The King's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 6] (Siren Publishing Classic)

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The King's Mate [Paranormal Protection Unit 6] (Siren Publishing Classic) Page 16

by Honor James

  “Upon occasion, sire,” the guard said. “I’ve even had a few of the Changers come through a rough one and toss their cookies. That’s a little rarer, but it is amusing to see them looking green instead of so…” The guard paused, obviously aware he was treading on dangerous territory.

  “So what?” Tryg asked curiously. “You don’t need to worry about me saying anything. I can’t stand most of those uptight, opinionated pricks anyway.”

  “I was going to say pompous and self-righteous, that they’ve been lowered to mere commoners by nothing more than a bumpy ride,” the guard murmured very quietly before shooting a look around.

  Opening the door, Chrissy came out and sighed. “They even had little mini bottles of mouthwash in there. Whoever put that room in there knows just exactly what the heck they were doing with it.” She grinned as she spoke. Looking to the others, she gave a small wave. “Okay, can we please get this done if you wouldn’t mind?”

  Nodding, Tryg took her hand and guided her up the hall to join the group. “So, now what?” he asked, looking at everyone. “Do we just walk in and say ‘hey’ or do we go all sneak attack on him?” He looked to Gaia to see how this would go.

  “Now you enter the Chambers and make your claim on the Throne. When you sit upon it and it accepts you where it never accepted your uncle, they will know that you are the one who belongs there instead of your uncle. A man who had to be brought into the Chambers each time by another of the Council members, a man who couldn’t open the Vortex at all, and has never sat upon the actual Throne of the large cats.”

  “Okay,” he said hesitantly. “I know we sort of skimmed this earlier, but what if it doesn’t accept me?” He looked at Gaia. “It’s a death penalty offence to try and claim a Throne only to be proven wrong by the chair, Goddess.” Yeah, he knew how the Council worked. He had paid loose attention to such things over the years and during his father’s reign.

  “Why do you think I pissed you off as much as I did before the Vortex was opened? I had to be very sure,” she told him simply. “And the Vortex wouldn’t have come to you if you didn’t have a true and real claim on the Throne. Just trust in your bloodline and that you are the true King.”

  “Doesn’t make sitting on that man-eater any easier,” he pointed out. “Seriously, you couldn’t have just had it shoot the offender across the room to be punished later?” Looking at Chrissy when he felt her tense, he smiled. “But it’s all good, all good,” he murmured. Taking a breath, Tryg waved a hand. They had the long hallway to traverse where their clothing would be changed to the setting, except Chrissy. And likely Gaia. He didn’t know if she got a new outfit or was exempt from that weirdness.

  As they entered the Chambers that the guards held the doors for, Chrissy watched in amazement as Tryggr’s clothing changed, his weapons appeared at his sides making her jump. “What in heaven’s name?” She forgot for the moment that her bond-mate had grown up in a time of swords and blades rather than guns.

  Looking down, he grinned. “Been a long time since I’ve used one of these,” he murmured, rubbing his palm to the hilt. “It’s all right, darling. It’s all ceremonial, part of the pomp and presentation,” he said quietly as they walked in behind the others. Pausing when Gaia gave them a small signal, Tryg smiled, taking note she’d stopped them before his uncle could spot them. Smart woman, that Goddess.

  Chrissy’s eyes were darting around watched everyone doing everything that they did, and suddenly she frowned slightly. Leaning in close to Tryggr, she chose to speak in their minds only. Why are there some hiding in the shadows and whispering? I know why we are, because we don’t want anyone to know we are here yet, but why would those men do that?

  Because they are the ones that operate things behind the scenes, Tryggr told her quietly. They are aides, assistants, lovers, mistresses, whatever, he said, shifting to take a look at what he could see. They are paid extremely well to listen to absolutely everything that is said at all times and to dig up dirt for the Council members to use against the others, leverage, or blackmail, however you want to put it.

  Oh I don’t like that at all. Do they think that they will be able to gain that information on you? Do Talon or Katherine or Quincy use people like that? Will you? She didn’t think that he would. Tryggr was one of those men who would find out all that he could on his own.

