Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to notice the streaks of latent agony lingering in the afforested land; where the truant man played the most ruthlessly barbarous devil of his kind?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to untiringly appreciate the most orphaned first rays of the evanescent golden dawn; which filtered a fresh chapter of beginning through cold-bloodedly damned blackness?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to blend even the most intangibly dying ingredient of your blood; with each vivaciously exuberant stripe of the enthralling rainbow in enigmatic sky?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to feast every pore of your miserably emaciated nostrils; on the ecstatically unfettered scent of the freshly rain soaked mud?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to be an integral element of every stillness of the atmosphere; the perpetual silence enshrouding -which unveiled a countless mysteries untold of wandering man?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to conceive a boundless steps towards eternal success in your mind; before you could even alight the first physical step on veritable soil?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to be tolerant to every fraternity; caste; creed that existed in the human race; inseparably coalesce with all-to spawn into an unassailable singular mass of living kind?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to treat each anecdote of the severest failure with a smile in your stride; and yet optimistically treating each sunset as the messiah to the next Sunrise?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to talk to your very ownself; miraculously soothe your traumatically frazzled nerves with the unflinchingly fearless baritone that wafted from your throat?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to distinctly distinguish even the tiniest bird in the flapping in blue sky; just by the inimitable ebullience in its wondrous chirp?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to feel the astoundingly unparalleled goodness of creation; even amidst the most bizarrely slipping particles of hapless quick sand?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to make friendships with the most alien; sharing each estrangement ?of your heart like being the greatest pals of all times?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to grant a philosophical expression to even the most mundane thought of your mind; delve into the more inscrutably tantalizing version of vibrant life?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to capture even the most intricately vacillating shades of mother nature in the whites of your eye; to spurn enamoring poetry in each tear drop of untamed joy that dribbled down
your cheeks?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to caress the obscurest contours of your silhouette in the ripples of the placid lake; loving each aspect of your persona so that you could thenshower the same bountifully upon countless more of your living kind?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt to read someone else's mind-intransigently concentrating upon each bead of sweat that culminated upon the terse creases of the forehead?
Wasn't it while waiting for something-that you inevitably learnt the art of love to its unabashed fullest; stretching the fathomless boundaries of your brain to beyond the definitions of monotonous convention-and into a heaven of impregnable beauty?
Ah well ! Irrespective of what people say and would keep opining till the time they had voice and the earth existed-'Patience' for me is the greatest artist ?and brings out the greatest artist in you-Isn't it irrefutably true ?
"Free". The very word perpetuated even the most hopelessly deadened persona; forever and ever and ever; with rays of magically unfettered and inimitably priceless hope,
"Free". The very word metamorphosed even the most shrewdly castrated of businessmen; forever and ever and ever; into a festoon of unabashedly
delightful smiles,
"Free". The very word triggered every human to shrug all inhibitions of caste; creed; status and religion; forever and ever and ever exist as impregnably one under the fathomless sky of the Creator Divine,
"Free". The very word annihilated iconoclastically pompous anarchy; forever and ever and ever ensured that the most unconquerable of Kings as well as the beleaguered pauper; uninhibitedly ate in the same plate,
"Free". The very word massacred even the most infidel insinuation of tension; forever and ever and ever cast an incantation of eternal happiness over every conceivable speck of the atmosphere,
"Free". The very word quelled all pugnaciously beheading war to a celestial
rest; forever and ever and ever showered a rain of miraculously ameliorating equality; on granule of mother soil,
"Free". The very word magically resonated as the ultimate crown of existence
in all ears; forever and ever and ever triumphing over the devil of insanely tyrannical commercialism,
"Free". The very word timelessly rendered happiness to the breath of every miserably impoverished being; forever and ever and ever ensured that none slept a hungry stomach; on this boundlessly bewitching earth,
"Free". The very word perennially broke all jails of despicably humiliating slavery; forever and ever and ever liberated demonically asphyxiating blackness into invincibly befriending sunlight,
"Free". The very word unfathomably inspired every fraternity of existence to be wholeheartedly creative; forever and ever and ever unwound the clockwork of robotic despair; into a Universe of undefeated freshness,
"Free". The very word brought the most unbelievably ultimate revolution in
people's attitude towards survival; forever and ever and ever making them give; instead of ruthlessly snatching the same from each other,
"Free". The very word put a veritable end to every instant of salacious gloominess; forever and ever and ever made an organism feel the closest to its rudiments of unashamedly simplistic existence,
"Free". The very word ended all painstakingly internal conflict of the mind;
body and soul; forever and ever and ever made a person realize that there was nothing more resplendent and unassailable than immortal love,
"Free". The very word uncontrollably spun webs of insuperably iridescent
fantasy in every mind alike; forever and ever and ever drifted all living kind towards the mists of tirelessly evolving heaven,
"Free". The very word added unlimited paces to every frenetically diminishing stride; forever and ever and ever fomenting living beings to don nothing else; but bond in threads of unbreakable compassion and blissfully proliferate,
"Free". The very word bountifully illuminated every delirious space on earth
with the beams of prosperity; forever and ever and ever completing the process of existence with the signature of unshakable friendship,
"Free". The very word? taught every heart on this Universe to forget hate and solely love; forever and ever and ever coalesce every of its sacrosanct beat with the unparalleled silhouette of the Lord Divine,
"Free". The very word made every organism profusely delve into the realms of
sensuousness; forever and ever and ever realize that it was the ardor of faithfulness that re-christened and added new dimensions to existence,
But did you realize; that for getting and acquiring everything on this gigantic planet for "Free"; one has to first and foremost undergo the most xcruciating of pains to take birth; and then pay the price of life.
