Gage's Serenity

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Gage's Serenity Page 10

by Taylor Rylan

  “Maybe. I’m not sure. I’ll be back just as soon as I make sure he’s okay.”

  “No, you stay at home with your mate. There’s nothing going on here. Your mate needs you, so you take care of him.”

  “You sure?”

  “Absolutely. Go home and take care of Linus. But let me know he’s okay, or if I need to send Arik over.”

  “Thanks, Alpha. I appreciate it.”

  “It’s nothing, Gage. You cover for me, and I’m more than glad to do the same for you. Just let me know what’s up with your mate, alright?”

  “Sure thing. Thanks again,” I said as I grabbed my stuff and headed out the door. My bear was pushing me to check on our mate, and I wanted nothing more than to get home and do just that. After I parked my squad vehicle in the garage, next to my truck that Linus drove, I slammed the door and raced into the house. I found my mate upstairs where I’d left him early this morning.

  “Linus, sweetheart? Please wake up.”

  “Mmm, Gage. Hi. What time is it? I’m so sleepy.”

  “Sweetheart, what’s wrong? Is your heat early? Are you okay?”

  “Come to bed, mate. Need you.”

  I looked at Linus, and I noticed the subtle things about him that I’d picked up over the past several weeks. He was definitely going into heat, and it was incredibly early. He’d just had a heat cycle just over a week ago. What was going on? Deciding I needed to get some supplies from the kitchen first, as well as give War a heads up, I left my sleeping mate in our bed and went to the dresser to lock my pistol in the box on the top before heading down to the kitchen.

  “So what’s the verdict?” War asked by way of greeting.

  “I don’t understand, Alpha. He’s showing all signs of going into heat again. I’m going to need some time off. I’m sorry. I’ll need to be here to take care of him though.”

  “Gage, don’t ever apologize for taking care of your mate. That’s what we do. We take care of the one that the fates bless us with. I’ll let Arik and Edison know. I’m sure they’ll both be anxious to know what’s going on with Linus. We’re only a phone call away, so be sure to let us know if you need anything.”

  “Thanks, Alpha. I will. I’ll be sure to check in, too.”

  “I appreciate that. Hopefully, the third time’s the charm with you two. Especially with it being so early.”

  “Thanks, War. I really do appreciate it. I’ll be in touch,” I said before hanging up. I grabbed the smaller cooler and filled it with sport drinks and snatched several boxes of protein and granola bars. I’d realized I was lucky with Linus’s heats. He didn’t experience the same type that bears did. Linus never really lost his ability to think during his heats. He was always coherent and responsive. Bear omegas though, they often didn’t remember their heats. Not until it was shared with them from their mates.

  After checking on Linus through our bond, I assessed that he was restless, so I hurried back upstairs to him. After putting the snacks and drinks down on one of the nightstands, I turned off the ringer to my phone. I wasn’t going to want to be disturbed for the next several days, so it was just better to make sure the ringer was silenced. After checking Linus’s phone and seeing that it was once again dead, I put it back on his nightstand before walking to the bathroom and stripping out of my uniform. I placed it in the dry cleaning hamper, and then crawled into bed with my equally naked mate.

  “Mmm, alpha?”

  “Hey, sweetheart. You missed lunch. You hungry?”

  “No, horny though,” Linus said as he crawled on top of me. I got a good smell of his arousal, and he was indeed in heat. It caused my dick to respond instantly, and when Linus sunk down on my cock, it was more than ready for him.

  “Sweetheart, slow down,” I said as I grabbed his hips to stop their rapid movement.

  “Please, alpha. I need you.” My mate squirmed on top of me, and I was helpless to not give him what he so desperately wanted. I rolled us so that Linus was below me, and I wrapped my arms around him and thrust into him over and over.

  When I felt my knot start to expand, I somehow remembered what Edison had said, so I pulled away from Linus and looked down at my mate. His eyes were heated and his channel was squeezing my cock over and over. He was close so I figured it was time to give it a try. After all, neither of us had anything to lose. My knot was almost impossible to pull out, which meant I was about to explode inside my mate. When Linus moaned, and then his channel clamped down on my cock to where I couldn’t pull out, I knew it was time.

