Other Worlds: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Two - Fantasy

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Other Worlds: Vesta Mansion Trilogy - Book Two - Fantasy Page 12

by P. A. Priddey

  Alex scratched his head. ‘It looked fine to me, and I felt the band on my neck. What else could you do?’

  ‘Nothing I guess,’ said Luella, looking unsure.

  ‘Do you have enough of the potion left to perform the spell again?’ said Briana.

  ‘Yes, what have you got in mind?’

  ‘Do it again, and I will go through it.’

  Alex shook his head. ‘No, it’s too dangerous.’

  Briana raised an eyebrow. ‘So, it’s OK for you to do it but not me?’

  ‘Well, yeah, you got magic running through your veins.’

  ‘It’s nice of you to be concerned, but the casters can free me or you can see if your power works with someone else.’

  ‘I don’t know, it sounds too risky.’

  Briana shrugged. ‘At the very worst my friends would have me as a prisoner.’

  Summer grinned. ‘It means you’d have to stay here with the babies.’ Everyone looked at her. ‘I was kidding.’

  Luella and Daralis performed the spell once more, and Briana walked through the web. It appeared and wrapped around her before disappearing leaving a black band around her neck.

  ‘Well, this is most unpleasant,’ she said.

  ‘Should we test it?’ said Daralis. ‘And make her do our bidding.’

  ‘Charmin’,’ said Briana, ‘as if you would have to make me do anything.’

  Alex walked over and touched her neck. His hand glowed, the band went solid, cracked like dried paint, and fell to the floor.

  Briana smiled. ‘Thank you, kind sir.’

  ‘You’re welcome,’ said Alex. ‘Now we’ve solved that problem, we need to find the witches.’



  Summer cooked a roast dinner making sure that without meat it was suitable for vegetarians. The pucas were very happy and went up for seconds, and still had room for dessert.

  Skye sat down on one of the sofas. ‘I reckon we should go to the forest where you killed the troll.’

  Alex raised an eyebrow, as it was not the forest he thought about going to search. ‘What makes you think that?’

  Skye opened an atlas she had brought out of the library and placed it on the table. ‘I’ve been looking at the map, and I think Henrik got it wrong about the troll. It didn’t lose its bearings but knew exactly where it was going.’

  Alex studied the opened book. ‘Yeah, I can see it would be a lot harder for it to miss the east coast and swim all the way down to the south. So why would the troll do that on purpose?’

  ‘Because of its size, and it probably wanted to cover as little ground as possible. It’s easier to hide in the sea, and I bet the witches are somewhere near that forest,’ said Skye, pointing to the forest on the map where they found the troll in Hampshire. ‘See how far it is from the east coast.’

  ‘Yeah, that would be too much land for it to travel unnoticed,’ Alex smiled at her. ‘Good work, it could be important.’

  They waited an hour after dinner before their trip. There were ten in the group, eight running, and two flying. Anna and Leanne were the flyers, and first to stop after twenty miles. Paige and Claire were next to return after thirty-five miles. Carrie managed another ten miles followed by James and Asima, who got to the fifty mile mark. Alex and the wolves reached the forest twenty minutes later where the rest of the group were now waiting. They totalled seventeen in all and moved through at a steady pace. All those who carried swords, now had them strapped to their backs.

  ‘I didn’t do very well,’ said Anna, walking alongside Alex.

  ‘You did great, flying might look easier than running but it drains you mentally.’

  ‘I’ve never felt so tired.’

  ‘I know that feeling, and you’ll sleep well tonight, but it does get easier the more you try.’

  ‘And will I sleep well?’ said Claire.

  ‘Yeah, you will, and in the morning you’ll be starving. I’ll be watching to see how much you eat for breakfast.’

  ‘I used to care how much I eat, but since we started training I eat quite a lot, so you can stop feeling so smug.’

  Alex did feel smug. ‘I’ve never seen you eat the monster.’

  ‘And you won’t either.’

  ‘We will see.’

  Carrie grabbed his arm. ‘So how did I do?’

  ‘Amazing, you ran forty-five miles in thirty minutes,’ Alex replied.

