Seduced By The British Billionaire (Billionaire BWWM BBW Romance Book 1)

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Seduced By The British Billionaire (Billionaire BWWM BBW Romance Book 1) Page 4

by Tasha Blue

  Fighting with the bra for a few more seconds, his patience waned. “Take it off.” He growled, hoisting her up. Her fingers reached delicately to the strap in the back. When it was unhooked, he tossed it to the other side of the room, glad to be free of it.

  He stared down at her two beautiful breasts, their skin like the softness of rose petals. They were round and sensual, her nipples hard and ready. Her mind raced with the prospects of what would come next, but she wasn’t prepared fully for him. His tongue found its aim, slowly circling around her nipple without quite touching it. She felt her own wetness increase in the secret of her femininity. She still had her pants on. How long before he tossed those across the room? Soon, she begged, unable to handle the searing need growing within.

  His tongue lingered on her breasts, slow and smoothly purposeful. She felt her legs slowly opening, begging for attention all the way to her small toes. She wanted his hands to caress her. Sweat beaded his forehead amongst ragged breathing. He smelled a mixture of cologne and hormones, making the scent of his body sweet and irresistible, and mixing with hers.

  “You smell so good.” Her eyes zealously conveyed the undying urge building inside.

  His response was purely brazen, sucking on her breasts heatedly. She cried now, her head rolling back and her mouth opening, letting her sighs of painful pleasure pierce the air. She was roiling now, her heart pounding, as she felt the slickness of her female nature utterly soak through tiny silk pink panties. It was as if a line directly connected down below, sending the sharp torturous twinges beneath her delicate thong. Lying beside her, he unbuttoned her pants, ripping them off to reveal the tiny undergarment she wore. Her head filled with gratitude to be rid of the barrier between them, having soaked through from her dampness.

  He pressed himself against her leg while spreading them open. Tracing his fingers down the middle of her stomach, she felt him stop short at the silky seams. They were cute, which was the reason she had bought them, but right now she wished the fire within her would just burn them off. Delicately his fingers rolled until they hit the place of rapture, causing her to jerk with sickly sweet spasms. At first, just the soft placement of his fingers made her pulse, rubbing up and down over the thin material. He shifted his hips, letting his firmness push up against her, betraying the wicked nature plaguing his body. He teased her until she could handle it no more, taking care to only softly touch her swelling exterior.

  “Charles,” She whispered, his finger sliding upwards.

  He didn’t reply, clearly satisfied with the excruciating tease he inflicted upon her and the curled fingers she dug in his full hair. Ripping her panties off quite effortlessly, he rolled over her, looking into her wild smokey eyes. His pelvis was positioned for the kill and she felt his raging erection brush against the inside of her thigh. Its petal softness felt good to her. He nodded towards the drawer on the nightstand beside the bed, his concentration waning. Accidentally, he lowered himself towards her, letting his pulsing manhood touch against her as he winced. She wanted him so bad. Never had she felt an arousal such as this.

  He spoke gruffly, almost passing the point of control. “Condoms.” his voice was thick. “In the drawer.”

  Realizing what he meant, she stretched her arm, popping the drawer open, and felt for the tiny gold packages. Upon finding one, she handed it to him, where he zealously ripped it open. It only took him a second to roll it on quite expertly. She didn’t question it. And as he lowered himself to her, tossing the package on the floor, she tightened her legs with silent communication. She tugged on his large muscled back, pulling him towards her in hopes that he might spare her the torturous tease he seemed to quite enjoy. She relaxed herself, waiting for the moment to come. He rubbed against her entrance temptingly, his large arms supporting his weight. She felt small and fragile beneath him, his body easily containing the ability to crush her. His gaze held hers tenderly.

