Girls from da Hood 11

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Girls from da Hood 11 Page 20

by Nikki Turner

  Karla’s stupid self just stood there as if she had nothing else to say. She knew damn well that she wanted Moses to leave with her, and it didn’t even matter that he was full of lies and games. I mean, what was her purpose for following him here? If anything, she should have been up in here kicking his ass all over the place. The fact that she wasn’t was why Moses would do this crap time and time again. Karla kept giving him passes, and raising her voice or crying didn’t mean a damn thing to him.

  “No,” she said, struggling to stand her ground. “You stay here. Enjoy yourself tonight, and I hope you’re better to her than you are to me. I’m done.”

  She turned to open the door, but Moses grabbed her arm to stop her. I was caught off guard when she swung around and punched the shit out of him. She punched his chest so hard that it caused the nigga to stagger backward. Maybe I had this bitch pegged out the wrong way. There was a little toughness about her after all. Still, I was hoping that she knocked him on the floor and started stomping him.

  “Don’t fucking touch me,” Karla hissed. “I said what I had to say and I will say no more.”

  Moses stood there like he wanted to cry, but somehow he managed to hold back his fake tears. He allowed Karla to walk out, but when he turned around, the look of embarrassment covered his face.

  “I’m so sorry about this, but I need to check out of here to go see what’s up. I’ll give you a holla tomorrow, okay?”

  I nodded and walked up to him. With his ripped shirt in my hand, I put it back on him and pecked his lips.

  “Go handle your business, baby,” I said. “Don’t hurt nobody and call me when you have time.”

  Moses leaned in and we indulged ourselves in a lengthy kiss before he left. I closed the door, knowing that I wouldn’t hear from him for, at least, a few days. It would probably take that long for Karla to forgive him, maybe even sooner than that. One thing was for sure, though. I wouldn’t be the one to lose any sleep tonight, I wouldn’t be the one to shed any tears, nor would I be the one feeling lost and confused. Side-ho or not, the path I was on seemed to work out fine. Like it or not, I was only trying to keep it real.

  Chapter Two

  Two days later, my other love interest, Juan, and I sat outside of The Blueberry Café having lunch. I was dressed in a strapless sundress and sandals. Juan was almost ten years older than I was, and the only reason I included him in my life was because I liked his style. Unlike Moses, Juan never talked about the woman in his life, which happened to be his wife. I knew nothing about her, nor had I ever seen her. Everything that I knew was about her husband. He had money, he dressed spectacular, and he was sexier than any older man I had ever dated before. He was another one I could always get money from, but Juan and I only saw each other about two or three times a month. He wasn’t as needy as Moses was, but whenever Juan called, I knew exactly what he wanted. That was passionate sex that usually went on for hours.

  “When we leave here,” he said, sitting across from me and stroking his beard with a hint of gray in it. “Are we going to our usual place or somewhere else?”

  “That’s up to you. But why would you want to go somewhere else? I love the penthouse.”

  Juan shrugged his shoulders. “Because I don’t want you to get bored with me, baby. I know how spontaneous and creative you are. Doing the same ole thing and having the same routine all the time may be disappointing to you. The last thing I want to do is disappoint you.”

  “I understand what you’re saying, but trust me when I say I’m good. Actually, I’m more than good, and the penthouse you take me to is more than enough. I wish it were mine, though, and I can’t stress enough how exciting it would be to live there one day.”

  “I’m sure it would be, and we’ll have to talk about that more, somewhere down the road. For now, let’s eat up and check out of here.”

  Damn right I was going to eat up. Juan thought he was so slick. There wasn’t a chance in hell that I would move into a penthouse that had his name on it. How stupid is that? Every now and then, I tossed shit like that out to him, just to see what he would say. And every time, I got the same lame-ass response—we’ll talk about that later on down the road. Yeah, right. Later on down the road my ass.