  ‘I ran that far.’

  ‘And very fast, what did you see?’

  ‘That was the weird thing, so much of it was a blur to me, but I think it was instinct when I came to fences and hedges as I jumped them without problem.’

  ‘I take it you’re up for it again?’

  Carrie beamed. ‘Oh yes, I wanna be running as fast as you.’

  The evenings patrol was uneventful, with no sign of the witches, and after two hours they returned home. It wasn’t quite midnight when half of those who went out first decided it was time for bed. Claire stuck a finger up at James who called them lightweights. The conversation on the sofas was about how long Briana should stay.

  Summer sat holding Buttercup. ‘A few days are nowhere near enough.’

  Briana smiled. ‘But I only said I would stay a few days, and I don’t want to outstay my welcome.’

  ‘You couldn’t do that, however long you stayed,’ said Blaze, holding the other baby, Damson. ‘You heard what Alex said, I’m in charge, and I think you should stay at least a year.’

  Briana laughed. ‘The pucas would be pining for their forests way before then.’

  ‘You said you’ve got to be somewhere in a few days,’ said Alex.

  ‘Yes, a birth ceremony, similar to what you call a christening.’


  Paige and Claire came down to breakfast feeling ravenous. James and Asima had nearly finished their Monster.

  ‘Is it always like this?’ said Claire.

  ‘No, your body gets used to it after a while,’ said Alex. ‘But then it’s no real hardship.’

  ‘I can live with it,’ James agreed. ‘Summer’s cooking is always so good I could eat it all day.’

  Alex nodded. ‘Where’s Carrie? I thought she’d be here.’

  James laughed. ‘She’s already been in, stuffed her face and now working it off.’

  ‘I don’t know why, you can eat as much as you like, the run will take care of it.’

  Paige wiped her plate with a slice of bread. ‘So I don’t have to feel guilty when I go up for more?’

  ‘Yeah, but only for the poor cooks.’

  Jodie sat down, less hungry than the others. ‘It doesn’t matter how far you go on these runs.’

  ‘How do you mean?’ said Alex.

  ‘Some of you only get so far and returned.’

  ‘They cover as much distance as they can and try to beat it the next time.’

  Jodie nodded. ‘OK, I’ll go with you next time . . . if that’s OK?’

  ‘Of course it is.’ Alex turned to Joseph. ‘Do you want to come for a run?’

  ‘No, thank you. I might feel a lot fitter and younger than when I first came here, but I will stick to reading strange letters.’

  ‘How’s that going?’

  ‘Slow, we managed three words yesterday, I was even dreaming about them last night.’

  ‘Maybe you need to take a step back from it,’ said Paige.

  ‘I know, but the thought of someone being kept prisoner any longer because of me is not very nice.’

  George rubbed his chin. ‘Maybe you’re not meant to read it yet.’

  ‘What makes you say that?’ said Joseph.

  ‘Things happen around our young friend, and there seems to be a certain amount of timing involved.’

  ‘I’ve noticed that myself,’ said Alex. ‘I know we’re going to face the witches, it’s just a matter of when.’

  Joseph looked thoughtful. ‘Maybe you’re right, as staring at the words is not making it any easier.’
/>   ‘Hello,’ said Kaeya, as she jumped on Alex’s shoulder.

  ‘Hey, I’ve not seen much of you lately,’ said Alex, as the pixie sat down and made herself comfortable.

  ‘I’ve been in the woods with Leaf and the others.’

  ‘Is he your boyfriend?’ Claire teased.

  ‘He wants to be, and I’m thinking about it.’

  Alex couldn’t help but smile. ‘Have you seen our new friends?’

  ‘I saw a lot more pucas.’

  ‘Did you see their babies?’

  The pixies eyes went wide. ‘No, where are they?’

  ‘Over there,’ said Alex, pointing at one of the old sofas from the hall.

  Kaeya stood up trying to get a better view, jumped on his head, and ran over to Daisy.

  Alex went for a walk out the back to see how the stables were coming along, and to check on the horses. Amy and Lucy were already there. He spent an hour outside before going back into the main hall. Daisy walked down the stairs with Buttercup, alongside her was the other mother Bramble with Damson.

