Lessons In Love (Bantu Academy Series Book 1)

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Lessons In Love (Bantu Academy Series Book 1) Page 7

by D. Camille

“He took care of you.”

  Sydney watched as her sister stared at her.

  “Caelum doesn’t treat me like a girl who just got out of a wheelchair, and I like that. He makes me feel like a whole woman.” Leslie shared.

  Sydney took her hand. “You are a whole woman, Leslie.”

  “He doesn’t push me…” Leslie paused. “But he does like to challenge me…”

  “And you like that, too?”

  Leslie nodded. “I do.”

  “What happened at his place? Did he challenge you into anything else?” Sydney asked.

  “We had sorbet.”

  Sydney laughed. “Sorbet?”

  “Yeah, apparently during one of our conversations, I told Caelum how I ate sorbet after my accident because it was the only thing that made me feel better.”

  “You’ve never told me that.” Sydney commented.

  “I didn’t even remember that I’d told Caelum.”

  “But he did?”

  Leslie smiled softly. “He said that he’s making a mental list of all the things that make me feel good.”

  “That’s smooth…” Sydney admitted.

  “Then I kissed him.”

  “I believe that.”

  Leslie stood and looked up at the ceiling. “And that’s when I fell in love…”

  Sydney sat watching the younger sister she loved more than anything. Their relationship had started out rocky, since Sydney had known nothing of the young girl. Added in was the fact of the hatred Sydney had toward their mother, and it had been a journey for the two sisters to come together. But, now that they were, Sydney protected Leslie with every fiber of her being, along with her husband and son.

  “This is all new to you.” Sydney told her, trying to be Leslie’s voice of reason, because the last thing she wanted was for Leslie to suffer any more pain.

  Leslie looked down at her. “I know and it’s incredible.”

  “I just don’t want you to expect too much…too soon. You still have some rehabilitating to do.”

  Walking to her closet, Leslie said, “Caelum offered to work out together in his pool.”

  Sydney watched Leslie disappear inside and shook her head.

  “We have a pool here.”

  “But Caelum’s not here…” Leslie’s voice traveled from the closet. “And I’m sure it’s going to be much better with him.”

  “What else did Caelum offer?” Sydney asked and Leslie reappeared in a nightgown.

  “He’s taking me to the beach tonight to watch the sunset and listen to the ocean.” Leslie moved back to the bed and reached for her purse to take out her phone. “He’ll be calling soon.”

  “You two talk every night?”

  Retrieving the device, Leslie sat it on her nightstand. “Every night.”

  “Have you told him about your mother?”

  Leslie frowned. “I’ve told him a little about our mother.”

  Sydney smirked. “Okay.”

  “I can talk to Caelum about anything…and I do. I’ve apparently told him things that I don’t even remember.” Leslie said, sitting up against the pillows.

  “I hope for his sake that Caelum is sincere and not trying to take advantage of you.”

  Leslie gave her a look. “Syd, why would a man like Caelum waste his time just trying to play games with me?”

  “There are men out there, Leslie…who will do just that.” Sydney warned.

  Leslie thought of Mr. West at the school. “I know, but not Caelum.”

  “Did he try to get you into bed?”

  “Caelum doesn’t have to try.” Leslie told her with a look. “He’s the only reason I’m at home right now.”

  Sydney laughed. “You are something else.”

  “Seriously, I want Caelum to be my first…my only.” Leslie confided. “Yet, as much as I want him…I’m a little scared.”

  “Of course, you are. It’s your first time.”

  “Do you even remember yours?” Leslie asked.

  “Don’t go there.” Sydney warned.

  Leslie shrugged. “I mean, Curt would’ve got it on the first date with me, too. Virgin or no virgin…”


  “Caelum certainly could’ve gotten it tonight…if he wanted it.”

  “Do you even listen to me?” Sydney questioned as Leslie went into her own thoughts.

  Leslie began to look concerned. “Do you think Caelum doesn’t want it?”

