Daring Hearts: Fearless Fourteen Boxed Set

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Daring Hearts: Fearless Fourteen Boxed Set Page 7

by Box Set

  “If that’s all right with you?” Kate said, following Ellie to the other end of the couch.

  “You know you’re always welcome here,” Ellie’s dad said. He could have been a model, too. “I hope you like spicy. I felt like going hot today.”

  “I can take the heat,” Kate said. This had been her third time eating at Ellie’s this week. She used every excuse in the book to stay as far away from her parents as she could. It was becoming easier and easier to lie to them.

  Since it was spring, a lot of the TV shows were ending segments, preparing for a month of break before summer taping started, which meant the action and drama had been ramped up to make sure to keep the audience raging for the next segment. Despite that, Kate couldn’t get into the show. All she could think about was Seaside, New Jersey and what it had to offer her. She remained in a state of extreme excitement tempered with a good dose of fear.

  “I can’t believe they’d end it like that. It makes me not want to watch the next season.” Colby stood in frustration.

  “Yeah. I want to know who did it. It’s not like they don’t know,” Ellie said, huffing.

  “No luck on breaking into the emails of the producer, huh?” her mom said to her dad.

  “No. Not yet, but one of my programmers is creating a line of code that might get us in as long as they actually open the email we send. Once they do, the code will embed itself into his email account, and we’ll have him.”

  The Lamberts had created an international computer programming and assessment business. They’d sold it for millions after only ten years in business. Mr. Lambert still sat on the board and had some sway with some programmers he’d hired on at the birth of the business.

  Ellie’s parents stood and began to clean up.

  “I’ve got that today,” Kate said. “Thanks for dinner. My mouth’s still on fire, but it was worth it.”

  Mr. Lambert patted Kate on the head. “Thanks for your help, but we love having you.”

  “We’ll be at the gym if you need us,” her mom called back.

  “Okay, but we won’t. Have a good workout.”

  “Yep!” The girls heard her mom and dad go through the kitchen to their room to change and listened to Colby run up the stairs to his room.

  “By the way, I have news.” Ellie let out a big breath.

  “I’m not sure I want to hear it. Your tone tells me it isn’t good news.” Kate closed her eyes and sighed before leaning back hard into the soft sofa.

  “It’s sad news for me, but good news for you. Very good news.” Ellie pressed her lips together.

  “What are you talking about?” So Ellie was finally going to spill the reason for her strange behavior all day. Kate was glad she hadn’t needed to bring it up.

  “Italy is off.” Ellie frowned.

  “What?” No wonder Ellie had been sad.

  “No more Italy.”

  Kate couldn’t help gasping with joy. “Oh, Ellie. I’m sorry,” she said, but she was grinning. “No, I mean it, I really am. I know how much you wanted that. I’m heartbroken for you.” She couldn’t convince her face to stop smiling, even though her words were true.

  “Well, I know you mean it, despite your stupid face. So, thanks.”

  “What happened?”

  “We were in the final five apparently, but didn’t cut it. Not this time anyway.”

  Kate hugged her. “I really am sorry. Why did you say it was good for me?”

  “Because, my dear. I’m pushing for New Jersey.”

  Kate’s hand flew to the locket. “New Jersey?”

  Ellie nodded, an excited glint in her eye. “We’ve learned everything we can sitting on our butts and Googling. If we are going to move forward in this search, we have to go there—talk to people, ask questions, track down leads.”

  She was right—the clothing tags hadn’t told them anything, and the blood on the bag wasn’t exactly screaming answers either. All they had was a church, the name of a pizzeria, and the name of a demolished hospital—all in Seaside, New Jersey.

  “Yeah, but there’s no way your parents and Colby are going to want to go to New Jersey.”

