Mated to the Barbarian Heir: A Sci-Fi Alien Action Pregnancy Romance

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Mated to the Barbarian Heir: A Sci-Fi Alien Action Pregnancy Romance Page 12

by Abella Ward

  Her breath caught in her throat. She couldn’t hide her shock to find he was hard against her stomach. And he’d shown her on purpose. This man was so, so bad for her. She absolutely could not let herself fall for him, just because he was tossing her some crumbs of attention. “I think not kissing is a very good idea right now.”

  “Lean into me. Put your arms around my neck. Like we were going to dance at one of those high school dances you were always going to.”

  Yeah, she’d gone. And sat on the bleachers, wishing Devon would somehow show up, though he was far too old, and ask her to dance. Her entire high school years had been spent daydreaming about him. She had to keep reminding herself, she wasn’t even one girl in a line of girls—she was a fake girlfriend. His body might be reacting to her, but for him, that probably meant nothing.

  With a slow exhale, she did his bidding, sliding her arms around his neck. He leaned down so their foreheads met. “I do a lot of touching,” he said. “You’ve got to get used to my hands being on you, at your waist, around your shoulder. At the small of your back. When a woman is mine, I make sure the whole world knows it.”

  “How very modern of you. I won’t ever be ‘yours,’ but I’ll play along. Can we get to this party?”

  “Let’s go.” His hands dropped and he turned away like it had all been nothing to him. And that was probably the truth. Mindy had to remember, they were play-acting. It meant nothing.

  It definitely meant nothing to him, so she’d make sure and protect her heart. It would mean nothing to her, either.

  Chapter Four – Devon

  Devon led Mindy out of the concert hall to a waiting limo in the back. He opened the door for her and she slid in, scooting over to make room for him.

  When she’d walked out of that dressing room, all dolled up, all the blood had rushed from his brain. He could think of nothing but touching her, of kissing her.

  She’d laid the law down on that pretty fast, but it didn’t mean a kiss wasn’t in their future. They were going to be at a party, they’d have a few drinks. He’d see where things went. He had to.

  For one thing, he couldn’t think about much else right now, sitting across from her in the limo. For another, they had to make a splash, pretty quick, or the record label might think he was ignoring their ultimatum: clean up your act or else.

  When they arrived to the hotel, he moved to sit beside her. “I’m going to hold your hand while we get out and walk up to the party. I’ll get us a couple of drinks. We’ll sit in the corner and look like we’re having an intimate conversation.”

  “I’m with you so far.” She sighed. “Yeah, I can definitely do all that.”

  “At some point, we’re going to have to kiss, Min. It’s inevitable. There will be photographers and entertainment journalists there.” He’d been an absolute ass to her, and he knew it. But, this had to look real and to do that, she had to trust him, at least a little. It was in his best interest to warn her about what lay ahead.

  “I never said we couldn’t kiss for the public. It’s not something you and I are ever going to do in private.”

  “That’s fair.” He took her hand as the limo slowed down. There would be fans there, and it could be intense to someone not really used to the whole scene. “If I didn’t say so before, you do look beautiful.”

  “You didn’t. You said I looked hot.”

  “You do.” He gave her hand a squeeze as the door opened. “Let’s go.”

  When he stepped out, fans began screaming and chanting his first name. He waved at them, then helped Mindy out of the car. He held onto her because she looked like a deer caught in headlights. He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “Don’t look at them, don’t think about them. Keep your eyes on me. That’s it.” He tucked a finger under her chin as she lifted her face to his. “Now smile for me. Just me.”

  She let the grin spread across her face. For a moment, it really did feel like it was only the two of them in the whole world. He could’ve kissed her then. She was open to it, as she focused on him, and, God, he wanted to. But he knew if he kissed her now, he’d spook her. Best to let her get used to all the attention first.

  His security team ushered them inside and they got into the elevator, along with three big, muscular guys. “You did great,” he whispered.

  She gave a nod and a weak smile. “Thanks. That was… strange. Everyone calling out your name. How does that not go to your head?”

