The King's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The King's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 5

by Honor James

  Hauling her up against him, he rubbed furiously at her clit. “Play with your gorgeous breasts,” he told her, sucking on her neck, his teeth scraping and his tongue sliding over the skin. Thrusting into her hard enough to lift her up each time, he pinched her clitoris hard and pressed his teeth to his mark on her skin as he growled deep, hoping she would come around him again.

  Chrissy’s body clenched around him again and again, her hands dropping to her breasts and playing with them as he had. Pinching her nipples, rubbing the soft globes, she whimpered. “I’m so close, Tryg. I need you to come with me.” She loved the feeling of him spilling deep inside of her body.

  Always, he whispered in her mind, pressing his teeth deeper into her skin as he let loose. His seed spurted hard from his body and into hers, the sensation making her toes curl. She literally saw stars bursting behind her eyelids, she heard a roar in her ears, and for a brief moment, she swore her heart stopped beating only to restart just so that it could beat along at the pace of his heart. Yep, she now knew why orgasms were sometimes referred to as “La petite morte.”

  Purring softly, Tryggr stroked her clit lazily as his tongue stroked over her shoulder and neck. “After your turn I want to lick you into orgasm. I want to stroke all your pretty, pink, silky-soft skin with my tongue until you come all over me. Then I’ll do it again and again and again.”

  “Only if I get to lick you, take you into my mouth, touch every single inch of your body first.” She was nearly boneless as he held her there in the shower. “I need to taste every single inch of you, darling. I really want that. A lot.”

  “You can do anything you want with me, love,” he whispered quietly. “You can even do it twice before I have another turn at your gorgeous self.” Tryggr grabbed the soap and began to soap up her chest, arms, breasts, belly, and then down between her legs where he was still buried. “Scrub up, darling, and then we will rinse you,” she could hear the smile in his voice.

  She took the soap from him and shook her head. “I think that you have to pull out of me first, darling,” she said. “Not that I really want you to, but it would be conducive to getting clean, you know.” She teased him and let her soapy hands run over her overly sensitive breasts as she spoke.

  “Mmm,” he grumbled softly, “I like being buried inside of you, babe. But since we want out of here today, I will give in this one time.” Sliding free of her, he held her upright when her knees wobbled and she tilted slightly. “You got your land legs under you,” Tryg asked with a crooked grin, stroking her clit once more before moving his hands to her hips.

  “Lordy, you are such a tease,” Chrissy said with a grin and turned, placing her back on the tiled wall once more, and looked up at him with a naughty grin. “God, I love that you are. And now, now I want to wash you,” she warned only half a second before closing her hands over his shaft and beginning to use the suds and soap on them to clean him.

  Slamming his hands to the wall behind her to remain upright, his breath slammed out of his lungs at her move. “Holy hell,” he moaned out roughly. He was still hard and only getting harder the more she stroked him. Rocking his hips forward, he let his chin drop and peered at her intent expression through his lashes. “I’m a Cat, darling, and I like to play. I may tease, but I will also always deliver. I never want you to ache.” The last word came out on a growl as she ran a finger around the head of his cock.

  “And I never want you to ache either,” Chrissy admitted to him and squeezed him in her hands. “I want to give you pleasure like this. I want to feel you coming on me, Tryggr. I want that heat to touch the outside of my body as well. Are you all right with it?”

  “As long as you are, babe,” he choked out as his toes curled. “I don’t mind letting loose if you’re all right with having my semen all over your pretty skin.” Licking his lips, he rocked his hips toward her again. “Tighter,” he told her in a demand, “I like it a little rough, babe.”

  Squeezing her hands together tighter, she rubbed up and down his cock. “I want to feel you painting my skin with your semen. I love the way it feels inside of me and want to know what it feels like on me.” Her fists were pumping harder and faster over his cock, squeezing the bulbous head of his shaft tighter and tighter on each pass as she did so.