  “Linus, it’s time to claim your alpha,” I said as I leaned down and bit into my mate’s shoulder again, directly on top of his claiming bite. When I did, my cock started releasing its seed into my mate, and when I pushed Linus’s face into my neck, he bit down on my claiming bite. I felt my knot expand larger than it ever had, and Linus moaned and groaned while his canines were still buried in my neck. Not even the first time we’d claimed each other had it been like this.

  I came harder than ever and just barely caught myself before I collapsed on top of my mate. I quickly rolled us so that Linus was on top of me before I cleaned up Linus’s new bite, which was already mostly healed. When I looked down at my adorable fox, I was met by his soft snores. That caused me to chuckle, and I wrapped my arms tightly around my mate.

  How did I ever get so lucky?

  Whatever was going on with Linus was confusing him, but not me. He went into heat three weeks early, and now that his heat was actually due, there were no signs of it. But I wasn’t surprised, because one, I heard a second heartbeat when near my precious mate. Two, his scent had changed and had become much stronger. And three, he was currently in the bathroom throwing up. I grabbed a washcloth to wring out and put on the back of his neck. It helped some, and he seemed to appreciate it.

  “Gage, I think I’m sick. I’ve never been sick before in my life. Maybe we should call Arik?”

  “Sweetheart. Think about what you just said. You’ve never been sick a day in your life. But yet you’re throwing up. Other than that, how are you feeling?” I took a second washcloth and gently wiped Linus’s face before he went to the sink to brush his teeth.

  “Honestly, I’m tired and I just want to sleep. But every time I lie down, I throw up. And even thinking about food makes it worse.”

  “That’s it? Nothing else?”

  “Gage, I just told you how I feel. What did you expect me to say?”

  I smiled at Linus’s snark. He simply wasn’t getting the fact that he was pregnant. I couldn’t believe he didn’t hear the heartbeat like I did. I pulled out my phone, and after finding the correct contact, I hit the call button.

  “Hey, Gage. Everything okay?”

  “Hi, Arik. Yeah, everything’s fine. Listen, I was wondering if you could squeeze us in soon for a pregnancy test?”

  When I said pregnancy, Linus spit the mouthwash he’d been rinsing with all over the sink and mirror.

  “Pregnant? Did you seriously say pregnant?” Linus asked.

  “Are you sure you want to subject him to the possibility of another negative test?” Arik asked through the phone.

  “Yes, I am. Because I know he’s pregnant. His heat is due but there’s no signs of it showing up, I hear another heartbeat, although it’s faint, and he’s spent the last several days throwing up. I’m pretty sure Linus is pregnant, Arik.”

  Linus stared at me, somewhat shocked, while I ran my fingers through his hair and down his too-pale cheek. Meanwhile, Arik laughed through the line. “I’ll send Papa over right away. His tea is wonderful for calming the stomach, but it tastes absolutely horrid. Besides, he can tell you better than I can if your mate is pregnant or not.”

  “Thanks, Arik. I really appreciate it.

  “No problem. I’ll let War know that our den might possibly be gaining a new cub or kit. But from the sounds of it, I’d say the probability is high. Especially since you said you heard the heartbeat.”

  “I do. It’s very faint though. I
s that normal? Especially since Linus is only going to carry for two and a half months?”

  “It’s fine. Since it’s almost the end of December, that would put him due the third week of February sometime. We’ll talk more about that when you come in for an appointment. I’ll let you go so you can take care of your mate, and I can call Papa.”

  “Thanks again, Arik,” I said before ending the call. I didn’t even get to set the phone down before Linus was full of questions.

  “You really think I might be pregnant?”

  “Sweetheart, I’m positive you are. Come on, let’s get you into bed. Hopefully, Edison will be here soon.”

  “Knock, knock. Can I come in?” the man in question said from the bedroom door.

  “Hey, Edison, please do,” I said as I helped Linus into bed. He wouldn’t lie down, but I didn’t blame him.