  “Who says it doesn’t?” They laughed together and he took the opportunity to put an arm around her shoulders. He pulled her closer, and she snaked an arm around his waist. “You ready for this?”

  She exhaled slowly. “As long as I remember to breathe, we’ll be fine.”

  “I’m not sure how to take that.” The elevator doors slid open to reveal the penthouse room. It was massive. That wasn’t anything new to Devon, but he looked at Mindy to see how she was taking it all in.

  Her eyes were wide as she looked at the room and all the people. Their music blared from a stereo. She’d never been on the road with them, not even before they got their big break, so he didn’t suppose she had any idea what to expect. It’s not like Bret would’ve texted his baby sister about wild parties and loose women from the road.

  Everyone called out Devon’s name as he and Mindy stepped off the elevator. He waved as he led Mindy to a loveseat in the corner. “Wait here, Min. I’m going to get us a drink.”

  She settled on the couch while Devon crossed the room. A blonde was standing near the bar and she gave him an extra wide grin. “Devon, hi. I’m Cyn. Can I get you a drink? I’m a bartender, so I can make anything.”

  “Just a couple of vodka and cranberry juices. Thanks, um… Cindy?”

  “Cyn. Like how sinning can be fun…” She poured the juice over the vodka and ice.

  “I’m here with my girlfriend.” He took the drinks and tipped her a wink. Women were everywhere on the road. Mindy wouldn’t be the kind of girl you cheated on, though. She’d be the kind of girl a guy couldn’t wait to get home to. Which he absolutely didn’t want. Commitment was the last thing on his list of things to do. He’d probably screw it up.

  “She can join in. Get it? Sinfully Cyn.”

  “She’s not that kind of girl,” he tossed over his shoulder. Man, some of these women could be so pushy. They wanted a famous notch on their bedpost, and he knew they were using him as much as he used them. That lifestyle had been fine until he started dating Natasha, his supermodel ex.

  He hadn’t cheated on her, not even once, and then he’d found out she was screwing around with her old boyfriend behind his back while he was on the road. He didn’t plan to get serious with anyone anytime soon.

  He reached Mindy and handed her the drink. “I got hit on getting that. I made sure I had yours in my hand before I turned her down. So, it should be pretty good.”

  Mindy tilted her head to look at the disappointed blonde by the bar, glaring daggers at her. “Because she’s hot?”

  “Because she’s a bartender. What would being hot have to do with it?”

  He stretched his arm out on the back of the loveseat. “Lean in, Mindy. Reporters coming off the elevator now. It’s picture time.”

  Chapter Five - Mindy

  Mindy leaned back into Devon’s outstretched arm and snuggled up to his side. She took a long drink from her vodka and cranberry juice, letting it slide down her throat and leave her feeling tingly.

  Being in Devon’s arms was so surreal. She’d dreamed of this moment for years. She’d had actual dreams of him wrapping his arms around her, secure in the knowledge that she was his and he was hers.

  The beat of the music vibrated through the room and she spotted the reporters he was talking about entering the suite. Some had digital cameras strung around their necks. A couple of others held live-action cameras on their shoulder with cable channel logos on the side.

  Dev tattooed a design on her shoulder with his fingers for about ten minutes. They talked abou
t her classes and she told him how much she enjoyed psychology. “I still have several years of post-grad work left before I can practice clinical psychology. That’s my passion.”

  “What else is your passion, Mindy?” he whispered in her ear.

  “Does that actually work on anyone?” she asked him.

  “You’d be surprised.” His voice held a hint of laughter. At her or with her, she didn’t know.

  “Yeah, well, I’m not a groupie. I knew you before you went through puberty.”

  “It’s unfortunate that the line didn’t work.”

  “Why?” She tilted her face to look up at him, breathless all at once. She was faintly aware of the camera’s approaching them.

  “Remember: don’t make a scene, no matter what else you do.” He leaned closer until their lips were less than an inch apart. “And don’t knee me in the balls.”

