Dirty Bird (Caged #2)

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Dirty Bird (Caged #2) Page 4

by M Dauphin

  She doesn't hold back this time, her hands roaming me, her moans exceedingly loud as I slam into her. It's a good fucking thing this basement is soundproof.

  Taking her hair and wrapping it in my hand, she hisses at the pain then pulls up to slam her lips to mine. My free hand goes around her throat and starts to cut off oxygen as I slam into her, harder and harder. Each thrust is harder than the next, and each bring out a moan from her more needy than the last. I see her face turning red from the pressure, and that alone is enough to set me off.

  It's been a fucking month of using my own goddamned left hand. I can hate this woman all I want, but when it comes down to it, she's the best fucking lay I've ever had.

  She screams out as soon as my orgasm starts to rip through me, sending waves of pleasure through my entire fucking body as her pussy clenches around me. I collapse next to her as we both catch our breath.

  Goddamn I need her in my life. She's sated, eyes half closed, and all I want to do is carry her upstairs and not make her sleep one more night in this dark basement alone.

  This isn't happening. I can't go fucking weak around her! She tried to ruin me! She tried ruining this entire empire; I can't show weakness!

  Abruptly I stand up, taking a breath and grabbing my clothes, pulling them on.

  Feigning indifference, though my heart is racing, I shrug and look over at her, so fucking gorgeous and glowing. "One of these days I'll break you, Megs. I have faith." I wink at her and turn and leave, slamming and locking both doors behind me.

  Fuck, this game is going to be harder than I had planned, but then again, this is Megan Porter I'm dealing with. She's anything but easy. I just have to make sure I come out on top of this game we're playing.

  By the time I've cleaned up and collected myself, Bronson's teacher is just leaving for the day.

  "He's doing great," she croons as she waits for her payment, twirling her platinum blonde hair.

  The skirt she's wearing today is just slightly shorter than the one from yesterday, and if I didn't like a little eye candy around here, I'd have told her already to knock that shit off while she's trying to teach my kid. She does work wonders though, and I'm already seeing a change in him. He was curious before, but now he has a want to learn; something he never really had before education. It's only been a few days but already I know this was the right choice for him.

  "Daddy, when do we get to see Birdie?" He's sitting on my lap, playing with his new smart watch I got him. If he's going to be a part of my life, as muddled as it is, I need to know where he is at all times and be able to reach him or vice versa whenever I need to. This watch aides in that. He's content just sitting here, checking it out quietly as I try to conjure a way to break that feisty bitch in the basement without going weak in the knees around her. I need something that's going to throw her off her game. She was dead set on attacking me today, filled with hate and anger.



  "Birdie? When's she gonna feel better?" His eyes hit mine, that sad look I always break for, and the pit of guilt opens inside me.

  I told him that Megan was sick and that's why he couldn't see her. I told him she has to stay away from us for a while in a different part of the house so we don't get sick. Hell, she still thinks he's dead thanks to my quick wit when she asked about him. I thought it would break her, but it just gave her more fuel to hate me.

  That's when it hits me. The only thing that can make Megan weak is her compassion, but she only feels anything remotely close to that for him. She'll do anything for the boy... and he does need a mother. I think it's time I throw her world around again just a little bit. Send her for another tail spin in a different direction.

  "I think she may be able to have some company tonight."

  His face brightens and the smile that spreads across it is contagious.

  "Come on, let's go give Mom a big surprise."

  The title 'mom' sounds funny on my lips. I haven't called a woman that in a very long time. Having Megan as Bronson's mom is the only way to go. It'll just take time for me to get used to saying it.

  He excitedly follows me to the other end of the house from our living quarters, but doesn't say a word. He's only lived here a short time so for the most part he's stayed in one area of the mansion. He has no reason to come to this side of the house, so he doesn't. When I open the basement door I notice the hesitant look in his eyes as he looks into the dark foyer.

  "Come on," I say, heading in first. He follows slowly, and when I get to the door that leads to her, I turn to him and kneel. "Listen, she may not feel the best, okay bud? So you just have to be careful with her until she's back to feeling herself again. Can you do that?"

