The Man with the Poison Gun

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by Serhii Plokhy


  1. Daily Telegraph, October 16, 1962; Berliner Zeitung, October 18, 1962; Moskovs’ki vbyvtsi, 359, 434–436.

  2. “Sentence and Oral Opinion of the Court,” The Shelepin File, 21–33.

  3. Ibid.

  4. Moskovs’ki vbyvtsi, 343–344; Jaroslaw Padoch to Stepan Lenkavsky, October 19, 1962, Jaroslaw Padoch Archive, Correspondence, no. 238; “The Soviet Killer’s Orders Were: Liquidate Them!,” Detroit News, December 3, 1962.

  5. “Legal Arguments by Chief Public Prosecutor Dr. Kuhn,” 37; “Sentence and Oral Opinion of the Court,” 32.

  6. Moskovs’ki vbyvtsi, 343.

  7. Ibid., 393–394.

  8. Ibid., 361, 367–369; Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 334.

  9. Moskovs’ki vbyvtsi, 346–352, 622.


  1. Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 23–24, 314–315.

  2. Jaroslaw Padoch to Stepan Lenkavsky, October 19, 1962, Jaroslaw Padoch Archive, Correspondence, no. 238; Stashinsky’s Trial Transcripts, in Moskovs’ki vbyvtsi, 297, 341–342, 368; “2 Yanks Will Charge Nikita with Murder,” Daily News, October 17, 1962; Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 325; Philip Agee, Inside the Company: CIA Diary (New York, 1975), 611.

  3. Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 314–318, 325.

  4. Ibid., 336–337, 350.

  5. Melvyn P. Leffler, For the Soul of Mankind: The United States, the Soviet Union and the Cold War (New York, 2007), 182–192; Jonathan Haslam, Russia’s Cold War: From the October Revolution to the Fall of the Wall (New Haven, CT, 2011), 210–213.

  6. Memo for W. C. Sullivan, in Russ Holmes Work File, Release of Certain FBI Documents to the Senate Select Committee, Mary Ferrrell Foundation; Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 338–341.

  7. “William J. Hood Dies; CIA Man Who Signed Off on ‘Unusual’ Oswald Cable,” February 15, 2013, JFKFacts,


  1. Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 365.

  2. “Soviet Use of Assassination and Kidnapping,” CIA report.

  3. Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 25–26; “Memorandum of Conversation, Federal Republic of Germany Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and Dean Acheson, Special Envoy of US President Kennedy, Bonn, West Germany, 23 October 1962,” in The Global Cuban Missile Crisis at 50: New Evidence from Behind the Iron, Bamboo, and Sugarcane Curtains, and Beyond, eds. James J. Hershberg and Christian F. Ostermann, vol. 2, Cold War International History Project Bulletin 17/18 (Washington, DC, 2012), 624–625.

  4. Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 25–26, 353–365.

  5. Ibid., 365–367; The Bang-Jensen Case: Report to the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 87th Cong., 1st sess. (Washington, DC,1961); Memorandum, Senator Dodd to Jay Sourwine, Re: Stashynsky Hearings, September 23, 1963, folder 12-53b. File Series 4: Legislative Subseries 10: Internal Security Subcommittee, James O. Eastland Collection, Archives and Special Collections, J. D. Williams Library, University of Mississippi.

  6. Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 365–367, 387, 479.

  7. Murder International, Inc.: Murder and Kidnapping as an Instrument of Soviet Policy, United States Congress, Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws (Washington, DC, 1965); Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 480; “Stashynsky, Bogdan N.,” Folders 12-53a and 12-53b.


  1. Deacon and West, Spy!, 152; Koch, Der Fund, 109, 120; “Hitler Diaries: Agent Was ‘Communist Spy,’” BBC News, July 29, 2002,

  2. Author’s interview with Andrii Rebet; Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 365.

  3. John Gimbel, “The ‘Spiegel Affair’ in Perspective,” Midwest Journal of Political Science 9, no. 3 (August 1965): 282–297, esp. 292; [Heinrich Jagusch], “Handeln mit Verrätern?” Der Spiegel, September 9, 1964; Koch, Der Fund, 120; Judex, “Droht ein neuer Ossietzky-Fall?” Der Spiegel, November 4, 1964; Gerhard Ziegle, “Rätsel um Heinrich Jagusch: Warum log der Senatspräsident seinem Vorgesetzten ins Gesicht?” Die Zeit, November 20, 1964.

  4. Hans Joachim Faller, “Heinrich Jagusch,” in Juristen im Portrait: Verlag und Autoren in 4 Jahrzehnten (Munich, 1988), 431–437.