  “I hear there’s a possibility of a little one for you two.”

  “That’s what Gage says. I just feel sick to be honest. Aren’t I supposed to feel wonderful while pregnant?”

  “Not always, no. Wallace is downstairs. He’s rummaging around in your kitchen looking for a kettle for some hot water. But I can tell you now that yes, you two are indeed pregnant. I can hear the cub’s heartbeat as well as sense the aura.”

  “A cub? I’m giving Gage a little cub?” Linus asked excitedly from his spot on the bed. I simply looked at my mate and smiled. I honestly didn’t care if we were having a kit or a cub. I wanted my mate to not suffer though.

  “You’d think that I’d know better than to let that slip all the time. I’m sorry you two.”

  “Don’t be! We’re really pregnant? Like, truly and seriously pregnant?”

  “Yes, Linus. You’re pregnant and are going to have one single cub in February. Arik filled me in on the projected due date. He said he expected the third week of February, but he’d know a more precise due date when he knew about Linus’s last heat,” Edison told us. We were interrupted by Wallace who brought in a tray with crackers as well as a kettle with hot water and what looked to be tea leaves.

  “Here you go, young man. Just what the doctor ordered,” Wallace said as he carefully sat the tray down on the foot of the bed before handing Linus the cup of tea.

  “I know it smells and tastes bad, Linus. But I promise it does help,” Edison said as my mate gave the tea a sniff. I could smell it from where I was standing beside him and was thankful I wasn’t the one drinking it. Linus on the other hand simply brought the mug to his mouth, and after discovering it wasn’t scalding hot, he chugged the putrid smelling stuff.

  “It wasn’t that bad, really. But how often do I need to drink it and for how long?”

  I looked to Edison and Wallace, and they too, looked equally shocked.

  Linus — 16

  I was finally pregnant! I was never more thankful for the fact that I was a fox shifter, and we only had a two-and-a-half-month gestation. That meant I experienced everything at a much more rapid pace. The downside to that though, was that I seemed to be experiencing them at a much more intense level. But it all came back to the whole faster pace. Everything had to fit inside a two-and-a-half-month window. That’s where I got lucky. Especially with my first trimester and the all-day sickness.

  “Sweetheart, here’s some crackers and your tea,” my amazing mate whispered to me. He tip-toed around, and I found it cute. I tried to tell him more than once that I was beyond excited to finally be giving him a cub. He wouldn’t listen though.

  “Thanks, alpha. You know you don’t have to whisper, right?”

  “I didn’t want to disturb you if you were sleeping.”

  “Gage, you and I both know you knew I wasn’t sleeping. You’re constantly checking in on me through our bond, and you knew I was awake.”

  “Okay, busted. I’m trying, Linus. I feel terrible that you’re so sick though. It’s been two weeks already. Shouldn’t this be ending soon? Actually, shouldn’t this already have ended? You’re into your second trimester now.”

  “Yeah, it should. Which is probably why I’m feeling better today, and I think I’d really like something to eat for lunch. Maybe I can come into town and meet you?”

  “Are you sure? I mean, you’re already showing, sweetheart. It’s cold enough that you could wear a baggy sweater though.”

  “If you don’t want me to, I’ll stay home. Or maybe I can go hang out with Arik. He’s feeling better now.”

  “He’s in his last trimester. He should be. I’m happy for him that he’s only having one this time. War is excited to get a little princess. You should hear him at work.”

  “It can’t be any worse than Wallace. That man, I swear. He’s over the moon about getting a little girl. I guess I didn’t realize that he and Edison didn’t have any daughters or daughters-in-law.”

  “Yeah, I think warlocks tend to have male mates. No, they call them Ones. But back to lunch. It’s up to you. I’m meeting our newest deputy today with War. But I should still get lunch.”

  “Hmm. Okay, so can we do lunch tomorrow? Would that be better? I just don’t want to interrupt your meeting with the new guy.”

  “Tomorrow works. I’m glad that War was able to convince the county that we needed more deputies.”

  “I am too. How many are you getting?”

  “Eventually, we’ll have three more, bringing the total to five deputies as well as War.”

