Forever Ecstasy

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Forever Ecstasy Page 37

by Janelle Taylor

  For all her dreamy hopes and desperate prayers, Morning Star knew it would not be that easy to leave with Joe or to enter his world. It troubled her that he was having doubts, was retreating from her. No, she decided, it was a clever and necessary move for their safety and peace of mind.

  She turned and gazed into his eyes. “My choice is made, Joe. I-”

  “You don’t have to explain,” he interrupted in a sad tone.

  She realized he anticipated the worst from her strange mood. She smiled, caressed his cheek, and said, “I love you. If possible, we will find a way to be together when our task is done.”

  Joe stared into her softened gaze. He was afraid to trust what he was hearing. “Are you saying… Do you mean…”

  Morning Star grinned, then laughed. “I will marry you after our mission is completed.”

  “You aren’t teasing me? You aren’t saying this to clear my head?”

  She realized that her own was as clear as it could ever be. No matter what anybody said or did, they were destined to live as one. “It will not be simple,” she said slowly, trying her best to speak correct English, to show him how much she had learned about fitting into his world. She related to him all she had been thinking and feeling. “I love you,” she finally concluded.

  Joe scooped her up and swung her around, laughing with joy as he did so. “’You just made me the happiest man alive. I promise, Morning Star, I’ll make you happy and I’ll protect you from any harm.”

  She believed him, but cautioned, “We must say nothing to others before our sacred task is done. It will be hard to win acceptance of our joining… and my leaving.”

  Enchanted by her, Joe suggested, “Would it be best to start dropping hints about our feelings when we visit your family?”

  She shook her head. “You forget you are Tanner Gaston, of our bloodline. To reveal the lie now will bring much harm to us and our task.”

  “You’re right,” he conceded. As he held her in his arms, he confessed, “The hardest thing I’ve ever done will be to pretend our love and bond don’t exist when we’re in your camp.”

  “If we reveal it,” she warned, “how can Father, Mother, and others believe any words we speak after lies and tricks are exposed?”

  “You’re one of the smartest women I’ve known. No, the smartest. And the bravest,” he added with a wide smile.

  “Some will cause trouble for us,” she alluded.

  “Knife-Slayer. Does Knife-Slayer mean anything special to you?”

  Morning Star traced his lips with her finger. “You are the only man I have loved. He desires me and chases me. I do not like him or trust him. But he will battle us with all his skills. So will Night Stalker. I do not know what Mother and Father will…”

  Joe tightened his embrace a moment. “We’ll find a way to make everyone understand and agree. After our victory and the new treaty, they’ll see why I had to trick them. They can’t deny I’m Sky Warrior. I look and behave like the man in Payaba’s vision; it’s sacred. It’s meant to be.”

  She smiled. “I pray you are right. We must not fail in our mission. If we do, my people will say it is punishment for our deceit, and they will not allow me to leave with you.” Even if I must die to be halted or punished…

  “We won’t fail, love; I swear it.”

  Morning Star decided there was no better time than anpetu tonpi, her birthday, to make her choice and to receive the gift of a future with Joe.

  The happy white man and nineteen-year-old beauty sank to his bedroll and made passionate love before sleeping entwined in each other’s arms.

  Joe watched Morning Star head south while he continued east. He was glad she was going home for a visit. He knew she could make the half-day trip alone. He hated being apart from her, but he felt he would be safe stopping near the fort to retrieve the messages from Stede, Fitzpatrick, and Jim. If anything went wrong, he could always expose his identity as a government agent. As soon as he had answers from them about troubling questions, he would head for Sun Cloud’s camp and his love. He wanted this mission completed so he could marry the woman of his heart.

  Morning Star followed the trail signs to her people’s second location of this nomadic season and rode into the Red Heart camp. It didn’t take her long to make several shocking discoveries. She was relieved Joe wasn’t with her or he might be slain before she could reveal the good news and clear up one particular and dangerous mistake.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Morning Star gaped at her best friend, who had left her tasks and rushed to meet her. Her dark-brown eyes were wide and her mouth agape as she took in the thirty-six-year-old woman’s shocking words.

