The King's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The King's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 11

by Honor James

  That had Chrissy’s eyes going wide and she looked to him. “Really? And yet you still let me bring them home? Wow.” She smiled for him then and pressed her hand to his cheek. “I love you so very much, Tryggr. Thank you for letting me have them and for being so open with me, honey.”

  Shrugging, he hugged her close to him. “I love you, baby. Of course I’d give you anything you wanted,” he said softly to Chrissy. Dropping a kiss to her lips, he breathed her in before lifting his head. “And thanks for ratting out my secrets, you brat.” He smacked Bethany’s tush lightly.

  Bethany grinned and winked at her brother. “Yeah, yeah. You love me anyway,” she teased and then added, “Well, come on in.” “Instead of us standing on the steps of the house, let’s go inside. What do you want to drink?” She was going a mile a minute, but she loved her visits from her brother, just wished he had called so that she hadn’t had to hide some things.

  “A bucket of water for me,” Tryggr said, moving to the rental to dig out their bags and lock up the SUV. “I hate flying as it is.” And all that packaged air made him feel like he’d been in the Sahara for six months without a drop of liquid. Following the women inside, he set the bags down at the bottom of the stairs, knowing which room they’d eventually get. Shutting the door, he went to join his mate and sister in the kitchen.

  “And you, Chrissy? What can I get for you?” Bethany asked, grabbing a bottle of water and passing it to her brother. “Are you hungry, either of you?” she asked, spinning onto another topic. “Dinner is in the oven and should be ready in about another two hours, but I have a bunch of snacks and such.” She dove into the fridge to haul out the trays she’d prepared. Setting them on the counters, she smiled at Chrissy. “If I talk too much, just say so.” She grinned.

  Tryggr wrapped his arm around his sister and covered her mouth. “Or do like I do and muzzle her.” He grinned at the growl he got and dropped a kiss to her hair.

  Chrissy couldn’t help but grin. Shaking her head, she watched the duo and said, “Goodness gracious, you both are so much alike that it’s honestly a little daunting.” Bethany was tall and beautiful, a woman who held an innate grace that was stunning to her. “I think that I’m going to look forward to each and every single moment with you both.”

  “Oh Gods,” Bethany said, pulling Tryg’s hand away, looking at her. “You really think that? I always wished I was more like Tryg,” she looked up at her big brother. “He’s always been such an unstoppable force. I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I was terrified to meet you after all Tryggr told me about you.”

  Chrissy’s eyes went wide at that. “Oh heaven’s sakes.” Shooting a look to Tryggr and then to Bethany, she grinned. “And yes, you are both so much alike. Bethany, you are just like him. You are just as unstoppable as he, if not more so.”

  Moving, Bethany wrapped Chrissy in a hug. “Thank you for that,” she whispered softly even though she knew that Tryg could still hear. Leaning back, she smiled. “I’m not nearly as strong or as unstoppable as he is, but thank you for saying that anyway.” She was terrified, constantly and always. Ever since that day, long ago, meeting new people always took so much effort, but Chrissy was amazing and so easy to be around.

  Hugging the woman back, Chrissy pulled back finally and touched her fingers to Bethany’s cheek lightly. “And now you have a sister to talk to. I know that not everything can be shared with a brother, so if you ever need a sister’s shoulder to cry on, I’m totally your girl.”

  “Maybe one day,” Bethany whispered, quietly shooting Tryg a look. What had happened that night was a nightmare they would forever share. Taking his hand when he offered it, she gave it a squeeze and tugged him in closer. “But enough of the past. This is for the future,” she said with a smile. “Welcome to the family, Chrissy, and I truly mean that.”

  Giving her a genuine smile, Chrissy gave Bethany another hug and then pulled back. “All right. Enough of the past. For now we will look to the future, because in reality that is all that matters. A family, that is what we all have together.”