  He nods his head vigorously and smiles as I turn the key in the lock.

  "Megs?" I say hesitantly.

  Last time I came down here she fucking blindsided me. I'm not having that again.

  I hear her mumble something from across the room. Flipping the light on, I notice she's still on the floor where I left her; at least she's clothed now. Her eyes are closed and she's not even responding to me being here.

  "Birdie!" Bronson plows past me and runs toward her.

  The moment she hears his voice she shoots up and her face immediately brightens, though even that look's hard. What's wrong with her? Watching them hug, seeing her reaction to him, it takes me a moment to tamp down whatever emotion it is that I'm feeling. It might be pure joy for what we can have, but right now I need to focus on Megan.

  She looks like shit.

  How did I not notice this earlier? Her face is pale, slight bruises mar her normally clean skin. There's a mother fucking bandage on the hand she has sitting at her side while she uses her other arm to wrap around Bronson. I didn't notice any of this before.

  "I've missed you," she murmurs as she brings him closer.

  He's clinging to her for dear life, and she's just barely holding onto him. Like she doesn't have the energy to do much more than she's doing right now.

  "Are you feeling ok now? Daddy said I can call you mommy and him daddy. Miss Katy is teaching me how to write my name. I know my alphabet and she said I'm her best behaved student!"

  I chuckle at how fast he spills the beans to her, but now's as good of time as any I guess. Half waiting for her to yell at me for all these decisions I've made without her, I wait to defend myself. The questions and the anger never come though. She nods and smiles at him, unlike the Megan I've known; unlike the Megan I saw just a few hours ago. What happened to the feisty, strong woman that tried to kill me a few hours ago?

  "How you feeling?" I butt in, finally walking closer to her to get a better look. Her hair is tangled, the bruising on her face looks even more harsh now that I'm closer. There's bruises on her arms and that bandaged hand has blood seeping through. "Jesus Meg's," I whisper, moving closer to her.

  Kneeling down, Bronson is busy showing her his new watch and how it can make phone calls, but I'm focused on the blood and bruises. She's not paying attention to me, but I can't take my eyes off her.

  How in the mother fucking hell did I not notice all of this earlier?

  I know how... I was so focused on not being beaten, which quickly turned to claiming what's mine, rightfully, and sending her into a euphoric bliss. I wasn't focused on seeing what's happened to her since I locked her down here. Jesus, at the hand of who? Fucking Jasper, that's who. Who else has had contact with her in this last month? No one, that's who. God fucking dammit. I feel my blood start to boil as I pick up her hand and examine it. I want to see what's under this bandage, but I really don't want to freak the kid out and that's exactly what will happen. From the looks of it though, she's missing part of her finger underneath this bandage, and that thought alone makes my stomach churn with rage.

  I've never wanted Jasper dead... but for what he did to her I will have his mother fucking head on a platter.

  "Who did this to you, Megs?" I growl, already knowing my answer but wanting t
o hear it from her lips.

  Fuck, he's a dead man.

  She glances over at me, her eyes glazed over as she shakes her head.

  "Look!" Bronson hits a button on his watch and my phone starts to ring.

  "Nice," she whispers, mustering up a smile for him.

  "Megan. Did... did he?"

  Fuck, I can't even fucking see straight! Her mother fucking fingers?!

  "Birdie, look!" Bronson starts to hop on one foot, showing off this new talent that makes her face break into a weak smile.

  "Megan," I demand.

  She looks over at me briefly and shakes her head again, focusing her attention back to Bronson.

  I'm going to murder him for doing this to her. I wanted to break her to be my queen; not break her physically... not make her into a shell of the woman she used to be. Fuck!

  "Bronson, stay here with Mom. I'll be right back."

  She may not want to tell me who did this to her, but I'm not fucking stupid. I know exactly who's to blame for this. Slamming the doors behind me, I'm on a mission to murder. Or at least beat the life out of the man that broke my girl.