  Those that are honest don’t bother. They all have people that stand and take notes. It often becomes very distracting in these meets, people yakking loudly on one side while others bend in to whisper a little something to another. Their people are watching for that, watching the others in the shadows. They are trying to clean out the rot that is here. They needed a way to do that without the distraction of the bickering.

  I do not envy any of you the part that you have to play in this then. I can’t imagine how Talon has been able to keep his cool as long as he has and not taken off some people’s heads. The large Dragon had far more restraint that Chrissy would have, that was for sure.

  Snorting, he pressed a kiss to her neck. From what I’ve heard he’s come close more than once, he murmured and then stiffened. They’re starting, he told her very softly. Talon will call the Council to order and give the floor to Gaia to speak.

  Chrissy watched as Talon wrestled the members and the staff into order. She let her gaze pass over each member there and then heard Gaia’s soothing voice. “The King of the Predatory Cats has returned. After the terrible murder of his family, he needed time to come to peace with all that had happened and find it in his own heart to return to the Chambers and to the Throne that is his.” She looked to Tryggr. “Tryggr Jackson. Step forward and claim your Throne as is your right by blood and birth.”

  Taking a deep breath that really didn’t do anything to settle his gut, he gave Chrissy a quick squeeze. Dropping his hand to hers, he laced their fingers together and moved around the head of the table for the empty, seemingly boring chair. Pressing a kiss to her fingers, he let her hand go. Just stay here, he told her quietly as he moved to the Throne and, after a pause, eased down into it.

  Chrissy watched as the Throne moved, as it seemed to curl and cup his body and grew into something far…more. “Holy shit, that’s freaking awesome.” Chrissy was unable to contain herself from whispering those words, but in the dead silence of the room it sounded like a shout.

  Tryggr breathed a sigh of relief as he saw Talon shoot her a look before winking with a small smile for Chrissy. Relaxing back when the chair didn’t decide to devour him, he reached for her hand and tugged her in closer to him.

  Chrissy went to stand at his side and looked down at him. “I love you,” she whispered for his ears alone, something that had his lips twitching. “It suits you, honey, very much so.” I love you, honey, a great deal. I’m glad that this worked so well for you and it accepted you. Now it’s time to get your uncle to either make a move or accept you.

  Standing, Talon looked around and caught hints of fear in some expressions. Some of the Council were not happy to have the actual King of the Cats on the Throne. Looking to Tryggr’s uncle, he bowed his head slightly. “The Council wishes to extend our thanks to you, Evan Jackson of the Jaguars. You were of great assistance to us during the trying and difficult years after the untimely passing of the former King. We thank you and bid you good day, sir. You can finally enjoy a bit of a retirement.” The Dragon smiled slightly, ensuring to keep it happy and light.

  Tryg looked to where his uncle sat and waited. Now we see if he protests or leaves without a fuss. Honestly he had no idea if Evan would raise a stink or not, but in either case he’d be back to face the Council soon enough. Up on charges of murdering the King and Queen of the Cats and of the Jaguars, taking away Tryg’s parents.

  Everyone saw the man’s face turn red and mottled. Watched as his anger fought with his need to keep in control, but his control won out and he turned on his heel, leaving without acknowledging Tryggr, a slight that they all caught. Squeezing Tryggr’s hand, Chr
issy whispered in his mind, He’s seriously pissed off right now, love. I mean like crazy pissed.

  You think? he asked, shooting her a look. Shaking his head, he shot a dark look after his uncle and leaned back in the chair.

  Talon blinked and looked over at Tryggr. “There would appear to be more to this than meets the eye. Care to elaborate for the Council?”

  “Not at this time, sir,” Tryggr said honestly. “I’m working on uncovering some things that I will bring forth, but only once I have all the facts. I would hate to wrongly speak and cause more trouble for those than is needed.”