  Growling nearly constantly, he kept pushing his hips forward. “Cup my balls and roll them, gently though,” he whispered. His balls were super sensitive when they were drawn up tight like they were. Pumping his hips forward harder and faster to encourage her, he held onto his orgasm as he waited for her to touch more of him.

  One hand fisted on his cock and the other moved to cup his balls. Very gently she rolled them in her palm, her thumb caressing them gently while her other hand roughly pumped his cock. “Come for me, Tryggr. Please,” she begged, her own body so very close to another orgasm, just from touching him as she was.

  “Oh Gods,” he rasped out, his eyes rolling back in his head. Pumping his hips forward, he curled his fingers into the tile and came with a bellow, her name bouncing around the space as he ejaculated hard, his seed spurting from his body in strong bursts, repeatedly and continuously as she kept stroking him and playing with him.

  It was nearly an endless stream of his seed that jettisoned out of his body and sprayed against her belly, pussy, and thighs, but she liked it. Looking up at him, she grinned and licked her lips. “Kiss me.” He was a demanding lover, but she could be, too, she was finding.

  Leaning in he, gave her what she wanted, his whole body humming with sexual pleasure. His little mate sure knew how to play well. He rather liked that. He would teach her much, much more in the days, weeks, and years to come until she was as insatiable as he knew he was for her.

  Chapter Five

  Chrissy rolled to her stomach on the bed and yawned. Resting her head on the pillow, she watched him for a short time and then finally reached out to touch her fingers to his soft fur. “You are beautiful, Tryggr.” She had talked him into shifting for her so that she could see him in his animal form, and he was stunningly beautiful. “I think now, however, you should change back so that we can get up and get breakfast, lunch, heck, whatever time it is for a meal,” she mumbled. “Feed me, Tryggr.” she said with a grin. “Please?”

  Grumbling at her, he got up, jumped off the bed, and stretched out, his claws digging into the floor for a moment before he shook himself. With a thought, Tryggr changed back to his human form and grinned lazily at her. “So demanding,” he teased. Moving to the bed, he reached for her hands and pulled her up off the bed. “Come on, you sexy beast, let’s get you some sustenance. I have plans for your sexy little body later.”

  That had Chrissy grinning widely. “Good, because here I was just thinking that you had lost all interest in me,” she teased. “So it’s good to know that you haven’t.” She winked at him then and squeezed his hands. “But we first have to ensure that the animals at my clinic go where they need to, that I put out the sign telling pet owners where to go, and ensure that all of my appointments are canceled for the time being,” she told him. “So your ideas about my body have to wait, darling mine.”

  Pouting slightly, he nodded. “All right,” he murmured softly. “We will wait until we see to your fuzzy little friends.” Dropping a kiss on her lips, he pulled back and tugged her hand. “Come on, sugar, let’s go and eat, and then we will go rescue your pals and get them home.”

  “Thank you, honey. Are you sure that it’s safe? That the thing that attacked us won’t be there waiting for us?” She felt the revulsion, the fear rising up in her again and hated it.

  “As safe as it can be,” he told her quietly. “We’ll also be taking a few others along with us, just because I’m a suspicious person by nature. We will be going in fully armed, dangerous, and looking to kill that son of a bitch if he’s dumb enough to come back.”

  “Good. Can I have a weapon, too, because I feel the need for his blood as well.” She paused and then with a cheeky grin added, “After
I thank him for herding me into your arms.” With a sigh, she whispered, “If not for that monster, you and I never would have met. Even though the town is small, I doubt that we would ever have run into each other, and that’s something we should thank that monster for, just before you kill him.”

  “I promise to thank him before I rip his throat out.” He grinned at her before going serious. “But no, you are not getting a weapon until you are rated on them. No one is allowed one without being properly trained as required. No exceptions even for adorable little mates,” Tryggr told her.

  “Well, fudge nuggets,” she muttered. “All right then, how do I get rated on them or trained or whatever it is? I refuse to be defenseless, Tryggr. If I’m without you for some reason, I want and need to be able to defend myself, right?”