  Before Sydney could answer, Leslie continued, “I mean, when I touched it, it was hard, so that means he does, right?”

  “You touched what?”

  “You know…his penis.” She gave a wicked smile. “I’d never touched one like that before.”

  Sydney shook her head. “Girl…”

  “It was very firm…and…large.”

  “Leslie Benson.”

  Leslie grinned. “I can’t wait to see it.”

  Sydney stood. “Nope. That’s enough for tonight.”

  “Syd, stop acting like a grandmother. I know how freaky you and Curt are.”

  “What Curt and I do, is between us…just like you and Caelum.”

  Leslie grabbed Sydney’s arm to keep her from leaving. “Wait, just tell me one thing.”


  “Any suggestions for the first time…missionary? Or should I go all out…doggy style, ride the bull, standing up?” Leslie asked.

  Sydney looked at her. “Since you’re so hell bent on getting it…make him say your name, while you’re at it.”

  Leslie contemplated her words, then nodded. “Okay…thanks, Sis.”

  The phone on the nightstand began to play a sexy ringtone.

  “That’s the man of my dreams…” Leslie said, picking up the phone.

  “Goodnight, Leslie.” Sydney said heading to the door. “I’m glad you had a good time, tonight.”

  “Thank you, Sydney. Goodnight, Sis.”

  Leslie answered her phone, and Sydney left the room, closing the door behind her. Walking to the other side of the house, Sydney entered her bedroom, where her husband was lying in the bed.

  “Everything okay with Leslie?” Curt asked, as she approached.


  Holding out a hand, he helped her onto the bed, where she climbed over him. Sydney looked down into the handsome face that she loved with every beat of her heart.

  “I want you to say my name,” she whispered.

  Curt smiled. “Make me.”


  “Are you awake?” Caelum asked when Leslie answered the phone.

  “Of course. I was waiting for your call.”

  “What are you doing now?”

  She sat back against her pillows and positioned the camera where he could see her surroundings. “In the bed. Where are you?”

  “Out at the pool, remembering you being here.”

  “I could still be there.”

  Caelum smiled. “I had to take you home, before I tried to keep you here.”

  “Did you hear me complaining?”

  “No, but I felt your hands all over me.”

  She laughed. “There’s a lot to discover.”

  “Did you enjoy yourself tonight?” he asked softly, looking into her face.

  “Yes, I did, Caelum.” Leslie replied. “And I’m looking forward to seeing more of you…”

  “That sounds like a double entendre.”

  “It is.”

  He chuckled. “Keep it up and I’m going to marry you.”

  “Keep it up and I’ll let you.”

  They stared at one another in silence, each in their own thoughts.

  “How long are we going to stay on the phone this time?” Leslie asked, with a smile.

  “Until you fall asleep…” he teased.

  “Why don’t you just hang up when I do that?”

  He watched her. “Because I want to see when you wake up...”

  She blushed and looked away for a moment. “I told my sister about our dat

  “What did she say?”

  “She just doesn’t want me to get hurt.”

  He nodded. “I think that’s a consensus.”

  Leslie looked into his eyes, then blurted out. “Do you just want to sleep with me, Caelum?”

  “You want me to answer a question that you already know the answer to?” he asked.

  She looked distressed. “My heart is getting involved,” Leslie confessed.

  “Mine was involved from the start, goddess.”

  She looked away again.

  “What are you thinking?” Caelum questioned softly.

  “You’re too much.”

  “Too much what?”

  Leslie returned her gaze to the screen. “Everything.”

  “Do you want to just sleep with me, Leslie?” Caelum flipped the question back to her.


  “Then we agree, that’s just one thing on our list, that contains so much more.” He offered.

  Leslie nodded. “I want there to be more.”

  “We can make that list as long as we want it to be.” Caelum assured her.

  Again, they settled into their comfortable silence, watching one another.

  “Tell me something else that makes you feel good.” He said, sitting on the lounger.

