For The Love of Blood

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For The Love of Blood Page 3

by Annie Alvarez

  It was a quaint little town stuck in the past and every street had its own little niche to get patrons to enter. I saw a tall, handsome man approaching with a sense of urgency. I had seen him hanging around Tamara before and the hairs on the back of my neck stood straight up.

  Tamara felt my tension and sidestepped her gait to position herself in front of me.

  As the young man got close, he dropped to one knee, grabbed hold of his Master’s hand and desperately kissed her palm.

  I knew this was not good.

  She stood regally still. She was absorbing the fear the stranger carried. It washed over her like a warm shower. She closed her eyes. “I’ll only be a minute,” she whispered into my ear. I heard the sadness she carried in her voice. With one hand, she grabbed him by the throat and effortlessly picked him up to his feet.

  His eyes flared with panic as he pleaded, “Forgive me, My Lady.”

  Keeping his feet an inch off the ground, she quietly carried him around the back of the building. I followed silently.

  “Where is your prey?” she asked of him, her strong hand still wrapped around his throat.

  He pointed to the middle of the alley. ”Behind the can.” He lowered his eyes in shame.

  Her green eyes turned black in an instant, her fangs protruded out from under her lip. “You left her there like garbage?” Her intense anger filled her eyes with an eerie glow.

  I had never seen her that angry. I knew he had only moments to live or to die for good—I wasn’t sure. I always get that one confused.

  She turned, resting his back against the building with one hand and, with her free hand, plunged his chest with her fist, cracking his ribs. She then tightened her fingers around his heart and ripped it out of him.

  His body began to spasm and then turned to ashes, dropping into a neat pile at her feet.

  She dropped his heart, kicked his ashes and headed for the garbage can where the woman’s body laid. She was standing over the dead woman when a rod of white lighting enveloped her body, lifting her feet off the ground.

  Tamara’s back arched and I heard her yelp in excruciating pain, her arms and legs going limp, dangling by her side. I felt her pain and reached out for her. Electricity crackled in the air surrounding me and I felt my hair rise on the back of my tingling arms as if I had stuck my finger in a power outlet. A blue light shot out from my hands, encircling her. She hung helplessly paralyzed in the air. Slowly, I approached her. Closing the distance between us, my energy became stronger until it completely overtook the white rod of light, surrounding her in my radiant blue energy.

  “I felt my sister go,” a woman called out from the dark. “She must pay for what she has done.”

  “She has committed no crime,” I shouted back. “Her hand was swift in punishment.”

  “I do not believe you.”

  The voice had moved. It came from my right.

  “No witch has ever protected a bloodsucker.”

  A second rod of white light joined the first. It snatched Tamara from my energy and she yelped again.

  I shouted as I stepped into the energy circle that imprisoned her. Wrapping my arms around my lover’s waist, the two of us became one. I pushed my blue energy outward until it enveloped the attacker’s energy. I protected her with the essence of my power. “I will give you his heart as proof,” I called out to the shadows and the rod of lights diminished. I pulled my energy back, dropping her to the ground. Instantly, she was in a crouching position as if ready to strike.

  “Some warning would be nice next time, my love,” she whispered.HH

  “Tame your beast,” a different woman spoke, she was on my left, “or she shall feel my wrath again.”

  I stepped in front of Tamara again, shielding her from any further attacks. “Show yourself so we can settle this dispute,” I snapped at the faceless voice.

  An old frumpy woman appeared from the shadows. She wore a handkerchief on her head and her dress was two sizes to big for her. Tears had cut canals down her plump, wrinkled face. “The heart,” the woman said while a white ball of energy hovered above her right hand.

  Tamara stepped out from behind me and a three-foot long wall of fire appeared, blocking her way. “We are not alone,” she whispered.

  “Really? Where have you been, my love?” I smiled at Tamara and extended my hands, pulling the fire into me until there was nothing left. “Enough of the games,” I shouted. “Show yourselves.”

  Another women, wearing high heels, dressed in a tight black miniskirt with a white long sleeve puffy shirt, emerged from the shadows.

