could be the one to get me to settle down, but none of them affected me the way Savannah does.

  Sure they can fuck me into a sex induced coma or suck me off better then a Hoover vacuum, but none of them made me feel anything. When I said goodnight to them, and we parted ways, there was no pang of sadness. I was just relieved that they left willingly because I hate fuckin’ drama, and chicks like them sure as hell love to be frickin’ dramatic when they don’t get what they want.

  Before my ass can hit the seat, I’m ordering a round of shots for us. “Bring us a bottle of Jack and four shot glasses.”

  Brooklyn and Jax sit on the couch across from us, while Savannah and I get comfortable on ours. Leaning back, I kick my leg up, resting my foot on my knee and drape my arm along the back of the couch to rub the pad of my thumb across Savannah’s arm.

  Ericka, one of my best bottle girls, flashes us a big smile as she returns with our well needed alcohol.

  I quickly get to work opening the bottle of Jack and filling our shot glasses. Raising my glass I say, “Here’s to a night with no crazy fuckin’ exes…” I glance at Savannah, giving her a small smile; she lets out a cute little giggle as she taps her glass against mine.

  “Let’s promise to not talk about anything depressing for the rest of the night! Tonight we party!” Brooklyn shouts tossing back her shot. “Ahhh!” She hisses stomping her stilettos against the floor.

  “Another?” Jax asks waving the bottle in front of her.

  Just as she’s about to answer, I spot my cousin Dixon making his way towards us. “Hey cuz, comin’ to join the party?” I ask flashing him a cocky grin.


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