Seduced By The British Billionaire (Billionaire BWWM BBW Romance Book 1)

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Seduced By The British Billionaire (Billionaire BWWM BBW Romance Book 1) Page 1

by Tasha Blue



  A Billionaire BWWM Romance By..



  Tall, dashing and wealthy men do not grow on trees in the life of Amber Baptiste. So when she meets British Billionaire Charles Livingston in strange circumstances she is instantly intrigued.

  To her surprise, Amber discovers the attraction is mutual and the two begin a romantic relationship full of Champagne, Caviar and hot sex.

  However, it is only a matter of time before Amber discovers there is more to Charles then he is letting on. When the truth comes out about her English gent, will Amber want out also?

  Copyright Notice

  Tasha Blue

  Seduced By The British Billionaire © 2014, Tasha Blue


  This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

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  Trembling, Amber Baptiste fumbled to open the seal of the letter, which was addressed to her best friend Sasha Williams. In her heart she already knew what it was going to say: and she wasn’t prepared to break it to her. As the flap opened, revealing the official government letter, those heart-wrenching words written clearly in bold lettering.

  It is my painful duty to inform you…

  Tears moistened her eyes as her breathing grew heavy. The reality of it all was almost too much to handle. It seemed like only yesterday that Russell’s strong, commanding personality had walked through the door of their small apartment after a hard day at PT. His brilliant smile was enough to warm the heart of anyone. But now, that was all gone.

  Sasha saw Amber’s tears and began to cry, her dark brown eyes filled with fear. It started out as a steady stream whilst she choked back the question she was too afraid to ask. She licked the salty droplets as they landed on her beautiful ebony lips while Amber continued to read the letter, her heart shaking in her chest from the grief.

  “It is my painful duty to inform you,” her voice quivered, nearly breaking beyond the point of audibility. “That your husband, Lieutenant Russell William of the United States army, was killed in action on January 3, 2013.” She couldn’t read any further as Sasha began hysterically crying, her sobs heaving until she could barely breathe.

  “I’m so sorry,” Amber begged to the silent air, hoping that perhaps she could find the will within her to remain strong. She wrapped her arms tightly around her best friend. The feeling of helplessness washed over her until she felt lost within an empty void.

  The two women shared the same birthday and had remained best friends even now at twenty-seven. They did everything together and were nearly inseparable. She had been there for Sasha before her first date with Russell. She had suggested the color blue because it was Russell’s favorite. She had been maid of honor for their small quaint little wedding and saw them off for their honeymoon. Even their first fight, she held Sasha in her arms as she cried tears – much different to the ones now. And lastly, she had planned out the baby shower of their precious baby boy, expected to arrive in under a month. Sadly, all of that didn’t seem to matter now.

  Stricken by insurmountable grief, Sasha began to weep loudly to the brink of screaming. Her face fell into Amber’s bosom as she caressed her head.

  “Hush, my love,” Amber stroked her hair, blinking back the threatening tears. She refused to fall apart; she had to stay strong for Sasha. But the emotional barrier was so intense that it took everything in her to keep herself contained. “Cry my love. Just let it all out. I’m here for you,” she cooed, willing her spirit to wash over the small shaking frame in her arms.

  It was all she could do for her, and this stage of pain was the hardest. Denial would quickly settle in once the initial shock of sadness was over. Amber was prepared for this. It would take all she had within her heart and soul, but she would be there through thick and thin. Sasha was going to get through this, have a healthy baby boy and live her life happily.

  A knock at the door interrupted the woeful atmosphere. Amber tucked a pillow beneath her friend’s head and almost tripped over the TV cord before making it through the hall and to the front door. The apartment wasn’t overly lavish with furniture, it was quaint and homey with windows beaming in the sunshine from outside. Pictures adorned the walls of memories long ago. The coffee table, next to the floral couch, had carvings in it from other years and homes it had once resided in. Light blue walls created almost a beach-like atmosphere, which was the theme Sasha was going for. She loved the beach. Seashells and starfish were everywhere, from the candle-holders to the drink coasters.

  Glancing through the peephole, Amber’s eyes settled on a head of medium brown that complimented deep sea blue eyes. He was too close to see his face in its entirety. Momentarily she questioned whether or not to open the door, but in light of the recent unfortunate event, she decided to see what he wanted.

  Quickly wiping the tears from her dark bronze skin, she swung the door open and stared at him expectantly. “Hello.” She greeted him in a pleasant tone.

  While looking at her intently, which sent chills down her spine he spoke revealing a British accent, “Good day to you, Miss. By any chance is this the William’s residence?” He ran his fingers through his well-combed hair.