  “Are you kidding me? Of course they will. My Not So Normal Life on the Jersey Shore is filmed there, remember? I asked our publicist to uncover their schedule so I can present a good case to my parents. I don’t think it will be hard. Sandy beaches, hot guys, celebrities. Yeah. Easy sell. My mom loves Grant on the show, and if we have even a glimmer of hope of seeing him in real life, my mom will be all over that. And shoot, if I could meet Jace or Milton. Yum.”

  “I hope that happens. And if the choice comes down to Jace or Milton, go for Milton.”

  “But he’s so vanilla.”

  “Yeah, but Jace, he’s like a mash up of every flavor there is and in the end, that makes a pretty muddy brown.”

  “Don’t tell me that if you had the chance to spend the weekend with Jace that you’d refuse it.”


  “I thought so.”

  Kate was going crazy waiting for Ellie’s parents to make their decision about New Jersey. Those few days went by like a snail crossing the sidewalk. She couldn’t talk about or think about anything else while with Ellie, so Ellie banished her, making her hang out with Braxton, which wasn’t bad, it only took a bit of coordination to hide it from her parents, as always. With Braxton, she couldn’t talk about the search, so she actually enjoyed herself at the school play.

  “I’d always heard of Noises Off, but never thought I’d enjoy it as much as I did.” Kate smiled up at Braxton as they left the school auditorium.

  “Yeah. Super funny. My gut hurts from laughing so much.” The outdoor lights cast harsh shadows across his face. Braxton was attractive, but even more so when he smiled and laughed.

  “Laughing looks good on you.”

  “You think so?” He gave her a crooked smile in response.

  She bit her lip. He grabbed her hand and they rushed down the outside steps to the car, where he opened her door for her. Kate climbed in and sighed. She was one lucky girl to have a guy like Braxton. Smart, funny, and loving. He climbed in and gave her a quick, soft kiss that left her wanting more. But he was too much of a gentleman to give her more there in the parking lot of the school.

  He pulled out of his spot, and they joined the throng of cars leaving the parking lot. They stopped for some ice cream and walked to a nearby park. The moonlight flickered through the leaves on the trees, dappling the sidewalk with intermittent light. His warm hand in hers made her feel safe and sure. After swallowing a lick of ice cream, she said, “I’m so lucky to have you.”

  “I’m the lucky one.” He swung their held hands behind them and grinned down at her. “Sometimes I wonder why you’re with me.” His nose bunched up in question before he took another lick. His towering mound of ice cream was now almost level with the cone.

  “How do I love you? Let me count the ways.” Kate tugged on his hand and they stopped. “No one makes me laugh the way you do. No one is as patient as you are. No boy I know is as thoughtful. Those notes you write are pure poetry. I’ve saved every last one. I can’t think of a better pitcher anywhere. And at the risk of sounding too superficial, there’s no one as good looking as you are. Yep!” she quipped. “You are hot.”

  He tossed his cone into a nearby trashcan. He looked at her and she gave him hers. He tossed it too. After looking around to make sure they were alone, he pulled her into a soft hug and planted tender, warm kisses on her lips, sending a tingling sensation throughout her body.


  Ellie didn’t even bother to text or call, she simply showed up at Kate’s house and rang the doorbell after dinner. “Ellie? Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?” Her eyes bored into Kate.

  “I was too excited.” She looked around Kate. “Are we alone?”

  Kate looked back, too. “No. Full house.”

  “Then let’s go up to your room.”

  “Okay.” They hu
rried up the stairs, and after Kate shut the door, they plopped down on her little sofa. Ellie whispered, an excited, breathy whisper, even though they were behind closed doors. “It’s done. My family’s in. The itinerary is amazing, and I convinced my parents to fly three days before the TV show arrives so that we can get acclimated to the area before we actually run into the stars.”


  She nodded. “We have two full days to use to find your parents. With some planning, it will be more than enough time, don’t you think?”

  Kate nodded and grabbed her into a hug. “You’re the best. It’s really happening.”