  5. Ziegle, “Rätsel um Heinrich Jagusch”; J. C., “Ex-Nazi Judges,” AJR Information 20, no. 2 (April 1965): 2; Hermann Raschhofer, Political Assasination: The Legal Background of the Oberländer and Stashinsky Cases (Tübingen, Germany, 1964); “Urtail: Ludwig Hahn,” Der Spiegel, no. 24 (1973); “Closing Argument [of] Professor Dr. Cornelius Nestler in the Criminal Proceeding Against John Demjanjuk (Presented before the Munich District Court on April 13, 2011),”; Martin Rath, “Lehrbuchfall Staschynskij: Als extralegale Hinrichtungen einmal vor Gericht kamen,” Legal Tribune Online, May 8, 2011,

  6. Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 362, 365, 292–293, 479; Erich Schmidt-Eenboom, “Empfänglich für Geheimes: Die (west)deutschen Nachrichtendienste im Äther,” in Klaus Beyrer, Verschlüsselte Kommunikation. Geheime Dienste-Geheime Nachrichten, Umschau (Heidelberg, 1999),; E. W. Kenworthy, “Helms Says Dodd Conferred with CIA Before Europe Trip,” New York Times, July 27, 1966, 19.

  7. Jonathan S. Wiesen, Germany’s PR Man: Julius Klein and the Making of Transatlantic Memory (New York, 2007); Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 577–578; “Dodd, Thomas,” in American National Biography (New York, 2000); “Antikommunism ego vera,” “Zachem Dodd zanimaetsia politikoi?” and “Porok ne nakazan,” Literaturnaia gazeta, April 9, 1968, 15.


  1. Khazan, “Pisatel’ i diplomat Sergei German; “CIA II, Assassin 280,” Harold Weisberg Archive, Digital Collection,

  2. “Deep Mystery Shrouds Whereabouts of Stashinsky,” Ukrainian Weekly, March 15, 1969; The Ukrainian Bulletin, Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, vols. 17–19, 28.

  3. Memorandum for the Record. April 22, 1976, Subject: Assassination of Stefan Bandera, 6; Tom Mangold, Cold Warrior—James Jesus Angleton: The CIA’s Master Spy Hunter (New York, 1992); “Nosenko, Yurii Ivanovich,” in Richard C. S. Trahair and Robert L. Miller, Encyclopedia of Cold War Espionage, Spies, and Secret Operations (New York, 2012), 261–263; Hendrik van Bergh, “Mord in München,” Das Ostpreußenblatt, October 27, 1979.

  4. “The Preparation of the Murder of Yaroslav Stetsko,” in The Shelepin File, 60–61.


  1. Stetsko CIA File, nos. 100–107; Susan Rich, “Nicholas Krawciw,” International TNDM Newsletter (Dupuy Institute), 28,

  2. Bruce Lambert, “Chuck Connors, Actor, 71, Dies; Starred as Television’s ‘Rifleman,’” New York Times, November 11, 1992; “The Rifleman Meets Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev,”; Ihor Dlaboha, “N.Y. Ukrainians Demonstrate Against Brezhnev’s Visit to U.S.,” Ukrainian Weekly, June 23, 1973.

  3. Investigation of Senator Thomas J. Dodd, 480; Willard Edwards, “Shelepin’s Role in Murder Told,” Chicago Tribune, January 7, 1966.

  4. Robert Merry, “The KGB’s Ex-chief Had Britons Seething,” Chicago Tribune, March 15, 1975; “Stunde der Rache: Generalsekretär Breschnew ist einen Mann los, der sich an seine Stelle setzen wollte. Politbüro-Mitglied Alexander Schelepin,” Der Spiegel, April 21, 1975.

  5. Leonid Mlechin, KGB: Predsedateli orga
nov gosbezopasnosti. Rassekrechennye sluzhby (Moscow, 2006), chaps. 12 and 14.


  1. Typescript of Vladimir Semichastny’s memoirs, in Tomas Sniegon’s archive, 66. Cf. the abridged and censored Russian version in Semichastny, Bespokoinoe serdtse, 193.

  2. Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB (New York, 1999), 367.

  3. Reinhard Gehlen, Der Dienst. Erinnerungen, 1942–1971 (Mainz, Germany, 1971); Reinhard Gehlen, The Service (Cleveland, OH, 1972), 241.

  4. Gerhi Strauss, “Ex-KGB Assassin Now Lives in SA,” “Stashinsky’s First Perfect Murder as a KGB Agent”; “The Farm Boy Who Became Police Chief,” all in Cape Times, March 5, 1984, 11.