  Horny as ever, I hurried to finish my pasta. Since Moses left me high and dry the other night, I was ready to get into something good, or to let something good get into me. Juan’s phone call, telling me to meet him here was right on time. And while he thought I was doing him a favor, he was definitely doing me a favor too.

  Juan cleared his throat and damn near choked on his water. “We need to hurry up,” he said with shifting eyes.

  I wondered why he was acting so strange, but when I looked up, I saw several young girls coming our way. I guess I couldn’t say young girls, because the three chicks looked to be in their late twenties or in their early thirties like me. Juan was real fidgety as they got closer to us. He turned his head and pretended to look elsewhere. I figured he must’ve been fucking one of the bitches, but when the chicks approached the table, I discovered who one of them was.

  “Hi, Dad,” the young girl bent over to give Juan a hug. “What are you doing here?”

  Her eyes shifted from him to me, then back to him. Juan was tongue tied.

  “I’m here with a potential client of mine. Miah this is my daughter, Stacie.”

  We quickly spoke to each other. Stacie and her friends looked suspiciously at me, but I continued to eat my food and ignored them.

  “What are you doing hanging out around here?” Juan asked. “You’re a long way from home, aren’t you?”

  “I’m surprised Mom didn’t tell you I was coming home this weekend. I came to hang out with one of my friends who is getting married. We were out looking for dresses, and decided to stop by here to get something to eat.”

  Juan nodded and looked past Stacie to speak to her friends. The two white chicks spoke back but didn’t say much else.

  Stacie looked at me again then cleared her throat. “Where’s Mom?” she asked. “I haven’t spoken to her since this morning. Have you?”

  “Of course,” Juan said after a chuckle. “I talk to her every morning and it’s not like we don’t live in the same house.”

  Stacie shrugged her shoulders. “Well, I’m not going to keep you much longer. Enjoy your lunch and I’ll probably see you later when I stop by the house.”

  “I’ll be there,” Juan said.

  This time, he stood to give his daughter another hug and said good-bye to her friends. After they walked off, Juan sipped from his glass of ice water. I was sure that he would use the napkin to wipe the beads of sweat from his forehead. It was pretty obvious that seeing his daughter made him nervous.

  “I’m getting ready to go,” he said. “I don’t want her to see us leaving together, and I’ll meet you at the penthouse in about thirty minutes.”

  I nodded and continued to eat my food. Juan dropped forty dollars on the table and left. Minutes later, I finished up and downed my diet soda. Trying to waste a little more time, I dolled up my face a bit and replied to a text message from Nadine about our meeting. She was a member of the club too, and like me, she viewed herself as the other woman.

  Once I paid the waiter, I then went to the bathroom before meeting up with Juan at the penthouse. As I was in a stall, I heard the door to the restroom open, but I didn’t hear anything else. When I exited the stall, Juan’s daughter was standing by one of the sinks with her arms crossed. A blank expression was on her face and she searched me from head to toe.

  “So, what’s the deal with you and my father?” she asked in a snippy tone.

  I was a little shocked by her approach, and it was the first time I found myself in a confrontation with one of my lovers’ children.

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” I said, washing my hands. “Last time I checked, your father and I hadn’t made any deals.”

  “You know exactly what I mean. The question is, are you fucking him or

  This chick was out of line. I didn’t appreciate her aggressiveness, and who was she to question me about what was going on between me and her father.

  “If you have any further questions, I suggest that you go and direct them to your father. With that attitude you got, I don’t have anything else to say.”

  I walked off, but was stopped dead in my tracks when Stacie yanked on my ponytail to pull me back. Anger washed over me. I was stunned and didn’t know if I should beat this bitch’s ass or not. It had been a very long time since I was forced to get down like this, but I wasn’t about to let anyone put their hands on me.

  I quickly turned around and pushed Stacie in her chest. Pushed her so hard that she slipped on the tile floor and fell. The hard fall angered her more, so she rushed up and charged at me with swinging fists. I was so unprepared for this. But with slippery sandals on or not, I managed to stay on my feet and fight back. I had a tight hold on Stacie’s long hair and pounded the back of her head with my fist.