  “The heart,” Handkerchief woman said.

  Tamara cautiously stepped out from behind me. “It is where I took it,” she announced. “At the beginning of the alley.”

  I grabbed her hand. If they were to attack again, I could protect her better if we joined.

  “It is true,” the young woman spoke after carefully inspecting it, “I feel her presence.”

  “You will bring my sister back to us,” Handkerchief woman demanded.

  She looked at me. This night couldn’t possibly get any weirder.

  “I will not,” Tamara countered. “She has been gone too long. She has forgotten what it’s like to be human. Her body has already started to decom—”

  I jabbed Tamara in the ribs, stopping her from finishing her thought.

  The two women curiously looked at each other. “We have heard there is a protector of humans here, are you the protector?” The younger woman moved closer to Tamara.

  She didn’t answer. That’s when I noticed people walking past the entrance of the alley not even looking in our direction. There was powerful magic in this alleyway.

  “Are you their protector, bloodsucker?” Handkerchief woman demanded.

  “Stop calling me bloodsucker. And no, I am not the protector.” Tamara pulled her shoulders back, lapping up the fear the youngest woman was emitting. “I protect my own.”

  “You lie, Bloodsucker!” Handkerchief woman accused. “You protect that one,” she said, pointing at me.

  “She cares for her,” as another voice entered the argument. Tamara’s mother, Lady Hightower, announced from the shadows. “She cares for the human as you once cared for us, Shamana.”

  “Who calls me by that name?” Handkerchief woman demanded. “Show your face!”

  “It is I, your oldest friend,” Lady Hightower answered. “Did you think I wouldn’t hear my daughter’s silent agony or feel the magnitude of your powers? Give me credit, dear friend.”

  “It is not so!” the woman yelled. “I heard your line was removed.”

  “Teram would have requested proof. Have you forgotten his teachings?”

  I looked at Tamara curiously. I heard Lady Hightower, but didn’t see her. “Where is she?” I whispered.

  “She’s not here. Her powers allow her thoughts to enter your mind,” she whispered back.

  I had never heard of a vampire being able to do something that powerful. “That’s so cool,” I mumbled.

  Tamara smiled.

  From the end of the alley, I saw a tall, dark shadow approaching. The man towered the old woman by a good two feet. His height was impressive. His appearance was breathtaking.

  “Hello, old friend,” he greeted the old woman. “The disguise does not become you.”

  “Edgar, you bloodsucker!” the woman yelped in joy. “It has been too long, my friend.” She reached up and wrapped her tiny arms around Edgar’s waist, hugging him with a death grip, and before our eyes, the old woman’s appearance changed. Shamana now stood five foot two—still a short woman—but her face was flawless, her straight, dark brown hair hung just below her shoulders. Her old woman body vanished, leaving exposed an attractive, good-looking middle-aged woman.

  I pegged her for mid forties with the body of Angelina Jolie.

  “Lady Hightower awaits your arrival at the Estate.” Edgar held out his arm, offering to lead the woman. He turned to Tamara. “Lady T�
�mra, your presence is requested at the Estate tomorrow,” Edgar paused. Looking me over, he added, “And please bring Izzy with you.”

  “I guess that means we can go have a good time tonight?” I hugged Tamara, grateful that she was all right.

  “Yes, my love,” she hugged me back. “As good a time as you’d like.” She smiled the smile that always got her laid.

  Dale’s was crowded, but we managed to get in without having to wait. Kaley was already at the bar with a couple of empty glasses in front of her. Tamara told her what had just happened.

  “Sounds like you had a run in with the Brujas.” Kaley tossed her drink back. “Another drink,” she called.

  The cute little bartender nodded and pulled a clean glass, filling it with whiskey.

  “Brujas. What are they?” I asked.

  Kaley frowned. “They are witches from the past. They hit their teenage years and the true vixen in them comes out, reeking havoc wherever they go.” The bartender placed the whiskey in front of Kaley and she tossed the drink back without pausing, slamming the empty glass on the bar. “Another!”