  Reaching down, his mouth found her lips, at the same moment, he thrusted deep into her. The initial shock of him inside her felt almost as if an earthquake tremoring throughout her tiny self, his face wrinkling from the mutual euphoric sensations. Hell had broken loose and released the demon as he stared down at her, devouring the purity of her soul. She was his Amber goddess, erotically chained to his will. Deeper and deeper he slid inside her, his thrusts becoming more and more anxious. Her hips ground against his pelvis. Each plunge he took brought them both closer to blissful rhapsody. He showered her in kisses, diving deep within her walls without surfacing until he felt her tremble in his arms. Her moans were loud, driving him forward. The bed was soaked beneath them. She felt herself climaxing as he moved inside her. Her nails dug into his back and he lowered his body entirely onto her, pushing upwards to hit her G-spot positively on point. The sensation heightened, pulling and tightening while she begged for more. And, as she felt the coming release, her body stiffened. He sensed the shift in her body language. Quickening his pace, he drove her into the tempest with one final push, sending them both over the edge.

  Her pleasure burst into a thousand pieces, capturing her entire body until she buckled from intense spasms. His back grew rigid. Violently he emptied himself, throbbing intensely as they both rocked sinfully against one another, spurring on the orgasmic vibrations. His hands clutched the bed sheets beside her head, digging deep into them for a few long seconds.


  Amber sat in the tiny waiting room again for the millionth time. Melanie sat beside her, tapping her foot anxiously on the tile flooring. Good news, at least Sasha was in the clear. But the physicians had to do an immediate C-section to get the baby out. As of yet, none of the girls had seen him yet and were dying to do so.

  “What’s the matter,” Melanie pried. She had been glancing at Amber for the last fifteen minutes.

  What exactly was the matter? Amber’s head was in a cloud as she googled a couple important things that were pressing on her. “Hold on.” She put Melanie’s question on pause.

  The night before was amazing. Charles was an exquisite lover in bed and she was satisfied with their intimacy. But something plagued her since she had gone snooping in his medicine cabinet. She knew she shouldn’t have done it but such curiosity always got the better of her. And there was no better way to do it than go straight for the toiletries.

  Unfortunately, she didn’t find just toiletries in the small mirrored shelves. Lines of prescription drugs in their tiny orange bottles sat neatly in their places. Some were for nothing major, but one particular prescription upon googling it yielded rather disturbing finds. And it wasn’t as if she could’ve passed it off to belong to someone else. Charles Livingston’s name was printed bold and clear on the little label named ipratropium and albuterol, which were clearly for patients with lung problems. The most common health issue she found on the list for Google was Lung Disease.

  She wasn’t sure if he even knew that she had rummaged through his cabinet. Charles was a heavy sleeper, which after all of the sex, she couldn’t blame him for sleeping soundly.

  It wasn’t a big deal, she kept telling herself. He could have minor asthma or a number of other problems. The what-if aspect of the situation was driving her insane. Somehow, she had a deep sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach that there was more to Charles than he let on.

  Melanie purposefully sighed hard.

  “Sorry,” Amber apologized, turning to her friend. “I just have a lot on my mind.”

  Melanie tapped her foot impatiently. “Like…?”

  Amber giggled a little while shaking her head. “Now I see where I get the nosiness from. It’s all your fault.”

  Melanie played I’m-hurt look, then grew serious. “Love,” she nudged her. “What’s going on in that big head of yours?” She seemed honestly concerned.

  Within a matter of a few minutes, Amber conveyed her last few weeks to her friend. There were some parts where her friend appeared rather intrigued, and other points where worry etched her forehead.
  “What should I do?” Amber asked. She hoped that Melanie might in some way shed some light on the situation.

  Here it came, the traditional Melanie advice routine. She sniffed habitually to make her sound more important. Whether it did or not to others, she couldn’t shake the habit. “Well, obviously you like the guy.” I pointed out. “You have a glow I haven’t seen since your first boyfriend in high school.”

  Amber blushed at her observation. “Do I,” she touched her face as if she could feel it emanating from her skin.