  “We’re going to New Jersey. It turns out the show is planning on doing a special weeklong filming at a resort in Seaside, and our publicist is working to get us to be in the right place at the right time. She’s sure she can get us on the screen at some point during the week.”

  “Wow! I can’t believe this is really happening.”

  “It is. And you’re going to have to get used to it fast. We leave the day after school gets out.”

  “No way!”

  “Yep. In two weeks we’re going to be on the sandy beaches of Seaside, New Jersey with the cast and crew of My Not So Normal Life on the Jersey Shore.”

  The next day on their way to school, Kate thought about everything that was happening. The trip with the Lamberts was too good to be true. Kate thought of her recent behavior at home—how distant she’d been around Tom and Abrie—and knew she’d need to change her attitude if she wanted them to allow her to go on such short notice. Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t even realize it when Braxton jumped in to sit next to her in the back seat. Ellie drove on to Master’s house and hopped out, wanting to surprise Masters when he opened the door.

  “Earth to Kate.”

  She jerked out of her reverie. “Braxton!” She lunged at him and planted a huge kiss on his lips, and she didn’t stop kissing him until he pulled back.

  “Whoa! What was that for? I mean, I liked it. No, I loved it, but…”

  Kate scrunched up her shoulders and grinned. “Italy is out and the beaches are in.”

  He blinked several times. “Uh, it would seem to me that Italy would be the coveted destination.”

  Then the truth gushed out. “Not when my birth parents are there!” She slapped her hands over her mouth.

  Braxton reared back like a snake about to strike. “Your birth parents?”

  There was no taking back what she’d said and by her own actions she condemned herself.

  Kate’s hands fell to her lap. “Well…”

  “Tell me it isn’t true, Kate. Tell me you haven’t started looking for your birth parents again.”

  Her head wobbled from side to side and she pushed air out her nose. Her leg jumped with anxiety. “It is true. And guess what? We have a pretty great lead. We know they’re in—”

  Braxton cut her off. “You know?”

  “Well, we found a cross in my baby bag and it came from a church there and there was this receipt in the bag and—”

  He cut her off again. “Do your parents know?” He hadn’t heard a word she’d said. His cheeks turned pink, and the angles of his face appeared sharper.

  “No!” she said a bit louder than she’d intended. “And they’re not going to.” She crossed her arms in front of her chest and scowled at him. “This is exactly why I didn’t tell you I was searching again. You should be happy for me.”

  Dimly, Kate was aware of Ellie and Masters getting into the car and Ellie driving on to school.

  “Happy for you?” he hissed. “Happy that some nut job is going to play on your desire for a father or mother and then do something horrible to you? Happy that you’re setting yourself up to get your heart broken? I don’t think so. You already hired a private detective to track them down. If he found nothing, you won’t either.” He huffed.

  “Well, this won’t be a dead end, and it’s important to me. You should see that. You should know that and you can either support me or get out of my life so I can get on with mine.”

  “You can’t be serious. You’d rather go on a wild goose chase than stay with me and be happy?”

  Kate didn’t respond. They pulled into the school parking lot and as soon as Ellie parked the car, Kate dashed to the school.


  Kate didn’t have to deal with Braxton on the ride home, because he had texted Ellie that he had an appointment and wouldn’t need a ride. Kate felt both relief and anxiety. She needed to apologize to him. She hadn’t been fair and she didn’t mean what she’d said.

  Kate yelled Mom the second she walked into the house. She wouldn’t call her Abrie to her face just yet. She’d come up with an excuse for her recent behavior and everything. She had to convince her parents to let her go on the trip.

  Abrie’s voice played over the intercom when Kate entered the kitchen. “We’re in the living room, sweetheart.” To her surprise, Braxton walked from the direction of the living room into the kitchen, directly up to her.

  “Don’t be mad.” He took one of her hands in his and kissed her on the cheek. “I only want you to be safe. I did this to keep you safe.”

  A hard, dark cold shifted inside her, growing large and painful. “What did you do, Braxton?” Her eyes narrowed.