  “You go with me to the base after the furry wonders are home and safe and we start training you on several pieces to see which suit you best. We’ll also give you some hand-to-hand knowledge to kick ass, run away, and fight another day with your gun or weapon of choice,” he said, padding down the stairs.

  “Fight another day when I bring my Jaguar, King of the Feline Shifters, to the fight, right?” she teased and padded down behind him, jumping onto his back when he made the bottom step. “The floor is cold.” She pouted, or hoped it was a pout she was pulling off at least. In reality she had only wanted to be close to him.

  Catching her out of sheer reflex, he shot her a look and snorted. “I might buy that if you didn’t look so smug, darling.” Stroking his fingers up and down her thigh, he walked them into the kitchen. Shifting to the counter, he eased her down. “Stay so that your feet stay warm.” He grinned at her.

  Chrissy leaned back and grinned. Watching him as he moved around the kitchen, she wiggled her toes as she held her feet out from her. “My feet do tend to get so very cold. I think that I need to start wearing socks or booties or maybe footed pajamas.” She wanted to know if he was listening to her rambling. She had no intention of ever putting anything between them, unless it was “that time of the month” for her, that was.

  “You can wear socks, but you put on pajamas of any kind and I will shred them,” he said, starting the coffee maker before turning. Holding up a hand, he let the claws slice out. “I will completely and totally shred them to ensure nothing is on your skin but me.”

  Chrissy just grinned. “Don’t worry. I don’t think that I will wear anything at all in our bed except for four days a month. Then, like it or not, I’m wearing pajamas, and you will just have to learn to deal with it.”

  “Why four nights a mon—?” He stopped as his brain clicked into gear. “Oh,” he murmured and grinned at her. “Well, I suppose that is allowable. As long as you leave your breasts bare, I think I can survive four nights a month.”

  “Sorry, babe, but I cover the girls during that time as well because of how sensitive and painful they are. I wish that I didn’t have “that time” of the month, but I do, and I have to survive it as I can, and that’s with having my body covered.”

  Pouting, he moved back to her and sighed. “I’m sorry, love,” he murmured, running his hands up and down her thighs. Resting his forehead to hers, he stared down into her eyes. “I didn’t realize that being a woman was so damned hard.”

  Chrissy shrugged and then grinned. “It’s better than being pregnant. From everything that I have read and heard, pregnancy really is hard on a woman, who is then hard on her man.” Because pregnancy should be shared, at least hers would with him.

  “So you’re trying to tell me that when you get pregnant, I’m in for a world of hurt?” he asked, leaning back a bit. Tryg wasn’t so sure he liked that plan, not in the fucking least! Who the hell made up these dumbass relationship rules anyway?

  “Yeah, sorry about that,” Chrissy murmured. “Hopefully I won’t be a hormonal nightmare like some women are, but I needed you to know, just in case I am. But that’s for one day in the very, very far future. For right now it’s just us, and we don’t have to worry about babies yet, right?”

  “Only if you’re on the pill, darling,” he said softly, sincerely. “We haven’t exactly been ensuring you don’t get pregnant with all we’ve been doing after all.” She was his mate, and he should have thought about the fact she might not want to get knocked up immediately.

  Chrissy grinned. “I’m on the pill.” But there was something in the back of her mind that was niggling, something she should recall, but since it didn’t come quickly she just pushed it away. “I will go off of it when we are ready for babies. You aren’t ready for one soon, are you?” She wanted to be able to spend time with him for a while without worry of a baby.

  “I can wait for a while,” he told her with a smile. “I do want some time just with you so that I can have you anywhere and anytime I want around the house without worrying about little eyes and ears hearing us. While I’m all for sex education with our youth, I don’t want them learning it when I’m getting freaky with their mom on the front lawn.”

  “Oh, I like that, the front lawn?” Chrissy’s ears perked at that. “I really think we should try every single inch of our home, darling. Every inch of it inside and out as long as no one will see.” She didn’t think he would approve of others watching them going at it like the horny couple they were.