  "Jasper!" my voice bellows through the empty halls. Room after room, hallway after hallway, there's no one fucking here! "Jasper!" I scream, bursting through every closed door. I feel like a mad man. A mad fucking man that is out for mother fucking blood. Panting, sweating, I search each mother fucking room in this mansion. "You can't hide from me, Jasper!" Tossing a table, I growl and curse.

  He's a dead fucking man.

  A banging on the front door brings my focus back to the now. What the hell?

  "Tito!" I holler, coming down the stairs. Where the fuck is everyone today?! The banging on the door doesn't subside as I make it to the foyer. "I'm coming. Fuck!"

  Swinging open the door, the faces that meet me make me immediately regret not checking cameras.

  "How the fuck did you get past the gates?" Eyes wide, I'm certain I look like a crazed fool; I definitely fucking feel like it.

  B.K. mother fucking Vig.

  "Ace," he states then looks over at the man at his side. "This is my son, Benjamin."

  Benjamin? The kid from just a few years ago? He's not a kid anymore though.

  "How can I help you boys today?" I clear my throat and turn back into the lackey that I'm so used to playing. "Jasper isn't here today," I say trying not to growl.

  "We just came to talk. Business. May we come in please?"

  Benjamin, the son, is watching me carefully. He's the epitome of tall, dark, and some-kind-of handsome. The sweater he's wearing certainly doesn't do him any good though. There's something about this man that's rubbing me the wrong way.

  "Of course. Come in."

  What the hell are they doing here? Where the FUCK is Jasper? Why the shit does it seem like things are falling the fuck apart today?!

  "We'll cut straight to the chase, Ace." B.K. stands near his son who's taken a seat on the sofa.

  Stop getting so fucking comfortable in my mother fucking house!

  "That's fine. I'll pass along to Jasper whatever it is you boys need." I lean on the desk in the large open room, facing the couch and watch Benjamin's reactions to whatever his father has to tell me.

  "Good. That's good. You see..." B.K. trails off and chuckles. "Well, Jasper has something that belongs to us." He smiles.

  "Is that so?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

  The last time we were in an altercation with B.K. and his crew was when Megan fucked him over and I shot him in the kneecap. The limp he's walking with today is the only sign of that night.

  "Not really some thing. More like, some...one."

  "One. Some one. Like a person? A human fucking being?" I laugh at the look on his face. Serious. He's mother fucking serious!

  "Yes," he deadpans.

  My eyes flick to his son and he looks just as serious as his fucking father. I don't know who they're looking for, but if they're thinking they're here to collect Jasper's head, there will be an even bigger war.

  "Good god." I chuckle. "You two are delusional." And I'm right there with them the way I'm feeling today.

  "I'm afraid not. You see, his girl... Megan? She belongs to my son, and we're here to collect on a debt." His words hit me and if the desk wasn't behind me I would have already stumbled back from them.

  Fuck me. A bullet to the gut would feel better right about now. Megan?

  "I'm sorry, I don't think I quite understand what you're saying to me." I chuckle again, because, honestly, I'm not certain what other emotion to convey right now.

  In their eyes I'm still the lackey that shouldn't care what Jasper does and who he keeps. I'm just Ace. I'm no one. I can't get mad at them for needing to fill a fucking debt!

  Before he can get another word out, my phone rings Bronson's ringtone.

  "Hang on," I mumble pulling out my phone and trying to calm myself before I bring up the call.

  I'm not certain how much more shit I'm going to be able to take today.

  "Dad! Birdie! She's not waking up, dad! Help me!" his tiny voice yells from my phone, echoing through the silent room. "Birdie wake up!" Bronson's cries ring in my ears and the room starts spinning.

  "Fuck!" I slam my fist on the desk and take off towards the basement in a full speed run.

  The only thing that matters right now is her. The only thing I care about is Megan. Fuck those mother fuckers in my office right now. Fuck them and the mother fucking horse they rode in on! She's fucking mine, and she's not fucking dying tonight! Jesus Christ!

  Blowing through the doors, I skip three steps at a time and throw open the basement door to a crying Bronson and Megan on the floor.