  “If you gon’ run up in here being tough,” I shouted. “You’d better know how to back that shit up! Come on, girl. You can do much better than this, can’t you?”

  Stacie’s punches weren’t about nothing. She was swinging wildly, but most of her punches landed on air. I made sure that mine landed somewhere on her body. That way, she would never attempt to try anything this stupid again and she would learn to mind her own damn business.

  “You fucking home-wrecking whore!” she shouted. “I can’t wait to tell my mother about you, tramp! And if you think I’m kicking your ass now, wait until you have to deal with her!”

  Did this heifer really think she was winning? Just to be sure there was no confusion, I lifted my leg and kneed her hard in the stomach. She doubled over and grabbed her stomach. My hand was still tightened in her hair, so I drug her ass across the floor while she was on her knees.

  “I guess you’re still winning, right?” I said. “Not!”

  Stacie didn’t have shit to say, especially when I slammed my fist into her big, fat mouth. All she did was continue to swing and scream like that was really doing something.

  “You bitch!” she shouted.

  Right then, the restroom’s door opened and with my back turned, I quickly turned around to see both of her friends.

  “Oh my God, Stacie, what’s going on?” one friend shouted.

  The other friend didn’t say anything. All she did was rush up to us with tightened fists and a beet-red face.

  “You leave her alone!” she screamed. “Let her go, now!”

  Stacie twisted and turned her body, trying to get away from my grip. She now had backup, and it wasn’t long before all three of the bitches started to throw punches at me. I had to admit that it was kind of difficult to keep all three of them off of me, and in less than one minute, I was on the ground, shielding my face from their weak blows.

  “Who’s winning now?” Stacie asked as she kicked me in the back. “Leave my father alone slut or else!”

  I tried to get up, but every time I lifted my head, I was hit. The punches weren’t as hard as they could have been, and I was thankful that these tricks didn’t have much experience with fighting. I was also thankful for the two older ladies who came into the bathroom and intervened.

  “Stop this,” the woman said, pushing one of the white girls away from me. “Stop or else I’ll call the police.”

  The fight came to a halt, and the other lady helped me off the floor. “Are you okay?” she asked.

  I straightened my dress and wiped blood that was coming from the corner of my mouth. “I’m fine. Just fine.”

  Stacie and her friends mean mugged me, before leaving the bathroom. I looked in the mirror at my wild hair and at a small bruise that was underneath my eye.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” the lady asked again.

  “Yes. Thank you. Thank you for asking and for stopping the fight.”

  “What was that all about?” The other lady said, being nosy.

  “I exchanged some harsh words with them and a fight ensued. That’s all.”

  “You need to call the police and have them arrested. There was no reason for all three of them to jump on you like that.”

  I shrugged and wiped my mouth with a wet napkin. “There’s no need for me to call the police. I’m okay, trust me.”

  One of the ladies wrote her phone number on a piece of paper. “Well, if you decide to call the police and press charges against them, and you need a witness to tell what happened here, let me know.”

  I took the woman’s phone number and thanked her again. After I splashed water on my face and put my hair into a ponytail, I left the bathroom. I wasn’t sure if Stacie and her friends were still around, but I watched my back as I made my way to my car. Once inside, I drove off and called Juan to let him know I was on my way.

  “What’s taking you so long?” he griped. “I thought you would be here by now.”

  “I’m on my way. I saw a few friends of mine in the bathroom and we kept running our mouths. Sorry to make you wait so long.”

  “No need to apologize. I should be the one to apologize for leaving so abruptly. But you can be sure that I’m going to make it up to you.”

  “I hope so. Can’t wait.”