  “Soon,” Talon said with heavy meaning, knowing the Jaguar had been digging deep into the past and recent activities of his uncle and cohorts. “All right, folks, onto regular business,” he said, taking his seat, and brought up the first point on the meeting notes.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Stepping out of the white room on base, Tryggr stopped in the hall and looked at his mate. “Well that didn’t go near as horribly as I thought it would.” He was of course referring to their latest Council meeting. It had been boring and blah. On the other hand, Talon was starting to get testy about the info Tryg had. He really needed to get that all sorted and ready to indict half the Council members and their aides, whores, and whatevers. That would be so not fun.

  “You have to tell him, honey,” Chrissy said as she dropped into the loveseat there beside him. “You have to tell Talon or he’s going to get really quite pissy with you and we both know it. We both know that you will have to go toe-to-toe with that big Dragon, and I really don’t think you want that, my love.”

  “Oh now you’re telling me not to piss off T-Rex?” he asked, rolling his eyes. Wrapping his arm around her, he let out a breath. “I have to get it organized still so it’s all coherent. Right now it’s so jumbled I don’t even know what’s really there.”

  “I know, honey, but we both know, too, that you will do whatever it is that you have to do in order to keep us safe and in order to bring justice for the murders of your parents, love.” She knew him, knew that he would do whatever it took to bring his parents justice.

  “I know, but Gods, the amount of paperwork is astonishing,” he muttered. “When I asked Quincy for his help, I had no idea I was going to get buried under it all.” Getting up, Tryg tugged her up. “Come on, darling, let’s go home. I have paperwork to organize.”

  “Yeah, he does tend to go over the deep end when it comes to digging shit up, doesn’t he?” She slid her hand into his and smiled. “I’m totally down with helping you, honey. I’m very good with wanting to help you get this all over and done with so that we can move on with our lives.”

  “All right,” he agreed easily enough, pressing a kiss to her lips.

  * * * *

  Eight hours later…

  “Babe, you seen that report from the guy about the incident in Paris around forty years ago or so?” he asked her as he flipped through what he had. “I swear I’d just seen it and now it’s missing,” he murmured. It would go right into the blank spot he currently had and, hopefully, would be the end of it all. Gods, he hoped it was. His eyes were scratchy. His back ached from all the bending and hunching he’d had to do digging through boxes.

  “Yeah, it’s just beside you, honey.” She moved so that she could grab the report he was looking for and grinned when he looked at her. “It’s okay, honey, you have your mind on so much at the time, love, so it’s all good. Don’t worry. We will get this all together, I promise.”

  Taking the sheet from her with a sheepish look, he tucked it into place and then carefully flipped through it all. “That’s it,” he whispered, standing up to look at the pile and then her. Smiling, he grabbed her cheeks to pull her in for a kiss. “That’s all of it. Well, this and Quincy’s report and chart, but that’s everything, love.” The rest were half reports, notes, bits and pieces, not the solid proof they needed to ensure that Evan and his six Council cohorts all paid with their lives for killing Tryggr’s parents.

  Chrissy nodded and took a deep breath. “Are you ready to go and see about getting justice for your parents, love? Ready to let them finally be able to rest in peace?” She knew that was only a part of why he wanted to do this, needed to do it. “And so that Bets can move on with her life as well?”

  Licking his lips, he let out a breath and nodded. “Yeah,” he whispered. He couldn’t believe the day was finally there, that it was really going to happen. “Holy hell,” he wheezed out softly, suddenly having a bit of issue breathing as the enormity of it all hit him.

  She rubbed her hands up and down his back and smiled. “I know, baby,” she whispered. “It’s a great deal to take in, and I know that, love. I’m just glad that you are willing to make this end now.” Giving him a hug from the side, she then looked up once more and smiled. “I love you, honey. I will always stand at your side.”

  “Good, because I’m going to need someone to hold me up,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to her lips. “But we should go, tell Talon, and get the process started. He’ll likely call a Council meeting as soon as he reads everything, so we may need to stay on base to catch a nap.”

  “I will always be there with you and for you,” she promised him. “Always. We are together in this and in all things from now until time ends. We are a unit, and where you go, I will always follow.”

  “Just checking.” He smiled at her and kissed her gently. “Go and pack a bag of a change of clothes and our toothbrushes. I’ll get all this packed up plus the data from Quincy and then we can go,” he murmured. Stroking his fingers over her cheek, Tryg smiled. “I love you, Christine Jackson.”