  Tamara and I looked at each other curiously. Drinking like this was foreign to Kaley. Just as she tossed down the third drink, a woman came up behind her and wrapped her arms around her. “Are you going to leave me on the floor by myself?”

  Kaley smiled. “No. I’ll join you in a minute.” She grabbed the woman’s hands and pulled her body around so she was facing us. “This is Jules and she likes to make me dance with my hands in my pockets.” Kaley leaned to give her a kiss and Jules turned her face so that Kaley kissed her cheek instead. “And Jules thinks it’s fun to get me horny, then tease the shit out of me.”

  Jules smiled. “Hi.”

  Jules was cute as a button, reminded me of a typical cheerleader. Go vamps, go. Her blonde hair cascaded over her shoulders and the sweat on her forehead hadn’t touched her perfectly applied makeup—the makeup must have been glued on.

  Tamara laughed. “Well, looks like you met your match.”

  She looked at me and I knew it was time for us to go home.

  “Nice to meet you, Jules and we’ll see you later, sis.”

  I said my goodbyes as Tamara lead me out of the bar. Once we were in the car, she leaned over and started kissing my neck.

  “Your blue light really turned me on. Want to hit me again?”

  “Is that why you dragged me out of there so fast? You’re horny.” That was more of a statement than a question. I knew I could always count on her pseudo dick to stiffen up. All it takes is a stiff breeze to get her interested.

  “Want to go to the center?” She rubbed my crotch as incentive.

  “You know those rooms are reserved. We can’t just walk in.” I caressed her chest, egging her hard-on. She moaned and forced her hand further between my legs.

  “We can go upstairs,” she whispered.

  I had completely forgotten about the see-through ceilings. “You just want to watch.” I pulled her hand out from in between my legs and kissed it. “You naughty little vamp.”

  She dismissed the guards posted upstairs and we walked around the floor, surveying the scenes below us. The Traditional Rooms were rather boring, typical vamp sucking girl or boy, depending on which room you looked in. The Deco Rooms paraded naked couples frolicking in the rooms equipped with beach sand Kaley had provided. I never cared for having to remove sand from places it didn’t belong so I scrunched my shoulders at that one.

  The Medieval Rooms looked like they had potential. There was a human woman blindfolded and tied with the same leather straps I had become acquainted with. In the other room, a potentially seductive scene was beginning to play itself out, involving the throne Tamara seemed to like so much.

  Watching the room with the blindfolded woman, I realized that Alea, one of Tamara’s fledglings, was at the helm of this woman’s captivity. She was tall with ripped muscles. She was gorgeous to look at. Her blonde hair gently caressed the mask that kept her blind while the leather restraints, securely fastened to her ankles, included a thin bar that kept her legs from coming together. She was fully exposed. Alea approached her and pinched her nipples. Her chest flexed. She licked her, first one nipple, then the other. The restrained woman relaxed. Her captor loosened the straps that kept the woman bound against the wall and positioned her on her hands and knees on the floor in front of the throne. The woman obeyed. The vampire slapped one cheek and the woman jerked forward. She slapped her other cheek and again the blindfolded woman jerked forward, but held her position steady. Then she strapped the woman’s wrists to the throne’s armrest.

  Tamara had raised my shirt and her tongue slowly ran down the center of my back. Standing behind me, her hands wrapped around my waist and fumbled with my zipper, I leaned into her as I watched Alea work her woman.

  Alea sat on the throne and leaned the woman forward until her mouth covered her pubic hair. Then she stood and circled her, slapping her ass again. She tried tucking her ass and Alea slapped her harder. She tried moving her arms, but couldn’t, her restraints held her in place. Alea was enjoying herself too much. She laid the woman down in front of the throne and removed her blindfold, then opened the chamber door inviting in another naked woman. The woman immediately started kissing Alea, caressing and fondling her. The subservient woman laid on the floor, watching Alea and her new partner love on each other.

  Tamara pulled me around so I was facing her.

  “If all you wanted to do was watch, you could have told me before we came up here.”

  I looked down. Tamara had taken off my pants. I’m sure she had tried to get my attention, but I just couldn’t take my gaze off the submissive woman lying on the floor. She was so sexy.

