Cherry Hill 16 - Spies Don't Fall In Love

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Cherry Hill 16 - Spies Don't Fall In Love Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “What makes you think I work out?” she asked.

  Mills ran his palm along her thigh under her skirt. “I could tell from the bit of exploring we did earlier,” he said, and winked.

  She pushed his hand down and off as she chuckled. “The kiss and tell kind, huh? That’s good to know,” she said, and looked away.

  “There are no secrets amongst the four of us. We share everything,” Freeman said to her, and looked her over, and it definitely affected all of them.

  Denzel reached out and touched her chin, shocking her and himself. “Come on now, we just got here and would like to learn more about you.”

  She nodded and he pulled back.

  “Well, besides running eight miles to warm up, I also go to the dojo in town and take some of the more intense training classes there.”

  “With Culter, Chase, and Fox?” Zedock asked her.

  “Yup. Do you know them?” she asked.

  “Yes we do,” he said, and then looked away.

  “Worked with them in the military doing what they do?” she asked.

  “We don’t discuss what we do and nor do they,” Zedock said to her.

  “That’s understandable. So, are you getting ready to retire or are you guys all still active duty?”

  “Not retiring,” Zedock snapped at her, and then looked her over.

  “We’re active but on a bit of a reprieve right now,” Denzel said.

  “For how long?”

  “We can’t say,” Zedock told her.

  Mills pressed between her legs and she gasped. He pulled her to the edge, and she grabbed onto his shoulder with one hand and held her bottle with the other. He slid his palms up and down her thighs then to her hips. “None of that matters. What does is the here and now. We’re having a great time. Love spending it with you and learning about Cherry Hill,” he said, then cupped her cheek and kissed her. The discussion was definitely over. For now.

  * * * *

  Genesis had mixed feelings about today. Especially as it started to get later and the band finished playing and people were leaving to head home for dinner, or to start cooking on the grills in the park. “I guess we should call it a day,” she said, and Freeman pulled her closer again.

  He hugged her to him, and she pressed her cheek against his chest as he slid his palm along her back. “When can we see you again?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Do you know anything about painting?” Mills asked her, but her eyes locked onto Zedock’s. He looked so darn serious and he wasn’t looking away. Neither was she. Genesis wondered why she was playing with fire here? She pulled back to look up at Freeman and then to the side at Mills. “We’re painting a bedroom and bathroom. It’s all new and been redone.”

  “Oh, you mentioned the renovations on the place. Are Louis and his buddies helping, too?”

  “No, they have shit to do on their side of the house. We pretty much have our own space on the backside of the ranch. It’s like made for a lot of people to live there. Could be a freaking bed and breakfast,” Mills told her.

  “I heard it’s very big, and also really nice. I think Faith told me she heard it had been a horse ranch years ago, and that the ranchers all lived on it.”

  “Yeah pretty much, until the owner got into drinking and hit the bottle so hard, he lost the business and the workers. It’s in great condition though, and he didn’t touch any rooms but one bedroom and the main living room. Louis and the team already started renovating the large kitchen and are almost finished. We fixed up the rooms on our end, and now we’re finally painting then adding some finishing touches,” Mills told her.

  “I hate painting,” Denzel said.

  She smiled. “Well, if you need the help I can come by. I painted my whole place a year ago all by myself and it wasn’t fun.”

  “How big is your place?” Freeman asked her.

  “Not too big. It’s a three bedroom, small place, maybe about seven minutes or so from the edge of town. I own a few acres of land, but it’s butted up against two other farms so it seems like I have more space,” she told them.

  “That sounds nice,” Denzel said.

  “We’d love to see it,” Freeman said to her, and smiled.

  “If you want to you can.”

  “Now?” Mills asked.

  “I think maybe another time.”

  “Why is that?” Mills ask, and stroked her jaw then clenched her chin between his pointer and thumb.