  “Well, I’ve discovered it’s a tie between kissing you and touching you.” Leslie told him.

  “Both certainly make me feel good.”

  She smiled. “So you don’t mind?”

  “Not at all.”

  A thought popped into Leslie’s head and she voiced it. “Caelum, did you date Asha or Khai?”

  “No. Why?”

  “I mean, they’re beautiful, smart and understand your beliefs…”

  He agreed. “That’s true.”

  “So why didn’t you?”

  “Because it would’ve been a waste of our time. I knew they weren’t the woman I was looking for, which is in no way, any knock against them. They are beautiful goddesses who will find the black men they are waiting for. It just wasn’t me, so there was no reason to get involved in something that wouldn’t last.” Caelum explained. “And Malik is waiting for Khai…”

  “I picked up on that. Why is she not responding?”

  Caelum shrugged. “That’s their thing. I don’t get involved. I’m busy trying to make a little goddess trust that I’m for real.”

  “I want to believe you’re for real.”

  “I’m stocked up on sorbet.” Caelum told her. “And kisses…since they’ve been added to the list.”

  Leslie grinned. “The sorbet was delicious…but the kisses were beyond words.”

  Caelum licked his full lips, remembering the taste of hers. “I agree, you taste much sweeter than the fruit.”

  “Then next time, we can skip the sorbet altogether.” She said with a smile.

  “I didn’t know you’d be serving sweet kisses instead.”

  “Available at your request.”

  Caelum stood and walked inside. “At my request?”

  “That’s what I said…”

  “We’ll see about that when I see you again.”

  Leslie looked at the clock on her nightstand. “It won’t be too long.”

  “It seems like forever.” He walked into his bedroom and looked down at the bed. Flipping the camera, he showed her his wrinkled covers.

  “Oh, that’s definitely on the list of things that make me feel very good.” Leslie told him, then he put the camera back on his face, as he climbed onto the bed.

  “You were supposed to be just checking out the room.” He told her.

  “I did…and the man that the room belongs to.”

  Caelum held her gaze and they both recalled the time spent in his bedroom.

  “I’m looking forward to the beach tonight,” Leslie whispered.

  “After I pick you up, I’d like for us to make a stop before we head to the water, if it’s okay with you.” Caelum announced.

  She blinked. “Uh…okay. Where are we stopping?”

  “I met your family, so I’d like you to meet mine.”

  Leslie paused. “You…you want me to meet your family? Later tonight?”

  “Yes, is that a problem?”

  “Um…no. I’m just surprised.”

  He frowned. “Do you not want to meet them for some reason?”

  “Of course I do. I’m honored.” Leslie said honestly. “I’ve never met someone’s parents…”

  “Since I brought you lunch, they’ve been asking about you…but I didn’t want to rush you.” Caelum explained. “And I still don’t…so if you want to wait until another time…”

  “I’d love to meet them, tonight.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Look, you met my entire clan. Plus, I want to see who created such a handsome, sexy, and kind black man.” Leslie told him, holding his gaze.

  “Keep it up and I’m going to buy you a house, too.”

  “Keep it up and I’ll let you.”

  They smiled at one another.

  “Should I bring anything for the meeting with your family?” Leslie asked.

  “Let me see,” Caelum stared at her. “Bring those pretty eyes, bring that sexy smile, bring those sweet lips,” he said softly. “Oh, and um…bring my heart because it rests in the palm of your hand.”

  “You’re making me love you,” she whispered.

  “That’s the whole point, goddess.” Caelum responded. “And for me to love you in return…”

  “Then I hope your family likes me.”

  He gave her look. “Do you know how easy it is to love you, Leslie?”

  “No, I guess not.” She replied.

  “I’m going to show you.” Caelum said seriously.

  “I didn’t really feel loved until Sydney and Curt took me in. My mother did her best for me, but showing love wasn’t her strong suit.” Leslie explained. “And after the accident, she was really angry with me. I don’t really blame her, because I shouldn’t have been in that car.”