  As if she hadn’t heard them, Buckskin Girl repeated, “He has come, the true vision warrior. Did Tanner learn this news and flee for his life?”

  Confused, Morning Star replied, “Tanner has gone to the fort to speak with the soldier who helps us. I returned to tell Father and the council all we have learned and done. He is the true Sky Warrior. I do not understand your strange words.”

  With glowing eyes, Buckskin Girl caught her breath and explained, “Sky Warrior returned two suns’ past to help us defeat the evil whites. Sky Warrior, Notaxe tse-amo-estse, son of Windrider and his white mate, Bonnie Thorne. I can tell you all that lives in my heart now, Morning Star. When you won the contest, I feared I was wrong. I was not. Tanner Gaston is not the Sky Warrior in Payaba’s vision. The son of Windrider is. All forgot about him, for he has been gone sixteen winters. He was driven from his band by dishonor and anguish. He was stripped of his chief’s bonnet by evil. He—”

  “Soul-of-Thunder followed Windrider as chief, not his half-blooded brother; Morning Star interrupted. “Your mind is confused. I will seek Payaba to tend you.” Before she could leave, the woman’s grasp halted her.

  “No, you must hear my words. Sky Warrior was war chief. The sacred vision did not say what chief’s bonnet was lost. He has been in the white world. He is half white and half Cheyenne. His grandmother was Oglala, Red Heart. He is of our band.” She stressed the connection. “I do not doubt Stede Gaston is the first vision man, but my love is the second. His looks and Life Circle match the vision words. I believed the Great Spirit would call him home to find his true destiny. He has done so. I tried to warn you Tanner is not the vision warrior,” she reminded. “There is another bond to our band, to Gray Eagle’s bloodline: his brother, the chief, is mate to Bright Arrow’s daughter, Tashina.”

  All of this was news to Morning Star, but it didn’t change what she and Joe had done and must continue doing. But now she knew what had driven her friend. “Such things do not make him the Sky Warrior in the sacred vision.”

  “Do not be blind, my friend,” Buckskin Girl urged.

  The kind-hearted daughter of Sun Cloud did not toss those words back into the woman’s face. Suddenly she thought of how her brother and Knife-Slayer might try to use this unexpected event to cause trouble for her and Joe. To learn everything about the past episode, she entreated, “Tell me why he was banished.”

  The daughter of Flaming Star assumed her friend accepted her words, so she complied with eagerness. “Sky Warrior’s mate and children were slain during a Shoshone raid. Before his heart was healed, he sought another mate. He chose the shaman’s daughter, a beautiful girl. But she was evil. She let no one see her entice him. She sneaked into the forest and lay upon his sleeping mat many times. She desired him as a man, but did not want a half-breed as a mate. She did not want her children stained by his blood.” Buckskin Girl’s eyes filled with anger and hatred.

  “He did not know she tricked him, as his mind was clouded with pain. When a warrior lay claim to her, Sky Warrior saw another woman being taken away, so he challenged for her and fought to the death of the other man. The slain warrior was a Dog Man, the highest-ranking sash wearer. Many were troubled by his death over a woman. She refused to join him. She lied to her father and people.”

  Buckskin Girl’s tone became col
der as she related the tale. “She told them Sky Warrior wanted her so much he threatened her and her family if she did not join him. Her father, the shaman, was fooled and he spoke for her. He spoke against Sky Warrior, the half-breed. He claimed his daughter had not shared a blanket with my love or listened to his flute music. He demanded my love be banished. The tribe was aroused against him. The words of Windrider, Bonnie, and Soul-of-Thunder were not heard above the shouts to dishonor him. Shamed and hurt, he left the Cheyenne camp and he entered our camp to stay with us, his grandmother’s people. Many offered him a place in their tepee. I came to love him and desire him, but he feared such feelings because he was in great pain. He went into his mother’s white world to learn if that was his destiny.”

  Morning Star was touched by the tragic story and listened to more.