  I hung up, thinking about how I was going to fuck the shit out of Juan today. I was so mad at how his daughter conducted herself. If she thought I was going to back away from him out of fear, she was sadly mistaken. I wasn’t going to say one word to him about what had happened. But later on tonight, I expected for him to call and give me an earful. Then again, it was possible that she would get in touch with him before I got to the penthouse. I didn’t want that to happen, so I pressed hard on the pedal, hurrying to my destination.

  I was a little nervous when I got out of the car, but the moment Juan opened the door, I could tell everything was okay by the smile on his face. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me inside.

  “My dick is about to explode,” he said. “Assume the position and I hope you got plenty of time on your hands today, because we gon’ be here for a while.”

  Juan pressed his lips against mine, and as our tongues danced together, his hands crept up my sundress and he gave my ass cheeks a light squeeze. My pussy was so moist, and the crotch section of my thong was soaking wet. Juan moved my thong aside and slipped his finger far into my wetness. My heavy glaze covered his finger, and as he poked it in and out of me, I was on fire.

  “Can we at least get to the bed, couch, floor or something? Please,” I moaned.

  Juan was so good at teasing me and his foreplay was always on point. He inched his finger out of my insides and licked his fingers with a smile on his face. Our eyes were locked together as I removed my sundress, but the trance was broken when his phone rang. He started to walk away to see who was calling, but I quickly grabbed his hand and pulled him to me.

  “Not right now,” I said. “If you answer that phone, like always, your conversation is going to prolong this. We’ve waited long enough.”

  “You got that shit right. Too long.”

  My dress was on the floor and after I stepped out of my shoes, Juan hiked me up around his waist. While I straddled him, he carried me over to the couch, bent me over it and positioned me on my stomach. He squatted behind me and pulled my ass cheeks far apart, exposing my pussy lips right at his face. I felt his tongue go deep inside. So deep that I gasped. My body was limp and I took deep breaths to calm the intensity of his fierce pussy sucking skills.

  “Relax,” he said as my legs began to shake all over. “I love this sweet pussy, baby. You just don’t know.”

  I couldn’t say a word because Juan was showing me just how much he loved it. Within minutes, I was on the verge of cumming. Unfortunately, though, his phone rang again. He ignored it, but the person called back one more time. In the midst of me getting mine, he placed delicate kisses on my inner thighs and stood up.

  “Hold your j
uices,” he said. “It seems like something important.”

  With a dripping wet pussy, I stood and watched Juan pick up his cell phone. He looked to see who the caller was. With a frown on his face, he laid the phone back down.

  “Who is it?” I asked as if I didn’t already know.

  “My wife. I’ll call her later. Right now, I need to go get a few condoms from the bedroom, so we can finish what we started.”

  Juan left the living room area to go get condoms. I hurried over to his phone and turned it off. By the time he came back, I was sitting on the couch with my legs wide open. One of my legs was on the floor and the other was bent on the couch, exposing my goodies. I twirled my finger around my swollen pearl then jabbed my finger inside of me as if it were a dick. Juan stood and watched with narrowed eyes. He licked across his lips as I toyed with myself and massaged my chocolate breasts.

  “You look like you need some help with that,” he said, moving forward. He stretched the condom over his eleven-inch dick that made me hungry and thirsty every time I saw it. I couldn’t wait much longer to feel him, so I scooted down on the couch as he positioned himself on top of me. He poured one of my legs over his shoulder, and with my legs stretched wide, Juan inched his hard, thick meat into my folds.

  His lips touched my ear. “I crave this pussy and I love the way it feels. Tell me this, how many times are you going to cum for me today?”

  “The last time we were together I came three times. Today, let’s shoot for four or five. There’s something about today that has me feeling energized.”

  I didn’t want to tell Juan that his daughter was the reason. And as a gift to that bitch, when it was all said and done, I delivered five strong orgasms to her father, and kept him there until midnight. He damn sure didn’t want to leave, and as we stood at the door, I had to beg him to go.

  “You know I don’t want you to get in trouble,” I said. “Your wife called earlier and you still haven’t returned her phone call. I’m sure she’s wondering where you’re at.”


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