  5. Associated Press, “Ex-KGB Agent Living in S. Africa,” March 5, 1984; “KGB Man Given Asylum,” Times of India, March 6, 1984; “Assassin of Rebet, Bandera Living in South Africa,” Ukrainian Weekly, March 18, 1984; “Kolyshnii ahent KGB B. Stashyns’kyi znaishov prytulok u PAR,” Svoboda, March 14, 1984; Hanlie van Straaten’s e-mail messages of July 12 and 16, 2013, to the author about her conversations with Geldenhuys.

  6. Deacon and West, Spy!, 152; Khazan, “Pisatel’ i diplomat Sergei German”; Records of the Rohrbeck Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Archive, Dallgow.

  7. “South African Police: Special Task Force. History,”; Legal notice no. 30811, Green Gazette, February 29, 2008.

  8. Anatolii Lemysh, “My mnogo utrachivaem ot togo, chto boimsia vser’ez kopnut’ nashu istoriiu,” Den’, October 24, 1998; Vladislav Krasnov, Soviet Defectors: The KGB Wanted List (Stanford, CA, 1986), 30; report and notes on the Soviet use of parapsychology, in Nikolai Khokhlov papers, boxes 1, 3, Hoover Institution Archives.

  9. Record of author’s conversation with General Geldenhuys on April 1, 2013, in author’s archive; Hanlie van Straaten’s e-mail messages of July 12 and 16, 2013, to the author about her conversations with Geldenhuys.


  1. Natalia Prykhod’ko, “Bohdan Stashyns’kyi: Ia vykonav svii obov’iazok pered Ukraïnoiu,” Livyi bereh, August 8, 2011.

  2. Taras Kuzio, “Émigré Strategies Face Soviet and Ukrainian Realities,” Kyiv Post, November 17, 2011,; Alexander J. Motyl, “A KGB Assassin Speaks,” Ukraine’s Orange Blues, World Affairs, November 18, 2011,

  3. Iurii Andrukhovych, “Chuvyrla u chudovys’ko,” Khreshchatyk, March 12, 2008; Serhii Herman, Inge: Roman (Kyiv, 2012); Roman Babenko, “Z koho Serhii Herman napysav vbyvtsiu Bandery Stashyns’koho,” Bukvoïd, December 5, 2012; “Love Is Stronger Than KGB,” Fresh Production, July 26, 2012,; “Gruzinskii rezhisser snimet film ob ubiitse Bandery s kinozvezdami Gollivuda,” Zerkalo nedeli, December 7, 2012.

  4. “SVR otritsaet prichastnost’ k otravleniiu Litvinenko,” News RU, November 21, 2008,

  5. “U L’vovi bezbiletnykh pasazhyriv porivniuiut’ z ubyvtseiu Bandery,” Komentari, November 28, 2008; “Yushchenko and the Poison Theory,” BBC News, December 11, 2004,; David Marples, “Stepan Bandera: The Resurrection of a Ukrainian National Hero,” Europe-Asia Studies 58, no. 4 (June 2006): 555–566; Alex J. Motyl, Ukraine, Europe and Bandera, Cicero Foundation, Great Debate Paper no. 10/05 (March 2010); Andre Liebich and Oksana Myshlovska, “Bandera Memorialization and Commemoration,” Nationalities Papers 42 (2014): 750–770.

  6. Motyl, “KGB Assassin Speaks.”

  7. Nikolai Kuznetsov, “Natsional-bol’sheviki Khar’kova prizvali pereimenovat’ Molodezhnyi park,” Gorodskoi dozor, April 26, 2011; Bogdan Stashinsky blog,; Author’s interview with Anatol Kaminsky.

  8. Anthony Faiola, “A Ghost of World War II History Haunts Ukraine’s Standoff with Russia,” Washington Post, March 25, 2013; Andreas Umland, “Stepan Bandera, das Faschismuskonzept, das “Weimarer Russland” und die antiukrainische Propagandakampagne des Kremls,” Voices of Ukraine, May 12, 2014,

  9. Andrew Wilson, Ukraine Crisis: What It Means for the West (New Haven, CT, 2014); “Nazi-Kollaborateur und ukrainischer Held,” Die Welt, August 18, 2014; Stepan Petrenko, “V chuzhom piru pohmel’e, ili kto i zachem ubil Banderu?” Zaria Novorossii, October 14, 2014,

  10. Cnaan Liphshiz, “For Ukrainian Jews, Far-Right’s Electoral Defeat Is the Proof That Putin Lied,” Jewish Telegraphic Agency, June 2, 2014,; “Chomu Svoboda ne proishla v parlament?” OSP-UA, October 29, 2014,

  11. Lesia Fediv, “Vin ubyv Banderu,” Shchodennyi L’viv, May 22, 2008.

  12. Ibid.; Mariia Hoiduchyk, “Toi samyi Bohdan: Maty Stashyns’koho, diznavshys’, shcho syn vbyv Banderu, zbozhevolila,” Ekspres, October 14, 2010,


  1. Ian Fleming, The Man with the Golden Gun (New York, 1965), 15–18.

  2. Moskovs’ki vbyvtsi, 389–392; Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment (New York, 2011 [1866]); Joseph Conrad, Under Western Eyes (Mineola, NY, 2003 [1911]).