  “I have longed for his return. I love him. That is why I have not joined another. I believed the Great Spirit would answer my prayers, and He has. When Sky Warrior came to us sixteen winters past, no one thought of the vision of four winters before it. There was no war, and he was not returning after a long absence, as he is this season. His hair is the color of the sun and moon, and his eyes match the blue in the sky. My heart was knifed when I challenged you in the contest, but I wished to ride with Sky Warrior. I believed he would come soon to take Tanner’s place. I do not care if his blood is mixed. I love him and want to join to him. I loved him long before I even knew of those feelings. Our fathers were best friends. You were three winters old when he rode away, so you did not remember him. Tanner’s coming was strange. I feared I was mistaken; I had waited for nothing. Something in my heart and mind said that was untrue. Do you understand now why I challenged you and why Tanner is not the true Sky Warrior? Others believe my love is the vision warrior. They wait for Tanner to return to be challenged on his claim.”

  “Only those who wish to cause trouble, my friend,” Morning Star contended. “Open your heart to the truth: I am riding with the true Sky Warrior.”

  “Here comes your father and mother returning from the hunt. My love is with them. He rides next to Knife-Slayer.”

  There was no need for Buckskin Girl to point out the handsome half-breed in the party. Morning Star eyed him with intrigue and dismay: his appearance did match the vision words! She prayed the son of Windrider would not become trouble for her and Joe, but she feared he would, especially if he believed he was Sky Warrior more than in Cheyenne name.

  Knife-Slayer leapt off his pinto and hurried to the woman he desired. “Where is Tanner?” he asked, glancing about for his rival.

  Eyes on her parents, she replied, “He has gone to the fort to share our news. He will return soon for me. We ride again in a few suns.”

  “No! It cannot be. He lies. Stede Gaston and the son of Windrider are the vision men. Only one true medicine warrior; Tanner is false! He heard of Sky Warrior’s return and is gone to betray us.”

  She protested the accusation, “Your words are foolish! You speak as a man who knows and feels nothing. You seek to cause trouble again.”

  “Silence!” Sun Cloud ordered as he joined them. “You fight as children,” the chief scolded. “Morning Star, a woman does not speak to a man and warrior this way.”

  Before he could be reprimanded in public, Knife-Slayer charged, “It is the evil white man’s doing. He teaches her to behave as a woman of his kind. He steals her heart from us and her eyes from me. He is bad.”

  Morning Star was angered. “He steals nothing! He—”

  “Silence! We will hear my daughter’s words when the council meets after we rest and eat. Say no more harsh words,” Sun Cloud told both.

  Singing Wind had joined them. She embraced her child and whispered, “Hold your words until we are in our tepee.”

  Morning Star nodded. She saw Knife-Slayer, who was wearing his wanapin, join his father. She noticed how Buckskin Girl edged her way to the stranger’s side. Before she followed her parents home, Morning Star quickly studied the newcomer. He was almost as tall as Joe, but was many winters older: forty-six, Buckskin Girl had told her. His skin was the same color as her own. The hard and toned muscles of his body were as defined as those on a skinned deer. His bare chest exposed Sun Dance scars, marks attesting to his great prowess. Another scar ran along his left jawline; as if following her line of vision, the man stroked it. His stormy blue eyes had not left her face since dismounting. A breeze swept through his hair and lifted strands of moonglow and sunlight. Notaxe tse-amo-estse was a man, a warrior, to steal a woman’s eye and heart—as he had done with her friend.

  “Do not worry over him,” Singing Wind whispered. “Come.”

  Sun Cloud walked with his wife and child past the meatladen travois that would be unloaded and cured tomorrow. Covered by hides to protect the hunks from insects and spoilage, they would be fine tonight. He was anxious to hear of his daughter’s adventures and to prevent dissension.

  Inside the dwelling, Morning Star pointed to the rifles and ammunition. “They are gifts to you and Night Stalker from Tanner. We defeated men hauling them to the Bird People. We destroyed all others.”

  As the chief lifted one to study it, Singing Wind said, “Our fear was great for your safety. It is good to see you home.”