  "Hey, buddy, it's ok. She's gonna be ok, alright?" I pull him into my arms and soothe him, unable to peel my eyes from her on the floor. "Listen, go sit on the stairs right there. I have to get her up, okay? Can you do that for me? But no farther than the stairs!" I snap. I don't need B.K. finding out about this.

  Pulling Megan into my arms, her skin is on fire and beads of sweat fall from her as I carry her to the bathroom and run the water.

  "Come on, Megs." Fully clothed, I sit the both of us in the cool running water of the bath tub. I have to get her body temperature down and I'm not about to throw her in a bath tub unconscious. "Jesus, Megan, come on." Frantically, I pull at the bandage on her hand to get the dirty wraps off of it.

  The sight before me makes me nauseous.


  That sick fuck cut off the tips of two of her fingers, then didn't even get her treated for it! The infection that's set in is slowly killing her.

  "Come on, Megan, wake up for me." I murmur, rocking her back and forth, trying to get her to wake.

  I refuse to lose her at the hand of Jasper. No fucking way. Not when her son is sitting out there on the stairs worried to death about her. Not when there's people upstairs that want her alive. People that, with the right help, could bring even an empire as strong as mine down with one snap of a finger.

  Fuck. This can't be happening. I... Fuck, I need her!

  Finally, after what feels like forever of sitting in this ice fucking cold water, she mumbles something and starts to stir. A wave of relief washes through me. Relief, anger, and fear. She's not out of the woods yet, but she's waking up.

  "Megs," I whisper, her eyes lazily finding mine. "Hey, beautiful. Listen, I have to get you some meds, okay?" I hate to leave her alone, but it's the only option.

  I'm not about to take her up there where those men can see her, and I can't stay down here and just hope she pulls through this. Tito keeps everything we need in the upstairs bathroom cabinet. All I have to do is escort the unwelcome guests out, grab the meds, and I'll be right back.


  She nods and her eyes flutter shut again.

  "No. No, no, no, Megan. Wake up, babe." I pull the plug to the drain and move the handle to ice cold, turning on the shower spray to rain down on her.

  She hisses and curls i
nto a ball, but her eyes are open. "Fuck," she mumbles.

  "Stay. And don't fucking fall asleep again," I growl. "I'll be right back."

  At the stairs I see Bronson, curled in a ball and crying. Shit. This is why this world isn't made for kids! Fuck!

  "Hey, buddy, she's gonna be alright, okay? You did a good job calling me. That's exactly what this was for." I tap the watch on his wrist and pick him up, letting him wrap his limbs around me as I carry him up the stairs.

  The minute I get to the top of the stairs I see them. B.K. and Benjamin, leaning against the wall just across the hall from the basement. When they see me dripping wet and carrying Bronson, my entire body stiffens in fear. I'm not a scared man by any means, but now my child is thrown into danger, and I suddenly want to murder them for even laying eyes on him.

  "We don't like being lied to, Lucas." Benjamin speaks up finally, eyeing Bronson curiously.

  "I never lied," I grit out.

  "What happened to your clothes?" He cocks his head as he watches the water drip to the floor.

  "Just a little mishap. I really should be getting this little man in bed." I try pushing them towards the door but they don't budge.

  "She's down there?" B.K. asks, nodding towards the doors.

  "Yes," I answer. "Listen, boys, this little man isn't feeling well and I need to get him in bed. Can we continue this another night?"

  Fuck, I think I'm going to pass out from nerves. Is this happening? A month in and this kid is already in the crosshairs of a very dangerous man?

  "Let us collect on our debt and we'll be on our way," B.K. states.

  "I'm sorry, boys. No can do tonight. There's something she owes Jasper, and I'm not at liberty to know these details. All I know is until they can work it out, she stays. I'll make sure to pass it along to him though, that she's yours as soon as whatever they need to finalize is dealt with."

  Did those words just come out of my mouth? Did I just agree to give her to them?

  Yes. Yes, I mother fucking did. Because at this rate I need them gone, and the one thing that's going to make that happen is to appease them as best as I can.


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