  “Do you want to join them?” Tamara kissed my exposed skin.

  Kneeling in front of me, she kissed the moisture between my legs. “No, my love.” I gently thrust my hips forward to meet her waiting tongue. I knew she had the power to interrupt her fledglings, but I was content knowing she would satisfy me tonight.

  Tamara’s tongue worshipped every inch of my sensuality. My bud exposed itself to the reverence she paid. My passion eagerly released the dam holding back my juices from her taste. My cunt tightened, waiting for her to force herself into my temple and claim it as hers once again. She passionately lapped up every drop of wetness that escaped me. Sliding her fingers deep inside me, she hit my g-spot, demanding my body obey her. Her tongue, completely devoted to my pleasure, never let up. She worked my senses harder, exciting me more. My body shook. My blood rushed to my groin. My nerves were raw. Her touch fueled the fire burning my desires, I needed her touch even more. I teetered on the brink of ecstasy she had led me to, but wouldn’t allow me to cross. I was at her mercy. “Please.” I begged.

  “Lay down,” she ordered.

  Her fingers kept my cunt captive. I obeyed. Lying on the cold floor, Tamara forced another finger into me. A moan escaped my lips as she laid her body against mine.

  “Spread your legs.”

  Again I obeyed.

  “Touch me,” she ordered.

  I obeyed, touching her pulsating pussy. Her female hard-on greeted my fingers as I slid through her swollen folds. Her moans burned as they echoed through my soul. I wanted her. I wanted the release only she could allow me. With her free hand, she dug through her jacket pocket, pulling out a set of stringed pearls. I needed to cum, I would have agreed to anything! She pulled her fingers out of me, leaving my cunt feeling empty and lonely. She spread my legs further apart.

  “Don’t move,” she commanded.

  I held my legs as still as my restless body would allow. Meticulously, she inserted each individual pearl into my waiting cunt, teasing me as she slowly filled my emptiness. Filling me completely, my muscles stretched, taking in the last pearl. She pressed her lips on my folds and kissed me. Standing, she extended her hand and lifted me to my feet.

  “Get dressed,” she said while putting on her pants.

nbsp; “You’ve got to be kidding!” I snapped.

  Tamara smiled. “Get dressed. And don’t put your underwear on.”

  I couldn’t believe she was subjecting me to this. As I reached for my pants, the pearls inside me shifted and sent a shock wave through me. Oh God, maybe she did know what she was doing. I straightened. “Could you please?” I pointed at my jeans.

  “No.” She smiled and leaned against the wall, watching me. “Get them yourself.”

  Slowly, I bent down, again the pearls shifted and my cunt tightened around them. They felt so good. I slipped my hand between my legs, massaging my crotch as I grabbed the jeans off the floor. She was on me, instantly, grabbing my hand away from my own wetness.

  “Don’t.” She slid her own hand between my legs. “Touch yourself.”

  She helped me get into my jeans, but before she slipped them over my hips, she tugged on the string that hung out of my cunt. Slowly, she pulled out a pearl and it slid between my lips. Continuing to pull on the string, she dragged the pearl up through my wetness, blissfully tormenting me. She then pulled out another one. Following the path of the first one, the second pearl was almost my undoing. My excitement grew.

  “Now.” She motioned that I pull my jeans up while she held the string between her fingers, commanding my pleasure.

  I zipped my jeans and again she gently tugged at the string. Another pearl slipped out as she laid the string up and over my waistband.

  “You ready?” She held out her arm, offering to escort me out.

  “You’re kidding.” I snarled.

  She just smiled, keeping her arm out.

  I took a step and the pearls came to life, teasing me and exciting me. I stopped in mid-step. The pleasure was unbearable. Reluctantly, I grabbed her arm for support. She wouldn’t allow me to take the elevator down so we ventured the stairs very slowly. The pearls took on a renewed life with every step I took. Halfway down, I stopped, the pearls threatened to dominate my orgasm. I grabbed her arm harder, balancing myself as euphoria started to take control of me. I couldn’t stop the pleasure building inside of me. I was going to cum.


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