  “You were a teenager, Leslie.”

  “I know.” She looked away. “But I still should have known better…”

  Caelum shook his head. “I can’t let you do that.”

  “Do what?” She looked back at him on the screen.

  “Blame yourself…”

  “I do…and that’s why I need to make good decisions now. This is my second chance and I don’t want to mess it up.” Leslie said softly. “I want to prove to her that I’m not just a burden to everybody.”

  Caelum sat up, feeling his heart ache at her words. “Who? Your mother?”

  Leslie nodded. “Yes.”

  “You don’t have to prove anything, Leslie…to anyone.” He stressed.

  “I have to prove it to myself, Caelum. That’s why I worked so hard to get out of that chair…and now, to be able to walk without the cane.” Leslie explained. “I want to be…normal.”

  “You’re not abnormal, baby.” He insisted. “You’re exactly who you’re supposed to be, and that’s what makes you so beautiful. You’re authentic and that’s rare in this world.”

  She smiled softly. “I can honestly say that I’ve never felt more beautiful than when I’m with you.”

  “Then you need to spend as much time with me as possible,” he said, with a sexy smile of his own.

  Leslie stared at his face. “When you smile at me like that, all I can think about is being with you...”

  Chapter 7

  That evening, Leslie sat in her room, preparing to meet Caelum’s family, and their date on the beach. She dressed in a nice sundress and flat sandals. A light knock at her door made her smile.

  “Come in C.K.”

  The door opened and a handsome little face appeared.

  “Hi, Aunt Leslie.”

  She opened her arms. “Come here my favorite.”

  He rushed over to hug her and she kissed his face.

  “What are you doing?” Leslie
asked, seeing him dressed in jeans and a little polo shirt.

  “We’re getting ready to go to Aunt Niyah and Uncle Rashad’s. I’m going to play with R.J. and Rameses.”

  Leslie smiled. “I’m sure you all will have fun.”

  “Are you coming with us?” C.K. questioned.

  “Not this time,” Leslie told him.

  C.K. looked her over. “You look pretty.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Is that man coming to take you today?”

  Chuckling, Leslie looked at the boy. “He doesn’t take me C.K. I want to go with him…and his name is Mr. Bannaka.”

  The boy frowned. “I don’t want you to go with him.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I want you to come with us…”

  “Don’t I come with you all the time?” Leslie asked softly.

  “Yes, and I want you to come now.”

  Leslie sighed. “You’re going to be quite the attorney.”

  C.K. put his arms around her and held on, until Leslie returned his embrace.

  “I love you.” He said, with his head on her chest.

  “I love you, too.” Leslie rubbed his back. “You know that, right?”

  He nodded, still holding her. When they heard the doorbell, C.K. lifted his head.

  “He’s here! I’m gonna tell him you’re coming with us!”


  The next thing she knew, the boy ran out the door.

  “C.K.!” Leslie yelled, and scrambled to her feet.


  Caelum smiled when Leslie’s sister answered the door.

  “Caelum. Welcome.”

  He nodded. “Thank you. I’m here for Leslie.”

  “Please come inside. She should be ready.”

  Caelum stepped into the foyer, just as a little boy came rushing up to him. Sydney saw the determination on his face and stopped him in his tracks.

  “Don’t do it!” She warned her son.

  He looked at his mother, then at Caelum.


  Sydney shook her head. “Curtis Kendall the Sixth, do you want this?”

  He folded his arms and stared at Caelum.

  “Hello, C.K.” Caelum greeted.

  Sydney lifted a brow, when he didn’t respond.

  “Hello, Mr. Bannaka.” He said, not hiding his displeasure.

  Leslie appeared and looked at her nephew, then her sister.

  “Get your son, please.” She told Sydney.

  “I’ve got him.” Sydney took his hand. “Let’s finish getting ready, C.K. You’ll see Aunt Leslie tomorrow.”


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