It was neither the most brutally depraving of war; which unsparingly buried countless innocent; an infinite feet beneath their sadistic graves; for no ostensible reason
/> or rhyme,
It was neither the most treacherously pulverizing of prejudice; the salacious desire to rise above your own peers; at the most unbearably tawdry costs of existence,
It were neither the most bizarrely abysmal chapters of poverty; which fomented several to wholesomely strangulate their necks; in fear of bearing the pangs of agonizing emaciation in every of their conceivable bone,
It was neither the most acrimonious deliriousness of the brain; which led to the most horrendously sacrilegious condemnation of living kind; with each fretfully hackneyed route leading to the hell of nothingness,
It was neither the most acerbic of deforestation; the satanically barbarous assassination of mother nature's womb; which led to the most unstoppably wretched curses of all times,
It was neither the most derogatorily demented of manipulation; the baselessly divesting drudgery with which one man; left no stones unturned in exploiting his fellow and compatriot human being,
It was neither the most vituperatively wagging tongue; which hurled a boundless abuse to its very own mother and sister; before trading them off like worthlessly
lifeless pieces of plaintive skin,
It was neither the most mortifying anecdotes of vindication; which led to cataclysmic conflicts between even the closest of siblings; with the spirit of reverence dying a torturous death,
It was neither the most sardonic ridicule on the oppressed and weaker sects of the society; the uncontrollable guffaws that enshrouded the human lip; at witnessing other organisms inferior to its sanctimonious swirl,
It was neither the most preposterously robotic rat race for survival; wherein the foundations of prosperity; were shamelessly erected upon the breathing bodies of innumerable helpless; men; women and children,
It was neither the most orphaned traces of blood; disdainfully weighed into monotonous machines; and then sold in black market according to the so called calibrations of the human race,
It was neither the most deplorable discrimination of human beings; on the basis of meaninglessly bawdy insinuations of caste; creed; color; race; frivolous status or tribe,
It was neither the most indiscriminate killing of rare wildlife; just for the mere and senseless appeasement; of that murderously anarchic celebrity's tongue,
It was neither the most perverted rapes on innocent women; by those high on rapacious wine and palatial sensuousness; using the wickedly inscrutable interiors of their mansions; for the deprivation of mankind,
It was neither the most indescribably pugnacious war for superiority; the diabolical desire to gobble alive another human; in order to perennially perch upon the absolute epitome of silver and gold,
It was neither the most egregiously uttered curses for all living kind; the insidiously ulterior motive to reduce life to a lame corpse; whilst pretentiously smiling towards the body of the flaming Sun,
It was neither the most unthinkable forms of dastardly suicide; the sinful closure of life; after which the spirit ghoulishly lingered between the amorphously lambasting land of heaven and hell,
It was neither the most blasphemously jinxed ingredients of betrayal; the demolition of the immortal heartbeats like a pack of futile cards; in order to fecklessly pursue the so called 'commercial ambitions' of life,
Infact if at all there was a thing which indeed led to all of the above; was the 'Father and Mother' of all of the above; then it was none other than an insanely modern day devil; worshipped today like crazy by one and all by the name "Money".