  He captured her lips in a kiss. The sensations, of his mouth on hers, of his arms pulling her closer, were everywhere at the same time. A little timid, she tried kissing him back and he gave a faint growl in her mouth that she devoured.

  More was all she could think. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned back into the small couch. He nibbled at her bottom lip then let his tongue linger there to soothe it away.

  He pulled away, resting his forehead against hers, gazing into her eyes. They both fought to get their breathing back under control. She’d known she wanted him so her response was no surprise. But why was he so out of breath, his chest heaving?

  “Get me out of here,” Mindy said. Her voice sounded funny to her own ears, thick with desire. It occurred to her that he might get the wrong idea from her words, but she’d clarify when they were away from the cameras.

  He grabbed her hand, stood, and tugged her against him. “Let’s go.”

  They made their way through the crowd. This time, when people called out Devon’s name, he ignored them.

  In the elevator, alone, Devon pushed the button for the twenty-third floor. Then he backed her against the wall and leaned his head down to hers.

  “No kisses in private, remember?”

  “What?” A line of confusion marred his brow. He ran a hand through his long blonde hair and took a step back. “Right. So when you said ‘get me out of here,’ it was more that you couldn’t take pretending to enjoy my kisses anymore?”

  “That’s not fair. You were there, you know I liked your kisses just fine.”

  “Then why?” The elevator dinged and the door opened. “Forget it. Come on, our room is this way.”

  He took off to the left, his long legs outpacing her with ease. When she rounded the corner, he stood there, key card in hand, waiting for her.

  After he opened the door without a word, she slipped past him and went straight for the bedroom. Their bags waited for them. She picked up his bag and dropped it outside the bedroom door.

  She felt so stupid now. She should never have agreed to this. It was too much, kissing him, being close to him. It might very well break her heart right out of the gate. It was like a slow sort of torture.

  Instead of focusing on her feelings, she shoved them down and went into the bathroom to change. She was glad Devon wouldn’t see her. She looked ridiculous in her long tee nightgown with Minnie Mouse on the front. Her washing machine had broken down the day before and this was the only nightgown that was clean. Still, what had she been thinking bringing it?

  Then she walked out and there he was.

  “Wow. A Minnie for Min.” He lets his gaze wander over her. “You look adorable.”

  “I look silly. What are you doing in here? You sleep on the couch, remember?”

  “Oh, I remember, sweetheart. But I needed a blanket and a pillow.” He pulled open the closet door to find both, then wandered back out of the bedroom.

  Mindy slammed the door behind him, her cheeks on fire. Well, that had been the humiliating cherry on top of a difficult day.

  Chapter Six – Devon

  Devon woke at six in the morning to his phone ringing on the coffee table beside him. It took a moment to remember why, exactly, he was sleeping on the couch. Then the kiss and the whole deal with Mindy came back to him.

  The ringing stopped, then started again immediately. He answered with a blurry “Hello?”

  Bret spoke quickly and Devon didn’t even catch half of what he said. Something about him and Mindy on television. “What the hell are you going on about?”

  “Put it on channel forty-seven,” Bret said, then hung up.

  Mindy opened the door, one eye open, the other squinted shut. “What’s going on?”

  “Come sit down and let’s see.” He patted the couch as he sat up to search for the remote.

  He flipped the television to channel forty-seven. A reporter was speaking and the headline was “Devon Jennings in a romance with Bret Cassidy’s little sister, Mindy.” Then the video of the two of them kissing came up on the large forty-two-inch television.

  The two of them watched the TV in silence. Damn, watching the two of them kiss, the way she had wrapped her arms around his neck and responded to his attention, it was hot. He glanced at her and she was watching him, her cheeks red as a hot pepper.

  They both looked away at the same time, back at the TV.

  His phone rang again and he pushed the button to answer the call. It was the band’s manager, Chet. “Sorry to call so early, Dev.”

  “No, it’s cool. I was already up. What’s going on?”