  “I think we did enough on our first date, Mills,” she said, and then stepped from them to put a bit of distance between them. “I should head out.” She looked up at all four very large, tall, good looking men. Her heart raced, and boy was she totally attracted to the four of them. Could this seriously be happening to her?

  Freeman took her hand and pulled her close, then kissed her good-bye. It was obvious he didn’t want to let her go as he deepened that kiss and even squeezed her ass, which his team definitely saw. When he released her lips, he winked. “See you tomorrow, like ten good?” he asked, and released her to Mills.

  “Sure, ten is fine,” she said, but then Mills kissed her next. She liked them so much, it was crazy, and when he released her lips and pulled back, she gave his waist a squeeze. He squinted and she smiled. “I had a lot of fun today.”

  “We did, too,” he said, and then Denzel and Zedock looked at her, and Denzel reached for her hand and pulled her closer.

  Denzel pressed his lips to her cheek and she held onto his forearm as he slid that hand to her waist. He kissed her ear, her neck then to her ear. “I enjoyed meeting you, and look forward to what tomorrow will bring,” he told her, and then pulled back. She smiled at him, trying to look confident, and not totally about to fall from her knees going weak. The man was smooth, experienced, and he just totally set her heart on fire.

  He stepped back and Zedock stared at her. He reached his hand out for her to take. “Nice meeting you, Genesis. Be careful driving home, and we’ll see you tomorrow,” he said all efficient like. He was a hard ass, and most resistant to his attraction, she could tell, and it made her wonder why.

  “Nice meeting you, too. Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said, and then turned to wave at Mills and Freeman. As she walked away, she could feel their eyes on her, and she prayed she didn’t trip or stumble.

  Chapter 3

  Zedock couldn’t sleep. All the talk about Genesis last night when he and the team returned home had them in a state. Mills and Freeman mentioned her saying she needed slow, and that she had some hard times. They assumed with a man, and a brief discussion with Louis, Voight, Worin, and Hunt, they were warned that many women who lived in Cherry Hill had bad experiences with men. Some were assaulted or in abusive relationships, or just left to fend on their own at a young age. Her comment to Mills and Freeman could mean a number of things, and it both concerned him, yet made him feel protective. What the fuck for? He didn’t know her. Didn’t trust her. Surely they weren’t considering a ménage relationship and starting something when they could have to leave at any time? They wanted revenge for the death of those soldiers killed. Specifically, for Gable, a close friend, and a guy he had wanted as part of the team. Zedock couldn’t even imagine how that would have worked out, or how much worse he would feel losing him to battle like this.

  As he started to run in hopes of clearing his head, he thought about Gable more and more. About their last conversations over the past couple of years, and how he had met some woman, someone in the field whom he had really strong feelings for, but both of them had too much going on in their lives to take a chance. He didn’t mention her name, where she lived, or who she actually was, but he remembered thinking his friend’s vagueness meant she was military, too. It just solidified the reality of their current situation. They were in no position to engage in any kind of committed relationship with Genesis. They would only hurt her when they left, or hurt themselves, or get killed thinking about her when they needed to be thinking li
ke soldiers in the field. It was bad fucking timing. His gut clenched and he felt like shit and also disappointed. He liked her, too, felt the attraction, and it made it ten times stronger that his team wanted her to share amongst them. Holy fuck, if they were done with this assignment, and could just finish this shit up and take out those who killed Gable, then maybe the decision would be easier to make and they could go for it. God knows the woman had one hell of a body on her, and they were all feeling needy last night. The cold showers didn’t do shit. As he tried to clear his head, he caught sight of movement to the right near the wooded area. It was still a bit dark out, and as he realized it was Genesis, he got concerned. Was she out of her mind running this early by herself?

  “Hey!” he called out to her, and then saw her turn to the right and slow down. “What are you doing out here so early? It’s dangerous,” he reprimanded as she headed closer. She placed her hands on her hips, was perspiring, and looking way sexier than a woman had the right to look as she ran. Jesus, could her shorts be any shorter or the top any tighter?