  “Would I lie to you?” She cocked her brow cynically. This was the part of Melanie that showed her lighthearted side. She worked a rather stressful career job as a big time magazine editor. She drove her Lexus and carried a Gucci bag almost as if they grew on trees. But at work, she was known as the red headed bitch. Nothing stood in her way, not even herself. And even her pointed nose would get stuck in things not concerning her.

  Amber gave her a quizzical look. Was she serious? “I can’t even believe you just asked me that,” she teased. “Remember the time you lied to me about Tito?”

  Melanie tossed her hair and then shook with laughter. Of course she remembered. “Dear goodness I forgot about that tho’,” she giggled. Sometimes she would throw out her own slang version of words, increasing her comical personality even further.

  “So don’t even.” Amber raised her finger in defiance. She was happy. Everything seemed right with Melanie around to bring life back to the little group. She had always been the glue that held them together. It was amazing what a good friend could do.

  Melanie’s face grew somber. “No, seriously girl. You need to do what your heart tells you to do.” She looked behind her for a second at the little brats rolling around on the floor and grimaced. “Ugh,” she groaned. “I hate kids. But anyways, back to topic.” She adjusted her dress that fell over beautiful slender legs. “Follow your heart. If worse comes to worse, then enjoy every second you have with him. I know you like him. I can see it all over your face. It’s just up to you whether you want to delve deeper in to his life without knowing the outcome.”

  She was right. Amber nodded, taking in the advice as sponge does water. She did like him, and that was what scared her. She was afraid of discovering things she didn’t want to know about him. He seemed to harbor a part of himself rather mysteriously. Or so it seemed when she was around him. He was sexy, hot and daunting at the same time. How could a man be so perfect? There had to be something wrong with him. Or something he wasn’t telling her.

  A flash of mischievousness played across Melanie’s face. “So how was the sex?” she whispered, nudging her in the ribs.

  Amber froze halfway between denial and truthfully admitting the details of that wicked night. Should she entrust them to Melanie? She felt as if she told them to her friend, they might scatter in the wind along with the words to go along with it. The memory might fade too quickly if she spoke of it.

  “I swear if he isn’t good in bed, you should just dump him.” Again she mused. She looked so hopeful in squeezing the last little tidbits out of her. It was something she had always done, even way back to her first kiss. Tell me everything, she had begged.

  Amber sighed. She might as well. There would be no good in lying to her when it must be absolutely plain on her face that she had slept with the guy.

  Melanie’s excitement almost faded to disappointment. “That bad ah?” She was prying hard now out of desperation.

  The two little boys in the room were now playing cowboys and Indians. They were making such a raucous that Melanie started to clench her fists. It wouldn’t be too long before she snapped at them…and that might not be too good.

  Amber shook her head. “No,” She grabbed for the opportunity to steer her friend’s opinion of Charles towards the right path. “It was good,” she reflected on the steamy past night. “Quite amazing…” She trailed her words. She could still feel his kiss and the way he feather touched her skin. She could still imagine him inside her as they both rose into clouds of ecstasy. Clearing her head, she forced herself to focus. “I’ve never felt like this before with anyone.” She wanted to convey her feelings in hopes that her friend might understand. Just thinking of him now, especially after their night together, gave her butterflies in her stomach. It was almost a nervous feeling, but the thought of seeing him sent quivers down her body.

  “Don’t you dare say the L word.” Melanie warned.

  “I wasn’t going to.” Amber defensively retorted. She felt her cheeks grow hot, hoping that nothing showed that shouldn’t have.

  “Okay good.” She placed a hand on her heart dramatically. “That was close.” She pretended to wipe her forehead teasingly. “You can’t do this to me!”

  “Oh hush,” Amber raised her hand in a silent playful manner. “It’s none of yo’ beeswax bitch.”