  Amber nodded her head. “Can I help you?” she inquired.

  Offering his hand, he introduced himself respectfully. “Charles Livingston, an old friend of Lieutenant Williams.”

  Accepting his hand, she looked him directly in the eye. Her touch was cold and trembling. “I’m afraid you’ve arrived at a bad time,” she forced her voice to remain steady. It was beginning to rasp faintly as she spoke.

  His expression registered her serious demeanor. “So I’ve heard. May I come in? Perhaps I can explain as to why I am here at such a fateful hour.”

  So he knew. There was no doubt about it. Motioning him inside, she missed her footing and nearly came crashing down.

  Charles reacted instinctively and reached out a well-muscled arm to stop her fall.

  “Whoa,” he cautioned, caressing her thin waist gently until she could regain balance. “Let’s sit you down,” he suggested.

  Blushing out of embarrassment, she apologized, taking careful steps down the hallway leading to the living room. She knew he trailed her closely from the soft patter of his footsteps
. Perhaps he didn’t trust her to stay on her feet all the way to the living room. She wasn’t even sure if she trusted herself, either. She felt drained, as if life had just sucked every ounce of her youth away in one cruel swipe.

  Making it to the living room, she tiptoed to where Sasha laid, her head buried in the pillow. “Sasha,” she said, touching her shoulder softly with her fingertips. “We have a visitor.”

  “Tell them to go away,” she said, swinging her arm towards the doorway. “I need to be alone.”

  Amber cringed, and then turned to Charles. “Is there any way you can come back another day?”

  “That I can do,” he confirmed while knitting his brow. His expression turned to one of concern. “At least let me offer my respects. I am so sorry for your loss,” he said in dark languid tones. “If there is anything I can do…”

  Sasha shook her head in the pillow, apparently listening. “Thank you,” she croaked.

  “You look worn down.” He said as he observed Amber. “Allow me to at least take you out for some lunch,” he offered, smiling a little with high hopes. “Perhaps I can talk to you a bit and you can relay things to Mrs. Williams when she is in a better state.”

  Sasha peeped up from her sulking position, her little white dress stained with wet tears. “Go,” she said peevishly. “I kind of want some time to myself.” She didn’t quite look at the two who stood before her. Her gaze was off somewhere distant, her eyes glazed over in the dim lighting.

  “I can’t,” Amber bit her lip, casting one look at her stricken friend. “Don’t be silly.”

  Charles voiced up, “Leave her be for a while. It is probably best. She will call you when she needs you.” His tone was soft and sure, as if he knew exactly what to do.

  Reluctantly Amber debated whether to leave her friend. She couldn’t bear to see Sasha like this but she was hungry, and fresh air seemed rather inviting. The company wasn’t so bad either from the looks of him. He was tall and extremely handsome, with a slight touch of an accent going on when he spoke. There was something comforting about his presence, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

  “Okay,” she finally agreed. “There’s a café down the street within walking distance.” She suggested.

  “I think we can do better than that.” He smiled warmly, pulling out a set of keys from his khaki pants pockets. His ensemble from head to toe screamed money, especially the fancy tan leather designer shoes he wore.

  Grabbing her purse from a nearby chair, Amber rushed to hug her friend reassuringly before heading to the hall. It was going to be a long day and night for Sasha. It wouldn’t be long before she received a phone call begging for her to come over. And, of course, she would do just that.

  “Let’s go,” Charles proposed, opening the door to the welcome sunshine of New York City. Its streets were bustling with cars and pedestrians of all walks of life. The smell of car exhausts was in the air, soaking into almost everything surrounding it. But for those who lived in this particular area of the city, it was second nature to them. Only a few trees dotted the street, giving some shade to the tightly parked automobiles and as Amber cleared the small stairwell down to the sidewalk, she began to wonder which car was his, and where exactly the day would lead.

  He paused and turned to her. “I had to park a bit down, so wait here and I will swing by with my car.” He requested, then turned to walk down past a few trees.

  Amber contented herself with watching a couple of doves up in the tree. They nestled together, cooing as birds do. They looked so warm and affectionate that it made her smile. That was the first time today that she smiled, she thought, and it felt good. The other thing that touched her senses was the cool breeze hitting her dark skin. As it rushed down her luscious curves, she smiled at such wild fantasies coming to mind. Sometimes she liked to envision the wind as a man’s hands, delicately stroking her femininity with a lustful passion. Moments like these made her feel calm and content to be human for a time.