  “It is good to be home, Mother, but we must leave when he returns. Father, do you wish me to speak all things to you, or wait until council?”

  “There is no need to weary you with speaking two times.”

  The council began with Knife-Slayer charging that “Tanner” was not the vision man, that Notaxe tse-amo-estse must replace him in the mission.

  Morning Star had been given time to think and plan during the meal and rest period. Having been given permission to speak freely, she pointed out that “the sacred vision said two men, different men. It did not say the vision warrior with Oglala blood lost his chief’s bonnet or returned. It said he was denied his rank, land, and people. The man with sky eyes, white blood, and sun hair is not the same as the man with Oglala blood who was denied such things. It cannot be Windrider’s son.”

  Hawk Eyes, shaman and father of Knife-Slayer suggested, “It may be only one vision man. Two may be a symbol: the man before leaving and the man after returning. Payaba saw no faces. All words match Notaxe tse-amo-estse. He was a great warrior, a cunning chief, and will be so again.”

  “No, it is two men,” Payaba refuted, “not the same man.”

  Wind Bird, who was training under the old shaman, ventured, “What if there are two Sky Warriors? What if the Great Spirit called the son of Windrider home to help him with the sacred mission?”

  “The vision did not show three men,” Hawk Eyes argued.

  Morning Star leapt on his words. “If two can be a symbol for one warrior as you believe and reasoned, Hawk Eyes,” she contended, “why do you say one cannot be a symbol for two? Is it not strange two men come who match the vision? I say one does not come to prove the other false. I say let both work to help us. We must halt the trouble before buffalo season ends and the Bird People raid with guns from the evil white man. We have traveled far and much and our faces are known to enemies and those we doubt. His is not. He can do tasks at white posts we cannot enter. He was sent to join us, not to take Tanner’s place. The vision said our helper would have hair that blazes like the sun. Tanner’s hair is of the sun, but Sky Warrior’s has the light of the sun and moon. Tanner’s eyes are as blue and calm as the day he came to us; Sky Warrior’s are dark as a sky before a storm. We have ridden the vision trail. How can you say what we have done was not meant to be? Many bad things would be past if Sky Warrior came this late to help us.”

  “Tell us what great things he has done” came Knife-Slayer’s words in a sarcastic tone.

  Morning Star used patience and self-control as she related their adventures for the past thirty-two suns. She observed the men as she talked, to interpret their feelings and reactions to her news. As was their way, none interrupted. She noted worried looks when she expo
sed the incriminating Red Heart arrows at the massacre of Crow hunters. Smiles and nods greeted news of their tracking of the attackers, their slayings, and the return of sacred possessions to the burial ground. Dismay was obvious when she told them of the Crow false clues left there and suggested the evil whites were provoking the tribes against each other. More smiles and nods came her way when she spoke of the fur-trapper ruse. She saw the men listen intently to information about Orin McMichael, the strange scout, Simon Adams, and Harvey Meade. She explained about the murder charge against “Tanner” and their visit to the fort to see Captain James Thomas. She told them how much they trusted this white soldier and how eager he was for peace with them.

  Morning Star watched Knife-Slayer almost jump up to argue, but his father’s hand stayed the scowling warrior. She revealed how Zeke and George had arrived as they were leaving and explained that matter. She related their pleasant visits with Red Cloud and Spotted Tail and saw her pursuer’s scowl deepen and his eyes chill to hear of how her love was accepted by those two respected chiefs. Knife-Slayer’s envy, anger, and doubts increased as she spoke of their daring visits to three Crow camps as a trader, hireling of Snake-Man, and Arapaho squaw. When she asserted that Chief Two-Bulls was

  a good man who wanted peace, the tense warrior could not contain his fury.

  “He was sly and tricked you! We cannot have peace with Bird People! He trails you this sun to attack our camp to slay all Red Hearts.”

  “If so, he and his warriors would be here by now. There has been time for such a dark deed, Knife-Slayer, but it has not and will not come to pass.” She saw Hawk Eyes prevent another outburst from his son.


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