  Smiling at her, Bethany nodded. “Sit and have a snack. We can talk more while you eat,” she said and waved them both over to the counter stools. Grabbing another bottle of water, she passed it to Chrissy. “Here, drink some water. You likely need it after the long flight.”

  “Thank you. I only need it because of the hundred and twelve times I had to tell Tryggr to sit down and stop pacing,” she said with a grin. “Silly man was all about pacing. I feel badly for the poor flight attendants that had to keep telling him to sit down.”

  Laughing softly, Bethany sat down with them. “I believe it. My brother does not travel well, but worst of all he’s a terrible flyer.”

  “Too confining,” Tryg put in as he pulled a plate close and unwrapped it enough to dig out some meat and cheese. Stacking them on a cracker, he sighed. “Some of our kind have no trouble with planes, but I hate flying with a passion. Only reason I do is so that I can see my baby sister. Since the stubborn female won’t move closer to me, it’s the only way I ever have a chance of seeing her.”

  Chrissy watched the play of emotions fly across Bethany’s face and she shook her head. “Well, I truly don’t mind flying, so that’s all that should matter. I will make sure to get my Tryggr here as often as possible,” she said with a grin. “Maybe we should get a private plane though. From what Tryg has led me to believe, he’s loaded, so he could get a private plane and all would be good.”

  “He is,” Bethany said with a nod. “He’s been very careful with all the money we ever had and made very wise choices of where to invest over the years. I think he did have a couple of boo-boos, but not so much that it ever hurt our wealth. Point of fact, he still donates nearly his entire salary to various charities,” she told Chrissy and grinned as he brother blushed and started to eat faster. She’d embarrassed him again, poor thing.

  Chrissy smiled up at Tryggr and said, “He is a pretty amazing guy, isn’t he? So yeah, I think if we had our own plane he would be a great deal more at ease and we could come here more often than he has been visiting you.”

  “I don’t want to pull him away from his work,” Bethany said in protest. “He’s doing good work and keeping everyone, our people and humans, safe. He’s needed, and that’s amazing.” She smiled at her brother. He protected the innocent and saved the damsel in distress, just like he had with her.

  “He does do wonderful work, this is very true. I would never deny that. However, I think that he needs to start taking some more time from work just as the other mated men are starting to take time from work as well. It’s a very good thing, because all work and no play makes for a very upset bond-mate.”

  “You never said you were upset with my hours.” Tryggr decided to dive back into the conversation now that they were done embarrassing him for the moment. “You should have said something before this, love.”

  “Honey, I’m not upset with your hours, but I wouldn’t mind having more time with you. I realize that when it comes time for you to take over your duties on the Council again, you will have to give them more time, and when that happens, I’m going to ask that you please cut back your hours with the teams. I don’t want to have to fight two places for time with my man.”

  “You’re still not sitting on the Council?” Bethany asked in surprise. “Why ever not?”

  “No, I’m not”—he sighed—“because I don’t want to have to put up with their pompous asses and self-righteous ways. Except for a couple of them, I can’t stand most of them. Besides, Uncle Evan is doing just fine,” he said with a shrug, though he knew the man really, really wanted to step down but wouldn’t until Tryg finally took his rightful place.

  “Tryggr,” Bethany started, stopped, and then began again. “It’s not right, Tryg,” she told him softly. “I know that it’s not something that you want to do, but you were groomed for the position. Daddy made sure that you were ready. Mother and Father would want you to be there. You ar
e the one who belongs on that Council, not Uncle Evan. No matter how much I care for him, he doesn’t belong there.” She was surprised that the Throne had accepted her uncle.

  “It feels wrong sitting in Father’s Throne,” he told her honestly. “I can’t even go near the Chambers without breaking into hives and a sweat. Besides, Uncle Evan will sit the Throne a little longer. I’m not ready to take up that mantle, and he knows it.” Beyond taking the seat on the Council, if Tryg stepped back into that role, he’d have to take it all back. While he tolerated the half dozen or so guards that were always skulking around, accepting the rulership of his people would throw him into the spotlight once more, and it would all come back.