  Chrissy smiled then and leaned into his touch. “I love you as well, Tryggr Jackson. I’m so very, very happy that you are mine, darling. You are truly, truly amazing,” she murmured. “And our lives…” She sighed. “Our lives are going to be so very, very amazing together.” Because they would find joy together.

  “Go, darling, we need to clean house and have very little time to do it before they all get twitchy and make a run for it.” Dropping a kiss to her lips, he let her go and smacked her bottom. “Small bag only, darling,” he ordered her quietly.

  “Small bag, promise,” she assured him. She moved then and began to get their bags packed. “Let’s get this done quickly so that we can get our house cleaned, and then we can finally be able to bring our child into this world where he belongs.”

  “Don’t forget your vitamins,” he said as he boxed up everything they would be taking. Grabbing the USB drives of info from Quincy and the papers that he threw into an expanding folder to keep them in order, Tryg dropped them all into the box. Closing the lid, he looked to her. “When this is all done, I want to go and see Bets one more time, let her know in person that it’s all done and over with.”

  “I will not forget them,” she assured him. Her vitamins were very important, mostly because of their child, but because it made him feel better as well. “When this is all done, I want to see her as well. When this is all done, I also very much would like to be able to give her a reason to come to our home as well. I will want her to come to visit us as well so that she can meet her niece or nephew as well.”

  “We’ll arrange for her and her contingent to come for the birth,” he said, lifting the box and moving to take the bag once she had it zipped shut. “So she can meet her niece or nephew right then and there. So she can stay and visit and so that I can finally figure out who she’s getting busy with.”

  “I think that sounds perfect.” Laughter poured from her lips and she shook her head. “Two somebodies, honey. That’s why you were having a hard time figuring it out. She’s sleeping with two of her guards, love. I could tell you which ones if you wanted me to, darling.”

  Shooting her a look, he moved fast to catch up with her as she left him in her dust, stunned. “Who?” he demanded.. “Tell me, woman,” he said jogging down the stairs on her heels. Reaching the foyer, he stepped into his boots and grabbe
d his jacket and keys.

  Chrissy could only grin. As they walked out of the house and toward the car, she smiled. “Sergy and Silvin. The twins,” she told him with a smile. “Didn’t you notice how both of them looked at her and how she looked at them? Believe me, darling, they are her lovers. Now and for all time they will protect and watch over her. They love her. She loves them. They might not be bond-mates, but there is a deep and true love there.”

  “Son of a bitch,” he said, unlocking the door to toss the box and their bag into the back. “No, I didn’t notice. If I’d noticed, don’t you think that I would have had a little brotherly talk with them? Seriously, woman, I’m a male, blind as fuck about such things,” he muttered, opening her door for her.

  Chrissy could only grin. “Well, now you know, but you are not allowed to ever, ever get in the way of them. If they hurt her, then hell yes, but those two boys would never in a million years hurt her, just as you would never hurt me. We are one, we are forever, and we are always, my love, just as she will be with them.”

  “Who’d have thunk it,” he murmured, shaking his head. His sister, two men, it blew his mind, but he supposed it made perfect sense. She was too giving and too much for just one. She’d need at least two to keep her from driving one male insane. Leaning in, Tryg kissed his mate. “In, babe. We have work to do before I start practicing my big brother speech.”

  Getting into the vehicle, she simply smiled, unable to help herself as she did so. “Oh, honey, I seriously doubt that you will get anywhere with that big brother speech,” she told him honestly. “So try not to use it and simply give her your love and support. I have a feeling that she will need it, honey, because of the simple fact that she’s going to be an aunt, and that’s a huge thing for any woman.” No, being a mother was bigger, but if she could save Bethany a little grief, she would.

  “I wasn’t going to use it on her,” he said shutting her door. Moving around, he sat in the driver’s seat before continuing. “I was going to use it on her two lotharios, my love,” he said honestly. “It’s the one where if they ever make her cry, I will personally yank their nuts off and use them for Christmas decorations for centuries to come.”


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