  “With the way this place is built and with the trees and fence, we should be okay. The front yard will be tricky, but if we do it on a moonless night, we’ll get it in.” He grinned at her. “Only problem with living right on a street is that the neighbors potentially can peep on you.” Which was why he’d put in mature trees in the back, filled in with pines, shrubs, and a twenty-foot fence that was solid.

  “Well I’m sure that we will be able to enjoy each other a great deal,” Chrissy murmured happily. “What in heaven’s name made your leader choose this small town for your base?” Not that she was complaining. She loved that they were here in her hometown, a great deal.

  “We all move wherever we are needed, and this base has been here for centuries. It just gets updated whenever we move back in. There are eight others around the US, all hidden from human eyes and satellites. The perimeters are all protected by a warding spell that keeps people from moving in or attempting to buy the land. Talon has always picked places that work for him, for us, and that his gut agrees with.”

  “Ah, well then I’m glad that he chose this space for now.” For her lifetime so that she could have been in the right place and time to meet the man of her dreams. “Whatever it is, why he chooses the places he does, I’m glad that he does. I’m happy, love. Very much so.”

  “Good,” Tryg said, pushing back slightly. “Did you want some coffee while you wait for breakfast?” he asked curiously. Moving to the cupboard, he pulled down two cups and looked at her. “Coffee?” he asked again as he waited for her attention to move beyond his ass.

  It was hard, but finally she looked up at him and shook her head. “No thank you. I think that I will have milk instead.” She licked her lips and got up. “Goodness, your body is the stuff of legends. I can’t get over just how beautiful you are.”

  Blushing at her words, he shook his head and switched her cup for a glass. Getting her some milk, he passed it to her before pouring himself some coffee. “So, what do you want for breakfast? But be warned, you call me beautiful again and you are making breakfast.”

  “Sausage, bacon, eggs, toast would all be good. And I won’t call you beautiful again. How about drop-dead handsome, good looking, stunning?” she asked with a happy grin. “Because you are all of those, darling.”

  “Meh.” He wrinkled his nose up at her. “Not bad, but not great would be more accurate, I think, babe.” He had a Frankenstein thing going on and he knew it. First the Mage and then too many fights over the years. While he was comfortable with his body and didn’t care what others thought, he also knew the reality.

  “I happen to love every part of you, darling,” Chrissy told him with a frown. “I really do lo
ve you, honey, and I love the way that you look, so I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t put me down on what I think about how you look please.”

  “I wasn’t putting you down, darling. I just know exactly what I look like,” he told her, digging out food, starting the sausage right off. “I did a lot of damage to myself when they attacked us in our home, mainly because I don’t think the Mage actually wanted to kill me, but I was so furious at being pinned that no one had a chance to tie me down. I know they wanted me to watch what they had planned for my sister”—something he still had nightmares about. “Then I kind of found every mission I could that had a death wish attached and took it.”

  Standing, she walked to him and traced some of his scars. Looking up at him, she said, “Do you know what I see in you, Tryggr?” At his obvious look of “no,” she continued,, “I see a man who has lived a life protecting others. I see a man who carries scars inside and out. And I see you, Tryggr. I see the man who was hurt so badly by the horrible loss of his parents, the pain that his sister went through. I see a survivor, even when he didn’t want to. I see the man that I love. All of you. I see all of you.”

  Sliding an arm around her, Tryg pulled her in close to him and kissed her gently. “I love you, Chrissy,” he murmured quietly, resting his forehead to hers. Closing his eyes, he breathed her in. “Thank you for that.” Even if it wasn’t the truth of things. She didn’t have blood on her hands. She didn’t know the true damage that occurred when one killed another, he thought thankfully

  “I love you, too.” Looking up at him, she shook her head as she caught a bit of his thoughts, a perk of being mated. “I might not have blood on my hands, but I’ve learned just how hard that is for someone to deal with. Remember I am a part of you, Tryggr, and while I didn’t kill, I feel the stains it left on your soul. Just know that I’m here with and for you anytime at all.”


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