  “Excuse me?” she asked, trying to catch her breath. He looked her over and his dick hardened.

  “It’s still dark out here,” he said as he gazed over her body.

  She squinted at him. “I’m a big girl, Zedock, I think I can handle it.” She turned to walk away, and he reached out and grabbed her arm.

  “You think you’re so tough, until some creeps or wild animal is out here and they attack. Then what? What is some little, light thing like you going to do?” he asked, looking at her body again.

  “I can handle it.”

  He shook his head. “You think you can. You have no idea what’s out there, what people are capable of. You live in this perfect little town, surrounded by happy families, and a security that isn’t like most places. You need to be smarter. You haven’t a clue,” he snapped at her.

  She stared up at him and he could see the fire in her royal blue eyes, and her body language changed. “You think I don’t know about danger? About violence? Think again. What’s your problem with me, Zedock?”

  “You’re a distraction. One that could get my family, my team, killed when it’s time to leave,” he said to her, and her expression changed. She looked defeated, and he regretted saying that to her. She took a step back.

  “Tell them I can’t make it today.” She turned to walk away, and he couldn’t let her.

  “Fuck!” he exclaimed, and grabbed her, pulling her close. He cupped her hair and head and kissed her. She tightened up and seemed like maybe she would push him away or not want it, but then she began kissing him back and that was it. Everything he said, told her, was bullshit and said out of fear, and an uncertainty, a need to stay strong. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, and ran his palm along her ass, then squeezed her right where her skin folded to the roundness of her ass. He could almost get his finger up in there to stroke her. Did he dare? Would she let him? When he felt her hands move up under his shirt in the back, he just reacted. He lifted her up, pressed her against the tree, and rocked his hips against her crotch. He pulled down her tank top and urged her large breast from confinement, then pinched her nipple. She moaned into his mouth and he trailed his lips from her lips to her neck and suckled, then moved lower until he found her breast and nipple. He tugged and then maneuvered fingers into her shorts. “Open for me now,” he commanded.

  “Oh damn, Zedock. How? How do you guys do this to me? I should be annoyed, angry, even hurt by your words, your—"

  He thrust fingers into her cunt and nipped her chin, stopping her from talking. She held onto his waist and tilted her head back as he ravaged her breast and thrust fingers into her cunt as he rocked his hips. “My God, woman. You got me there. I could come right here in my pants. Fuck, you’re incredible. Come back to the house with me. Now. Come surprise the others,” he said, and she moaned as she came in his arms. He wanted more. Needed more. He looked around them, then lowered her feet to the ground and shoved down her panties. “Step out of one leg.”

  “Oh Jesus, what if someone comes?”

  “You’re the only one coming, then me if you’re up for it.” He lowered down, lifted her thigh over his shoulder as she gasped, leaned back against the tree, and he attacked her pussy. He licked, fingered, and suckled. She came again and again as she held his head and rocked her hips against his mouth.

  “Oh Zedock, oh my God, this is wild. Zedock!” she exclaimed and came again.

  He thrust fingers into her cunt and then licked her again before he lifted up and went after her breasts again. He pulled back and looked at her. She was leaning against the tree, breasts exposed, her lower half naked and cream dripping from her cunt. “I want in.”

  “Here?” she asked, and looked shocked.

  “I need, baby. I’m aching fucking bad.” He shoved down his pants. His cock felt huge and hard.

  “Oh God, I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  He cupped her cheeks and pressed against her. She gasped, obviously feeling his thick, hard cock against her belly and pussy. “I never did anything like this before either, but apparently this thing we all have for you is strong and determined. I don’t have a fucking condom on me.”

  “You don’t need one,” she said, her hands on his shoulders.

  He stared down into her very serious, sexy blue eyes. “Is that a yes?”

  “I don’t want to be just some woman you fucked in the woods.”

  “I don’t think that’s the case at all.” She stared at him and held her gaze, waiting, clenching his teeth as his dick pulsated with need.