  “First of all, the record label called. They’re very pleased that you took their advice. Mindy looks like a nice girl.”

  Devon cast his eyes toward her. “She is.”

  “Well, this was a brilliant plan. Which leads me to the second thing. You might as well let me talk to her because I need to get a press sheet ready. People have already started calling my office to find out more about her.”

  Devon put his hand over the phone. “Our manager, Chet, wants to talk to you. They need to get some info on you.”

  “Me? Why would anyone want to know about me?”

  “Comes with dating a rock star, sweetheart.” He told his manager to hold on, then handed her the phone.

  She left the room with the phone, and Devon took a quick second to appreciate her legs as she walked away.

  Him wanting her was a wrinkle neither of them needed. The kiss had sealed the deal—he had to have her. Just once, to get it out of his system. He’d seduce her, while they were alone in their hotel room over the next few days. He hadn’t had to work so hard for sex in a long time; it would be a novel experience. And so worth it.

  Either way, now that this had hit the news and the press was in love with the two of them as a couple, they were stuck together for a while.

  He had to remember, he couldn’t let himself get too attached to her. This was a one-shot deal. He was too much of a screw-up to open his heart to someone as kind and giving as Mindy. And he’d only ever been hurt when he tried to trust someone, like Natasha. Hell, even his old man didn’t want anything to do with him. He’d destroy any good feelings she might have toward him.


  It was nothing but a photo op, Devon kept telling himself. Taking Mindy out to dinner and to the zoo, pretending like he was a normal guy on a normal date—it wasn’t real.

  They got a kitchen table at an exclusive restaurant in…hell, he didn’t even know where they were. Chicago, maybe? Once you were on the road, the days and the cities blurred together.

  They held hands going in, as photographers snapped their picture. He opened the door for her and pulled out her chair at the beautifully set table. It was odd: being “with” Mindy seemed to be doing more for his popularity than dating someone famous, like Natasha, ever had. And it made him feel like shit. He hated using Mindy this way. She deserved better than him, with his fake dates. The kiss—that had been real, though.

  “You have something on your mind,” she said, shaking out her napkin and placing it in her lap.
/>   He took a sip of water before he answered, trying to put into words something he didn’t quite understand himself. It wasn’t like him to care so much. “That I hope this isn’t something you’re used to.”

  “The news outlets calling out for a picture? Not exactly something that happens at college.”

  “Not that.” He took her hand across the small table because they were in public, so he could and she wouldn’t tell him no. “Being used for your pretty face and wholesome personality. I hope you’ve been romanced. You deserve that, Min. Real romance.”

  She stared at him, blinked once or twice. “Sure. I’ve had romance before.”

  “Good. So how is it you’re without a man right now? I imagine your attention is in pretty hot demand at your little college.”

  “First of all, my college isn’t little. It’s a state university. Second of all, I’m not so in demand that I don’t have time for a faux summer fling.” She gave him a secretive smile, and dimples deepened in her cheeks.

  Devon sat back in his chair as the waiter brought their appetizer. Their menu was at the mercy of the chef tonight.

  Mindy leaned forward and picked up her fork. “So this is really smoked foie gras and pigeon?” she whispered.

  He grinned at her, took a quick bite with his fork, and chewed thoughtfully. “It’s actually delicious. Try it.”

  She gazed at him, and her perfect breasts rose and fell with a deep breath. She took a small bite onto her fork, blew on the steaming morsel, then popped it into her mouth. “Oh! That really is good.”

  “I told you so. Now you have to try at least a bite of everything he sends over. Besides” —he glanced toward the bustling cooking area— “they’re watching, so we have to at least pretend to enjoy it.”

  She swallowed and took a sip of her wine. “Good point.”

  They drank, ate and laughed through the next two courses. She told him a little more about her experiences at college, though she didn’t mention any boys. Maybe she was being discreet? Still, her anecdotes about what a normal life looked like were like water for him—refreshing and cool. He’d forgotten what it was like to be a regular guy.


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