  ‘I can’t believe they haven’t relieved you of your babies,’ he said.

  ‘We had to feed them,’ said Daisy, holding Buttercup up to him.

  Alex took the baby from her. ‘You want to play on the machines with the others?’

  ‘Yes, they are fun,’ she said smiling.

  ‘What about you?’ Alex asked Bramble.

  ‘Yes, please,’ she said, with a big smile and passed Damson to him.

  ‘Will it be OK to take them to the woods to meet the other pixies?’

  Daisy nodded. ‘Yes, will we get to see all of them?’

  ‘I’ll ask them to come up here later when the workers have gone,’ he said, and strolled over to the sofas.

  ‘I don’t think so, mister,’ said Paige, with her arms out, ‘you’re only allowed one at a time.’

  Alex arched an eyebrow. ‘Who made that rule up?’

  ‘I did, now hand one over.’

  Alex looked at her feet. ‘No, you’ve got no shoes on.’

  ‘Why would I need shoes on?’

  ‘I’m going to take them to the woods, and show them to our other little friends.’

  ‘Fair enough, I’ll come with you,’ she said, and went to fetch her trainers.

  Alex took the babies over to the wolves as they hadn’t seen them close up yet.

  They are delightful, said Chi.

  They are very small, said Rho.

  ‘But you’re a very big wolf,’ said Alex.

  ‘Will you stop walking around like you’re their proud father and pass one to me,’ Paige huffed.

  ‘Shouldn’t you be training?’

  ‘Later, after James has watched the news, but babysitting duties come first.’

  ‘I was managing that part quite well on my own.’

  ‘You don’t have to thank me for helping,’ said Paige, as she took Damson off him.

  Alex turned to James who sat engrossed in the television. ‘Is there anything interesting on the news?’

  ‘There was another earthquake in Asia, and a big one.’

  Alex gave a wry smile. ‘You’re very cheerful at times.’

  ‘I’m not happy it happened, but there seems to have been a lot of disasters in the last year.’

  ‘It happens now and then, you just read too much into it.’

  Daralis stood. ‘Did you say you were going to the woods?’

  ‘Yeah, I’m taking the babies to show them to the pixies.’

  ‘I will come with you,’ she said. ‘I haven’t seen my little ones since last night.’

  ‘They’re safe here, as nothing will harm them on our land.’

  ‘I know, but I still want to see them.’

  ‘They would’ve come up earlier, but we have workers outside.’

  ‘That’s a comforting thought, now let me hold this little one for you,’ she said, taking Buttercup from him.’

  Alex stood there with his hands on his hips. ‘I had two, and now I have none, how did that happen?’

  ‘You can carry me if you want,’ said Kaeya, as she jumped onto his shoulder.

  ‘I’d be honoured, but you better swap shoulders so the workers don’t see you.’

  They walked to the woods at the left of the mansion. Luella joined them, as did Briana who hadn’t met Livvy or Donna as they had spent a lot of time outside. Alex hid Kaeya until they got out of view from the workers on the new stables. He was not sure if they were members of the Order as none of them mentioned it, nor did he recognize any of them when they had lunch in the party room.

  ‘It’s gotta be about six months now,’ said Paige.

  ‘What has?’ said Alex.

  ‘Since we moved in, so much has happened in such a short time.’

  ‘It feels longer,’ said Alex, with a straight face.

  Paige ignored it. ‘Any regrets?’

  ‘Not that I can think of, what about you?’

  ‘Nope, I’m having a great time, so is this what you expected?’

  ‘If I had expected any of this I would’ve got myself committed.’

  Paige gave him a half-hearted stern look. ‘Life has changed so much for me.’

  ‘It has for everyone here, and I just hope it’s for the good.’

  ‘Of course it is, Look how far I ran yesterday. When I came here I smoked heavy, drank way too much, and was lucky if I could run ten yards.’

  Alex smiled and put his arm around her. ‘And you’re so old, too.’

  ‘A month younger than you, old man.’

  They only passed a few trees when the wolf cubs came running up to them with pixies on their backs.