  “And your son?” Bethany asked bluntly. “What are you going to tell my nephew when he comes into the world? ‘Oh, sorry, son, but you will have to learn about your birthright from your great-uncle. Why? Well, because I can’t face what happened to my family hundreds of years ago.’” She knew she was being bitchy, but dammit, it had to stop! “You aren’t to blame for what happened. Trust me, I have researched every single aspect of what happened, and it’s not your fault. Their deaths never should have happened as they had. I never should have been raped, but there it is. It’s life, Tryggr. I’ve gotten over mine.” Mostly. “And now it’s time for you to get over yours. I know a counselor you can see. He’s a Bear and knows all about who and what we are, brother. Please, get some help learning to get over the past.”

  “It’s not the past holding me back, Bethany,” he said honestly. “If I accept the Throne, charges will have to be brought against the clan that killed our parents and raped you. You will have to testify in front of all those judgmental old fucks. That’s why I haven’t taken the damned seat, because I don’t want you to have to relive another moment of it. Unlike you, I am over the past. I did what I could, and while it still burns me I didn’t get to you fast enough, I did all I could in the situation. I’ve replayed it over the years,” he admitted. “There was no other way for me to get past the Mage or the spears.”

  Bethany looked at him as if he had grown two additional heads. “You.” She stopped and paced. Turning her back to him, she dropped her head and shook it. Finally she turned to look at him. “Tryggr, I’m over the past,” she whispered. “I’ve been working on the future. I know that you don’t see it, but I’m truly far more healed than you think I am. I know you think that I’m still fragile, but I’m not, Tryggr. I’ve made a complete break with the past. I’m over the pain that it caused me and instead I work to help others.” She saw the shock on his face. “You didn’t know that I had gone to school in this century and gotten my degree, did you? Tryg, I’m a certified rape counseling specialist. The pups that I raise are given homes with rape victims. Haven’t you ever wondered why I raise German shepherds instead of cats? It’s because the shepherds give the women a sense of safety, of peace. Good God, don’t your guards tell you anything about what I’ve been doing?”

  “They are forbidden to ever speak of you to me in any way,” Tryg said quietly, honestly. “They tend to end up giving me unsolicited advice on how I should be ensuring you do things a woman should, which pisses me off and then one or more of them ends up hospitalized.” Shaking his head, he looked away. “Dad trained me, but even he knew I never wanted the Throne. He was always hopeful that I’d change my mind but accepted that it would likely never happen.”

  “Then why don’t you simply give up the Throne?” Bethany shot back. “Since you can no longer hide behind me, why not just give it up? Uncle Evan won’t hold the throne until your son comes of age, and even then would you truly want another to teach your son how to hold a position that your father taught you to hold?”

  “Fine, I’ll give it up,” he said, getting up and facing off with her. “I never wanted the fucking thing in the first place. For the love of the Gods, it’s the reason our parents were killed and why you were raped. Who the fuck wants that cursed piece of shit anyway?” Growling, he turned and left the room. He needed to cool off. Only his fucking sister could get him that hot and mad that fast.

  Chapter Ten

  After giving Bethany a piece of her mind, Chrissy went in hunt of her bond-mate. Reaching out, she placed her hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry, honey. I have no idea what happened, but I’m sorry that it did,” she murmured softly. “Want to talk about it?”

  Turning, he pulled her into his arms. “Not really,” he muttered softly. Sighing, he rubbed his cheek to her hair. “I shouldn’t have yelled at Bets,” he murmured, feeling like an ass. “I’m sorry, babe. This was not how I saw this trip going.”

  “I know, honey,” Chrissy whispered softly and caressed his back lovingly as he held her. “She didn’t have the right to get after you as she did either.” Granted, Chrissy agreed with Bethany, but that was beside the point. She would stand behind all of Tryggr’s choices, no matter what he chose.

  Lifting his head, he looked at her. “You think I’m being stubborn about this, too, don’t you?” he asked softly. “Just tell me the truth, love,” he said. He would hear her out and they would go from there.