  The roar of a horse-powered engine shattered her daydream into a million tiny little pieces. With windows down, the sexy black car pulled up in front of her apartment with an eager Charles beckoning her to the passenger side. Amber almost fell as she set eyes on the lavishly expensive Lamborghini just waiting for her, and the attractive male behind the driver’s seat.

  “Get in.” He motioned, clearly satisfied with the shocked reaction he got from her. “There is much to say.”


  Amber shifted uncomfortably in her seat, a little intimidated by the setting around her. “We could’ve gone somewhere less…expensive.” She offered. “This is so fancy.”

  “Relax,” he said, very in tune with her body language. “Don’t fret about it.” He assured her while hailing down one of the French waiters.

  “Bonjour Monsieur,” he greeted with a pleasant smile. “What may I get you today, perhaps a bottle of wine pour la mademoiselle? I can recommend an excellent vin rouge.”

  Charles nodded approvingly while watching Amber cast doubtful looks over the menu. Charles waited to see what Amber’s reactions to his suggestion and finally asked, “Do you drink, Ms…” Then his expression darkened. “You never did tell me your name. I find that to be quite unfair seeing as I told you mine,” he mused. There was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

  Amber blushed out of embarrassment, her face reflecting puzzlement. “Didn’t I…?”

  He shook his head. Turning to the waiter, “What’s your best wine Monsieur?”

  Amber cut in when she heard the question, “There’s no need…” She really didn’t want him to go through the trouble of paying a fortune on lunch.

  Charles had already made up his mind and held up his hand to silence her. His commanding air was quite intimidating. There was something about him that made her seemingly comply to his wishes. “You, mademoiselle,” he proceeded on blending to the French classy atmosphere. “Do not get to talk until you tell me your name.” Then he smiled, turned to the waiter, and handed him two one hundred dollar bills. “Do what you can.” He requested.

  “With pleasure Monsieur.” He greedily embraced the money and disappeared behind a set of double doors.

  Charles now stared expectantly at Amber, putting his menu down on the cream tabletop. “You’re not one for talking, are you?” He questioningly observed.

  She stared off in the distance for a second at the beautiful scene behind him. Glassy waters lay far and wide, its crystal depths only interrupted by the boats channeling in and out. Curtains of violet caressed the windows, letting in adequate amounts of sunshine. Those rays, in turn, hit the wine glasses adorning each table, and bounced off polished silverware. Each table was arranged meticulously in well thought out patterns. The settings complimented the restaurant’s classy atmosphere nearly to perfection.

  She looked down at her own clothing. A pair of jeans and a somewhat dressy pink blouse was what she managed to throw on this morning. Thank goodness she liked glitter, because her shoes were somewhat stylish, with tiny sparkling bows.

  After taking everything in, she looked up at him. “I’m Amber Baptiste.” She said, nervously wringing her pretty petite hands. “I’m not usually like this, but…I just have way too much on my mind right now. Please forgive me.” She paused, wondering if she should continue. “You seem like a really nice guy, Charles. If you had shown up another day, I probably would’ve received you quite differently.” Her eyes searched his for some kind of acceptance to her apology.

  His countenance softened. “It’s quite alright. I’m not making accusations. I want you to be comfortable.” His voice was surprisingly sensual amidst his vast masculinity. “Perhaps we should start off with some further introductions.” He sat up straight in his chair, broad shoulders square with the rest of his body in a purely habitual stance.

  Noticing her own slouching, she sat up straight as well. He was obviously ex-military, from his posture to the pressed long pants he wore. His body was well carved with musc
le, as well. But the most noticeable characteristic was the illustrious Rolex watch around his large wrist, which gave away more than one hint about his character. The first was that he was loaded with money. However, the fact that he preferred military time to normal time betrayed his past quite evidently. Above all, she found herself completely spellbound by this man, experiencing twinges of attraction that couldn’t be ignored.

  “Tell me,” she said, forcing aside her pointless new found desires. “What is it you want from Sasha?” There was no point in falling for this man. He was way out of her reach. So, she decided to ignore her own blossoming interest and get straight to the point.

  His striking blue eyes settled on her face. “Before I begin, if I may say,” he spoke rather boldly. “That you’re quite beautiful, Ms. Amber.” He waited for her reaction to his confession. He remained steadfast in his confident air, sweeping her up swiftly with his idealistic nature.

  Thrown off by the unexpected compliment, she smiled shyly. A rush of butterflies nervously fluttered around her stomach, poking and tickling her nerves. She knew she was pretty but she preferred not to think of herself as so. She had large bright brown eyes and soft alluring plump lips. Her bronze skin almost glowed, caressing her luscious curves that showed plainly on her petite frame.


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