In the invidiously ghastly silence that enshrouds me; when even the most ferociously turbulent of waves; wholesomely refrained to culminate; after sighting the contours of my plaintively impoverished face,
In the pathetically hedonistic silence that enshrouds me; when even the most
voluptuously sapphire of clouds; wholesomely refrained to thunder; after sighting the appalling dullness in my eyes,
In the mercilessly maiming silence that enshrouds me; when even the most
inscrutably enlivening forests; wholesomely refrained to whisper; after sighting the haplessly crinkled veins on my feet,
In the ominously egregious silence that enshrouds me; when even the most
majestically crimson lotus; wholesomely refrained to blossom; after sighting
the horrifically jutting bones of my flailing persona,
In the diabolically stabbing silence that enshrouds me; when even the most
royally towering lion; wholesomely refrained to roar; after sighting the cringe of fetidly decaying yellow clinging to my cluster of teeth,
In the vindictively devilish silence that enshrouds me; when even the most vociferously effervescent of bees; wholesomely refrained to buzz; after sighting the tears of directionless delirium in my eyes,
In the hideously cannibalistic silence that enshrouds me; when even the most
uncontrollably spiraling fires; wholesomely refrained to crackle; after sighting the miserably defeated philosopher in my breath,
In the flagrantly disconcerting silence that enshrouds me; when even the
most aristocratically gliding eagles; wholesomely refrained to screech; after sighting the frigid barrenness of my freshly tonsured scalp,
In the truculently venomous silence that enshrouds me; when even the most
vividly astounding rainbows; wholesomely refrained to shimmer; after sighting the inanely livid dialect of my slavering tongue,
In the murderously asphyxiating silence that enshrouds me; when even the
most charismatically jet black scorpions; wholesomely refrained to sting; after sighting the innumerable knots in my deplorably battered writer's finger,
In the criminally cadaverous silence that enshrouds me; when even the most limitlessly cascading waterfalls; wholesomely refrained to gurgle; after sighting the ungainly stubble of barbarous beard; upon the sagging flesh of my cheeks,
In the disgustingly incarcerating silence that enshrouds me; when even the
most sensuously virgin dewdrops; wholesomely refrained to titillate; after sighting the perennially lingering yawn of my indolently wretched mouth,
In the cold-bloodedly demonic silence that enshrouds me; when even the most
unabashedly arousing of storms; wholesomely refrained to gush; after sighting the remnants of nothing else but maniacal gloominess; strewn all over my quavering spine,
In the insidiously lecherous silence that enshrouds me; when even the most
brilliantly optimistic of Sun; wholesomely refrained to blaze; after sighting the mist of hopelessness predominantly reigning in each of my senses,
In the carnivorously deathly silence that enshrouds me; when even the most
pristinely antiquated bells; wholesomely refrained to chime; after sighting the ghoulishly dying footprints of my sole,
In the drearily lambasting silence that enshrouds me; when even the most
undauntedly silken snakes; wholesomely refrained to hiss; after sighting the blood that had now turned a febrile blue; in my severely starved veins,
In the torturously inconsolable silence that enshrouds me; when even the most spell bindingly heavenly dawn; wholesomely refrained to sermonize; after sighting the lethally anomalous clouds of sullenness; hovering round my nape,
In the ignominiously diseased silence that enshrouds me; when even the most
fervently compassionate heart; wholesomely refrained to beat; after sighting the reverberations that the earth underwent; with each of my bohemian tread,
If there was really something at all that enlightened me; if there was really something at all that befriended me; and if there was really something at all that inspired me to the ultimate heavens of the divine; then it was none other than my; unconquerably unrestricted and unimpeachably glorious "Fantasy".?
Many a time I set out in frenetic search of poignantly crimson rose; and eventually all I stumbled upon was; the feathers of cursed
ly fetid and ignominious decay,
Many a time I set out in ardent search of pristinely reinvigorating waterfall; and eventually all I stumbled upon was; fathomless lackadaisically arid fields of vicious drought,
Many a time I set out in relentless search of impregnably sparkling truth; and eventually all I stumbled upon was; an amorphously jinxed and jilted mortuary of lies,
Many a time I set out in unstoppable search of compassionately befriending wife; and eventually all I stumbled upon was; every kind of woman who maliciously battered me to the coffins of nothingness; after stripping me of the last ounce of my wealth,
Many a time I set out in earnest search of innocuously unbiased beauty; and eventually all I stumbled upon was; a graveyard of salaciously deteriorating and ribald politics,
Many a time I set out in unending search of the wondrously unfathomable ocean; and eventually all I stumbled upon was; the invidiously steaming and uncouthly devouring sands of the ominous desert,
Many a time I set out in endless search of the optimistically shimmering stars; and eventually all I stumbled upon was; the cold-blooded pathways of insensitively rocky ground,
Life = Death - volume 10 - Poems on Life , Death Page 2