  3. John le Carré, The Spy Who Came in from the Cold: A George Smiley Novel (New York, 2012), 15.

  4. Andrew and Mitrokhin, The Sword and the Shield, 355–358; Archie Brown, The Rise and Fall of Communism (New York, 2009), 206–207, 644–645.

  5. Athan G. Theoharis, ed., with Richard Immerman, Loch Johnson, Kathryn Olmsted, and John Prados, The Central Intelligence Agency: Security Under Scrutiny (Westport, CT, 2006), 169–172; Tim Weiner, “CIA Plotted Killing of 58 in Guatemala,” New York Times, May 28, 1997.

  6. “Russia Behind Chechen Murder,” BBC News, June 30, 2004,; “Russian Foreign Intelligence Service Denies Its Participation in the Death of Yandarbiyev,” NewsInfo, February 13, 2004,

  7. Boris Volodarsky, The KGB’s Poison Factory: From Lenin to Litvinenko (Minneapolis, 2010), 62–116, 137–181, 189–253.

  8. “Full Report on the Litvinenko Inquiry,” New York Times, January 21, 2016.

  9. “Drone Wars Pakistan: Analysis,” New America,; Daniel Byman, “Why Drones Work: A Case for Washington’s Weapon of Choice,” Foreign Affairs (July-August 2013): 32–43; Audrey Kurth Cronin, “Why Drones Fail: When Tactics Drive Strategy,” Foreign Affairs (July-August 2013): 44–54; Marina Fang, “Nearly 90 Percent of People Killed in Recent Drone Strikes Were Not the Target,” Huffington Post, October 15, 2016,


  Abwehr (Nazi military intelligence), 13, 16, 218

  Adenauer, Konrad, 90, 211, 225, 289

  Kennedy, J. F., and, 219–220

  Aeskewer 1. See Stashinsky, Bogdan

  African National Congress, 304–305

  Agabekov, Georgii, 130

  Agaiants, Ivan, 101

  Aleksandrov, Yurii, 176, 180, 182, 183–184, 189, 191, 199–200

  Aleksei Alekseevich. See Krokhin, Aleksei

  Allgemeiner Deutscher Nachrichtendienst (East German Information Agency), 102–103

  All-Union Communist Party, 11

  America, 140, 157, 291, 322

  Bandera, S., and, 89

  Center for Transatlantic Relations in, 311

  CIC of,

  FBI of, 287, 299–300

  Ukrainians in, 223, 227, 279–280, 299–300

  See also Central Intelligence Agency; Congress, US; Senate, US

  Andropov, Yurii, 302–303

  Angleton, James Jesus, 297–298

  Anti-Bolshevik Bloc of Nations, 252

  anticommunism, 284–286

  Nachtigall battalion and, 103–104, 150

  in West Germany, 101

  Asian People’s Anticommunist League, 252

  assassinations, 1–3, 120, 145–146

  of Agabekov, 130

  of Bandera, S., 59–65, 67–69, 99, 113, 128, 148–153, 204–205, 254–256, 265, 311–312

  of Halan, 6, 17, 20, 23–24, 242

  of Kennedy, J. F., 287–289

  of Konovalets, 13–15, 58, 114

  Korotkov and, 108–110, 130

  of Rebet, L., 45–51, 85, 246–250

  of Romzha, 15–16

  of Shumsky, 15–16

  of Skoropadsky, D., 249

  Stalin and, 13–16, 114–115

  by Sudoplatov, 14–15, 58

  atomic bomb, 29

  Auclères, Dominique, 241–242

  Auschwitz, 8, 22, 241, 247

  Auschwitz criminals, 289–290, 294

  Austria, 204


  of Bandera, S., 70–73, 86

  of Hess, 71

  of Rebet, L., 52

  Avksentievich, Georgii. See Ishchenko, Georgii

  Avramenko. See Fabrichnikov, Arkadii Andreevich

  Bandera, Natalia, 235, 269–270

  Bandera, Stepan (Stefan Popel), 7–8

  address of, 59–60, 252

  America and, 89

  assassination of, 59–65, 67–69, 99, 113, 128, 148–153, 204–205, 254–256, 265, 311–312

  autopsy of, 70–73, 86

  BND and, 90–93, 217–218

  CIA and, 81, 84–96, 98–99, 148–153

  CIC and, 83


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