  “How many are shifters? Do you know?”

  “Well, I know that the new guy is. His name is Brice, and he’s from the pride. I assume he’s a lion shifter, but I’m not sure.”

  “Hmm. Okay. Well, why don’t you get to work, and a little later, I’ll see if Arik is up for a visit.”

  “You sure, sweetheart? I can stick around longer. Or if you really want lunch, we can do lunch.” Gage ran his fingers through my hair, which I desperately needed cut. He often did that, and when I asked him about it, he said it seemed to calm his bear. That made me happy. I liked that I could calm his bear.

  “Okay. I’ll head into work then. Just let me know if you need anything.”

  “I always do. Love you, alpha.”

  “I love you, too. You’re very precious to me, Linus. I hope you realize that.”

  “I do.”

  Gage gave me a quick kiss before he got up from the side of the bed where he’d been sitting and went to the dresser to grab his pistol.

  “I’ll be home around three, alright?”

  “Sounds good. I’ll be here, you know that.”

  “I do. And maybe we should go do some shopping over at the baby store in Timber Valley?”

  “Hmm, maybe? That could be fun.”

  “Yes, it could. And then I could treat you out to dinner. How about that?”

  “I say I’m in. Love you, alpha. I’ll see you later.”

  “You will,” Gage said as he leaned down and gave my nose a quick kiss before he turned and left the bedroom. I watched his ass as he left and thought again that I really was lucky. After eating a few crackers and drinking my tea, I laid down and fell back to sleep. By the next time I woke up, it was almost lunchtime, so I decided to wait to bug Arik another day. I’m sure he already had plans, so I went downstairs and made myself some lunch. Soup sounded good, so why not? My stomach was still a little questionable when it came to food, so soup was an excellent choice.

  “Sweetheart? You okay?”

  “Fine, why? I’m just making some soup for lunch.”

  “What happened to lunch with Arik?”

  “I fell asleep and just woke up. I figured he already had plans, so I decided to just make soup. Besides, after eating hardly anything for the past couple weeks, soup is good. How did your meeting go?”

  “It was good. Brice starts next week, and War told me that we’d be meeting with our other newbie at the end of the week. He’s coming in from Alabama.”

  “Oh wow. Is he a shifter, too?” I asked, hopeful. If they added a human to the mix, things were going to become inte

  “Unfortunately, no. I’m told this guy is a human. War tried to fight the county on it, but it was no use. They were determined we were going to have him.”

  “What’s that mean for the den?”

  “It means we’re all going to have to be very, very careful. Unless this guy knows about shifters already, we’ll all have to be extremely careful. We’re not the first ones to work with humans. Troy and Jai used to. We’ll all adjust.”

  “Alright. You still going to be home around three?”

  “Yes. I’ll see you then. We’re going across the street to the diner. War wants to show Brice around town a bit.”

  “Okay. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  Gage was gone and I went back to my soup. I was cheating and simply heating up a can of soup, but it was oh so yummy in my stomach. I’d eaten very little over the past several weeks, and I knew Gage was concerned about that. I was trying though.

  After I finished my soup and cleaned up the few dishes, I went to the office to browse at all of the baby things online.

  “Sweetheart? Where are you?”

  “In the office, Gage!”

  I looked up from the computer and realized it was just past three already. I’d spent several hours looking at baby things? How was that even possible?

  “There you are. What are you doing?” Gage asked as he came around the desk to give me a kiss. I started to get up out of the chair, but I should have known better. Gage simply picked me up and sat down with me in his lap before giving me the kiss.

  “I was shopping. Well, browsing, really.”

  “Why not shopping? You have a bank card.”

  “I know. But you know how I feel about that.”

  “Sweetheart, we’ve been over this. You know how I feel about all of it.”

  “I do. And I’ll have no choice but to use it eventually. I was just looking at all the baby stuff. I can’t believe there’s so much.”

  “Believe it. I’ve heard War mention how much stuff they’ve gotten for the twins. But on the upside, hopefully, we’ll have more children, sweetheart. We can use the furniture for future children as well.”


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