  She covered his mouth and kissed him, slid her palm to his cock, and he lifted her up and aligned his dick with her pussy and he shoved right into her. They both moaned aloud, releasing one another’s lips, and he panted for breath. “You’ve knocked the fuck out of me, woman. Holy fuck,” he said, and began to thrust into her. He held her by her ass cheeks, spreading them wider as he moved faster and faster into her. She kissed his neck and ran her hands over his back then his ass, and they were perspiring, panting for breath, but he kept pumping and she counterthrusted. She fit him like a damn glove and he knew this was different, this was like nothing he ever felt before. He knew in that moment that she would become his addiction, his woman. The fact that she was game to belong to the entire team too just fed his ego and the strength of each thrust. “You’re going to be all ours. We aren’t going to be able to let you go, Genesis. You know that, baby? You fucking know we won’t ever let you go.” He thrust deeper, faster as he slid a finger to her asshole and slipped it in.

  “Oh,” she cried out louder, her voice echoing in the woods that was beginning to brighten as the sun was rising. “Oh Zedock, Zedock. I’m there.”

  “Me, too. Come with me. Come.” He grunted and thrust three more times as she cried out her release and he shot his load into her womb. He squeezed her to him, felt lightheaded, off balance as she held on tight like she felt it too and needed his support, as well. He pressed her lightly against the tree.

  “I think I’m going to have some bruises,” she said as she swallowed hard.

  “Oh shit. I fucking mauled you,” he said, and pulled her away from the tree and caressed her back and ass. He looked around them. “We better get dressed just in case.”

  He set her feet down and then helped her with her shorts. As she leaned her hand on his shoulder, he kissed her belly, and tilted up to look at her as she stared down into his eyes. He stood up, grabbed his sweats as he did and stepped into them. She was fixing her top, and he pulled her close to him again. “You have an incredible body. Next time I want more time to explore it fully.” He reached up and stroked her cheek. “Come on, we’ll head back.”

  As he went to pull her, she stopped him.

  “Zedock. What about what you said earlier?”

  “That was my fear talking. My need to deny this.”

  “So it could be a mistake. What we just did, it changed things significantl
y. For all of us.”

  He pulled her closer. “It changed things in a good way. It got it started. No more pussyfooting around this. No more sacrificing having happiness, a joy, because of the fears of what may come.”

  She pressed her palm to his chest. “You say that now, but will you regret it when that call comes? When you all need to leave, and I’m a distraction?”

  He pursed his lips and shook his head. “I meant, I knew that once we made love, once we all claimed you our woman, then doing our jobs would no longer be priority. Without getting into details, we lost someone close to us. A good friend, a man who would have been part of this team. We lost others, too, and those responsible are still out there. We’re waiting to get the word that we can go in and take care of things.” He slid his thumb along her lower lip. “Leaving you won’t be easy.” When he saw the tears fill her eyes, he squinted.

  “I understand. More than you’ll ever know, I understand. Maybe knowing that. Knowing what it’s like to lose someone so close from something bad and evil, then wanting the opportunity to help find the one responsible will help you when you go. To know that I’ll be supportive, and be right here waiting for you all to return to me.”

  He got the oddest sensation in his gut, but then he felt so compelled to kiss her, nothing else mattered and he pressed his lips to hers and hugged her, right there in the woods, where he made love to Genesis for the first time.

  * * * *

  Genesis slowly walked into Mills’ room. Zedock let her take a shower in the bathroom down the hallway, and then she decided to get things started with the others. She slowly walked closer, and when she walked by the side of the bed, wearing only a T-shirt from Zedock, she reached out and touched his hair. In a flash, he snagged her so damn quickly and flipped her onto her back, he was over her, the sheets tangled between them and he looked shocked. “Genesis?”

  “Oh God, that was so sexy.”

  “What are you—"

  He gazed over her body, her shirt lifted, her pussy exposed.


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