  She shrugged. “Honey, I really don’t mind. It’s your choice, however.” She shrugged. “I know you think that the title is tainted, honey, but it’s not. I would only like for you to think, would your parents have wanted their grandchild to have his place in society that he should be born into? It’s a part of your heritage, honey,” she murmured. “And that’s the simple truth, darling.”

  “Damn you for being so smart,” he grumbled, resting his chin on her hair. Closing his eyes, he sighed. “I don’t know what I want to do about the bloody thing. I’d love to just be rid of the title, but then the thought of my son or daughter not to have a chance at it…” Sighing, Tryggr pulled back and paced around. “It eats at me each and every damn time I start thinking about it.”

  “Well the good thing is that you don’t have to think about it right now. For now let’s just enjoy our time with your sister, all right?” she asked quietly. “I love you, darling. I know that our son would understand no matter what you choose.” It would be terrible, yes, for them to lose the heritage before they were born, but that was neither here nor there.

  “No more talk about our future children or that damned chair,” he said to her. Moving back, he pulled her into his arms again and hugged her tight. “I love you, babe. Never think otherwise,” he whispered softly against her temple.

  “I know that you do,” she said with a grin. “And I love you as well, darling. I love every single moment that I have with you, but you know what?” Moving in closer to him, she whispered, “I look forward to each and every single second that I have with you, and I enjoy the practice that we have in making the future babies that we will have. Think we could practice some more?”

  “I think we should, but not out here. Too many eyes can take in what we’re doing,” he murmured. Mainly the guards who were all catching up with one another, but there were also the neighbors. Brushing his nose to hers, he breathed her in. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, babe, but whatever it was, I’m eternally grateful for you every moment of my life.”

  “You found me, Tryggr. Isn’t that enough?” she asked softly. “All right, Tryggr, my darling, how about you take us up to whatever room we are going to have as our own while we stay here?”

  Nodding, he took her hand in his and led her back toward the house. Opening the side door, he took her to a small staircase and led her up two flights and then down a hall to his room. He knew their bags would already be there. One of his guards would have seen to it even though he’d told them often enough it wasn’t their job to play valet or butler.

  “You do know that they will likely all be fighting over who gets to be our son’s guard when that day comes, right?” Thankfully she didn’t have to have a guard, so that was perfect to her. She wanted Tryggr protected, and if she ever had a child, when she had a child, she wanted them to be protected as well.

bsp; “You have four guards,” he told her as they walked and grinned when he felt her stumble. Turning, he scooped her up and carried her into the bedroom, “But they are really good at pretending not to be there for the most part.”

  “Are you serious?” She was shocked. Holy hell, she had guards? “Jesus H., Tryg, why didn’t you tell me?” She had been completely and totally oblivious to the fact that she had guards. Never had she dreamed she would have had them. Damn, Sam.

  “I told you I would always protect you, babe,” he said, setting her down on her feet gently. “I love you with all my heart and soul. Why would I not protect you?” he asked curiously. “You are my bond-mate and, until I decide one way or another what to do about the Throne, I’m still the heir, which means we’re both targets.”

  “Oh lord, I didn’t even think about that,” Chrissy admitted. “Holy cow, I really and truly didn’t even think about that.” She could be used against Tryggr. Even though he didn’t sit on his Throne, he was still King of the Felines. Shoot.

  “Even if I abdicate, I, or one of our children, could potentially claim it at any time in the future, which means even then we’ll likely still have to have guards,” he murmured softly. Stroking her fingers lightly, he tipped his head. “You are Royalty, you know, right?” Tryg asked with a small grin.

  Chrissy shrugged. “No matter who or what I am I put my pants on one leg at a time just like any other living being does, darling. Besides”—she looked to him and grinned—“one good thing about the guards is that they would ensure that we weren’t ever bothered if we decided to get naked and make love in the middle of the forest, now would they?”


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