  “Only what had to be done, Kate. Just remember how much I love you.” He stepped back and gave a quick nod of his head before leaving.

  “Kate?” Tom’s voice came over the intercom. “You coming?”

  The idea of Braxton interfering was too heinous to consider. She wouldn’t let him take her off her game. She looked at herself in the mirror, fixing a fake smile on her face and removing the locket and telling herself that her boyfriend could not have ratted her out. She stuffed the locket into her pocket. She’d have to be smart about this. She didn’t know what Braxton told them. Before she said anything, she needed to discover what he’d said. Kate turned and went straight into the room.

  She froze unable to keep her pretend focus.

  “Come on in and have a seat,” Tom said, indicating a chair across from him.

  She did. Abrie closed the door behind her.

  “Kate,” Tom said. “Your friend Braxton was here. Nice boy.”

  What she wanted to say was he used to be a nice boy. Sweat trickled down her spine and she forgot to breathe.

  “He told us some interesting things. We thought it important that you corroborate or negate what he said. ” Tom’s expression was one of forced pleasantness, and she knew it would be anything but pleasant to stay and chat. She clenched her teeth and gripped the arms of the chair. “We asked him to leave while we discuss what he told us.”

  Kate swallowed hard. She’d have to be very careful with what she said. “Okay.” The word came out as a squeak.

  “He claims to be your boyfriend.”

  Relief swept through her. Is that why he had come here? He wanted to out them? A smile crept on her lips.

  “Yes. He is. I’m sorry. I know it’s against the rules, but he’s such a nice boy, and he does all good things. I mean he’s better than I am—he couldn’t bear the idea of keeping this from you. He had to come tell you. He’s super smart and would never do anything to hurt me.”

  “We don’t really understand how this could have happened,” Abrie said. “We don’t forbid you from hanging out with boys in groups. Why did you want to be alone with him so badly?”

  “We’re almost never by ourselves.”

  “It’s the almost that scares us. We thought we could trust you. Why didn’t you come to us when the decision presented itself?” Abrie squeezed her hands tightly together.

  “Because I knew what you’d say.”

  “Yes. We would have told you to wait to single date and have a boyfriend until you were in college. This rule is for your protection. You are too young to be serious with anyone. You should be dating a lot of different guys to see what you like and don’t like. You are limiting yourself by having a

  “We hang out with a lot of different people. I’m exposed to all kinds of people.”

  “We don’t doubt that, but seeing someone romantically is very different than hanging out as friends. It’s not smart to single date while in high school.”

  “Fine! Did you tell him we had to break up?”

  “No. That’s for you to tell him.” Tom’s even voice irritated Kate.

  “I told Braxton we couldn’t trust you. His idea of honor ended our relationship.” She spit the words at them.

  “Oh, that’s not the whole reason he came. Before we could agree to talk to him, we really needed to know the nature of your relationship. He’s very worried about you.”

  In other words, they’d pried it out of him. It hadn’t been the reason for his visit. “Worried about me?” She rubbed at her gut, hoping to alleviate some of the burning.

  “Yes. It’s a good thing to have people who care about you worry about you occasionally when you go off the path of safety.”

  I couldn’t get mad yet. I had to find out what he told them. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Well, he claims that you think you’ve found your birth parents. And that you and Ellie intend to find them while on vacation.”

  She didn’t answer immediately. She had to find a way out of this one. What exactly had she told Braxton about the vacation? Her mind whirred trying to recall the details of their conversation. Her dad had the upper hand and she needed to regain control. She needed to be clever. Telling them the whole truth would not be a smart thing at the moment. She’d be vague.

  “You have part of that right. Ellie and I do think we found a strong link to my parents.”

  “He said this year’s trip with the Lamberts is all about you finding your birth parents. Is that true?” Abrie asked.

  “And you felt a need to keep that from us? Haven’t we done everything we could to help you locate them?” Tom said.


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