  Later that afternoon, tiny baby Abel was the center of everyone’s attention. Sasha looked rather comfortable in her hospital bed, holding the mini bundle of joy in her arms. There were sobs of happiness and tears of laughter in the room between the three women. The tension was over and everyone could rest easy now that baby Abel had reached the world safe and healthy at barely seven pounds.


  “Beep…Beep…Beep” The sound of Amber’s alarm ruthlessly cut the silence causing her to jump up wildly. She moaned and slapped the snooze button for five more minutes while cuddling in her warm purple comforter. Waking up like this at eight a.m. always threw her mornings in disarray, just as her hair appeared, horribly messy. That was the reason she had to be up early, to straighten it. She had a mission today and she couldn’t let a simple hairdo spoil it.

  When the alarm went off again, she sat up slowly and yawned, stretching in her pink silk pajamas. She had made up her mind the day before as to what she was going to do and practiced what she was going to say to him a thousand times. She felt over rehearsed, which definitely might be a problem in the near future. What if she got tongue-tied and something else came out instead? She had a habit of over-thinking things. The only challenge would be to make it through work the rest of the day after she said what she needed to say.

  Walking over to the mirror on her vanity desk, she muttered aloud. “Pathetic,” she scratched her head and then wiped the sleep from her eyes. She could see the dark circles of stress congregating just below them. “God let this day be good…” she begged silently to the air, stripping down into her comfortable naked self. Examining her goods in the mirror she wrinkled her nose. Too much curve accentuated her body until she felt far from perfect. She was thin, but goodness her ass was big. She smacked it, and then watched it jiggle. “I really need to work out, don’t you think Tito?”

  She looked at the big brown ball of fluff staring up at her. Somewhere beneath all its fur there was a thin kitty with a personality all of its own. He was definitely a loveable pain the ass, only purring and looking for pets some of the time.

  She rolled her eyes at him. “You butt,” she mouthed. “Yes, you Tito.”

  The cat didn’t budge. It just stared at her with big luminous eyes, shining blue and bright. It demonstrated no interest in her whatsoever, or even the slightest intention of moving from the lazy spot he lay in. She walked over to her closet, fumbled through her dresses while debating what to wear. Finally, she settled on something plain and simple. She wasn’t going there to impress him today. She was going to get answers. Her heart was growing fonder of him by the day. She wanted to know where they stood, or at least what she was to him. If she was going to be some girl that he hit and quit, she wanted to know now so she could move on. But for some reason her stomach had a sour feeling about the day ahead. He was wealthy and she was a good time. Perhaps he didn’t think anything else beyond that.

  Upon showering, shoving down breakfast and skipping out the door, she stepped into her small white 2001 Honda Civic. The poor thing had seen many bad times. It was covered in bumps and scratches. Tales could easily be sp
elled out just from looking at the old beat up clunker. But it was her baby, and she liked to call her Jasmine. The car hummed to life, spewing out cold air. At least her A/C worked correctly. It was the one good thing about old Jasmine.

  “Come on baby,” she petted her car, shifting into drive. “Work with me.”

  Old Jasmine responded in a timely manner, moving slowly with a couple groans of complaint. She edged her nose out to join the oncoming traffic, which wasn’t particularly heavy at this time of morning. Amber drove for the next twenty minutes down blocks of stores and tall buildings. She lived in the heart of New York City but she wasn’t a fan of taking the subway. She brought her little car cheap off of Craigslist from a little old lady who couldn’t drive anymore. She just wanted to get rid of it. Stop and go…Stop and go…It was a ruthless pattern. Taxis were everywhere, almost dominating the streets with a mustard yellow collage. People of all kinds filled the city. Hot dog stands stood on the side of the road, the peddlers eagerly serving lines of hungry working-class customers. Singers stood on the corners with their hats upturned to the waiting crowd. But as Amber approached the tall glass building of Condos, the filth of the streets lessened. Everything shined here. Beautiful Mercedes, Lexus, and even Porsche brand cars seemed a common occurrence in the area.


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