  Briana put her hands to her mouth. ‘In all my years, I’ve never seen anything like this.’

  ‘It’s just one of those things that I love about this place,’ said Alex, as Kaeya jumped off his shoulder.

  The pixies covered Paige and Daralis trying to get a look at the babies. Livvy and Donna walked over and Luella introduced them to Briana who embraced both the young women.

  Alex was about to say something when he felt a sharp pain in his head, and saw an image. He saw her small body and terrified face, she was falling.


  ‘SHIT!’ Alex shouted. ‘House, read my thoughts, and take me there,’ the spirit did and he vanished.

  Alex emerged hovering at the side of a cliff face, and saw his daughter thrown over the edge. He caught her before she fell too far.

  ‘Papa,’ she said shakily.

  Alex held her tight. ‘It’s OK, sweetheart, I have you now.’

  It was not OK though, anger burned inside, and he flew to the top of the cliff. He saw at least two dozen creatures including a man and woman, both robed. There were other men and women who were dancing but stopped when they saw Alex. He saw large dogs that he could only think of as sabre-toothed. A huge bear like monster with tusks roared at him. Alex’s eyes were glowing now not because he was angry, but because it was night-time. He pointed his free hand at the giant bear, and golden beams shot out hitting the creature on the chest, sending it flying backwards.

  Alex, no, you must get the child back first, House demanded.

  ‘OK, take us home.’


  Briana gasped. ‘What on earth happened there?’

  ‘I don’t know, but it’s serious, we best get back to the mansion quickly,’ said Paige, as she passed her the baby puca and ran. James and many of the others were still sitting in the hall. ‘Alex has gone.’

  James jumped off the sofa. ‘Gone where?’

  ‘I don’t know where. He shouted “Shit”, called for House and vanished.’

  ‘Papa has gone to get Talitha,’ Shaula told them.

  ‘Who is that, honey?’ said Blaze, a little surprised.

  ‘Our sister of course,’ said Shaula, as if everyone should know.

  ‘I’ll get the weapons,’ said James. ‘Will someone go and get Carrie?’

rie’s in the gym, where the weapons are,’ said Asima.

  ‘I just realised that,’ said James, and ran down the hall.

  ‘Are you expecting to fight?’ said Briana.

  ‘I don’t know, but we should be prepared,’ said Asima.


  Alex returned with the child in his arms and passed her to Blaze. ‘This is Talitha my daughter, please take care of her.’

  Carrie came running down the hall.

  James tossed him the spear. ‘What are we fighting?’

  ‘I’m not sure, but there’s a lot of them,’ said Alex. ‘So be prepared to fight in the dark as soon we get there. House will protect us at first but we also need him to fight.’

  There were twelve in the group which arrived at the top of the cliff. The creatures were still there, and they stared at the new arrivals. Most of the group rubbed their eyes at the sight of what they faced.

  The first attack came from the sabre tooth dogs. Alex threw his spear hitting his target and it went straight through its body dropping it. The dogs were bigger than the wolves, but nowhere near as fast, as two had their throats ripped out before they could use their long fangs. Claire dropped to one knee and raised her sword as one leapt at her. She sliced through its underside and it carried on past her falling over the cliff. One ran headlong into Millie’s shield and Carrie beheaded it, the last two fell to Jodie’s bolts.

  ‘What the hell are those?’ Paige shouted above the noise, as two giant spider-like-creatures, with what looked like women riding them charged forward. They were not riding them; they were part of the spiders. They stood over ten feet tall, and attacked the group.

  The spider-women had hideous faces, black disc like eyes and pointed teeth, with long scraggly hair. They also had what looked like a mouth in the spider’s body, which spat web at them. Kristina put her shield up and blocked it. Alex raised his hand and golden light shot out melting the web away, and the spiders retreated.

  I had that under control,’ said Kristina.

  ‘I know, but for some reason I needed them to see what I can do.’

  Alex heard a roar, the huge bear beast was back with a large club. It ran at them club raised, but Rockman blocked his path. The rocks here were a lot bigger, he smashed into the bear and they both went tumbling.


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